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macrumors G5
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
Please go back into your cave.

Please go back into your it's none of your business. Congrats on your perpetual state of poor economy.


Lol... Apple culture has always been Liberal.

If Apple were "liberal", it would move its offshore accounts into the US. Corporations are not so much liberal or conservative, as they tend to react differently to different regimes in office in an attempt to make the best of what situation they are in.


macrumors 68020
Jul 8, 2006
Again, why does she make MacRumors's front page simply because she's Steve's widow? Twice in one day!!! :confused:

Who's next, Lisa Jobs?


macrumors 6502
Jan 19, 2003
What he does in his spare time is his own problem

That guy gave the country the best economy it ever had, and a surplus

I wish I can reelect him instead of the two losers

The guy:

1) Took Alan Greenspan to the woodshed for trying to raise interest rates in 1996, which led to lower interest rates, which fuelled the NASDAQ bubble. The NASDAQ bubble created record revenues for the government, and when the bubble burst it created massive deficits, which was then plugged with a new housing bubble and even lower rates.
2) Is also credited with having created surpluses, when in fact the deficit rose every year he was in office, meaning there was truly a deficit. The "surplus" was an accounting gimmick that resulted from stripping assets from the Social Security trust fund, handing them to the US Treasury, and swapping them with US Treasury Bonds, and counting those as equivalent. It would be like emptying your bank account and replacing it with a cheque to yourself for $1 billion dollars. A cheque to yourself is worthless.


macrumors 6502a
May 12, 2003
Obama has not raised taxes - Obama has increased the deficit less than any president before him. But since he's a DEMON I can see how you would overlook the facts.


50% of the country are too poor to pay income tax!!! You think they're proud of that? The ones who pay the most taxes are the middle class...the same people that the billionaires would lay off before taking a cut in their own pay or their companies' profits.

Obama has raised taxes, most just don't know it yet. My health care bills are increasing due to Obamacare (ruled by the Supreme Court as a tax), which in concept I like but how it was put together as I'm now finding out as parts of start to take effect are not good.

Deficit has also gone up crazy like with Obama, just like with Bush. Both are bad. Pay it down. Both sides are cherry picking numbers to say one made it go up less fast - really? Less fast? phhhhtttt.

Check your facts on who pays taxes. Any basic tax class shows how most taxes are paid by the rich - we have a progressive tax system which means you pay more in taxes the more money you make. This is a fact. If you compare percentages - the famous Oracle of Omaha debate - then that can be deceiving. Buffet pays 15% of his capital gains income - which I think is well over 100 million - but everyone only pays 15% capital gains income tax. This is an incentive to get people to save. Problem lies on both sides of the aisle for decades with issues in the tax code like this. Do most people who make less than $250k need this incentive? I think so. Does someone who is worth over $1B - no.

Then again, can't charge too much in taxes otherwise the rich will leave. Look at Greece, France and even one of the Facebook founders.

Plenty of blame to go around but let's get the facts right.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 7, 2011
I'm glad. I hope this becomes big news so the republicans hate apple and stop buying apple products. That way, I can completely ignore anyone without an iPhone :D


macrumors 68040
Oct 15, 2008
He also wanted Obama to be more business friendly, and was angry at all the excuses Obama would give as to why things couldn't get done.

I guess it must be hard for you Americans to have a president who actually cares more for the American people than for American corporations and the fistful of American billionaires.


macrumors 6502
Nov 6, 2009
Glad this on the front page. I love reading pages of right wing ignorance and denial.


I guess it must be hard for you Americans to have a president who actually cares more for the American people than for American corporations and the fistful of American billionaires.


Ive seen your posts around here for years and never thought I'd agree with you but damn I agree completely.

Well said sir, well said.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 13, 2007
I'm not a political person but I do have my opinion and love observing people's opinions.

It's interesting to see people wanting to vote for a person whose 4 year agenda needs 4 more years to complete.

It's also interesting to see people wanting to for a person whose views are some'what archaic in comparison to his competition.

It's very entertaining to see both sides call each other names and pointing fingers but not discussing the true issues that Americans are on their knees to receive answers for.

American billionaires own American Corporations who you and I probably work for. Take away two of those from the equation and what do you have?

I've never been a fan of the Robin Hood complex but I do believe it's a national duty to help out others in need.

My point being... They're both Monsters... choose wisely.


macrumors 6502
Jan 19, 2003
If you compare percentages - the famous Oracle of Omaha debate - then that can be deceiving. Buffet pays 15% of his capital gains income - which I think is well over 100 million - but everyone only pays 15% capital gains income tax. This is an incentive to get people to save. Problem lies on both sides of the aisle for decades with issues in the tax code like this. Do most people who make less than $250k need this incentive? I think so. Does someone who is worth over $1B - no.

Then again, can't charge too much in taxes otherwise the rich will leave. Look at Greece, France and even one of the Facebook founders.

Plenty of blame to go around but let's get the facts right.

Actually the proper answer to the Buffet "I pay a lower rate than my secretary" hoax is that he pays 15% capital gains, AND as the largest shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway he pays 35% corporate tax on top of that, for a total of ~50%.

I'm not a political person but I do have my opinion and love observing people's opinions.

It's interesting to see people wanting to vote for a person whose 4 year agenda needs 4 more years to complete.

It's also interesting to see people wanting to for a person whose views are some'what archaic in comparison to his competition.

