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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

With less than 100 days to go until the Presidential Election in the United States, the candidates from both major parties have released several iPhone apps to connect with voters and volunteers -- and Mitt Romney says he will make a very major announcement via a dedicated app just released by his campaign.


Romney's campaign released a new app today called Mitt's VP. [App Store] The app promises to tell supporters who Governor Romney's choice for a running mate will be before it's released anywhere else -- via push notification. Typically, vice presidential announcements are elaborately scripted affairs that occasionally include a variety of diversionary tactics to throw the press off the trail before the campaign is ready to make the announcement.

Beth Myers, senior advisor to Mitt Romney, wrote this in an email to supporters today:
These last few months, I've had the privilege and honor of leading Governor Romney's search for a vice presidential running mate.

While I won't be breaking any news today, I wanted to let you know how to be the first to get the VP scoop with our new Mitt's VP app.

Just download the free app on your iPhone or Android device and when Mitt decides on his running mate, you'll get an exclusive notification of his VP selection before anyone else.
Not to be outdone, the campaign to reelect President Barack Obama just released a new Obama for America iPhone app [App Store] that connects supporters with local events, breaking news, opportunities to volunteer and more. The Obama campaign has another similar app called Obama 2012 that hasn't been updated since last November and appears to duplicate many of the features in the new app.

This is the first presidential election to take full advantage of mobile apps and devices. The smartphone revolution had only just begun when the last Presidential campaign was waged in 2008 and the App Store was only months old on election day.

Note: Due to the inevitable political nature of the discussion regarding this topic, the discussion thread is located in our Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.

Article Link: Mitt Romney to Announce Vice Presidential Pick via iPhone App; Obama Campaign Releases New App


macrumors 68040
Oct 19, 2010
Buffalo, NY
It's not like the NY Times won't send me an email alert a few minutes later..:rolleyes:

The app will be late anyways. The media will find out who the VP is hours before it's 'official'.

The announcement will come out in the press in the morning, like 8am for example, when Mitt Romney and the app is ready to announce at 11am.


macrumors 6502
Aug 11, 2011
Scottsdale, AZ
Someone creepy enough to make Romney look human and someone dastardly enough to make Romney seem likable. I had no idea that Charles Manson had been paroled!


macrumors 601
Apr 3, 2003
President Barack Obama just released a new Obama for America iPhone app that connects supporters with local events, breaking news, opportunities to volunteer and more

With so many unemployed, finding volunteers shouldn't be a problem at all. :mad:


macrumors 65816
Jan 19, 2008
I still can't believe the media are touting this "pissing contest" as so close. In reality it's not a close race at all. It's just the propaganda machine that is heating things up for the plebs.


macrumors 65816
Mar 17, 2009
Obama, "Hey Steve Jobs, you didn't build that!"

Time for Obama to go bye bye!

Steve Jobs didn't have Woz and a team and funding and Mike Markkula, and the city of Cupertino to build roads to lead up to the Apple campus? Did Apple set up all of its utilities to run Apple HQ all on its own? No.

Any more out -of-context biased political nonsense you want to throw out there? Because there is a video of Romney stating to the Olympic athletes that they didn't get there on their own either, that they had help!
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