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macrumors 6502
Sep 27, 2003
I'm hearing rumors of an updated desktop machine also. Soon.

Beat that.



macrumors 6502a
Jul 4, 2004
Nashville, TN
Yeah, really helpful rumor there. Now, if someone knew what the codenames stood for, that would be nice. I guess they just post this stuff in case someone does know what the codenames mean and submits something that actually means anything.


macrumors 603
Jul 5, 2004
rtdgoldfish said:
Yeah, really helpful rumor there. Now, if someone knew what the codenames stood for, that would be nice. I guess they just post this stuff in case someone does know what the codenames mean and submits something that actually means anything.

According to Google images, M18 seems to be a constellation or at least something space-related.

Can you say "Apple-branded HD video projector?" :D ;) :rolleyes: :confused:


macrumors 6502
May 22, 2002
maybe it's not M18, but MI8. and apple is launching a new british secret service that takes up the space of 10 cd cases.

oh, i heard a rumor that apple's making some new hardware AND some new software. you heard it here first.


macrumors 68020
Sep 3, 2003
Alta, Norway
JRM PowerPod said:
Close but no cigar, i have the key it is specfically a 1.8GHZ G5M

I read that as 1.8GHZ GSM. I shouldn't have eaten the pizza after burning it.

Codename "Bazooka"? Could be that Apple is developing some real hardware.


macrumors 6502
Jul 20, 2004
Roswell, GA
Smart move?

liketom said:
"M18" would be a 17" TFT

I was beginning to wonder when someone was going to suggest this. Although the mini is touted as being a low cost alternative to the plain, beige boxes sold everywhere nowadays, there is yet to be seen a low cost 17" monitor from Apple to go alongside the mini. LG makes a nice 17" monitor, but I can't remember of the top of my head how much it costs.

I have an alu 20" right infront of me, and it's beautiful. I would venture to say, however, that many people wouldn't pay more for their monitor, than they would the mini itself. Just a thought.


macrumors 601
Feb 10, 2004
Detlev_73 said:
I was beginning to wonder when someone was going to suggest this. Although the mini is touted as being a low cost alternative to the plain, beige boxes sold everywhere nowadays, there is yet to be seen a low cost 17" monitor from Apple to go alongside the mini. LG makes a nice 17" monitor, but I can't remember of the top of my head how much it costs.

I have an alu 20" right infront of me, and it's beautiful. I would venture to say, however, that many people wouldn't pay more for their monitor, than they would the mini itself. Just a thought.

Maybe by the time the Rev B mini is release they will either drop the price of the 20" enough (unlikely) or release a 17" widscreen LCD. I fantasize about a Rev. B $499 1.33ghz mini with 60gb 5400rpm HD, 512mb RAM (the $599 model would be 1.5ghz with 80-100gb HD), and some sort of semi-decent GPu (64mb Go5200 maybe?) sold along side a $499 1440x900 LCD, maybe styled after the old ACDs (clear plastic), with 4 port USB2.0 hub. They could also maybe offer a free standard keyboard and mouse package to anyone who buys a mini and an LCD at the same time.

The prefect < $1000 computer...


macrumors 65816
Jun 24, 2004
this might be the rumored imac and emac updates as well. but i have been thinking of a monitor like described for a while


macrumors 6502a
Nov 3, 2004
Near London
Very informative.
Apple may, or may not, bring out a new computer. Sometime. In the future. It may be an addition or update to the eMac, iMac or Mac Mini line, but then again they may not at all. The new line may even get Tiger preinstalled when it is announced, believe it or not.
Seriously why did Appleinsider even post that?
The Mac Mini will not be updated for a long while, the eMac will inevitably get updated in the next few months and the iMac will probs receive a minor update.
I bet the 'source' is very worried about Apple sueing them for revealing such sensitive information to Appleinsider, hell why not even quote a mate said that.


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
From the article, it sounds like Q84 is gonna be an updated eMac/iMac and M18 is probably gonna be the asteroid breakout box thingamajig for GarageBand.


macrumors 68040
Jun 13, 2004
Yvan256 said:
According to Google images, M18 seems to be a constellation or at least something space-related.

The long name for "M 18" in astronomy is Messier 18, which comes from Charles Messier, whom has 110 Messier celestial objects named after him. If you Google: M 31 you will see the Andromeda Galaxy which, AFAIK, is the farthest object the naked eye can see.

Ok back on topic......:D

But I doubt the M 18 code name has anything to do with space as far as Apple products are concerned.


macrumors P6
Oct 20, 2002
It would seem that Appleinsider is being cautiously vague to protect itself from a lawsuit. I would be all for the suggestions of others that it might be updated eMac and iMac.

Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002
wdlove said:
It would seem that Appleinsider is being cautiously vague to protect itself from a lawsuit. I would be all for the suggestions of others that it might be updated eMac and iMac.
Well that is the way to pass on a rumor.

Of course I haven't seen any of the new model property numbers to see if we're getting upgrades PowerMac7,4 (DP units) & PowerMac9,2 (SP machine) or a new chipset for an all new PowerMac11,1

People really haven't delved into the OS's Info.plist like they have in the past -- any why bother with ThinkSecrect giving you the actual specs instead of code names and model property numbers.


macrumors 68020
Jan 6, 2004
Raleigh, NC
Macrumors said:
Appleinsider posts some vague hints at new hardware products coming soon from Apple.

Code names "Q84" and "M18" related to desktop machines are reportedly coming soon.

Whoops, AppleInsider is gonna get sued! They dropped the bomb about the Q84 and the M18... probably coerced that info from a janitor!


macrumors 68040
Jul 10, 2004
New Orleans / Lafayette, La
Well, first of all, it's way too soon for an update to the mini. Apple still hasn't caught up with demand for the current generation.
Appleinsider also states there will be a slew of product roll outs. Could be true but they only listed 2. I'm hoping for more home aceessories like video streaming airport.
On the software side. I don't know why Apple would give a software update a codename, that doesn't make sense.



macrumors 6502
Jan 11, 2004
My guess?
Q87 is the Mac mini with Tiger pre-loaded.
M18 is an updated Airport Express.
Omega is Backup 3 (mentioned on Appleinsider before, and responded to by those confirming they were beta testing it)
Bazooka is iTunes 5 (it is after all, pretty much Apple's stab at Microsoft).

... I can hope at least.


macrumors 6502
Jul 6, 2004
Nagoya, Japan
A poster on Slashdot who knew some Apple beta testers said that the delayed Tiger announcement is partially due to an unspecified new Apple product that only runs Tiger (and not previous versions of OS X).

Allegedly, Apple would like Tiger to be in stores around the same time this new hardware is announced, because otherwise Apple rumour-mongers will be doing string searches on Tiger system files and discover the new product before Apple is ready.
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