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macrumors 68000
Apr 26, 2014
It's also one of the reasons that the Dual G5s are used today much more than the Single G5 and even the Dual G4, the Dual G5 is still able to reliably browse the web using TFF with little to no slow down.
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macrumors G3
Mar 26, 2013
Elkton, Maryland
No worries. Just meant it isn't only a problem here. I had already known that one from awhile ago. Otherwise macrumors seems to work remarkably well even on really old hardware.

The older forum software that MacRumors used to use was great on any device, even dating back to Mac OS 9 with Classilla. The newer software, Xenforo, is much heavier but still performs reasonably well on PPC Macs aside from the rich text editor. While it can be disabled, it does limit the functionality when posting unlike the old software.


macrumors 6502
Jan 12, 2015
So I've installed uMatrix as a replacement for ad block and bluehell. Does anyone know how to set it up to show pictures from photobucket? Safari works fine. I've had some success changing the referrer setting in TFF, but it still loves to redirect somehow and load all kinds of crap except a picture...


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
So I've installed uMatrix as a replacement for ad block and bluehell. Does anyone know how to set it up to show pictures from photobucket? Safari works fine. I've had some success changing the referrer setting in TFF, but it still loves to redirect somehow and load all kinds of crap except a picture...
Can you screen cap what uMatrix is showing you when you go to Photobucket?


macrumors 6502
Jan 12, 2015
Can you screen cap what uMatrix is showing you when you go to Photobucket?

Sure, so for example if I try to load this URL:

It redirects to:

And shows this:

When this is what I want it to show:


[doublepost=1482851442][/doublepost]If I put the first URL into safari it works. If I make a local file called photobucketSucks.html and put:

<img src="">

and load that with TFF it will show the picture, but then I still can't save it if I want. Loading safari just to look at a picture seems like a big pita. Any help appreciated!


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
Sure, so for example if I try to load this URL:

It redirects to:

And shows this:

When this is what I want it to show:


[doublepost=1482851442][/doublepost]If I put the first URL into safari it works. If I make a local file called photobucketSucks.html and put:

<img src="">

and load that with TFF it will show the picture, but then I still can't save it if I want. Loading safari just to look at a picture seems like a big pita. Any help appreciated!
Try blocking the two CSS blocks for Photobucket you have there and see what happens. and


macrumors 6502
Jan 12, 2015
No dice. What you you get if you click that first link? Maybe I need a useragent plug-in that tells photobucket that I'm a phone. It's something on the server side that is deciding what to send...


macrumors 6502
Apr 8, 2011
Ok, I love TFF but it is painfully slow, even on my higher end G4s (1.67 PB and 1.25 iMac). I saw all of the stuff OP posted, but it is seriously gibberish to me.

Is there an "easy" way to apply all of these changes? It seems to me, even if I could understand most of what was being said, it would still take a couple hours for me to setup.

Am I over thinking this? I really want to make these tweaks, however, I don't think I have the know how. Too bad as most people tend to agree that it is a far better experience once they are applied...


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
Ok, I love TFF but it is painfully slow, even on my higher end G4s (1.67 PB and 1.25 iMac). I saw all of the stuff OP posted, but it is seriously gibberish to me.

Is there an "easy" way to apply all of these changes? It seems to me, even if I could understand most of what was being said, it would still take a couple hours for me to setup.

Am I over thinking this? I really want to make these tweaks, however, I don't think I have the know how. Too bad as most people tend to agree that it is a far better experience once they are applied...
If you don't want to be digging around in about:config, try this addon (first link in first post): Speedy Fox. This will give you most of the speed tweaks.

I would avoid Ghostery and anything that has "AdBlock" in the name. Use uMatrix and BluHell Firewall.


macrumors 68000
Apr 26, 2014
Ok, I love TFF but it is painfully slow, even on my higher end G4s (1.67 PB and 1.25 iMac). I saw all of the stuff OP posted, but it is seriously gibberish to me.

Is there an "easy" way to apply all of these changes? It seems to me, even if I could understand most of what was being said, it would still take a couple hours for me to setup.

Am I over thinking this? I really want to make these tweaks, however, I don't think I have the know how. Too bad as most people tend to agree that it is a far better experience once they are applied...
Somewhere in this thread there is a prefs.js file that has all of the changes Erik made, I can upload that file if you can't find it. All you have to do is replace the prefs.js file in the user folder of TFF with the one Erik made.


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
01.08.17. Added what I hope is a prominent disclaimer in post#1.

Kirk Boragine

macrumors member
Dec 12, 2016
Arizona, America
Is there a tweak for lowering the zoom (magnification) one step in the browser? As in not having to go to the menu for View-->Zoom Out all the time... For some reason web pages are larger than I would like on my G3 iBook. Monitor resolution is maxed out of course at 1024x768. Or maybe there's a monitor resolution hack?


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
Is there a tweak for lowering the zoom (magnification) one step in the browser? As in not having to go to the menu for View-->Zoom Out all the time... For some reason web pages are larger than I would like on my G3 iBook. Monitor resolution is maxed out of course at 1024x768. Or maybe there's a monitor resolution hack?
CMD+- to zoom out. CMD+= to zoom in.

CMD+0 to reset zoom to 100%.

No tweak needed, it's hard coded into the browser.

Kirk Boragine

macrumors member
Dec 12, 2016
Arizona, America
Maybe it wasn't clear what I wrote. I was looking for a way to lessen zoom permantly. I changed in about:config max.zoomPercent inerger from 300 to 80. I like that better. Hope there's no issue with that.

Sadly screenspanning doctor doesn't work with my video chip.
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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
Maybe it wasn't clear what I wrote. I was looking for a way to lessen zoom permantly. I changed in about:config max.zoomPercent inerger from 300 to 80. I like that better. Hope there's no issue with that.

Sadly screenspanning doctor doesn't work with my video chip.
Nope. No issue with that. I have mine set to 100% only. My Magic Mouse has a bad habit of zooming when i didn't tell it to.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 21, 2015
(UTC-05:00) Cuba
Maybe it wasn't clear what I wrote. I was looking for a way to lessen zoom permantly. I changed in about:config max.zoomPercent inerger from 300 to 80. I like that better. Hope there's no issue with that.

Sadly screenspanning doctor doesn't work with my video chip.

Similarly I'd like to set the zoom on a single tab - but like your persistent request, we are both out of luck.


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
Similarly I'd like to set the zoom on a single tab - but like your persistent request, we are both out of luck.
There is this…

Also, the following will detach zoom from a specific domain allowing you to zoom in one tab of a domain while maintaining the same zoom percentage in other tabs.

browser.zoom.siteSpecific false

The default is set to true.

Got it from here:
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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
Some more tweaking. Today it's DNS.

Try and see if it works for you.

network.dnsCacheExpirationGracePeriod: 3600
network.dnsCacheExpiration: 3600
network.dnsCacheEntries: 1000
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