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Apr 15, 2012
"Run your favorite programs or apps" - considering that they are targeting Mac users there are some weird assumptions going on at MS...


macrumors 65816
Jun 11, 2007
Virginia Beach
I like the surface and I am strongly considering getting one. I wouldn't trade in a mba for one. Especially not a 2013-2014.


macrumors regular
Sep 28, 2012
Hmmmm, 650 max is low but then you still have to buy a keyboard and then you can't sit with it in your lap because you need to use the kickstand thing and lets face it its a design flaw. Why would I trade a good hinged laptop for a wanna-be laptop? I'd rather buy a number of other windows ultra books before buying a surface 3. Never mind I find holding an iPad up while lounging reading an uncomfortable task for long time spans and it's smaller! I really don't want to cuddle with anything bigger than an iPad mini. oh well. That didn't take long for them to "discount" their product.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 27, 2013
Why does everyone trash the surface. I agree it is not a great laptop. But it is hands down the best device that I have found as a pianist to use for sight reading .pdf sheet music scores. I've been waiting for a non 16-9 tablet bigger than the ipad and this is it. Got mine on release day and it works great for the purpose I got it for. Plus it serves as a portable pc when I travel.

Also for those who said it is not ideal for mouse and keyboard I beg to differ. I use it with a logitech k811 and a logitech slim ultra easy switch mouse and it works perfectly.


macrumors 6502
Feb 11, 2005
I mean...they will give $650 for something worth at least $900 or more on it's as if MS is trying to run a Gazelle type service under the premise of trying to attract buyers for its crappy laptablets.


macrumors G3
Jun 11, 2008
Los Angeles, CA



macrumors 6502
Feb 27, 2011
Haha....They sound pretty desperate. Who wants to buy that junk with such a terrible OS?



macrumors 65816
Dec 16, 2010
Wait MS still hase stores. I have never seen one. Lol. Love my MacBook Air. I can't get my mind to think of using a surface as I hate windows 8. And the fact that windows 8 won't sync with my iPhone or iPad like my MacBook Air does and I find that really useful.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2007
Wait MS still hase stores. I have never seen one. Lol.
I've seen lots, where abouts do you live?

This is a smart move by MS. Even if a few switch, it's more people entering the the MS Eco system. It's also getting people talking about the surface pro.

Having never used a pro and not really needing one I cant comment on how good a system it is. I do most things on my iPad which has served me well.


macrumors newbie
Jan 19, 2012
Camarillo, CA., USA
trade-in for Microsoft product

I have tried the Microsoft product within my school district and I was never enthralled with them. Each time it was pushed on us by district office IT personnel something always seemed to not work. So, I would pull out my MBP 2011 or iPad Air and was able to accomplish the task with no difficulties. Never going back to a pc.


macrumors 6502
Jun 7, 2007
This cash for MacBook Airs is the sort of thing I'd expect under Steve Balmer, but the thing which surprises me is that it is continuing under the new CEO, Satya Nadella. Maybe this is more endemic of the corporate culture of Microsoft, and the type of people who have become entrenched during the Balmer regime.

I own a MacBook Air, and have tried Microsoft Surfaces in the stores, and no way would I swap.


macrumors newbie
Oct 13, 2011
San Diego, CA
Would never be a good deal. Entry-level current MBA i5/125GB/$799. SP3 to get the i5 processor you need the mid-level and that is $999 for i5/128GB. How is that a deal? And it says i can install any software I want to. Guess they found a way for me to install Logic, Pages, Numbers, Subler, etc. :confused: So I will pay at least $350 for a machine that doesn't work for everything i need to do? Oh, but i can touch a screen and use MS Office. No thanks.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 7, 2007
If they can't sell these to Windows users, what on earth makes them think they will ever be able to sell them to Mac users.

I own a MacBook Air, and have tried Microsoft Surfaces in the stores, and no way would I swap.

Same here. I just can't stand them.


macrumors regular
Aug 28, 2013
Perth, Australia
I'm not an Apple fanboy and not anti MS, but no way. We had a Surface at work for evaluation purposes, I was initially supposed to have it, but gave it to someone else as I hated it. As did they. Eventually it was given to someone on the Helpdesk to evaluate! Just awful. One USB port that you had to use the network dongle for, so really if you are using it in a corporate environment, zero usb ports, heavy, the soft keyboard kept on malfunctioning and Windows 8.0 was just horrible. Apparently 8.2 or whatever the newest version is, is better. But yeah I wouldn't have a bar of these things.


macrumors regular
Jun 7, 2008
Richmond upon Thames
MacBook Air is best for Windows 8

I have a 2011 11" MacBook Air and I've never seen Windows 8 zip along like it does on that with Parallels. Moreover, you can find your Windows programs in the Dock – much easier than relying on Windows 8. And, of course, I get to run a proper operating system the rest of the time.


macrumors member
Mar 24, 2014
If you download crapware, that's on you. If you have problems with Trojans, adware, and worms... that's on you as well. Seriously, my bootcamp partition runs rather speedy with 8.1.

It's on me...... Exactly!
Do I want to use a system feeling free as a bird, enjoying my experience knowing that the company behind my system is looking after my system?
Or do I want to spend half my life dodging and hoping that I, yes I lmao, don't allow invaders in, and then banging my head against a brick wall constantly clearing up the mess.
Don't give me you should know what your downloading rubbish!


macrumors 6502a
Jun 12, 2014
To be eligible for trade-in, device must power on to be considered working.
Dang, they predicted what I was going to try. (Just kidding, still wouldn't be a good deal.)


If you download crapware, that's on you. If you have problems with Trojans, adware, and worms... that's on you as well. Seriously, my bootcamp partition runs rather speedy with 8.1.

Meanwhile, it takes skill to mess up an iPad like that. Still not even easy on a MBA. When I used to use Windows in Boot Camp, I had to actually worry about which junky program I installed so I could open an <insert archive file type here> file. Every single thing you'd install had to use a freakin' 3rd-party installer; you can't just drag an application in. And half those installers tried to bait you into installing the Bing/Yahoo!/Ask/Babylon/Conduit bar, even Adobe's own Flash installer. Nothing used standard installation directories, so files got lost in places the Windows search couldn't find. What a waste of time that was.

Even on OS X, the worst that could happen is you install MacKeeper, some other scammy cleanup utilities, and a Norton free trial.


Hahaha, good one. Before you even get to try the OS, it eats up half your device's storage capacity. That alone makes it deserve rejection.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Jun 19, 2013
New Zealand
select Microsoft retail stores in US (including Puerto Rico) and Canada

Pity it's not worldwide... I was thinking of giving them a call and asking if they wanted to sell me one of those MBA that they must be flooded with right now.


macrumors newbie
Jun 17, 2014
I wouldn't be so harsh. I think it'd be really interesting if it would just run a version of OS X / iOS mashup thing. The idea behind the Surface is really, really cool. But it just runs Windows.

If it ran OSX I would buy it in a heartbeat. Way cooler than a macbook air.. it would change the way I work. I am even considering getting one and dealing with the annoyances just to have the awesome pen input and the form factor (I like the aspect ratio of the screen a lot.. the 11" macbook air screen is an aspect ration better for watching movies... the surface pro aspect ratio looks great for actually getting work done...) though dealing with the annoyances of windows is a huge price to pay for this, so I guess I'll see what the 12" MBA looks like before I buy...
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