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macrumors member
Mar 25, 2002
Originally posted by groovebuster
I didn't take it that way...

Good night from Berlin,


Yes, you DID take it that way.

I'll leave it with this. Forget all of my other points.

0)This whole story is a bunch of crap--it's a stupid story and no PROOF can be given that boxes were actually opened.
1)NO STORE OTHER THAN APPLE-BRANDED STORES ARE REPORTED GETTING BOXES (and the boxes may not even contain hardware or even pictures of hardware).
2)There is no apple-branded store in .de
3)This whole story is a bunch of crap--no boxes in .de.

Let's discuss after WWDC when the FACTS are known.



macrumors newbie
May 17, 2002
You could still have the same size, position, and spacing for the PCI cards, but just have them rotated 45 degrees or so. I don't see the big deal.

In general I don't see it as a big deal either, but some cards are designed to take two of the standard back-plane openings. For instance the lastest high-end Geforce FX cards, or the Perception Video Recorder. So having them set at a diagonal would make these cards unusable. Granted there are very few of those types of cards out there, but it is a drawback.

I guess we'll see (or not) in a few days huh? The biggest surprise I see with this rumor is the suggestion of dual-core processors (and the clock ratings). IBM hasn't announced such a chip yet, although that could be at Apple's request. I think it would be sweet if it is true. I personally don't ever care to go back to single processor computers ever again (except in laptops, where it makes sense). Both my PC and Mac are dual now, and I like it that way. Single processor (with single core) computers would be a definite "no-buy" for me.


macrumors 6502
Feb 17, 2003
Originally posted by PixelBoy
In general I don't see it as a big deal either, but some cards are designed to take two of the standard back-plane openings. For instance the lastest high-end Geforce FX cards, or the Perception Video Recorder.

Since when is Apple concerned about standards? :D

And I think the GeForce FX will be the first (and last) cards to take up dual slots. The new GeForce's will not have this. Pretty much a non-issue.


macrumors newbie
Jun 18, 2003
Stuttgart, Germany
ok, havent read the entire thread help me if this has been brought up.

Has anyone else read the hole text in german? It says taht this guy tried to boot it from a FW HD (10.2.6) and it didn't work...thats why he couldn't test the thing running. He says it defenetly needs 10.2.7 to run.

Please correct me if im wrong, but when has apple ever shipped a computer without an OS installed? Or more relevent, whens the last time and if so, why?

this is just one of the things that smell fishy about this roumor.

Its funny how gaga people over at the spymac threads are going over this.


macrumors newbie
Jun 18, 2003
Stuttgart, Germany
umm, for the guy that said ther are no apple branded stores in not sure *exactly* what you mean by that, but Gravis is an all apple store in germany...very popular.

I would say they compare to apple stores very closely, although ive never been in one (apple store). They also recieved 20in cinema displays days after they were announced.

not to fule this fire though...i don't take this roumor seriously.

Bob Knob

macrumors 6502
Mar 20, 2003
Originally posted by tysonrinderknec
ok, havent read the entire thread help me if this has been brought up.

Has anyone else read the hole text in german? It says taht this guy tried to boot it from a FW HD (10.2.6) and it didn't work...thats why he couldn't test the thing running. He says it defenetly needs 10.2.7 to run.

Please correct me if im wrong, but when has apple ever shipped a computer without an OS installed? Or more relevent, whens the last time and if so, why?

If you boot a new computer it will have you set it up (user and so on), if you boot from a drive already set up you don't have to set up anything on the computer. If this was unpacked, tested and repacked no one would be able to tell. I'm not saying the whole story is true or not, but that part seems reasonable to me.


macrumors member
Aug 8, 2002
Upstate NY
Originally posted by tysonrinderknec
ok, havent read the entire thread help me if this has been brought up.

Has anyone else read the hole text in german? It says taht this guy tried to boot it from a FW HD (10.2.6) and it didn't work...thats why he couldn't test the thing running. He says it defenetly needs 10.2.7 to run.

Please correct me if im wrong, but when has apple ever shipped a computer without an OS installed? Or more relevent, whens the last time and if so, why?

this is just one of the things that smell fishy about this roumor.

