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macrumors regular
Mar 3, 2003

I can't stress this enough - I think the deal with HP is frickin' AWESOME!

This is exactly what Apple needs to do. Make powerful allies!

Excellent, I say - excellent:

...McDonald's? (maybe not?)


macrumors G3
Apr 21, 2003
Re: britain in EU

So, the European price per tune will be the equilivent of


whilst the UK will have the special price UK price of #1.50 per tune

... whilst the iTunes UK websit is hosted somewhere within mainland Europe... in the same building as the other European iTMS.


Originally posted by moose.boy
Err..... Britain is in the EU. It's just that we havn't gone and scrapped our own currency for that of the Euro.

We're waiting until dubya gives into president blairs pleeding and s***s him good and propper so that we can become the 53rd state.


macrumors 6502
May 11, 2003
Poulton-le-Fylde, UK
Yes, each localization will have their own version. But I believe that Apple is negotiating with the entire EU as one entity. Non-participating countries (i.e. United Kingdom, Sweden...) will have to be done separately (and probably will come afterwards).

Let's hope not.(UK come afterwards that is)

Surely iTMS for the UK is an easier follow on from the US version and will come first.

As for non participating countries, I'm not sure what you mean, it's only the Û that we don't participate in so far as the EU goes, and we have no problem in purchasing from Europe with our credit cards.


macrumors member
Jan 8, 2004
Originally posted by CrackedButter
Am I the only one who is no longer excited about an iTunes music store?

Sorry to sound negative but I don't feel much for it, at first I thought it was cool. now i'd rather go to the shop and just buy the CD along with a genuine hard copy along with the cover art oh and the .WAV file so I can choose the bit rate in which to encode my music.

Since the itunes store was launched I gave it some thought as to how DRM would affect my life, I suppose it would be easier for us mac users because everything is compatible with all of Apples products, they own the whole system. I understand its better than the windows side of things. But there is even a very light flavour of DRM in DVD's i've thought its best to stay clear of the whole DRM totally and not buy digital copies or DVD's at all. That way I don't have to worry about jumping through hoops in order to watch or listen to various peices of media which I would own anyway.

So is it just me who thinks this?

I completely agree. If I'm going to pay money for it, I want something tangible.


macrumors regular
Dec 29, 2003
Oh Yeah

Originally posted by mac15
Lets say a big Amen to that!

Apple Australia continues its journey into invisibility...I wish Jobs would just run Apple Australia from the US.:mad:


macrumors newbie
Jan 6, 2004
i want ITMS to come to canada, not for me maybe, but so that:
1- more people will have a legal alternative to downloading illegally

Downloading is legal in Canada. We pay a tax on all our recordable media. This tax gos to the recording industry.

In exchange for this tax we have the right to download media from the web_or P2P or borrow our next door neighbours CD.

What we can't do is willfully upload, sell or offer that information.

It's my guess that this tax is what is throwing a wrench into things. Buying from the music store is like paying twice.

That said i already pay twice as i still buy cds. And when i recently bought my ipod i paid the tax.


macrumors newbie
Apr 23, 2002
Yes, Canada can legally far. This too will change sooner than later. Up here in the "frozen north" according to New Jersey, we deserve iTunes. Alternatives are there for the taking and why would you want to use Apple for photo's when Black's or MotoPhoto do your pics for FAR less money!? Our navel gazing friends to the south can enjoy iTunes for as long as they want. We still do it for free and at least we know where your country is on a map!!



macrumors newbie
Jan 6, 2003
Having it both ways......

The recording industry gets to suck in a levy on CD-Rs and iPods in Canada yet our retail music stores still sell copy-protected CDs (such as the latest from Nickleback). Something stinks (hint: the recording industry). They want their cake and eat it too.

There's talk of introducing a similar levy in the US. You guys should fight it tooth and nail because its simply a cash grab from the industry. We pay an extra $25 for our iPods thanks to the levy (the industry asked for over $200!).

Why can't they (the puiblishers) get it through their skulls that if they treat us with respect, they might get some in return? Scratch that: the artists should recognize this and cut out the middle men.

Back on topic - hopefully Apple will roll out a Canadian music store real soon now....


macrumors 68040
Jan 15, 2003
51st State of America
Re: britain in EU

Originally posted by moose.boy
Err..... Britain is in the EU. It's just that we havn't gone and scrapped our own currency for that of the Euro.

We're waiting until dubya gives into president blairs pleeding and s***s him good and propper so that we can become the 53rd state.

That's 51st state. If you know your politics, Japan would be considered the 52nd. There is no 53rd yet. :)


macrumors member
Dec 21, 2002
Originally posted by kettle
Stuff waiting for Europe and god knows how many layers of bureaucratic bu11***** and fat cat lawyers wasting everybodies time and money, lets just get the U.K. iTMS up and running.

Last time I looked, the UK was in Europe.


macrumors member
Sep 15, 2003
Great White North
Pure tracks

What about iTMS Afganistan or Iraq, they deserve it...

