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macrumors 6502
May 14, 2007
Northern Virginia
That's what I said when I went from the regular 7 to the 11 Pro Max. Next I got the 13 Pro Max. And now... the 14 Pro. Yup -- I went back. I traded the extra battery life and gorgeous big screen for more convenient one-handed use.
Same! I much prefer a smaller phone for one-handed use. I got to where I hated the Max and have felt nothing but relief getting a smaller phone again. Also, it's nice not feeling like I'm carrying a toaster in my pocket.

If the Mini had a Pro version, I'd hop on it. I'm over huge screens.


macrumors newbie
May 18, 2020
I hear you! I have been using the Plus size iPhones since the iPhone 6 Plus! I could never go back to a standard size iPhone again, but I did go from a iPad 12.9 Pro, second generation to an iPad 6 Mini and I don't think I could ever go back to one of those crazy big iPads ever again either.
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JTK Awesome

macrumors 6502
Jun 26, 2022
Boston, MA, USA
Who makes men’s pants with plus-size pockets?

Maybe Apple should make their own versions of…


(I thought these disappeared 20 years ago)




macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2012
This is a serious problem for me. Sometimes I space out and a phone that's too light might end up getting tossed around. Since I don't use cases that can end badly.

I like a nice solid weight to a phone. It always makes me aware I'm holding a ~$1000 phone in my hand.

I might see if differently if I used my phone to consume media for more than 30 minutes a day or so, but I don't. Primarily that's my iPad.
bruh why does this primarily have haha reacts on it I feel this to the Nth degree

(edit: fixed it by giving you a like, but unfortunately that’ll probably change bc people who space out are funny to people who don’t 🙄 whatever)
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
bruh why does this primarily have haha reacts on it I feel this to the Nth degree

(edit: fixed it by giving you a like, but unfortunately that’ll probably change bc people who space out are funny to people who don’t 🙄 whatever)
Nah, it's cool. :)

Sometimes I space out when I should be paying attention. Both times I dropped and broke phones was because I was zoned due to not feeling well or having my mind on something other than doing two things at once.

I've been accused (often) of not being normal. That's okay because normal people don't usually fit in with me. :D


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Who makes men’s pants with plus-size pockets?

Maybe Apple should make their own versions of…


(I thought these disappeared 20 years ago)


Huh? Don't see either of these as having plus-size pockets.

I'm wearing these from around November to March…

And these from March to November…

I have no issues with pockets. In fact, all my large phones sometimes tend to shift sideways in the rear pockets.

And if that isn't your style, any old pair of Faded Glory jeans from Walmart (which I wore for years) is sufficient.


macrumors regular
Feb 8, 2016
I would’ve loved a 13 Plus, to be honest. I initially traded in my iPhone 12 for a 13 Pro Max and I only had it for 3 months; it was really heavy and I never got used to its weight. Now I have the regular 13 and I really like it! My next one is probably going to be a regular Pro though, if its weight isn’t too bad

Also, already have an iPad and an  TV so I can’t justify the need for a Plus sized phone (and they’re a pain in handbags).


macrumors 6502a
Feb 11, 2021
Alton, IL
I’ve had to buy the iPhone 14 Plus after damaging my 12. Wanted one anyway.

This is my first Plus/larger size.

I don’t think there’s any going back now. I’ve gone back to my 12 a couple of times and the display feels tiny.

You know that leap we had when we had a home button to the first non-button iPhone? Playing with a home button iPhone suddenly felt cheap and small.

It feels like that going to a Plus.

This 14 Plus is so slim, barely heavier than my 12 and certainly fine to carry around in my pocket.

That’s all. Just wanted to say this in case anyone was thinking about upsizing.

I agree. I had the larger size iPhones through several iterations. But when got my 13 Pro, I passed on the "Max", primarily because of concerns it was too large to fit and charge correctly on the inductive charging pad in my car. (Saving a bit of money wasn't terrible either.)

But I miss the larger screen every time i use it. Really regretting I didn't use my short window of time I could have exchanged the Pro for a Pro Max without losing money on it.

I decided to skip the 14 series, since it didn't offer enough for me over the 13 to bother. But if I upgrade to a 15, it'll be the larger size again for sure.


macrumors 603
May 20, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
When the sizes were 4.7" and 5.5", AND when the 5.5" size iPhone had software/UI features that took advantage of the larger size, it was a no-brainer. Now that 5.5" is dead, and most of those software/UI features that were unique to it are no longer in iOS (and since, up until the 14 Plus, the super-expensive Max is the only way to have a phone with a similar in-hand footprint), I moved to the 6.1" size and have loved it. 6.1" gives me the option of either one or two-handed operation (and it's comfortable to do either, unlike 5.5"/6.5"/6.7" which is only really comfortable for two-handed operation). Certainly, if my options were 4.0"/4.7"/5.4" and 6.5"/6.7", I'd go with the larger size. But 6.1" is the perfect mid-ground for me.

I still wish that the 14 Plus wasn't only $200 shy of the equivalent Pro Max. That part really seems lame on Apple's part.


macrumors regular
May 23, 2010
Personally I find I can use any size.

If I downsize to a different size it takes just a few hours or days max to adjust.

iOS does a great job scaling to all the available options.

