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macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2010
My mom refers to herself, wishes others to refer to her as such and has the right to be referred to, as Ms.

*waits for the triggered to complain that her choice is the downfall of society
**realises that although she is a woman and shouldn’t be allowed too much, this is ok, as it’s different, somehow.


macrumors 68020
Dec 30, 2006
Imagine not understanding the context of pronouns within the larger Marxism-based agenda evident in our institutions and public spheres of influence.

Imagine not understanding how the Overton window works and how the use of language dictates the structure and direction of society at large.

Imagine being historically ignorant to the repercussions of not resisting the imposition of tyrannical social structures on an otherwise free society and the implications not doing so lead to.

Capitulating even an inch to the people making these requests or demands is to forfeit the entitlements of what history has handed to us.

The short answer to your post would have been simply, triggered is the one who requires a specific 2-4 letter word be spoken by others when addressing them, lest they feel antagonised or emotionally offended.
that’s a lot of words for me to not read


macrumors 601
Sep 27, 2005
Nothing. Anyone can be a chief. It’s someone in charge. I mentioned this right next to the bit you quoted, or did you stop reading at that point to try to catch me out?
I read the whole thing, and I know the contexts of the word "chief". I just did not think you would be using it in a manner to describe the person you were replying to as "someone in charge". The other is a leader of tribe, but that doesn't exactly fit either. So, you can see my confusion...
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macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2010
I read the whole thing, and I know the contexts of the word "chief". I just did not think you would be using it in a manner to describe the person you were replying to as "someone in charge". The other is a leader of tribe, but that doesn't exactly fit either. So, you can see my confusion...
It’s a name/term used colloquially, similar to the usage of words like man, guy, mate which can be applied to anyone, and is not an insult. So now you know and needn’t be so confused.


macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2010
It’s pretty simple. No one is asking anyone to guess and if gotten wrong will be put in prison. It’s simply that someone else would like to be referred to as something else. It’s literally it. Nothing else.

Just “you mistook me for a him, and I would rather referred to as her, please”
or “could you refer to me as they instead of her, please, as I don’t believe gender should define me”

That’s not so scary, is it? I mean, I’m pretty sure ‘the children’ will be ok about it.


macrumors 68020
May 27, 2014
Just wait until those that speak only English find out most other languages put a pronoun on non-human things as well. ?
That's the one thing I never understood about foreign languages; what linguistic purpose does it serve to have a gender tied to an inanimate object? La or El lamp... why?
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macrumors regular
Jun 12, 2012
The option to display pronouns is there for the people that want to use it. If you don’t want to use the feature, then ignore it. It can’t be that hard.

Odd how some people here are spending so much time typing so many words for a feature they claim they don’t even care for.


macrumors 68030
Jan 20, 2014
Defend? Why? There's nothing to defend. Makes no difference to me if someone prefers a different pronoun. I have no problem with how other people would like to be referred and will gladly oblige.
I imagine these people also take issue with others preferring to go by their middle name or a nickname because their preferred name doesn’t match what’s on their birth certificate.

That’s the issue, no? Or are they that consumed with thoughts over what parts are in between a stranger/colleague/friend’s legs? Weird if so.


macrumors 68040
Jan 8, 2003
Does it fix the fact that when you are multi-tasking on iPad, it turns off display?


macrumors 6502
Jun 14, 2002
Mountain View, California
Just wait until those that speak only English find out most other languages put a pronoun on non-human things as well. ?
I feel that folks who are used to languages that gender all nouns are much more inclined to understand that pronouns and linguistic gender are flexible concepts. In Spanish, at least, genders are properties of words, not of inanimate objects themselves. A pen can be "una pluma" or "un boligrafo", or even I can be "un humano" or "una persona". It's just a linguistic category, and if you can remember it for tens of thousands of nouns, you can remember it for a hundred people you interact with.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 25, 2008
A friend's Latvian pronouns are: viņa, viņas, viņai, viņu, ar viņu, viņā.

So Zoom only allows for two??

Should Zoom automatically log you out five times a day so you can go pray? We have to cater to all groups you understand. :D


macrumors 603
Jun 22, 2011
Defend the use of gender pronouns: Go.

Will wait for your response.
So, should we just start referring to you as "it"?

Everyone has gender pronouns. What we are learning is that the original pronouns were insufficient to actually reflect how people view themselves. Gender has always been more complex than biology and biology was never as simple as what you were taught. The world does not fit in the box you made for it.


macrumors 603
Jun 22, 2011
Imagine not understanding the context of pronouns within the larger Marxism-based agenda evident in our institutions and public spheres of influence.

Imagine not understanding how the Overton window works and how the use of language dictates the structure and direction of society at large.

Imagine being historically ignorant to the repercussions of not resisting the imposition of tyrannical social structures on an otherwise free society and the implications not doing so lead to.

Capitulating even an inch to the people making these requests or demands is to forfeit the entitlements of what history has handed to us.

The short answer to your post would have been simply, triggered is the one who requires a specific 2-4 letter word be spoken by others when addressing them, lest they feel antagonised or emotionally offended.
It's use of the term "marxism" in this context is an indicator that the rest of the it's statements are suspect and probably not worth reading.


macrumors 65816
Apr 23, 2011
It's use of the term "marxism" in this context is an indicator that the rest of the it's statements are suspect and probably not worth reading.

