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macrumors 604
Apr 11, 2005
Clydefrog said:
january for full-screens it the most stupid thing i have heard, why would apple wait till after christmas?

because they're probably not ready yet


macrumors 604
Apr 11, 2005
DJMastaWes said:
Well, they won't be size updates. That would be SO boring.

New Nano cases: 4 & 8 GB
New Video sizes 40/80 longshot to see Bluetooth, slimmest chance in hell to see full screen
Movie Downloads
Airport Video


macrumors 68020
Nov 14, 2002
Charleston, SC
there wont be merom updates tomorrow. why would apple release updated imac and mac minis and then wait a week to release macbook updates? it makes no sense. i expect we'll see a redesign or mod in january. tomorrow apple will unveil the itunes movie store and most likely a new ipod design to play the new movies on or something. when htey released the music vdieo store, they had a new video ipod to play them on. there will be most lilely a new gadget to go along with the new store. itunes 5 will be released hopefully with better video support. other than that, i dont expect much else. steve wont say "oh and core 2 duos are now in the laptops, because it will ruin the flow of the keynote. they dont need to announce a simple speed bump. they wouldve had them out last week if they were planning to add the meroms in them now. dont get worked up, its not happening.


macrumors 65816
Jan 14, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
AHDuke99 said:
there wont be merom updates tomorrow. why would apple release updated imac and mac minis and then wait a week to release macbook updates? it makes no sense. i expect we'll see a redesign or mod in january. tomorrow apple will unveil the itunes movie store and most likely a new ipod design to play the new movies on or something. when htey released the music vdieo store, they had a new video ipod to play them on. there will be most lilely a new gadget to go along with the new store. itunes 5 will be released hopefully with better video support. other than that, i dont expect much else. steve wont say "oh and core 2 duos are now in the laptops, because it will ruin the flow of the keynote. they dont need to announce a simple speed bump. they wouldve had them out last week if they were planning to add the meroms in them now. dont get worked up, its not happening.
You mean iTunes 7???

They could easyly update them tomorrow. Maybe they ran into problems with the notebook. Maybe there is a lack of products for tomorrow, and they need something more. Becuase I only see a new iPod and iTunes which would be really lame, so why not just move the rest of the line to core 2 duo, with iPod and itunes. Perfect.


macrumors 604
Apr 11, 2005
DJMastaWes said:
They could easyly update them tomorrow. Maybe they ran into problems with the notebook. Maybe there is a lack of products for tomorrow, and they need something more. Becuase I only see a new iPod and iTunes which would be really lame, so why not just move the rest of the line to core 2 duo, with iPod and itunes. Perfect.

You're just setting yourself up for dissappointment.


macrumors 68040
Mar 24, 2006
roland.g said:
You're just setting yourself up for dissappointment.

I agree. I think tomorrow will be more of an iPod focus and the movie service rather than updating the processors.


macrumors 68040
Oct 19, 2004
Calgary, AB
eh well apple, you've got one more day.

If the merom MBP isn't released tomorrow (which I suspect it won't be) then I shall pull the trigger on the current yohan model as work shall require it.


macrumors 65816
Jan 14, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
ARG! Waiting SUCKS!!!! Ive waited since june. I NEVER thought I would go through so much pain to order the computer of my dreams. What do you guys think this MacBook Pro delay is about?


macrumors 68040
Mar 24, 2006
I say just buy now if you need it but its up to you if you want to wait. No idea what the delay is its all speculation

Apple Corps

macrumors 68030
Apr 26, 2003
DJMastaWes said:
Most likely.

I just don't know what i'm going to do if macbook pros are not updated.

First GASP and shake your head :confused: Next - start counting the days until the next Tuesday, or the next Wednesday or until Photokina. After that I must purchase - which will guarantee an update 15 days after my purchase.


macrumors 604
Apr 11, 2005
DJMastaWes said:
ARG! Waiting SUCKS!!!! Ive waited since june. I NEVER thought I would go through so much pain to order the computer of my dreams. What do you guys think this MacBook Pro delay is about?

some of us are waiting for a model they don't even make - Mac Pro Jr


macrumors 6502a
Aug 22, 2006
Los Angeles
The good or bad news is that we'll find out if MBP updates are tomorrow. My feeling is that we'll see C2D MBP availability at the Photokina event on the 26th, as that's more of a "pro" event.

IMacs will be mentioned tomorrow, specifically the 24", as having recently been updated while allowing consumers to watch iTunes movies on their brand new beautiful HD 24" screen.

IPods, sure, but I seriously doubt we'll see widescreen, though I would love it and buy it if so.

Perhaps new larger displays, especially considering they reduced the price of their displays at WWDC. Maybe that was to help clear out inventory for new display announcements to coincide with the iTunes movie store.

I just don't see an annoucement being made tomorrow concerning the MBP's, but I would love to be wrong.

BTW, this was interesting, and I posted it in another thread, mentioned by another forum member...

Go here...

Down towards the bottom of that page for the MBP where you read all about the computer and what it does, there's a bolded subheading that reads "It's Showtime." IMac and Mac Mini are the only other systems that offer a similar description, but their description heading says "Put on a Show."

That is a little odd, since they're basically all describing the same thing. Why would the MBP say "It's Showtime" yet the iMac and Mac Mini descriptions use "Put on a Show?" How long have these read this way? Is this old or new? Does it have something to do with tomorrows' event, or nothing at all?

Hmmm... very intersting.

Reaching? Coincidence? Apple being coy?


macrumors regular
Jul 28, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
These postings make me sad

Yet, because I am waiting with all of you I HAVE to look. It's like an accident, I just can't steer away from these posts!

If only I could except the fact that reading these posts isn't going to make the laptop show up any sooner.


bitmap monkey

macrumors newbie
Sep 11, 2006
damienvfx said:
Yet, because I am waiting with all of you I HAVE to look. It's like an accident, I just can't steer away from these posts!

If only I could except the fact that reading these posts isn't going to make the laptop show up any sooner.


i'm right there with you on that...


macrumors regular
Jul 23, 2004
Woodland Hills, CA
Whatever the case im buying tomorrow to take advantage of the free iPod deal and because i need it for school, but is it possible that if they are released a week after i buy it to have it replaced with the newer model?
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