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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains


Season 2 came out last Oct, I decided to watch season 2, by starting at the beginning. It’s only 8 episodes per season, but they are 1 hour each. I forgot just how excellent this series is.

Season 1, Episode 1 is the perfect episode what I would describe as the perfect cadence, and all you need to decide if this series is for you. It starts civilized in DC at the CIA, with an analyst centered on the Middle East conflict, Syria, then really heats up in an unexpected place by the end of the episode. He spends a lot of time with a gun in his hands for an analyst. ;) What I really like is that it shows perspectives from both sides of the conflict, not unlike Homeland. I highly recommend this.
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Apr 19, 2014
Season 1 was awesome. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.

I could not get into season 2 at all. No idea why.
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macrumors regular
Aug 4, 2019
Georgia, USA
I thought both seasons were really good. I was skeptical when Amz first announced it. I was afraid they might just be cashing in on the Clancy name, but they came through and did it justice.
Hopefully season 3 will live up to those standards.
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macrumors 6502
Aug 15, 2004
Whoda knew that lanky goofy John Krasinski could step up, and pump up, to such a role that made me, who did like any of the versions, love this . . . He opened the door for him to do anything now. Because as all good things, this too will come to an end . . . :(

Also, he makes a better Jack Ryan, than Captain America . . .
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Whoda knew that lanky goofy John Krasinski could step up, and pump up, to such a role that made me, who did like any of the versions, love this . . . He opened the door for him to do anything now. Because as all good things, this too will come to an end . . . :(

Also, he makes a better Jack Ryan, than Captain America . . .
Lol, that’s how my wife described him in some of the scenes, standing there looking goofy, no kidding. 🙃 But he is good when the action starts. :)
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Jun 13, 2015
The season finales are both crazy-- though I preferred season 1's climax. Season 2's late episodes seemed almost conventional.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 22, 2018
Stockholm, Sweden
I liked the series, both seasons actually.
It’s a good cast and some reasonable writers seem to be behind it. I’m also a big Wendell Pierce fan since The Wire. Although when it comes to the books I feel a little like the series is actually more about Jack Ryan Jr. But this might just be me because in my head Harrison Ford is not only Han Solo, he’s also Jack Ryan.. ?
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Almost finished with Season 2, (6 out of 8 episodes). Wow this is good. Of all places, the story is set in Venezuela. John Hoogenakker as Matice does a superb job of being a special forces bad ass.
...and his departure made me sad.

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Sep 10, 2009
Still haven't seen this. LOL So bad at getting through my shows and films. I suspect it's really good, right?
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
What a great ending for Season 2! Yes, a bit of a fairy tale for Venezuela, but I could go with it! :D I hope they can keep this up for a third season.

Do you know how an actor’s role might make you dislike the actor? This is how I felt about Michael Kelly from House of Cards who played Doug Stamper, Congressman Underwoid’s right hand henchman. Well he redeemed himself in this as the Venezuela CIA Station Chief. ;)
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Sep 10, 2009
Sometimes I’m so curious about what he would’ve made out of Trump..

Not a fan. I was into who Clancy was as a person. He was old school.
My vote is yes. Of note, I’m a huge fan of Tom Clancy novels. :)
It is very good. I highly recommend it.
Right. Going to watch it then. Not like I have anything better to do outside my compressed work hours at home. I just bought some bluetooth headsets months ago which goes against my rants on audio quality... but I can watch a movie at night without waking the kids up due to an explosion or gun fire.

Also, I think UCFGrad93 found it odd I hadn't watched the show when I brought it up a year ago because I kept saying I couldn't wait to see it back in summer of '18. I'll get around to it!


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Season 3 just dropped, and Season 2 was so good I decided to watch it again. :) With only 8 episodes, it‘s not that big of a commitment and S2E1 is primo Tom Clancy style story telling. I just wanted to say that. :D
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macrumors 65816
Apr 11, 2011
Season 3 just dropped, and Season 2 was so good I decided to watch it again. :) With only 8 episodes, it‘s not that big of a commitment and S2E1 is primo Tom Clancy style story telling. I just wanted to say that. :D

I think I needed to go back and watch S1 & S2 again. It was just too long of a break. Wife keeps mentioning things that happened in a previous season and I have no clue what she is talking about.

Just watched S3 E1, and it is off to a great start.

Yes, great episode.
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