Its funny how gaga people over at the spymac threads are going over this.

I read the entire German text and this is what I got out of it: He says that he brought his Firewire hard drive with OS 10.2.6 installed and that the computer required 10.2.7 (which means that is what it is shipping with). That doesn't mean that there is no OS on the computer, what it means is that the computer is incapable of booting up on anything less than 10.2.7. Like when I had my first G3. It came with OS8 installed and I upgraded all the way through to OSX. During it's tenure, I bought Norton Utilities and could always boot from the CD when problems arose as it had a 9.0 system folder on it. When I bought my G4 500Mh DP, I could never get the machine to boot from the Norton CD and couldn't figure out why. I eventually figured out that the computer came with OS 9.1 pre installed and couldn't boot from anything less, not even the original OS9.0 installation CD. Same thing here. The 970 (if it really exists), as described, can't boot up from 10.2.6. It only knows 10.2.7 and later.


macrumors newbie
Jun 9, 2003
What's reallly funny about this 'rumor' is that Apple has apparently decided to just start shipping random computers to resellers that haven't even ordered them. Last I checked, resellers were only allowed to order products that actually EXIST, because only announced products have SKUs.

But hey, I could be wrong. Perhaps apple's new strategy is to just ship computers to resellers at random and see what they think.

Maybe they'll ship me one! :)


macrumors newbie
Jun 10, 2003
Originally posted by noverflow
I have the MS blueooth mouse, I CANT use it for graphic work, because it jumps around.

It will loose connection for a sec and when it comes back, the mouse tries to guess where it should be.
Why do you assume that it's bluetooth's fault? Surely it's the Microsoft Label on that mouse that's causing all the problems. Come on you guys! Someone on this thread should have been all over that by now.
On the mac platform it will be as smooth as a baby's bum, and twice as cute. Soon there will be irons and printers that echo it's design cues. It'll change the world.

I love all this hype. It's this kind of hyper-sensitive rumor feeding frenzy that makes me proud to be a Mac user. Well done chaps/chapettes!


macrumors regular
Jul 22, 2002
New Jersey
Keep your fingers crossed tightly....

Originally posted by gralem
This page2 article is a prime example of what I like to call COMPLETE CRAP! If he opened the box, where's the photo? Why would someone in GERMANY have access to these boxes? Remember the famous "german" iwalk video from spymac?

We'll see next week.


If this article is true it'll be awhile before I let you live it down.

If you are right I'll SELF-BAN myself from this site.... for at least 10 minutes (quite a task I might add.) :)

I really hope it is true. Some of the things said were left out; I had it translated.

I really think the guy would be asking for trouble taking a photo of the thing, and could possibly create a trail that would get him / her nailed.:eek:


macrumors regular
Jul 22, 2002
New Jersey
Translation.... Not the best, though.

Originally posted by Ugg
An interesting photo at Looks a heck of a lot more appealing than the other one.

