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macrumors 65816
Apr 15, 2009
Every time I see Mitt Romney I think of "All About Mormons" South Park episode..."Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb!"...

What a kook!


macrumors regular
Nov 20, 2010
Obama is probably one of the worst presidents and unfortunately our youth and minorities don't see it. Mitt Romney isn't going to be the greatest either, but I believe he is better than Obama, if anything he will at least pass a bill or two he has been talking about in the campaign, unlike Obama.

Oh well both options suck, where is a President like George Washington when you need him.

Yeah because the last three Republican presidents brought us 3 seperate recessions and 3 wars, the largest gap of income equality, sounds like the winning team to me, if you want go 3rd world developing nation vote republican.


macrumors 68000
Mar 11, 2009
Didn't help that mid-term elections removed the Democratic majority Obama had during the first two years.

Didn't help that the Democratic majority Obama had during the first two years didn't do anything they said they would*.

(* - ramming thru an unpopular plan by buying off just barely enough votes via a "smoky back room" process hardly counts.)


macrumors 65816
Sep 25, 2008
If anyone thinks Romney would make a better president than Obama, then I feel extremely saddened for you.

And if anyone think Obama is a worse president than Bush, then just slap me silly.

Bush started the wars. Obama is trying to finish them. We've wasted enough of trillions of dollars on these pointless wars. You can't blame Obama on the multi-trillion dollar deficit. He didn't start it. Bush did.

If Romney is elected, I fear for everyone in the world. Say goodbye to women's rights, family rights, and gay rights. This country will be run into the ground. Say goodbye to all of our freedoms, and say hello the Bible.

This country is not supposed to be run based on anything from the bible. Separation of church and state. Keep religion out of politics, and keep politics out of religion. I'd LOVE to see an Atheist president. Republican/Democrat, it doesn't matter.


macrumors 65816
Mar 17, 2009
So what stopped him durring those first two years...

He thought that republicans would compromise / work with him, when in fact their stated goal was to block everything he wanted to do, regardless if they agreed with him or not.


That someone was involved to a miniscule degree doesn't mean they get equal share in the eventual profits.

And I never stated that they do... :confused:


macrumors 601
Oct 1, 2010
Obama is probably one of the worst presidents and unfortunately our youth and minorities don't see it. Mitt Romney isn't going to be the greatest either, but I believe he is better than Obama, if anything he will at least pass a bill or two he has been talking about in the campaign, unlike Obama.

Oh well both options suck, where is a President like George Washington when you need him.

You do know that Obama was blocked left and right by the republicans repeatedly. And if you are going to make an arguement about Obama's first term, at least have something to back it up.

Oh yeah....Romney is a terrible choice and unfortunately our ederly white males don't see it :)


macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
Didn't help that the Democratic majority Obama had during the first two years didn't do anything they said they would*.

(* - ramming thru an unpopular plan by buying off just barely enough votes via a "smoky back room" process hardly counts.)

I'm not going to even go through the amount of fail that is stated or implied in this post.

I'll let the facts speak for themselves.

Consider yourself educated.



macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2009
So you live in isolation? Away from society? Because if you are stating that you have done everything yourself, you are being absolute ludicrous.

It's like having your kids build a sand castle and have Obama stomp on it saying "you didn't build that"

Not to mention that government has no business getting involved in marriage or abortion. Government keeps getting bigger and bigger under Obama and another term won't change that.


macrumors 601
Apr 3, 2003
Obama is a disaster. Anyone who can't see this needs to open his eyes and look around. In 3.5 years, unemployment has gone nowhere. The housing market has gone nowhere. The only thing that's gone up is the national debt and gas prices. How much time does the guy get to make an impact? A CEO with a record like this wouldn't have lasted 3.5 years. Oh wait, I forgot about Ballmer... :eek:

Bush was a disaster too. But talking about Bush isn't going to void Obama's catastrophic record - as much as the Obama people would like to hope so. Obama has no accomplishments to speak of, so he'll just continue to talk about Bush and about how much money Romney has. Smoke and mirrors.

