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macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2009
Here is a question for the people that oppose showing a proof of vaccination.

How do you feel about showing a negative test result? Not vaccine, but a current negative result?
Honest question as I do not want to assume your position... how do you feel about voter ID?
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macrumors 68020
Apr 4, 2005
This whole discussion is around whether or not it is appropriate to demand proof of vaccination to do X or Y. I am trying to understand a stance on a similar situation.
there's nothing to understand. they want you to do exactly what they want. that's all there is to it. and if you don't, then you're a terrible person. a civil discussion can never be had.
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macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
This whole discussion is around whether or not it is appropriate to demand proof of vaccination to do X or Y. I am trying to understand a stance on a similar situation.
A worldwide pandemic and voting rights are fairly different things. Both are certainly important, but one doesn't say something about the other.
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macrumors 604
Apr 19, 2004
Honest question as I do not want to assume your position... how do you feel about voter ID?

Even though wasn't directed at me, I will answer it as well. I have no issue with Voter ID in itself. My issue always been the timing. They always seem to pop up a few months prior to the election and that does cause issues of disenfranchisement.

Want to implement Voter ID laws? Time to do it would actually be right now........
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macrumors 68000
Jun 10, 2008
No, that these draconian measures help reduce spread.
My point being that if you want to apply restrictions (many of which have their own economical and health consequences), the burden of proof that they are effective is on you, not others to show that they are not effective.
We live our lives every day with risk calculations and determine FOR OURSELVES which we are willing to take or not. I've had it with people deciding for me.

Shall I continue or should I just direct you to Google from now on to do your own research?

We have laws in this country for a reason. You think you are capable of determining things for yourself, but all you're proving here that you are very incapable of those tasks and why laws exist for mundane things like how to legally cross a street. The current government has been criminally absent here, this could've been over months ago with even a half-baked approach.
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Jul 18, 2011
Here is a question for the people that oppose showing a proof of vaccination.

How do you feel about showing a negative test result? Not vaccine, but a current negative result?

It’s like showing a slip of paper saying I am free of STDs. Might be true then at the time of testing, doesn’t mean it’s valid now.

Not sure what good that would do, unless you are willing to be tested everyday.


macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2017
No, that these draconian measures help reduce spread.
My point being that if you want to apply restrictions (many of which have their own economical and health consequences), the burden of proof that they are effective is on you, not others to show that they are not effective.
We live our lives every day with risk calculations and determine FOR OURSELVES which we are willing to take or not. I've had it with people deciding for me.

So where are you going to live because it sounds like you’re at odds with the very foundations of society.
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macrumors 6502
Mar 7, 2011
Digital Sprawl
Speaking of just getting the real disease, Republican Congressman elect and 41 year old Luke Letlow just died from COVID. There were no underlying conditions. The doctor said it was purely COVID related.
You sure you still want to stick with that story?
This post jumped out at me since I’m a similar age, so I did some searching to find he died of a heart attack. The article said he was having a procedure related to COVID-19, to remove a blood clot it seems and suffered a heart attack during/after surgery.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2009
A worldwide pandemic and voting rights are fairly different things. Both are certainly important, but one doesn't say something about the other.
I’m not equating pandemic to voting, that’s not the parallel. It’s the requirement to provide proof of something.
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macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
I’m not equating pandemic to voting, that’s not the parallel. It’s the requirement to provide proof of something.
Given the difference in situations something like a requirement of that sort would would be also be something that would be approached and treated differently.

Suckfest 9001

May 31, 2015
Remember HIPAA?

Back when we viewed medical knowledge of one's body as DEEPLY PERSONAL information?

Amazing, how quickly a crisis throws out our rights.

I understand HIPAA isn't technically violated. The point is that HIPAA's protection of medical information isn't very useful if one has to surrender said info to "to access flights, concerts, and more".
People like you don’t understand that this pandemic isn’t a personal body issue. It’s a public health issue. That particular detail about you - whether or not you were vaccinated - gets to decide whether OTHERS live or die.

put aside your love for your own reflection in the mirror and use your mind for once. Nobody cares about you or your health - we need that data for the protection of society overall. If you don’t want to participate, then don’t go out into public spaces. Go live in the forest if you want your ~privacy~

Gotta love mental gymnastics these people go through just to live their lives with that self-serving entitlement and selfishness their awful parents taught them


Jun 18, 2014
This post jumped out at me since I’m a similar age, so I did some searching to find he died of a heart attack. The article said he was having a procedure related to COVID-19, to remove a blood clot it seems and suffered a heart attack during/after surgery.

"KNOE was told he had surgery to remove a COVID-related blood clot. He underwent another procedure for the clot and suffered a heart attack."

Blood clot was caused by COVID-19.
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macrumors 6502
May 23, 2005
It's not "highly experimental." In fact, it's not "experimental" at all. And the cellular mechanism you seem to take such issue with is exactly what every single virus does. So it's OK when a pathogenic virus does it, but not OK when a vaccine does?

Also the Pfizer and Moderna trials included nearly 100,000 participants between them, not "a couple thousand." Now that literally millions will be getting vaccinated, the sample size will grow far beyond what is reasonable to question.\
And I love it when the proponents of this vaccine say "there are no long term negative affects," as though they can time travel ahead a few years and come back to report. Such hubris.

Suckfest 9001

May 31, 2015
If that’s how you see it then sell your house/apartment and run off to the woods. Society is moving well past you whether you like it or not :)


macrumors 68000
Nov 13, 2014
And I love it when the proponents of this vaccine say "there are no long term negative affects," as though they can time travel ahead a few years and come back to report. Such hubris.

No serious scientist or doctor would ever say that. About anything, actually, because it's an impossible standard. What we do know is that Covid does have long-term negative effects.


Oct 6, 2017
Even the doctors can’t know long term effects. It’s not like the medical and pharmaceutical companies have a perfect record.

COVID is quite low risk for healthy people under 65. I’m pro vaccine, but I can see why some people with literally zero COVID impact would be hesitant to take a vaccine that came out in 10 months and offers little upside for them.

And yes, it’s my body, so in the end, I control what goes into it and I do what’s best for myself.
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Suckfest 9001

May 31, 2015
Even the doctors can’t know long term effects. It’s not like the medical and pharmaceutical companies have a perfect record.

COVID is quite low risk for healthy people under 65. I’m pro vaccine, but I can see why some people with literally zero COVID impact would be hesitant to take a vaccine that came out in 10 months and offers little upside for them.

And yes, it’s my body, so in the end, I control what goes into it and I do what’s best for myself
as long as you don’t go full karen whenever masks are mandated or lockdowns are enforced, nobody cares what you put or don’t put in your body. :)
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