It also lists the specs which sound pretty darned nice

Hello leude, was with a buddy with a large MacShop works yesterday - I may not say city and Shopname, otherwise issa its job loosely. Those gekriegt new computers and it actually concern the new 970-Rechner the day before yesterday with warscheinlich Mac OS X 10.2.7. I thus after yesterday after end of workday immediately there: Oversize housing stands however nix from G5 or so - simply only for power Macintosh 970. The computers gibts in grey plastics with aluminum or in knows with Aluminum, whereby grey plastics the touched optics aufweiist and the white is completely white. The picture that circulates here is definitv a Fake. The computers are not so rectangular and do not exhibit also slit air intakes, but holes above and down on the front side upward expenditure-curves, similarly those of the emacs. The computers unload forward and above on the Fronseite bulgy and have ALL a DVD Writer!! At the flanks they are disguised with aluminum, whereby the right linings can be away-folded downward. Above and down the computer in each case 2 polished ones has trapezoidal steel brackets. The pits for the drive assemblies are in a herausziebaren quatratischen box (on that the Logo and the label power Macintosh 970 are) inserted around 90 the degrees to be turned can around the computer as Desktop or as Tower use. This drawer contains inclusive. DVD Writer 4!!! Pits. On the front is one Firewire 800/400 bus as well as headphone USB (2??) and Mic and a small hemisphere with the Bluetooth logo more drunter. Dadrueber bfinden themselves the 3 appletypischen buttons and a chromed loudspeaker. On the back are 1 Firewire, 1 Frewire 800, 2x USB, 1x USB 2, network, ADC, DVI, as well as 4 diagonally!!! arranged Blechverkeidungen for the PCI card locations as well as loudspeaker, Mic, etc.. The housing is approx. 15 cm broad 65 cm high and 40 cm deeply. A new aluminum/white keyboard and optical 2 a palpation mouse with a really unusual Scrollrad made of aluminum is, however without cables however with the same halbkugle in front darann as on the PPC housing. Of my bring along Mac OSX 10,2,6 Firewire non removable disk did not start the computer however, so that we could not put on it unfortunately (one would have had to personalisieren the system), therefore I go of it out of there at least to 10,2,7 drauf be must or sone kind more enabler for the PPC 970 processor. Unfortunately we did not have enough time the crate fully auszuchecken, since the guard service should come soon, but it is BEAUTIFUL!!!! special however if one imagines the new displays beside it - those saw now also these polished steel brackets as stands and somehow in-ACMASSIVELY out, have however additionally a fine aluminum framework. Funnier point are on the left flank of the PPC housing small slots in-punched into this the handles exaxt fit in, so that one uses if one the computer as Desktop with a Apple display this on the computer be placed can without to verutschen!!!! Unfortunately I cannot make a statement about clocking the processor, it was however only one processor in it. On the radiator dual core/hypertransport stood, however white I not which that mean can. It was with more exact view only one processor under it so that the radiator of the dual processor was probably blocked here. The people in shop do not have in all other respects knitted to instruction information outward to carry - otherwise summary dismissal threatens - therefore please I around understanding for the bad indication of pouring!!! =============== Arno: What would one recognize sound 5.1I/O? In the packing at least no boxes were or sowas in it are technically not so experienced unfortunately I, and it is quite possible, which I unite that from me described connections interpreted wrong. However I can say one with certainty: that more connections to were than on my soon dual become outdated hopelessly 1.25 - crate there. Solder: Wrong does to me, if I made the speculations here the niece - however it..... This is where I reached the max limit on words.



macrumors newbie
Jun 18, 2003
Stuttgart, Germany
Originally posted by phranque27
What's reallly funny about this 'rumor' is that Apple has apparently decided to just start shipping random computers to resellers that haven't even ordered them. Last I checked, resellers were only allowed to order products that actually EXIST

heh, true dat!


macrumors member
Mar 25, 2002
Originally posted by tysonrinderknec
umm, for the guy that said ther are no apple branded stores in not sure *exactly* what you mean by that, but Gravis is an all apple store in germany...very popular.

I would say they compare to apple stores very closely, although ive never been in one (apple store). They also recieved 20in cinema displays days after they were announced.

not to fule this fire though...i don't take this roumor seriously.

Yeah, you just don't get it either. Gravis is not fully owned and operated by Apple, is it? What is so difficult to understand about my statements?!!

It is not an "Apple Store". That is what an "Apple branded" store means.


The rumor is still crap.


macrumors 65816
Mar 27, 2003
last decimal

No Mac would be effected by a number that came after the second decimal, as it is a free upgrade. I would understand if it required 10.3, but the difference between 10.2.6 and 10.2.7 is no more than the difference between 9.2.1 and 9.2.2, which is not enough to make a difference in ability to boot a Powermac.

So either it is a fake, or the person just made a mistake in guessing it required 10.2.7. Then again, it could just be a fake for the various other reasons...


macrumors regular
Mar 20, 2003
Strasbourg, France
Re: last decimal

Originally posted by XnavxeMiyyep
No Mac would be effected by a number that came after the second decimal, as it is a free upgrade. I would understand if it required 10.3, but the difference between 10.2.6 and 10.2.7 is no more than the difference between 9.2.1 and 9.2.2, which is not enough to make a difference in ability to boot a Powermac.
The early x100 PowerMacs shipped with System 7.1.2, it was the first OS that was able to boot a PowerPC Mac, System 7.5 came later on.


macrumors 6502a
May 30, 2003
Re: Card-cage rotation?

