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macrumors 65816
Dec 28, 2002
Oak Park, IL
I'm just a "Registered User" now?!
But I liked being a "Mac Rumors Series of Numbers Beginning with a Six"!

[EDIT]It magically changed back... Go figure.[/EDIT]

Then again, I do like these fonts...
Ooooohhh... fonts...


macrumors 68000
Oct 8, 2003
Sacramento, CA, USA
Yes! Status names are back! Thanks arn! Expanding text horizontically/vertically would be great, too. Also, the User CP seems to be scrunched over to the right side of my browser window. Can it be spread out more?


macrumors 68020
May 9, 2001
macreator said:
Looks great! Keep up the good work!


1. The Quote inside another box create too much visual contamination, I mean, the forums have a lot of boxes it self already and now we are adding more boxes. It looks good but after you start searching and reading comments is more efficient to have bold letters only.

2. There are two "Reply" bottons now. One should be called "Quote" itself and the Replay botton at the left should be at the right side of the page to have all the bottons together and not needing to move the mouse from one side of the screen to the other, that is part of a efficient the navigation. Actually you should have Reply and quote one beside the other to keep it simple.

3. Again, from the graphic desing porin to view I think you are using too many frame borders one inside the other. That is making my eyes tired. Just imagine you have to surf the site for 10 minutes! is not the desing of a single page. Try to use colors in place of some of the margins. Keep it simple.


macrumors 68000
Oct 8, 2003
Sacramento, CA, USA
pyrotoaster said:
I'm just a "Registered User" now?!
But I liked being a "Mac Rumors Series of Numbers Beginning with a Six"!

[EDIT]It magically changed back... Go figure.[/EDIT]

Then again, I do like these fonts...
Ooooohhh... fonts...

Yes, fonts are very fun. I still think it's a little to "Windows XP"-like. But yes, I know, the graphics are a work in progress.

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
I don't recognize the place! Actually, I belong to another BB that has a similar look, and I thought I went to that bookmark by mistake!

Is there a page somewhere that shows a list of the vBulletin 3 new/changed features?


macrumors 6502
Jan 5, 2002
It takes a lot of getting used to, but I think it'll be good after a couple of weeks :) Pop-Up menues are just awesome... the smileys are horrible though :p


Staff member
Dec 7, 2002
New Zealand
GMT+13 timezone support at last! :D

All of yesterday I couldn't connect, just got a "forums being upgraded" message. So I knew something was coming. :) I tried to connect to IRC but I got a message saying "you have been D-Lined", whatever that means :confused:

A few observations, some of which might have been listed already:

- attached images no longer appear, you have to click them
- post count is shown without needing to go into profile
- can now use the toolbar thingy in your signature
- haven't found a way to change date or number formatting away from the American system (eg. set dates to D/M/Y)


macrumors 604
idkew said:
I like the upgrade, the colors could be played with, but the new gui is nice.

But- one problem for me. I used to have a bookmark of the search url that to me to different searches. I wasn't able to re-create the situation and make a new bookmark with this upgrade. This is not a bookmark to the search page, with the otions and such, it tis a bookmark of the actual search info that is sent to you.

Arn- can you give us a sample search url for this new upgrade?

Are you referring to for example a search for all new posts?

If you are there is a link to that search right in the menu bar at the top of the page labeled New Posts.

Or you can probably use that format to get your search results to any search.


macrumors 604
My biggest problem

My biggest problem at the moment is when I click on the thread link in a new post reply email it doesn't correctly take me to the the linked post. It doesn't even take me to the correct page. It takes me to the first post on the first page of the thread.


macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2003
Mostly good...

Woohoo, luxuriously big text box! :D

This seems like a mostly positive change, but I really don't like much of the text. It's way too big almost everywhere. Safari 1.2 made a lot of things quite a bit smaller on the old software, and I was just getting used to that when this change comes along and now everything is at least as big as it was before if not bigger. Usernames are especially bad, IMHO--instead of being a normal size and bold, they're Roman and ginormous. I haven't found a way to change any of this yet.

Maybe things would be better if my screen weren't 800x600, but that's not going to change for several months at least.

Oh, BTW, my text size preference in Safari (1.2) is 13-point Times, in case that matters. (Perhaps the software figures sizes based on a percentage of the user's preference?)


Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002
Well most all the bookmarks I had are broken.

So I can't even add a furious smilie easily.


macrumors 6502a
May 24, 2003
Phoenix AZ USA
iChatAV icon for .Mac AIM instead of AOL Runner

arn said:
Graphics are not final. See the original post.
Dramatic and positive changes, arn. Fine work.

Missed the QUOTE button in each box, but now it's automatic for the Reply in that box, excellent. Even better, is removal of EDIT button from every box except the author's own - I can't count the number of times I've accidentally clicked the wrong button for the same dialogue
Hey, Dummy, you did it again!
or something like that.

Very intelligent design & layout, more logical and Panther-like, such as in the new Format Bar filled with more modern (MS Word) icons - excellent, and the extended options for formatting now are great.
For those of us that are "spelling" challenged, could we have a simple spelling checker, please?
Thanks for everything, arn.
(Like some others have commented, everything is kind of BLUE on BLUE, don't you think?)​

It's a petty thing, but instead of an image of the AOL Runner next to the member names providing a hyperlink to their AIM name (quite ingenious, arn)
could you fix it up so we have the iChatAV icon for .Mac AIM instead?

Arn, can images be either a LINK or appear as a THUMBNAIL graphically? (Later: Wow! it works ;) BOTH ways. As a test, I've attached a $30 mail-in Rebate coupon good for a new 8x DVD Superdrive - the Pioneer DVR-A07, selling between $199 or $169 BEFORE the Rebate! ends 3/31/04)
I love that we can list more than ONE image at a time, keeps us from having to do ONE Reply for each image we want to share.
I guess we really do have an option to either place an image, our just make it a Link.

Besides MS Word .doc files, I'd like the option of providing MS Excel .xls files NOT as an image (like .PDF), but as something others can download. (That works too: attached a .PDF file)
Besides multimage .gif files, could you allow small QuickTime .mov files, oddly they can be smaller when converted from a .gif.
If it can be done, I don't understand how to do it yet.

Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle! I just did an IMAGE reference to an uploaded Attachment (see it below) and it activated the .gif. The Lemon Action I got from a website, then all I did was Drag & Drop the Lemon Image on that page's web Address box and the .gif was added to the page's URL. Copying that enhanced URL address into the IMAGE box gave me a Link to the page that only displays the Lemon Image from the page, as you see. Sometimes I feel so smart :D


  • ichat.gif
    3.3 KB · Views: 902
  • indexsideaol02052004.jpg
    2.2 KB · Views: 649
  • 1eyesboth.gif
    16.6 KB · Views: 632
  • Picture 1.pdf
    51 KB · Views: 201


macrumors 604
WM. said:
Woohoo, luxuriously big text box! :D

This seems like a mostly positive change, but I really don't like much of the text. It's way too big almost everywhere. Safari 1.2 made a lot of things quite a bit smaller on the old software, and I was just getting used to that when this change comes along and now everything is at least as big as it was before if not bigger. Usernames are especially bad, IMHO--instead of being a normal size and bold, they're Roman and ginormous. I haven't found a way to change any of this yet.

Maybe things would be better if my screen weren't 800x600, but that's not going to change for several months at least.

Oh, BTW, my text size preference in Safari (1.2) is 13-point Times, in case that matters. (Perhaps the software figures sizes based on a percentage of the user's preference?)


You know you can easily change the display text size in Safari by hitting the Apple and + or - keys.

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
Post counts are displayed in threads again. They were there once upon a time, but removed for seemingly good reasons. Are we trying it again?


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2002
Corvallis, OR
I've been waiting for this update ever since the main page updated. I like the new interface much better. I tried switching to the OS X theme in the old interface, but a lot of the graphics left something to be desired.



macrumors 68030
Sep 13, 2002
Bristol, UK
I like the new design and features - Well done.

It appears to be running slowly at the moment, with some, 'the server is to too busy' time out messages, but I assume this is just a temporary problem.


macrumors 68000
Nov 19, 2003
one thing thats lacking from this forum is a scroll bar at the bottom of the window. one allowing the user to quickly switch between the different forums. just like fast user switching. PLEASE add this feature!


macrumors 68030
Dec 10, 2002
Yeah, the new format is nice. You know, if the user could control the color of his/her reply background, that would make this site very colorful... and perhaps remarkably hideous.
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