Why is it taking Apple so long to get a deal done for Canada, hell PC users already have


macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2003
UK iTunes :eek:

I hope the pricepoint for music is £.50/song or something to match American prices...with the Exchange rate near $2:£1 having music priced near a £1 would be brutal. All I know is that I've seen more iPods here in London than L.A. or New York, even in SE (which is considered kind of the dodgy side).


macrumors regular
Jan 6, 2004
Originally posted by sinclairZX81
Last time I looked, the UK was in Europe.

Yeah, they mean the rest of Europe, most people in the UK refer to teh rest of Europe as just 'Europe' as though we were never in it.


macrumors regular
Jan 6, 2004
Originally posted by feature

It's my guess that this tax is what is throwing a wrench into things. Buying from the music store is like paying twice.

Exactly, that's why those taxes are ludacris. Some people see that as the solution to illegal music downloading, but it effectively condones it and punnishes people who buy music legally.


Feb 17, 2003
Hitchin, Herts, UK
Originally posted by kettle
Stuff waiting for Europe and god knows how many layers of bureaucratic bu11***** and fat cat lawyers wasting everybodies time and money, lets just get the U.K. iTMS up and running.

[mod. edit - Don't circumvent the profanity filter.]
Just wondering but do you see a European Union conspiracy in everything? I laughed when I saw your post about BSE being an EU attempt to destroy the British beef industry. They'll be outlawing wet Mondays, city-center thugs and reality TV next and all those other quintessentially British things...


macrumors 65816
Originally posted by voodoofish
Yeah, they mean the rest of Europe, most people in the UK refer to teh rest of Europe as just 'Europe' as though we were never in it.

The sooner we get the EU to be called the United States of Europe and we leave the term Europe for Geographical descriptions the better. Canada is in America but Canada is not in the USA.

an iTunes track will cost more numerically in EU states that have signed away their rights to sovereignty. These states will uses the Euro as currency, that's if they don't go bust in the mean time, have you seen unemployment for Germany and France lately, didn't think so, it's not the sort of thing that makes the news. I'm really not sure that many could afford the relative luxury of downloadable music.

I heard that in Brussells, the Government vehicles had to change identifiabl licence plates because the locals are doing so badly out of the EU that they would vandalise any Govenment car they could find.:( hmm. things really are not that rosey in the U.S.E.


macrumors member
Dec 11, 2002
Leeds, England
the problem will be that the labels and artists will have separate publishing deals for each country in the EU - which will then need separate iTMS deals for each country


macrumors G3
Apr 21, 2003
Since in Canada, we get taxed due to the wishes of the music industry, I think this law is a *good* thing.

They get their taxes, and we get to download music legally...

Music company cannot have their cake and eat it... no matter what they want.

Music company want free money, and treat the population as a load of criminals...

Originally posted by voodoofish
Exactly, that's why those taxes are ludacris. Some people see that as the solution to illegal music downloading, but it effectively condones it and punnishes people who buy music legally.


macrumors 65816
Originally posted by caveman_uk
Just wondering but do you see a European Union conspiracy in everything? I laughed when I saw your post about BSE being an EU attempt to destroy the British beef industry. They'll be outlawing wet Mondays, city-center thugs and reality TV next and all those other quintessentially British things...

If only it were a laughing matter. I hope the day never comes when your whole way of life is changed irreversably on the whim of a few. Find me the figures which show that these BSE precautions were nothing but devicive and over reactive strategy. More people die of food poisoning as a direct result of unregulated food imports than ever have or will die of BSE.
You just carry on following the piper and enjoy yourself laughing at others very great expence.

The next thing you can laugh about is Lord Sainsbury's ruling on genetically modified crops. You can amuse yourself with his Portfolio of GM crop produsing farms, alegedly kept in a blind trust and free from his influence.
After that you can chuckle about milk imports and milk quotas.
This country is a really good laugh when you look at it like that.


Feb 17, 2003
Hitchin, Herts, UK
Do you or your family own a dairy farm or something? You seem to have a real chip on your shoulder about anything cow-related.

FWIW I kept on eating beef through the BSE scare as I'd been eating it during the time up 'til then so I was already screwed anyway. I wasn't laughing at BSE per say - more your blind belief that the EU is the cause of Britains problems. If that's the case then you won't mind if we stop paying over the odds for food because subsidies keep the price artificially high. Subsidies mostly paid by the common agricultural policy of the EU and levied on every consumer in Europe.

I was questioning your vehement opposition to the EU and why you mention it in nearly every post you make. Not your views about agricultural policies.


macrumors 6502
Dec 18, 2003
The Netherlands
Originally posted by kettle
an iTunes track will cost more numerically in EU states that have signed away their rights to sovereignty. These states will uses the Euro as currency, that's if they don't go bust in the mean time, have you seen unemployment for Germany and France lately, didn't think so, it's not the sort of thing that makes the news. I'm really not sure that many could afford the relative luxury of downloadable music.

Let's not get to negative about the economics in Europe. Sure things ain't great here in Holland neither, but I'm sure I (and many others) can still afford some iTunes track for 0.99 euro a piece :)
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