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macrumors 68000
Apr 26, 2003
Tokyo, Japan
You really need to stop with the personal attacks. He made a suggestion on a public forum. Last time I checked the folder this is under is labeled MacRumors Site and Forum Feedback. I think this would count as feedback.

So brush that chip off your shoulder, stop insulting this guy, and discuss whether or not the logo change is a good idea in a polite manner.

kettle said:
You had a big fat active rollover link to your site AND a plain text one in your sig. don't tell porky pies. (check the edit dates people, this member is a fraud) :eek:

I love this site, and what you did was like going around to someone's house and suggesting that they should "redecorate" their freshly decorated front room, because YOU think it's not "cool" enough. Not only that, you then proceed to call a vote and/or competition, as if there is some sort of written constitution for Fashion Police representatives to use democracy and/or kangaroo court to force their environment into something a little less "untrained".

I hope you treat your professional clients with more respect, or you may find your praises to be sung only by those who are already under the spell of "naked is the new black" and "is this the right shop to buy cool from?".

anyway, when you get antenna to go with your ego (and, I might add genuine talent) I think you should do O.K. in your chosen field of expertise.

on the point of ignorance to accessibility (bandwidth or otherwise), a designer would do well to remember that if they treat the internet as a very useful and important tool before a rich garden for media exploitation, we may see an upward trend in usability rather than a degenerate process leading us into a stale mated knot of technology collision.

Have you ever heard of the W3C or XHTML DOM or CSS? just a thought, take it or leave it. :)


macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 17, 2002
San Francisco
kettle said:
You had a big fat active rollover link to your site AND a plain text one in your sig. don't tell porky pies. (check the edit dates people, this member is a fraud) :eek:

I love this site, and what you did was like going around to someone's house and suggesting that they should "redecorate" their freshly decorated front room, because YOU think it's not "cool" enough. Not only that, you then proceed to call a vote and/or competition, as if there is some sort of written constitution for Fashion Police representatives to use democracy and/or kangaroo court to force their environment into something a little less "untrained".

I hope you treat your professional clients with more respect, or you may find your praises to be sung only by those who are already under the spell of "naked is the new black" and "is this the right shop to buy cool from?".

anyway, when you get antenna to go with your ego (and, I might add genuine talent) I think you should do O.K. in your chosen field of expertise.

on the point of ignorance to accessibility (bandwidth or otherwise), a designer would do well to remember that if they treat the internet as a very useful and important tool before a rich garden for media exploitation, we may see an upward trend in usability rather than a degenerate process leading us into a stale mated knot of technology collision.

Have you ever heard of the W3C or XHTML DOM or CSS? just a thought, take it or leave it. :)

Oh my word. You should listen to Krizoitz and wise up. You clearly have some deep-seeded issues with being emotionally attatched to a website. If this is how you react to criticism of a website you like, what's it like when it's toward you, or a family member, or a term paper? I've never known someone like you, my sympathies.

Also, why do you keep turning the discussion around to my website? I have had success with my site in gaining clients for a long time now. Am I saying this because I have an ego? NO. But the thought of listening to a 16-year-old in a discussion forum who is trying to sound intelligent about the faultiness of my design makes me laugh. I would love to see an upward trend in usability, but once again, my site is only intended for people with an internet connection with DSL or above, simple as that. It loads fine on everything else. It's not my problem if you only have a 56k modem so don't complain to me. If you have a problem with me personally than that's also your problem. But tell me, why should I be bothered by your insults at my lack of "genuine talent"?

On design:
Simplicity in a logo can almost always be added by taking a second look at color. Perhaps that is why the logo reminded me of a 3rd grade classroom. The colors used are abrasive and somewhat childlike. In modern day design we always learn that less is more so I wonder what the logo would look like in one solid color. Perhaps a lighter compliment color on top of the blue shade that it sits on top of. What do you guys think? These are thoughts in hopes of turning the discussion back around properly.


macrumors 65816
MacDuff said:
But tell me, why should I be bothered by your insults at my lack of "genuine talent"?

I will tell you if you can be bothered to read what is written.

"when you get antenna to go with your ego (and, I might add genuine talent) I think you should do O.K. in your chosen field of expertise."

That means that if you found a method of gauging the reaction of people, like not being surprised when you slag off someone else's work and people rush to defend it.

the method of gauging reaction would be an add on to -

1) your ego
2) your genuine talent.

