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macrumors 603
Oct 16, 2003
Well, I must admit that the Apple store guy was probably right that you would be better off on Windows if you're not able to adapt to cmd+tab and cmd+´ to switch between apps and windows in apps respectively instead of alt-tab switching between windows.


macrumors 68040
wrldwzrd89 said:
Look in the Finder Preferences and turn on Warn before emptying Trash. Fixed.

Mac OS 9 had a handy Put Away function that served the same purpose as the Restore function in Windows you speak of. Why Apple removed it in Mac OS X is beyond me, since I find it useful too.

how to get to trash warning section its: open finder then cmd +, then advanced > trash options



macrumors 68000
Oct 3, 2005
Nelson, BC. Canada
Both OS's have their pro's and con's.

I switched simply because I liked the software integration for everyday things and to give my money to something that deserved it for a change. I've used MS since DOS/Windows3.11 through to XP Pro - frankly, I'm bored stiff with the look and feel, not to mention the hidden costs of anti-virus/ad-ware etc etc.

MS has so much cash laying around, surely they could come up with something better - Vista looks like it'll be the same ol' thing all over again, albeit with some more ideas it's nicked from others.

(of course it makes PC users lives a lot easier if each new version of Windows has a similar UI - helps sell 'upgrades' no doubt as well)


macrumors 603
Aug 15, 2005
MacAficionado said:
In Windows you're to stupid to realize you're putting data in the Recycle Bin, so it asks you if that is what you want to do. Like I don't know what I'm doing.

In Mac OS, I send something to the Trash because I know what I'm doing doing, I don't need to be told or warned.

The original poster seems like a troll to me, but if he is so good with Windows, then he should realize that a lot of the answers he looks for are in the Menus. But whatever, you guys keep feeding him.:rolleyes:

If you knew what you were doing:

In Windows, you'd right-click the Recycle Bin and turn off the delete confirmation.

In Mac OS, you'd just use rm -f.

And why is the OP a troll? He asked questions nicely looking for answers. He owns a Mac, so why would he pay a good chunk of cash for something only to bash it online?


macrumors 68000
Oct 3, 2005
Nelson, BC. Canada
belvdr said:
....and why is the OP a troll? He asked questions nicely looking for answers. He owns a Mac, so why would he pay a good chunk of cash for something only to bash it online?

Hear hear, debate and discussion are good things.


macrumors 603
Oct 16, 2003
pyrorwd said:
9) Can I disable the trash and have things deleted immediately?
Not that I know of, but the keyboard shortcut to empty the trash may help (cmd-shift-backspace).


macrumors 6502a
Feb 3, 2005
THis is a classic example of someone who learned so mand bad habits on Wondows that you now have to retrain them to "think simple" on a mac.


macrumors 603
Aug 15, 2005
Danksi said:
Hear hear, debate and discussion are good things.

I agree.. It is tiring to see people called a troll because they don't like certain things about a Mac. I don't like everything about Apple, just as Linux, Windows, HP-UX, etc.


macrumors 603
Oct 16, 2003
twentyeight7 said:
can you please explain how the hell the trash works more elegantly then in windows??

For one thing you can empty it with the shortcut I mentioned (cmd-shift-backspace), and secondly it's always there. In Windows it can be covered by things.


macrumors 603
Aug 15, 2005
gekko513 said:
For one thing you can empty it with the shortcut I mentioned (cmd-shift-backspace), and secondly it's always there. In Windows it can be covered by things.

That sounds like poor organization skills are at work there. Use AutoArrange and you'll always see the Recycle Bin.


macrumors 65816
Jan 6, 2003
6) Can Alt-Tab cycle windows instead of applications. Does not help me if I have 6 finders open. (Aware of Command + `)
control-F4 cycles through all windows in all apps.

Here's just a piece of advice I feel is very important, and is directed to anyone who has switched or is considering doing so. When you switch from platform to platform, you need to clear your mind and push everything your previous platform aside. You need to treat it like you're using a computer for the first time, otherwise there's no way it's going to be truly successful; you'll probably end up upset at what it can't do instead of learning what it can do.


macrumors 603
Sep 3, 2003
North Carolina
belvdr said:
I agree.. It is tiring to see people called a troll because they don't like certain things about a Mac. I don't like everything about Apple, just as Linux, Windows, HP-UX, etc.

I think the title of the thread had a lot to do with the "troll" moniker. It's clearly not really a troll, or he'd be back flaming us about all our responses.


macrumors member
Aug 2, 2003
MacAficionado said:
In Windows you're to stupid to realize you're putting data in the Recycle Bin, so it asks you if that is what you want to do. Like I don't know what I'm doing.

In Mac OS, I send something to the Trash because I know what I'm doing doing, I don't need to be told or warned.

The original poster seems like a troll to me, but if he is so good with Windows, then he should realize that a lot of the answers he looks for are in the Menus. But whatever, you guys keep feeding him.:rolleyes:

first off lighten up its a ****ing computer. second of all there are plenty of dumb people using macs too. i dont know why you think your so high and mighty


macrumors 6502a
Apr 12, 2005
me_94501 said:
control-F4 cycles through all windows in all apps.

No thanks...