I kindle suggest you to look up 'Gramsci' (and while you are it, posmodernist philosophers like Derrida, Foucault, etc). He was a very important man from a country called Italy, who pushed marxism into new political strategies. You might learn one or two things and realize that 'marxism' is nowadays not just what you've learned on Youtube.



macrumors 603
Jun 22, 2011
A friend's Latvian pronouns are: viņa, viņas, viņai, viņu, ar viņu, viņā.

So Zoom only allows for two??

Should Zoom automatically log you out five times a day so you can go pray? We have to cater to all groups you understand. :D
It just a simple text field that is shown along with your name when you want it. Your friend could put all of those pronouns in there if they wish and if they are relevant.

Not sure why you are throwing random shade about praying. You seem stressed.


macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2010
It's use of the term "marxism" in this context is an indicator that the rest of the it's statements are suspect and probably not worth reading.

To be honest there are some quite obscene statements made throughout this thread, all because some person somewhere in the world completely unrelated to anything on this forum feels like they dont fit in being known as a him - but doesn’t feel like a girl either, and just would prefer people to know this so they can feel more themselves, as is the right of anyone.

Some people on here are terrified of that, for some reason. Says much more about them than anyone else, that’s for certain.


macrumors regular
Sep 27, 2017
It’s a name/term used colloquially, similar to the usage of words like man, guy, mate which can be applied to anyone, and is not an insult. So now you know and needn’t be so confused.

You’re sexist and those words are violence. To imply that guy is a gender-neutral term is honestly disgusting and I will be writing a letter to Contrapoints with immediate effect.

- A democratic socialist lefty type who is approaching 30. Enjoy your next decade. You will be humbled.


macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2010
You’re sexist and those words are violence. To imply that guy is a gender-neutral term is honestly disgusting and I will be writing a letter to Contrapoints with immediate effect.

- A democratic socialist lefty type who is approaching 30. Enjoy your next decade. You will be humbled.
wth you talking about? Sexist ? violence? next you’ll be saying homosexuals should have conversion therapy.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2010
To imply that guy is a gender-neutral term is honestly disgusting


macrumors 65816
Apr 23, 2011
wth you talking about? Sexist ? violence? next you’ll be saying homosexuals should have conversion therapy.


Dude, please (I'm seriously laughing my ass of with all of this). If you don't have the 'insight' to get what is obviously sarcasm, people will hardly consider your rants as some serious and mature argumentation.

Have a beautiful evening.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2010

Dude, please (I'm seriously laughing my ass of with all of this). If you don't have the 'insight' to get what is obviously sarcasm, people will hardly consider your rants as some serious and mature argumentation.

Have a beautiful evening.
You can’t easily imply sarcasm with the written word. That’s why people use the /s tag on forums.
My ‘insight’ doesn’t stretch reading minds. However, it’s my opinion that there has been very little sarcasm in this thread compared to the vitriol spewed fourth.

Thanks for your thoughts on the matter though, I’m sure my ‘rants’ aren’t considered as anything by anyone in this thread, judging by the type of people present.
But it’s ok. The steps forward are impossibly small when dealing with entrenched hatred and those who are inexplicably scared of others being different to them.
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 26, 2017
United States
The problem isn’t the pronouns themself, but the assumption that they are or were ever necessary to be established, as if they aren’t something that should already be evident from someone’s appearance or chromosome expression.

The majority of humans on this planet still believe your gender and sex are the same thing (as has always been the case until social reconstructionists decided to force-change that notion), and are determined by the XX or XY chromosomes you are allocated in your creation, not an arbitrarily determined value decided upon by the individual on any given day.

People palming this off as a “if you don’t like it, don’t use it” are either being deliberately deceptive or deeply ignorant to the overarching ramifications of allowing a small subset of influential people to change our underlying social substructures.
"as has always been the case until social reconstructionists decided to force-change that notion"

I don't mean to sound rude, but by saying this you demonstrate that you're really not informed on the issue. Many different cultures throughout human history have had over 2 different forms of gender identity.
- The Buginese people recognize 5 genders
- Native Americans recognize a third gender called Two-spirit
- Samoan's have a third gender they call Fa'afafine
- Look up māhūs in Hawaii

The list goes on but you get the point. This isn't all recent either. There are centuries old cultures where not everyone fits into a rigid binary gender system. I think you may be falling into the trap of extrapolating how we've viewed gender here for awhile onto the rest of the world and history.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 2, 2010
To be honest, it’s your views on this that are completely unacceptable. It’s the same view people had about gay people. It’s the same view people have whenever they come across someone living their lives different to themselves. It’s the petrified of ‘because reasons’ view, the ‘what about the children’ view, the view where words like ‘poisoning’ is an ok thing to say in relation to how other people live their lives. The only poisoning going on here is your type, and the influence you’re having on the children of the world, being so very very intolerant.

No need to go back and forth with his/her post. He probably lives in the middle of a cornfield in Illinois.
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