The max/plus is definitely nice to have, and I enjoy the mini size as well. But I’m sad there isn’t the 5.8” option anymore. That was the Goldilocks. The new standard 6.1 size with the flat edges is no longer comfortable in the hand. Perhaps if they round the edges again slightly it’ll be more manageable.
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macrumors 6502
May 12, 2016
I still wish that the 14 Plus wasn't only $200 shy of the equivalent Pro Max. That part really seems lame on Apple's part.

Well Apple has a solution for you! They'll just raise the price of the Pro Max by $100-$200 and now its more than a $200 difference! See? Makes the 15 Plus a whole better deal now!

sorgo †

Feb 16, 2016
I also transitioned from an 8+ to a 13-mini. Now, I'm considering buying another 13-mini to archive in a dark, cool, dry place for the future.
…technically I went 5 > 6 > SE1 > 8P > 11 > 12 > 13 mini, but I was just trying to be succinct & illustrate my point that smaller phones are where it’s at. I also will be holding onto this one for the long haul and would cop another if it were fiscally appropriate :)
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macrumors 6502a
Jun 14, 2018
I had an 11 Pro Max, but then actually reversed back to a smaller 13 Pro. I ended up missing the larger size and reverted to a 14 Pro Max.

I now firmly believe I won’t go back to a smaller size. It’s such a huge difference for typing, videos, browsing, and battery life.


Jul 18, 2011
Well Apple has a solution for you! They'll just raise the price of the Pro Max by $100-$200 and now its more than a $200 difference! See? Makes the 15 Plus a whole better deal now!
That seems like the plan with the rumoured iPhone 15 ultra (which seems to tie with the recent rumour of periscope lens).
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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
I have a 13 Pro Max and as much as I enjoy the device, i’ll never get used to how awkward it can be to carry around. Removing it from my pocket to allow me to sit down and the general bulk it brings can be tedious, but it’s nice to use. I’d sooner put up with it than ever have a foldable phone though, never going back to those.

Never say there’s no going back though, a lot of people go back and forth between larger phones and regular. I did when I went from an 8+ to a 12 and I know plenty of people who like to downsize on certain upgrades.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 18, 2007
Have you compared in your hand the difference between but the 14 Plus and the 14 Pro Max? I looked up the spec sheet, but that doesn’t always tell the real story of how it feels in your hand.

I have the 14 Pro Max and I’m seriously thinking of going the opposite direction. I recently held a regular iPhone 13 in my hand and was amazed at how light it felt.

I have indeed. Did that before I made the decision.

The Pro felt a little chunkier and heavier. I was actually surprised how much more of a 'beast' it felt.

The Plus really does feel better in the hand and pocket, which is really important to me, especially on these bigger iPhones.
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 18, 2007
Interesting replies, all.

Someone mentioned just above that the weight of the 14 Plus is the killer feature. I agree with this. About the same as the iPhone 8 Plus. In fact it barely feels different to my old standard 12.

Also, I can use it in one hand. I don't want to assume but if you think you can't — and haven't owned a Plus yet — it's probably worth trying one properly first.

My hands are not the biggest! I can write a text in one hand, just.

Someone else mentioned about watching movies etc at an airport. This is the game changer for me. I'm now propping the Plus up on my duvet in bed and watching stuff without holding it anymore.

I used to have to hold my 12 nearer to my eyes in bed. The Plus is like a mini iPad.

The ONLY thing I reserve judgement on is when my case arrives today. I usually go for the thin Nudient cases, this time I've gone for the Apple Silicon one, succulent colour to go with my light blue Plus. Nice combo in colours but I think it'll feel a lot chunkier once I get it on.....
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macrumors 603
Aug 19, 2017
I found the opposite, I was willing to put up with the bulk of the 6 plus and 8 plus as it was the only way to get decent battery life at the time, 4.7" was just a little bit too small for my preference, and I wanted the 401ppi display rather than 326. Now the 6.1" iPhones have good battery endurance and pretty expansive screens anyway its nicer to carry around a slightly more compact device.


macrumors regular
Aug 27, 2020
The Netherlands
I also will be holding onto this one for the long haul and would cop another if it were fiscally appropriate :)
Fiscally appropriate? Perhaps you should acquire another one anyway, just in case your current phone lets you down.. .. besides taxes, you may want to consider your inner well being as well .. if I remember well, you already have an iPad shaped hole in your heart, you don't want an iPhone 13 mini shaped hole in your heart as well…:)
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macrumors newbie
Mar 31, 2023
I’ve had the iPhone Pro Max since the 12 series and I’ve never looked back! Granted I do have large pockets and large hands, but it’s pretty much made my iPad obsolete, as I just find my iPhone more convenient to use (plus it has a calculator 😅). And the battery life has been amazing compared to the smaller iPhones I’ve owned before. I do agree that normal sized iPhones feel puny when you get used to the Max though! No going back for me 📱


macrumors 6502
Feb 8, 2008
Everyone says that till they go back to a smaller 14/14 pro, best size just like 11” iPad is v 12.9”.
Well… I recently went 12.9” for the second time, but kept my 11” around for precisely that reason: which do I actually prefer? After 3 months of exclusively using the 12.9” I’ve been using the 11” for the past three weeks. It turns out that both iPads are too large and unwieldy for my use. That makes the 12.9” now my de facto preference (caveat: the blooming of the mini LED really bugs me). Except that now I want a mini… though not with its present screen tech. I played with one at an Apple Store for a bit and the “jelly roll” and non-120Hz screen really bother me.

Moral of the story? I might replace my iPhone mini with a plus size this autumn… talk about a non sequitur! You’re welcome…
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