Romney is neither Bush nor Obama. And that's the best hope we have right now.

This country can't afford 4 more years of "Hope 'n Change."

Won't be long before this thread is shut down...


macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
. Mitt Romney isn't going to be the greatest either, but I believe he is better than Obama, if anything he will at least pass a bill or two he has been talking about in the campaign, unlike Obama.

Go back to civics class and learn again how ideas become law in this country, also take a look at the history of the filibuster.

Very odd convergence of its use right around 2008... :rolleyes:

Side note: Anyone crying about how the economy is "still!" in bad shape....we knew since the beginning of this recession it would take at least a decade for a real comeback. Let's not even factor in how bad austerity is in a time of no growth. Its downright reckless.


macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
Obama is a disaster. Anyone who can't see this needs to open his eyes and look around. In 3.5 years, unemployment has gone nowhere. The housing market has gone nowhere. The only thing that's gone up is the national debt and gas prices. How much time does the guy get to make an impact?

Bush spiked that up via TARP, the airline bailout, unpaid wars, not paying for Medicare Part D, and blowing the surplus he was given. Gas when Obama took office was nearly $3.50 per gallon. Gas when Bush took office? $.95 per gallon. Who jacked up gas prices and debt?

A CEO with a record like this wouldn't have lasted 3.5 years. Oh wait, I forgot about Ballmer... :eek:

Read your history. President Herbert C. Hoover did. He took office in '28, stock markets crashed in '29, and we had 3 years of depression, before Roosevelt took office. It took 8 years to get out of that, and that wasn't including WW2, yet you're expecting something instant in less than 4.

Bush was a disaster too. But talking about Bush isn't going to void Obama's catastrophic record - as much as the Obama people would like to hope so. Obama has no accomplishments to speak of, so he'll just continue to talk about Bush and about how much money Romney has. Smoke and mirrors.

Romney is neither Bush nor Obama. And that's the best hope we have right now.

This country can't afford 4 more years of "Hope 'n Change."

Won't be long before this thread is shut down...

I also refer you to post #59 above, and consider yourself educated.

BTW.. Bush nor Romney got bin Laden.

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macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2008
Oh this should be interesting :rolleyes:

America or Obama. You can't have both. It's that simple.

Disaster doesn't even accurately describe what has transpired during the tenure of Barack Hussein Obama. Your decision to sit this one out, or vote for any one other than Mitt Romney, is a vote to end the Republic as we know it. You can call it hyperbole but sadly that is the truth.

Romney may not be the great visionary leader extraordinaire, no doubt about it. He's far from perfect. But given the choice between a man who has spent the last 25 years tearing down (Obama) versus one who has spent 25+ years building up ... I require no time to make my decision.


macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2009
I also refer you to post #59 above, and consider yourself educated.

BTW.. Bush nor Romney got bin Laden.


Are you really crediting obama for getting Bin Laden? The only thing he said was "go." Given that information, I could have got bin laden.


macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
But given the choice between a man who has spent the last 25 years tearing down (Obama)

Elaborate? :confused:

Obama was a community organizer (the definition of building up) while Romney has been building companies and in many cases cashing in on ending American jobs (this is way before 2002).

So again, what has Obama been tearing down the last 25 years?


macrumors regular
Nov 21, 2009
I'm not going to even go through the amount of fail that is stated or implied in this post.

I'll let the facts speak for themselves.

Consider yourself educated.


This website has stuff like this:

"Committed to publishing all non-emergency legislation to the White House website for public review for five days before signing."

Promise broken:


"Ordered closure of Guantanamo and secret CIA prisons"

Still open.


"Dedicated $75 billion in funding to a Treasury Department program to prevent mortgage foreclosures"

I'm no raving Obama basher, and I think the "you didn't build that" thing is ridiculous. But you probably ought to use better sources.

