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macrumors G5
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
I knew she looked familiar!

I thought Steve was a Republican? Or was he secretly a Democrat? :eek: Uh oh, looks like the Republicans won't be buying the iPhone 5!

I have to believe Steve was Pro "whatever is best for his business". He had said he liked President Obama but was also critical of his treatment of business.


macrumors G5
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
Did I stumble onto gizmodo by accident? Cripes. Oh well, at least it's not more random pieces of the inside of an iphone. Well, since we are talking about things peripherally connected to apple, here's my go and how things relate:

How about that new Nokia Lumia lineup? NFC is pretty cool. Letting people add it in with a cover plate is odd, though. (I hear that Bill Gates and Steve Jobs met once, plus this is a phone, which is Apple's focus now)

Anyone drive the Dodge Dart? Good or bad? (Steve Jobs also drove a car at some point in his life)

Also, what do readers think of the burrito bowls at California Tortilla? Gross? Edible? Delicious but deadly? (Steve Jobs lived in California)


"She likes Billy Joel, I"


macrumors 604
May 21, 2012
What he does in his spare time is his own problem

That guy gave the country the best economy it ever had, and a surplus

I wish I can reelect him instead of the two losers

Tax payers shouldn't be paying for the president to sodomize interns.


macrumors 68040
May 13, 2010
Washington, DC
It's not the "ability to afford it" that is the problem. It's the principal. Mr. Obama and all of his DEMONcratic cronies need to learn to control spending instead of stealing more money from the people!

Obama has not raised taxes - Obama has increased the deficit less than any president before him. But since he's a DEMON I can see how you would overlook the facts.


Yes... yup. Absolutely. "The people" of this country come in many social statuses. Just because you "have it", doesn't mean it should be taken from you.

I think it is crap that 50% of the country doesn't pay income tax, and those people can jump aboard the Obama train and say, "Let's make the ones who pay the most taxes pay even more!"

50% of the country are too poor to pay income tax!!! You think they're proud of that? The ones who pay the most taxes are the middle class...the same people that the billionaires would lay off before taking a cut in their own pay or their companies' profits.


macrumors G5
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
What he does in his spare time is his own problem

That guy gave the country the best economy it ever had, and a surplus

I wish I can reelect him instead of the two losers

He benefitted from the best economy in history, and used the surplus to balance the budget. He didn't "give" anything. Still a pretty good President


macrumors 604
May 21, 2012
Or illegally invading a country and killing thousands of innocent civilians.

That kind of lends a little perspective to a few BJs.

No it doesn't.

Tax payers should not be paying for the president to jam cigars in girl's vaginas.

There is no perspective. There is no moral equivalence.


macrumors 68040
Did anyone notice that Mitt Romney invoked Steve Jobs name in his address?

I did.

Here's the text:

"Now we weren't always successful at Bain, but no one ever
is in the real world of business. That's what this president
does not seem to understand. Business and growing jobs is about
taking risk, sometimes failing, sometimes succeeding, but always
striving. It's about dreams. Usually it doesn't work out
exactly as you might have imagined. Steve Jobs was fired at
Apple, and then he came back and changed the world. It's the
genius of the American free enterprise system to harness the
extraordinary creativity, and talent and industry of the
American people with a system that's dedicated to creating
tomorrow's prosperity, not trying to redistribute today's."

His argument (if there was one—I didn't quite follow the logic) would have been better if he pointed out that Steve Job's business he created while away from Apple (Next) wasn't hugely successful financially but was extremely valuable in helping Apple create a next generation OS, not to mention the people brought over from Next. So, he could have made a point that you should let businesses fall where they may because in this case two not terribly successful businesses came together and made one really successful business, and they did it without any special intervention from the government.

However, that point would only be really good if the Democratic party were somehow against any of that happening. However (two howevers?), if I were to play Devil's advocate and try to throw Mitt a bone, I would advise him to make the point that Obama tries to save businesses with government intervention (auto industry, Wall Street). I have some really good counterarguments to that, but at this point I am really just arguing myself.


macrumors 68000
Mar 22, 2010
There is no perspective. There is no moral equivalence.

Let's see ...

Cum stains on a dress ... vs. ... thousands of dead, innocent people.

Dang. You're right. There is no moral equivalence.


Edit: Sorry. I'm going to have to end this little debate. I think I found myself arguing with an eleven-year-old.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 20, 2009
Sure wish Clinton could be President again, Obama simply is inept and incompetent. I was hoping the DNC would pull a big surprise and nominate Hillary . I know it was a 1 in a trillion (or 16 trillion) chance but a person can hope. (As we all found out, that don't get you very far.)


macrumors 65816
Oct 6, 2009
She's a babe!

Out of your league, sorry dude.


I knew she looked familiar!

I thought Steve was a Republican? Or was he secretly a Democrat? :eek: Uh oh, looks like the Republicans won't be buying the iPhone 5!

Lol... Apple culture has always been Liberal.


Tax payers shouldn't be paying for the president to sodomize interns.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he did that on his own dime.

What a truly moronic thing to say. This is why no one can take republicans seriously :rolleyes:


macrumors 604
May 21, 2012
Let's see ...

Cum stains on a dress ... vs. ... thousands of dead, innocent people.

Dang. You're right. There is no moral equivalence.


Edit: Sorry. I'm going to have to end this little debate. I think I found myself arguing with an eleven-year-old.

What you should be doing is holding your elected officials to a higher standard rather than being a partisan puppet.

And by thousands being dead, are you referring to Clinton when he bombed "civilian" structures in the former Yugoslavia, or the aerial campaigns in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Sudan. How about the 5000 estimated "causalities" in Somalia.

Forget about those? Or are those "casualties" okay because a Democrat was in office?


macrumors 68020
Sep 13, 2011
I knew she looked familiar!

I thought Steve was a Republican? Or was he secretly a Democrat? :eek: Uh oh, looks like the Republicans won't be buying the iPhone 5!

Always a Democrat. His one major flaw.


macrumors 604
Nov 5, 2009
Reallyyy MR? :rolleyes:
Unless she is in a catfight w/ Ballmers' wife I don't care to know every single social event she attends.
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