Command + ~ (the key above tab) does the same thing –– and is easily done
with one hand––much the same as using Command + tab to cycle through open apps.


macrumors 68000
Feb 3, 2002
pyrorwd said:
Hey all,......

4) Can I make the finder actually view the root of the drive (/) and not just some stuff that it wants to show me and my user folder.

this shows that you havent even browsed the Finder Preferences and yet your all down on OSX? Whatever. I cant believe you blew so much cash on a nice system and havent even bothered with simple Finder Preferences and now your on a message board crying about what to do.

sorry, not constructive.


macrumors 68000
Feb 3, 2002
gekko513 said:
Well, I must admit that the Apple store guy was probably right that you would be better off on Windows if you're not able to adapt to cmd+tab and cmd+´ to switch between apps and windows in apps respectively instead of alt-tab switching between windows.

exactly, i would of expected his concerns (being an IT guy) with OSX to be something more technical like some type of network protocol that OSX wasnt handeling very well.

oh well, getting between applications and windows can be tough...i wish him the best of luck.


macrumors 65816
Jan 6, 2003
Snide said:
No thanks...

Command + ~ (the key above tab) does the same thing –– and is easily done
with one hand––much the same as using Command + tab to cycle through open apps.
Snide, I know what command-~ does. Control-F4 applies that concept to every window in the system, not just the frontmost app.


macrumors 68000
Jul 19, 2002
MacAficionado said:
In Windows you're to stupid...........

The original poster seems like a troll to me, but if he is so good with Windows....
I don't normally reply to this stuff, but I am getting sick of this.

I have a new personal rule: The first person to claim "troll" is themselves a troll.


macrumors 603
Sep 3, 2003
North Carolina
rikers_mailbox said:
while we're on the topic of keyboard shortcuts....

is there a way to open minimized windows in the Dock by using the keyboard?
ctrl-F3, then tab through the dock items. You can also use the cursor arrows, page-up, and page-down.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 27, 2003
wordmunger said:
ctrl-F3, then tab through the dock items.

I bow to your keyboard shortcut superiority. ;)

It works as advertised, but not really all the elegant. I wouldn't mind if Expose, with All windows tiled, temporarily pulled minimized windows off the Dock so you could select them.

... or something like that. I dunno.

BTW, wordmunger, everytime I see your 'tar I think of this! Sorry, I just can't help it.


macrumors 6502
May 27, 2005

No response from a heater poster...

I was A+ certified and I use a mac now.

I was a network technician and on a PC its magic compared to a Mac where once youve done it, its childs play.

Switching OS's is similar to learning a new language, there are some similarities and what you want to get done is the same, but the method is something you have to adapt to.

If I went all pissy when I didnt know how to eject a CD the first 10 minutes into buying a mac from Ebay... you all would think it was silly.

This isnt much different, as far as the starting with paragraphs of rants and then needing to know stuff that should be obvious on screen or is probably in the included manual for the OS.



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 10, 2005
Hi there,

I don't have a great deal of time atm. I will answer more in the evening. I certainly don't mean to come off as a troll, and to whoever called me troll doesn't know what a troll is. As odd as this may sound, with so many people I knew carrying powerbooks, I expected to make a 'switch'. Instead, I've come to find that windows does certain things better and I have only added a 'worthy' operating system to my arsenal rather than made the leap to the BEST thing since toast. By default I'm confined to the padded room apple has designed for me and I'm increasingly tied to the mouse (with stupid acceleration that can't be fixed without hacks), like in expose (which I'm slowly getting used to).

I did look at the finder preferences... they give you a gui selection. Finder hides things like /sbin. I guess I could make symbolic links, whatever. I want finder to STOP HIDING folders in the root of the drive. How many windows people are still using 'hidden folders' in windows explorer or 'hide known extensions'? In windows, you can TURN OFF 'hide important operating system files'.

I bought a mac FOR THE OS. If I wanted only good backend support, I would use a $200 p4 512mb x86 machine that runs freeBSD (/netBSD) and be happy about protocol handling.

Many thanks to the people with good answers and discussion (like the safari bookmark for screen scaling) and I'll be back later today. :)


macrumors regular
Sep 12, 2005
SE London
I used to get upset when explorer would give you warning message ONCE about going into C:/. Finder just decides that you shouldn't see half the folders at the root of your drive because you're too stupid not to break them.

this is the same with all UNIX operating systems - it's a security feature. you can use the terminal to access root priviledges and it'll ask for a password whenever you want to do something potentially dangerous. windows' access to root folders is user-friendly but is extremely insecure

i hope you manage to get accustomed to mac, because that is a nice system you've got there. it's usually the accustomed windows users who know a lot about how to use windows who find it hard to switch. it's courageous of you to do so


macrumors 68000
Jul 19, 2002
pyrorwd said:
Many thanks to the people with good answers and discussion (like the safari bookmark for screen scaling) and I'll be back later today. :)
You can find many utilities to do what you want from

just do a search for example "Hidden files show" and you 'll get a dozen utilities to change the setting in the finder.

I would, suggest getting a book for about $15 (30 for color) about OS X at your local bookstore. Theres even ones for "switchers".
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