Now back on topic. I think the Mitt's VP app is tacky. I assume it will become a fairly generic campaign app after the choice is made.


macrumors 601
Oct 1, 2010
Obama is a disaster. Anyone who can't see this needs to open his eyes and look around. In 3.5 years, unemployment has gone nowhere. The housing market has gone nowhere. The only thing that's gone up is the national debt and gas prices. How much time does the guy get to make an impact? A CEO with a record like this wouldn't have lasted 3.5 years. Oh wait, I forgot about Ballmer... :eek:

Bush was a disaster too. But talking about Bush isn't going to void Obama's catastrophic record - as much as the Obama people would like to hope so. Obama has no accomplishments to speak of, so he'll just continue to talk about Bush and about how much money Romney has. Smoke and mirrors.

Romney is neither Bush nor Obama. And that's the best hope we have right now.

This country can't afford 4 more years of "Hope 'n Change."

Won't be long before this thread is shut down...

So 8 years of Bush tanks our economy, and you blame Obama for the results of the previous 8 years?

What are you reading, the fox news talking points?


macrumors 6502a
Jul 22, 2002
San Francisco
Obama is probably one of the worst presidents and unfortunately our youth and minorities don't see it. Mitt Romney isn't going to be the greatest either, but I believe he is better than Obama, if anything he will at least pass a bill or two he has been talking about in the campaign, unlike Obama.

Oh well both options suck, where is a President like George Washington when you need him.

I know this is not the place for politix but it has started. I'm 57 and love the the president's policies . We just got our health care insurance rebates (as I'm self employed) and my 21 year old Apple loving son can stay on our plan now. And my friend's wife finally got coverage from a pretty bad pre existing condition. She was finally granted coverage in April which was the first day that the Healthcare act allowed her to with her condition. Unfortunately she died two month later. The republican congress contributed to her death by supporting insurance companies to deny coverage. The present and this policy will same millions of lives.

My business which had been pretty bad in 2009, and 2010, finally came back last year so I was able to purchase five new Apple products... after a three year drought (need to bring the discussion back to Apple here).
Last edited:


macrumors 68000
Feb 8, 2002
Bush started the wars. Obama is trying to finish them. We've wasted enough of trillions of dollars on these pointless wars. You can't blame Obama on the multi-trillion dollar deficit. He didn't start it. Bush did.
Actually, Reagan was the guy who somehow convinced people that their success was real even when all of the gains were nothing more than borrowed money. We were all suckered.

If Romney is elected, I fear for everyone in the world. Say goodbye to women's rights, family rights, and gay rights. This country will be run into the ground. Say goodbye to all of our freedoms, and say hello the Bible.
No, say hello to the golden tablets that Jesus gave to the Native Americans, but that only some white guy could translate. (edit - tablets he just happened to lose so no one else could ever see them, translate them, or question his leadership of his widdle polyamorous group). Say hello to a living prophet who receives the word of God... NOW. Say hello to a President that believes in a faith that was openly racist during my lifetime. Say hello to a man whose family fled this country so they could practice polygamy.

Show me your birth certificate Mitt. Do you even know who your real mom is?

This country is not supposed to be run based on anything from the bible. Separation of church and state. Keep religion out of politics, and keep politics out of religion. I'd LOVE to see an Atheist president. Republican/Democrat, it doesn't matter.
People who believe in religions that have history and set doctrine, even if it is goofy don't bother me so long as they agree to keep their religion separate from governing.

Mormons are different. Like I said, they have a living "prophet" who could call Mitt Romney up tomorrow and tell him God told him to banish the gays, start a war with Iran, or aide Israel in exterminating the uncultured Palestinians. We honestly do NOT know what Mitt would do if that happened. He has NEVER been willing to discuss his faith, or whether he would be bound by the word of God.


macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
Are you really crediting obama for getting Bin Laden? The only thing he said was "go." Given that information, I could have got bin laden.

Really? Obama was the only one out of his entire team (meaning his top advisors) that said go. Everyone else just wanted to not do it.

He had been leading and directing this operation for a full 9 months, how the hell can you say he didn't do anything?

Lets remember that Bush admitted to the press mere months after 9/11 that he's "not that interested in that guy (Bin Laden)", he was more determined to get us into Iraq for nothing.


macrumors 603
Jan 8, 2009
Oh lord, here we go. :p


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