It's very entertaining to see both sides call each other names and pointing fingers but not discussing the true issues that Americans are on their knees to receive answers for.

American billionaires own American Corporations who you and I probably work for. Take away two of those from the equation and what do you have?

I've never been a fan of the Robin Hood complex but I do believe it's a national duty to help out others in need.

My point being... They're both Monsters... choose wisely.

Ah, the good 'ol "I'm above it" routine. You claim to not be political, yet you fault Obama not for the substance of his agenda, but the speed at which he has implemented it (i.e. not fast enough). You fault Romney for his agenda being "archaic".

Given that Obama is more socialist leaning, and Romney is more capitalist leaning (though Obama is probably more of a socialist than Romney is a capitalist, just Obama is being stalled by the system), you have effectively endorsed Obama's socialist "Agenda of the Future™" (i.e. the non-archaic one), and essentially paralleled the Democratic Party's on election slogan "Forwards".

National duty to help out others in need? How is this apolitical in the least? You've effectively stated your philosophy as Altruism, and by proclaiming it to be a "national duty", you've advocated that the entire population be conscripted into your charitable plan through use of government force.

How apolitical a person you are!
Last edited:


macrumors regular
May 24, 2006
Given that Obama is more socialist leaning, and Romney is more capitalist leaning (though Obama is probably more of a socialist than Romney is a capitalist,

I'm sorry at having to laugh out loud here, but really, do you know much about Socialism.

Believe your me, speak to anyone whose ever been to Europe what a Socialist actually is . I love Obama to bits, but a Socialist he ain't....

Giving a damn about healthcare and wanting to be nice to the working classes might mean you're left of centre, but socialist is a good couple of bus stops down that avenue of left...


macrumors 6502
Nov 2, 2007
What haters, this is not front page news for a rumor site.

It is this type of crap that is ruining this site.


One of these days they'll go after Job's siblings, they've already reported on his house burglary...


macrumors 6502
Nov 6, 2009
I'm sorry at having to laugh out loud here, but really, do you know much about Socialism.

Believe your me, speak to anyone whose ever been to Europe what a Socialist actually is . I love Obama to bits, but a Socialist he ain't....

Giving a damn about healthcare and wanting to be nice to the working classes might mean you're left of centre, but socialist is a good couple of bus stops down that avenue of left...

I agree with you completely, to quote Bill from tonight "I don't know whether to laugh or cry"


Aug 5, 2012
Is MR stalking her?!

I think it's time to leave her alone now... She's been through enough public attention!


macrumors 6502a
Aug 6, 2008
I knew she looked familiar!

I thought Steve was a Republican? Or was he secretly a Democrat? :eek: Uh oh, looks like the Republicans won't be buying the iPhone 5!

What in the world make you think that? He wasn't secretly anything. If you know anything about Steve, he's really not the type to conform to anything, let alone politics. He was probably more of a liberal, being that hippy deep down, but he was probably the furthest thing you could find from a "conservative." He was a zen Buddhist, strict vegan, and extremely progressive. Not exactly someone who would fit in with some down south conservative republicans.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2010
Wow.... smart move.... it's Obama who wants to tax the rich even more (Even though they already pay the lion's share of income taxes)... and your husband's estate is worth billions.

Only makes sense. Rich people have most of the money after all.


macrumors 65816
Feb 7, 2010
I disagreed with that being a Front Page news story or a story on here at all really. MR is really losing my respect here lately.

Then leave. It's pretty simple.


I'm not a political person but I do have my opinion and love observing people's opinions.

It's interesting to see people wanting to vote for a person whose 4 year agenda needs 4 more years to complete.

It's also interesting to see people wanting to for a person whose views are some'what archaic in comparison to his competition.

It's very entertaining to see both sides call each other names and pointing fingers but not discussing the true issues that Americans are on their knees to receive answers for.

American billionaires own American Corporations who you and I probably work for. Take away two of those from the equation and what do you have?

I've never been a fan of the Robin Hood complex but I do believe it's a national duty to help out others in need.

My point being... They're both Monsters... choose wisely.

No, they're not both monsters, only one is. Only one believes if in the case of say a 12 year old child being raped by her father and getting pregnant, and having a high risk of dying during childbirth should be denied the right to an abortion.

Can you guess which one it is?


Given that Obama is more socialist leaning, and Romney is more capitalist leaning (though Obama is probably more of a socialist than Romney is a capitalist, just Obama is being stalled by the system), you have effectively endorsed Obama's socialist "Agenda of the Future™" (i.e. the non-archaic one), and essentially paralleled the Democratic Party's on election slogan "Forwards".

Ha, your partisan bias is pretty clear. Romney and Obama are almost on the same point in the political spectrum. Obama implemented Romney healthcare plan! Of course Romney is desperately trying to make himself look very conservative because the right really doesn't like him. With good reason because he's a actually a moderate.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 15, 2011
please don't put these on the front page. this has nothing to do with Apple.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2010
Yes... yup. Absolutely. "The people" of this country come in many social statuses. Just because you "have it", doesn't mean it should be taken from you.

I think it is crap that 50% of the country doesn't pay income tax, and those people can jump aboard the Obama train and say, "Let's make the ones who pay the most taxes pay even more!"

The bottom 40% of people have 0.2% of the wealth. You can not really tax much out of people with nothing.
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