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macrumors regular
Feb 3, 2005
Superdrive said:
"Contains support for latest iPod Photo and iPod mini models"

A nice surprise would be iTunes 5. Don't rest on your laurels Apple.

What could they really add to iTunes, except maybe lyrics support for ITMS, or maybe IMMS (iMovie movie store)


macrumors regular
Feb 15, 2002
Budapest, Hungary
d.perel said:
What could they really add to iTunes, except maybe lyrics support for ITMS, or maybe IMMS (iMovie movie store)

Um, how about all the suggestions people including me have put forward on the other pages?

A lot of good ideas if you ask me. Not that you were :p


macrumors member
Jul 16, 2002
Chicago, IL (Edgewater)
Podcasting support

d.perel said:
What could they really add to iTunes, except maybe lyrics support for ITMS, or maybe IMMS (iMovie movie store)

Hmmm. How about Podcasting support? Automatically delete/archive unused files? Subscribe to RSS Audio Enclosures? Hello Apple! iTunes doesnt have to be about Internet radio stations, and mp3 songs, and the music store –it can be so much more.

How about blogger support for .mac accounts?


macrumors 6502
Jul 23, 2002
Feature Improvements I'd like to see

1. Definately we need 'Folders' for organizing playlists.
2. I would like to see Playlist dates for 'Date created' and 'Date modified' plus have the ability to search and sort the playlists by such dates.

There have been other good ideas presented here. I don't think I personally care much about the lyrics. It will be interesting to see what they come up (and WHEN).


macrumors 6502
Jul 23, 2002

also a 'BACK' button similar to that in the Music Store, so that you can easily navigate through your library.

It would be cool to have a row of A-Z buttons on the right side of the screen so that if your cursor was in the Artist (or album) column, you could click 'R' to jump to the begininng of the R's - similar to what Microsoft Outlook has in the Contacts listing. (Yes, I'm aware that you can do this by typing the letter, but having a set of buttons would be a nice addition!)


macrumors 68040
Jan 7, 2004
Purcellville, VA
ryanide said:
1. Definately we need 'Folders' for organizing playlists.
2. I would like to see Playlist dates for 'Date created' and 'Date modified' plus have the ability to search and sort the playlists by such dates.
I'd also like playlist-membership to be a property a smart playlist can use.

For instance, I'd like to define a smart playlist like:
  • All pop/rock songs
  • Less than 10 minutes long
  • That are not in my dance party playlist
That last clause can't be implemented right now.


macrumors G5
Jun 6, 2003
Solon, OH
shamino said:
I'd also like playlist-membership to be a property a smart playlist can use.

For instance, I'd like to define a smart playlist like:
  • All pop/rock songs
  • Less than 10 minutes long
  • That are not in my dance party playlist
That last clause can't be implemented right now.
I can do that in iTunes 4.7.1, shamino...

Playlist membership is an option in the edit smart playlist dialog.


macrumors 68040
Jan 7, 2004
Purcellville, VA
wrldwzrd89 said:
I can do that in iTunes 4.7.1, shamino...

Playlist membership is an option in the edit smart playlist dialog.
How about that. Was this added recently? It wasn't there the last time I played with smart playlists.


macrumors G5
Jun 6, 2003
Solon, OH
shamino said:
How about that. Was this added recently? It wasn't there the last time I played with smart playlists.
I believe it was introduced in iTunes 4.7, but I'm not 100% sure on that.


macrumors 6502
Jan 11, 2004
What's most important to me:
- Smart Playlists: and an "And, Or, and But" option between each condition. For example, if I want a playlist that's artist is either Usher or The Postal Service (a horrible combination, but the first two that came to mind, lol), but are not from the Confessions CD, I currently can't - I can only match all (leaving no songs - I can't have two artists), or match any, throwing in Usher, The Postal Service and all my songs that aren't from Confessions. Grrr...
- Import album art for all the songs I have that have available counterparts on the Music Store
- Expand iTunes' Music Video reach - with Launch out of the question for Mac users, offering a similarly huge database that is searchable, and features a Top 10 TRL-style countdown would draw in traffic like crazy. Putting a video link beside all songs on the Music Store that had their video available would make life easier too. And the ability to stream the music videos from the store to the album art window in iTunes (with a fullscreen option and full-visualizer option) when listening to a song with a Music Store counterpart would be the kind of next step I expect. Of course they'd have to be fast - no delay or hiccups.
- As others have said, listing multiple albums for a song
- Playlist folders (I'd say it's pretty much guaranteed)
- The ability to only share checked songs
- The ability to clean up all the crap in my iTunes folder that I deleted but hastily entered "Cancel" when asked if I wanted to remove it from my library folder as well
- An official iTunes "TV Watch" section that put a weekly playlist up of the songs played on that week's OC, Alias, etc - I know iMixes are good, but this would be even better
- The ability to make comments to an iMix
I've had other suggestions over the last year, but they slip my mind now...