The bottom line is - you were rude and I have been less than polite. Please take my genuine compliment and stop pretending to be hard done by.
What's more difficult to do than go for a whole new design, is to critique what you don't like about the current one. Also point out what works or what could work better. "I don't like it" is worthless and subjective.

I've never been fond of the logo, but never really gave it a second thought. It's not my site and I don't come here for the logo. The look of the logo doesn't affect why I do come here. What's the big deal?

If this was a work in progress logo and someone asked for my opinion, I'd point out that it feels imbalanced, with too much weight on the left, the seeds get lost and the question mark feels awkwardly inserted. I'd recommend changing the blue stem to black (along with the seeds if they are blue) because those 3 colors look unsophisticated together. The green leaf seems overly large and I'd try to use it in a way which points to the questionmark instead of wrapping around it, so that more focus would be put on the question mark. I'd try some other fonts for the question mark, because I think its weight is too light and the serifed face offers nothing in the way of conveying what the feel of the site is. I'd make sure the logo works in one color, black, first.

The flatness is good. The question-mark is a neat idea. I don't think it's working, but it may be able to. Is it essential to the "rumor" theme? Do you want to evoke "community" as well?

Keep it simple. Think Illustrator, not Photoshop. What would Paul Rand do? Balance, boldness and distinctiveness.

Frankly, I'd leave it. It's part of the history of this place. You could pull an "update" like Burger King, Midas Muffler or Sunoco did, but you've really got to watch being trapped in trendy decisions when you do that.

2¢, just because it was sitting in my pocket. - j


macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 17, 2002
San Francisco
jayscheuerle said:
What's more difficult to do than go for a whole new design, is to critique what you don't like about the current one. Also point out what works or what could work better. "I don't like it" is worthless and subjective.

I've never been fond of the logo, but never really gave it a second thought. It's not my site and I don't come here for the logo. The look of the logo doesn't affect why I do come here. What's the big deal?

If this was a work in progress logo and someone asked for my opinion, I'd point out that it feels imbalanced, with too much weight on the left, the seeds get lost and the question mark feels awkwardly inserted. I'd recommend changing the blue stem to black (along with the seeds if they are blue) because those 3 colors look unsophisticated together. The green leaf seems overly large and I'd try to use it in a way which points to the questionmark instead of wrapping around it, so that more focus would be put on the question mark. I'd try some other fonts for the question mark, because I think its weight is too light and the serifed face offers nothing in the way of conveying what the feel of the site is. I'd make sure the logo works in one color, black, first.

The flatness is good. The question-mark is a neat idea. I don't think it's working, but it may be able to. Is it essential to the "rumor" theme? Do you want to evoke "community" as well?

Keep it simple. Think Illustrator, not Photoshop. What would Paul Rand do? Balance, boldness and distinctiveness.

Frankly, I'd leave it. It's part of the history of this place. You could pull an "update" like Burger King, Midas Muffler or Sunoco did, but you've really got to watch being trapped in trendy decisions when you do that.

2¢, just because it was sitting in my pocket. - j

I agree with most of what you're saying. It should be bold and distinctive and shouldn't be driven off of color. Asemetry isn't always a negative thing but yes, I think it hurts the general contruction of the logo identity. Yes, it should always work in black and white before given a color pallete. Your points on color and minimalism strike a parallel to my ideas on turning it into one color tone.

The question mark could be a bothersome element of the design. Does the question mark evoke "rumors" and "community"? Or just "rumors". I'm unsure of its relationship. I love typography in just about all aspects of design, but it seems forced and possibly unnecessary. It could work, but I don't think it is yet.

If one's going to debate on the "history" than I can't do anything about that. History of websites don't really interest me, design interests me and discussions among that matter. The history of a logo is indeed important and there are plenty of logos that should never be altered or updated because of the company and identity they represent. But usually those logos are related to companies with decades behind them. Design on the web is still an infant and I'm not convinced that there's yet that kind of history behind I love this site and I visit it often. That's a point I tried to make clear in my opening post. But there should always be a distinction between design criticism and overall criticism. It's unfortunate that people were quick to defend this website emotionally when all I was doing was stating my opinions on its logo.


macrumors 65816
Krizoitz said:
You really need to stop with the personal attacks. He made a suggestion on a public forum. Last time I checked the folder this is under is labeled MacRumors Site and Forum Feedback. I think this would count as feedback.