Originally posted by blakespot
Why would you need to rotate the slots depending upon desktop or tower orientation? A PCI card is not going to have a problem even if it's upside down with a card in it. Sounds like some false info from someone who has some strange ideas about the way slots must be oriented (ie, not Apple).


Maybe to help dissipate heat depending on which way the tower is oriented.

Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002
Re: last decimal

Originally posted by XnavxeMiyyep
No Mac would be effected by a number that came after the second decimal, as it is a free upgrade. I would understand if it required 10.3, but the difference between 10.2.6 and 10.2.7 is no more than the difference between 9.2.1 and 9.2.2, which is not enough to make a difference in ability to boot a Powermac.

So either it is a fake, or the person just made a mistake in guessing it required 10.2.7. Then again, it could just be a fake for the various other reasons...
And I would have thought that significant hardware changes would have required an updated OS version, since they usually carried the upgraded ROM files and Applications that new hardware required.

In OS 1 to 9, new machines routinely needed updated ROMs, extensions, control panels, etc. to make sure that all the spiffy new features that came with new machines worked with the OS.

I would have thought now that the OS 9 is dead, the new machines will probably routinely break the current OS once again -- since there's no reason to hold hardware semi-stable for OS 9 -- thus requiring the next version of the OS to run.

Thanks for setting us straight.


macrumors 6502
Originally posted by gralem
Yeah, you just don't get it either. Gravis is not fully owned and operated by Apple, is it? What is so difficult to understand about my statements?!!

It is not an "Apple Store". That is what an "Apple branded" store means.


The rumor is still crap.

You appear to be basing your whole argument (that the rumor is false) around the fact that Europe doesn't have Apple Stores.

You seem to think that Apple, who are probably coming out with a new product that they want an international launch for (hence the Berlin invite) would ship boxes only to Apple stores? And they wouldn't ship boxes to their largest distributors in Europe? So Europe would not have the goods at the time of launch?

Do you think the Europeans don't want their new Mac's as soon as you do?

There are plenty of reasons why this rumor might be false, but I think your 'boxes' theory is not terribly valid.


macrumors newbie
Jun 2, 2003
Gralem, take your medication!

What's with this Gralem guy? Why is he so agressive? Can't he join the US-army and go shoot some foreigners in some godforsaken oilrich country while his president covers him? No offence intented;-)

Not everything from the US is better, faster or bigger. It might come as a shock to you, but OUTSIDE of the US sometimes things happen too.

But anyway, on Monday the truth will be reveiled.

Don't forget to take your Retalin, Gralem if things turn out to be true.......


macrumors member
Oct 24, 2002
Originally posted by bertagert
maybe Apple now reconizes that people who use PC's are the same people who leave the stickers on their digital cameras, printers and scanners. They figure those people have lots of money and wanted them to have something they're used too?

Duuuuude, I want to put a "Type-R" sticker on my Power Mac! Then a "Nos" sticker... you think those'll boost the power enough?


macrumors 65816
Jan 22, 2002
3rd rock from the sun...
Originally posted by gralem
Yes, you DID take it that way.

Hey, cool! You can read minds?

Maybe you should apply for the NSA? I am sure they are despereate for people like you! ;)

Dude, be nice and stop telling me what I am thinking. Because if you really mean that, you called me an idiot in your first post and I am sure you don't really wonna know how it is when I start acting like one! ;)

Originally posted by toekook
It might come as a shock to you, but OUTSIDE of the US sometimes things happen too.

Stop bashing the US and it's citizens you anti-american international communist guy!!! ;)

Originally posted by toekook
But anyway, on Monday the truth will be reveiled.

Yup! And I have no problem to stand corrected when I was wrong. But if I was right, it will be my personal pleasure to rub it into the face of this weird acting guy who is getting a heart-attack when Apple products are launched not exclusively in Apple branded stores in the US! ;)

Originally posted by toekook
Don't forget to take your Retalin, Gralem if things turn out to be true......




macrumors newbie
Feb 20, 2003
About the mouse: The mice that come with the new eMacs now just say "Mouse" on the bottom instead of "Pro Mouse". It is likely we will see a change in the mouse.
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