macrumors 6502a
Mar 3, 2005
Salt Lake City
I agree that Smart Playlists need more features added to them, including as chameeeleon mentioned, more operands. It would really allow so many more options for what songs to include or exclude from a playlist.


macrumors 65816
Oct 19, 2003
chameeeleon said:
What's most important to me:
- Smart Playlists: and an "And, Or, and But" option between each condition. For example, if I want a playlist that's artist is either Usher or The Postal Service (a horrible combination, but the first two that came to mind, lol), but are not from the Confessions CD, I currently can't - I can only match all (leaving no songs - I can't have two artists),

Actually nesting smart playlists let you do this now. I usually call my component playlists "zBase..." to get them out of the way visually so you would do...

zBaseUsher: (Artist is Usher) and (Album is not Confessions)
MyWierdPlaylist: (Playlist is zBaseUsher) or (Artist is The Postal Service)


macrumors 6502
Jan 11, 2004
In response to STCanard, I know it can be done if I create multiple playlists, but I shouldn't have to - Smart Playlists should be that much more powerful. Otherwise I'm stuck with a cluttered source list of playlists I never actually listen to, but just serve as helpers for my real playlists.
Ok, and another suggestion:
Expand CD printing. Offer a bunch of templates and let people drag images in instead of using album art. Maybe even include CD label printing.


macrumors G5
Jun 6, 2003
Solon, OH
chameeeleon said:
In response to STCanard, I know it can be done if I create multiple playlists, but I shouldn't have to - Smart Playlists should be that much more powerful. Otherwise I'm stuck with a cluttered source list of playlists I never actually listen to, but just serve as helpers for my real playlists.
Ok, and another suggestion:
Expand CD printing. Offer a bunch of templates and let people drag images in instead of using album art. Maybe even include CD label printing.
I agree with you there, at least as far as the first suggestion goes. The second one I couldn't care less about, since I have no CD collection to speak of.


macrumors newbie
Mar 6, 2005
shamino said:
I'd also like playlist-membership to be a property a smart playlist can use.

For instance, I'd like to define a smart playlist like:
  • All pop/rock songs
  • Less than 10 minutes long
  • That are not in my dance party playlist
That last clause can't be implemented right now.
Me to..


macrumors 6502
Jan 11, 2004
To the last reply, as discussed that can actually be implemented right now.
I've thought of one very important suggestion:
When I first started using iTunes, I was on Windows and all of my songs were MP3s I'd obtained... from methods other than ripping them from their CDs. When I started iTunes, I saw that AAC could help fit more songs on my iPod, and of course just simply re-converted them to AAC. At the time I didn't really care about audio quality (my speakers and headphones were both crap), but now that my collection's pretty large and I've moved over to my iMac G5 and some nice headphones, I've realized a lot of my songs sound like crap (not content-wise, though I've noticed that too a bit from early last year, lol).
With He-AAC on the horizon, I've decided to do something I read from someone else on here.
I'm going to re-rip all of my albums into AIFF (Apple Lossless would be great, but I don't think Final Cut supports it, and I know AIFF will be around forever), and keep a copy of those probably on DVDs. Then I'm going to re-convert them all to He-AAC from AIFF (shouldn't be any loss there, should there?).
What I'd like Apple to do is for me to type in the name of a song in my library when in the "Get Info" palette, and then have the song I've gotten info on take on all the attributes (playcount, date added) of that other song, which I would also have the option of deleting. Would make my musical life a hundred times easier whenever a new codec comes out.