So brush that chip off your shoulder, stop insulting this guy, and discuss whether or not the logo change is a good idea in a polite manner.

1) Read This - "Honestly, the current logo looks like something that goes on a 3rd grade classroom bulletin board. I'm a graphic designer and I know there are more out there who couldn't help but agree. The fact that it's an apple and there's a question mark doesn't make the design "work", it makes the design cheesy and forced. C'mon - you're cooler than that! My apologies to the designer but I have a feeling it was designed by someone untrained." - then tell me which bit of this quote is in a polite manner.

2) I find your own tones (Krizoitz) very aggressive, far from the "good samaritan" image you seem keen to promote.

3) the theme of this thread is about discussing the feedback put forward in the very first post. Are you saying that I am not allowed to rebuff remarks with remarks of equal measure? What kind of macrumors supporter would I be if I just walked by when someone makes less than polite statements without challenge?

4) I await genuine feedback on the topic of "Hypothetical Procedures to Subjectively Improve on the Current Macrumors Logo Design."


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
Krizoitz said:
You really need to stop with the personal attacks. He made a suggestion on a public forum. Last time I checked the folder this is under is labeled MacRumors Site and Forum Feedback. I think this would count as feedback.

So brush that chip off your shoulder, stop insulting this guy, and discuss whether or not the logo change is a good idea in a polite manner.

If the thread was "Could MacRumors use a new logo?" or "Some ideas about a new logo for MacRumors", there would have been a different reaction. That's not how it was though--it was more of a self-promotion--"look at me, I'm the greatest and that logo is terrible!"

As far as my telling him to leave, I didn't. I was saying that simplicity is best and some things are better left that way, rather than being gadgety or trendy or killer or a few hundred other words that go with cliché that's dated almost right away. Every era has something about which future generations can laugh heartily--this one will have overdone graphics as its biggest joke.

Don't panic

macrumors 603
Jan 30, 2004
having a drink at Milliways
easy up everyone! the original post could have been worded in a nicer way, but there is no reason to go for the throath. It WAS just a suggestion.
i personally think that the current logo is nice, but it's not memorable nor particularly sleek (and please don't flame me, I mean no offense to anyone).
I would like to see a logo competition (with Arn's blessing).
Given the crowd, we could be in for a couple of treats (and i pre-emptively call myself out).
it doesn't mean that the logo will be changed anyway.
That would ultimately be up to Arn to decide



macrumors 6502
I like the logo, but if someone can come up with something better, I will support them.....

Soooo, why don't those of you who want a new logo post your reccomended design(s) and then let other people critique them and make suggestions. Then, those of us who like the new logo better can present it to arn in a manner that is suggesting it as a new logo, not forcing it upon him, and if he likes it, he can start a poll to see whether the general public likes the new logo or the old logo better.
MacDuff said:
Asemetry isn't always a negative thing but yes, I think it hurts the general contruction of the logo identity.

Just to be nitpicky, asymmetry is neither good nor bad, providing it works. The issue for me is the balance, which is different. Even something symmetrical can be top-heavy (no jokes here boys). :)

For ****zengiggles, I tried making a question-mark work within the current concept of the logo for about 15 minutes and had a helluva time. Perhaps the conveyance of rumors and community could be more successfully achieved by combining the shape of an apple with the profile of a simplified talking head (not unlike the profile in the Finder icon). The simplified geometric quality would connect it more directly to an "Apple" site.

Dang. I guess I'm up to 4¢ now... ;)


macrumors 68000
Jan 6, 2004
Cape Cod
I got a great one! It's way better that that lousy old apple.Hehehe :D


  • imac.jpg
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macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
thanks for the feedback.... personally I like the logo.

If someone feels like they can do a better job, then go for it. Otherwise, I'm not actively seeking out a new logo... but wouldn't, of course, turn down an "insanely great" design.

I like the simplicity of the current design, and don't necessarily think a "flashier" design is necessarily better. As for the symmetry/balance issue... I think it is a personal preference.



macrumors 65816
Thanks for the chime-in, Arn.

Out of curiosity, just when was the current logo put into production, and who created the logo?