macrumors G5
Jun 6, 2003
Solon, OH
chameeeleon said:
To the last reply, as discussed that can actually be implemented right now.
I've thought of one very important suggestion:
When I first started using iTunes, I was on Windows and all of my songs were MP3s I'd obtained... from methods other than ripping them from their CDs. When I started iTunes, I saw that AAC could help fit more songs on my iPod, and of course just simply re-converted them to AAC. At the time I didn't really care about audio quality (my speakers and headphones were both crap), but now that my collection's pretty large and I've moved over to my iMac G5 and some nice headphones, I've realized a lot of my songs sound like crap (not content-wise, though I've noticed that too a bit from early last year, lol).
With He-AAC on the horizon, I've decided to do something I read from someone else on here.
I'm going to re-rip all of my albums into AIFF (Apple Lossless would be great, but I don't think Final Cut supports it, and I know AIFF will be around forever), and keep a copy of those probably on DVDs. Then I'm going to re-convert them all to He-AAC from AIFF (shouldn't be any loss there, should there?).
What I'd like Apple to do is for me to type in the name of a song in my library when in the "Get Info" palette, and then have the song I've gotten info on take on all the attributes (playcount, date added) of that other song, which I would also have the option of deleting. Would make my musical life a hundred times easier whenever a new codec comes out.
I'd call such a feature "Convert selection to...and copy attributes", and put it in the Advanced menu under the regular "Convert selection to..." menu item. For simply copying attributes from one song to another, I'd add "Copy attributes" and "Paste attributes" buttons in the Song Info dialog. Personally, I don't care about play counts, but I'd like to see such a feature too.


macrumors 65816
Oct 19, 2003
chameeeleon said:
In response to STCanard, I know it can be done if I create multiple playlists, but I shouldn't have to - Smart Playlists should be that much more powerful. Otherwise I'm stuck with a cluttered source list of playlists I never actually listen to, but just serve as helpers for my real playlists.

Oh, I agree that I would love that too, I think the problem is UI design. I've never seen a UI that can do arbitrary logic in a simple and easy to understand form, which is what Apple seems to be going for.

I'd be perfectly happy if they gave me an option to type SQL queries, but I expect that to happen sometime after they implement WMV support, and switch to being a Microsoft music reseller... ;)

James Philp

macrumors 65816
Mar 5, 2005
And So?

Ok, I've been using iTunes since 1 (for the clunky OS), who really minds about the decimal updates?;
So far they have all been to support new hardware/ iTMS, with core features remaining the same. I remember when 4.0 came out - what a breath of fresh air.
Personally, I am far more excited about 5, but my guess is that 4.8 will come out if additional supprt for the new Minis/Photos is needed, and Apple (just like all the other software creators) will keep the good stuff for the major update (my guess arriving aroundabout with 10.4).

Afterthought: I really hope my PB Pismo G3 500 will run Tiger!

James Philp

macrumors 65816
Mar 5, 2005
CD > AIFF > DVD Merit?

chameeeleon said:
I'm going to re-rip all of my albums into AIFF (Apple Lossless would be great, but I don't think Final Cut supports it, and I know AIFF will be around forever), and keep a copy of those probably on DVDs. Then I'm going to re-convert them all to He-AAC from AIFF (shouldn't be any loss there, should there?).

I dont see how you would gain anything from this as what you get on a CD IS aiff!?
Here's a novel solution if you are really a stickler for sound quality:
Play musinc through your good speakers at home by putting the CD either in a dedicated CD player, or in the computer itself?! - Can't get a better quality audio media/device combo than a CD in a Mac!
On the road: Rip to the lowest encoding rate you can stand and shove it on the iPod.

Personally, unless you own some PHAT headphones, I find 128 AAC fine (especially with included or in-ear Apple ones) and it takes some seriously good systems (talking more than the price of the (dual G5 PowerMac) computer here) to show up the flaws in this data rate. Some GRADO headphones may show up slight flaws - maybe!


macrumors G5
Jun 6, 2003
Solon, OH
James Philp said:
I dont see how you would gain anything from this as what you get on a CD IS aiff!?
Nope. The audio files on a (normal, not copy-protected) audio CD are in RAW audio data format, not AIFF, WAV, or anything else. However, converting RAW to AIFF, WAV, or Apple Lossless incurs zero quality loss, so it does not matter in the end.


macrumors G5
Jun 6, 2003
Solon, OH
Rantipole said:
When the hey is AAC+ format going to be implemented?
It will be called HE-AAC (High Efficiency Advanced Audio Coding) rather than AAC+. Apple will either implement it in iTunes 5 or whenever they feel like it.


macrumors 6502
Mar 17, 2004
Chicago, Illinois
I would think subfolders would be a good idea, but to go along with that idea... colored folders and colored music files... like if u have a playlist w/ all of your 5 star songs, u can highlight a select few in a certain color-so that they really stand out amongst the rest of the songs. Also, maybe having the visualizations go in random order... and start on a random visualization as well... And maybe have a lyrics part on iTunes, where u can add the lyrics and have it show up when u watch the visualization... but there would be an option to disable/enable it...

Just some top of my head ideas that I would like to see in iTunes 5...
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