Doesn't make a bit of difference overall to the spirit of the post, but if you ever come back this way, I was interested nevertheless.


macrumors 68040
Mar 26, 2001
Over The Rainbow
arn said:
thanks for the feedback.... personally I like the logo.

If someone feels like they can do a better job, then go for it. Otherwise, I'm not actively seeking out a new logo... but wouldn't, of course, turn down an "insanely great" design.

I like the simplicity of the current design, and don't necessarily think a "flashier" design is necessarily better. As for the symmetry/balance issue... I think it is a personal preference.


Arn is there anywhere where we can find the old macrumors logos?


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
voicegy said:
This post is bound to be locked and wastelanded if the name calling continues, even with the occasionally placed "LOL"'s. Please continue in private, or discontinue in public.

You're in charge now? :D I need to think of something disrespectful to say about you now. Why did you have to do this?

This thread is out of order like a runaway toilet. :D Someone needs to put one of those little yellow tent signs up--"foro mojado" or whatever.


macrumors 65816
bousozoku said:
You're in charge now? :D I need to think of something disrespectful to say about you now. Why did you have to do this?

This thread is out of order like a runaway toilet. :D Someone needs to put one of those little yellow tent signs up--"foro mojado" or whatever.

Oh, I'm far from in charge, nor do I have any power to close a post or wasteland one. Just consider my last post a little yellow tent sign. ;)

Demi-God's don't disrespect each other - its an unwritten rule. :) You're right about the title of the post - it could have been stated otherwise as you suggested - may have had a different tone overall, as I'll admit I, too, jumped in with my fangs in defensive mode. The post may have run its course by now anyway (its actual purpose), but I'd still dig hearing from Arn about my inquiries. 'Tis up to him, of course.


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
voicegy said:
Oh, I'm far from in charge, nor do I have any power to close a post or wasteland one. Just consider my last post a little yellow tent sign. ;)

Demi-God's don't disrespect each other - its an unwritten rule. :) You're right about the title of the post - it could have been stated otherwise as you suggested - may have had a different tone overall, as I'll admit I, too, jumped in with my fangs in defensive mode. The post may have run its course by now anyway (its actual purpose), but I'd still dig hearing from Arn about my inquiries. 'Tis up to him, of course.

I want to talk to that underwriter! :D What is an underwriter, anyway?

Those of us who have been here a while feel a bit differently about the forums and all. It's obvious that some people would change everything. In a way, it's like my conversations about the United States. I usually end with "Well, the company that makes my soy sauce is older than your whole country." ;)

Is it controversy or controversy? (The English will understand.)


macrumors regular
Apr 21, 2003
Planet Earth
Was my post censored?

My earlier post seems to have been removed from this board.


I wrote that the problem confronting MacRumors is not the quality of its logo but the quality and quantity of its rumors. The site seems to compile rumors from other sites vs. originate its own rumors.

Does anyone remember the last rumor that "broke" here?

I made a similar observation on another board. It also seems to have been removed.

Bizarre. :confused:


macrumors 65816
brhmac said:
My earlier post seems to have been removed from this board.


I wrote that the problem confronting MacRumors is not the quality of its logo but the quality and quantity of its rumors. The site seems to compile rumors from other sites vs. originate its own rumors.

Does anyone remember the last rumor that "broke" here?

I made a similar observation on another board. It also seems to have been removed.

Bizarre. :confused:

I think the idea is that we stay on topic, this is a thread discussing the hypothetical thinking behind changing the current Macrumors Logo.

This has proven to be a rather controversial topic topic largely due to the way the thread was approached in the first instance.

To prevent this post from being deleted, (or at least give it a fighting chance with life) I have included links to a) The World Wide Web Consortium and b) The Markup Validation Service for those who wish to research better web design for themselves. I believe this to be essential reading for those with strong opinions of what good design and more importantly accessibility is all about.

All praise the mighty Moderators! :eek:


macrumors 68040
Dec 25, 2003
Dornbirn (Austria)
i guess i have to admit: i never saw the question mark either...
sure the logo hasn't got much recognition power... because it takes a lot of time to establish a 'brand' i would have problems describing a logo from an other webpage

i am not a designer but i think it is a good logo...but if somebody comes up with a better one well i have no problem iwth it (even mercedes changed their logo multiply times..but the always kept the star in the same shape)
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