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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 20, 2001
Originally posted by Kela
what sickens me is that what if Apple releases a new Ti G4 (i.e a revision) without an upgrade to the inbuilt graphics accelerator? I mean, just the usual 100 mHZ sped boost (if lucky) and ram upgrade would be dumb. The Tis need a better inbuilt gpu or not?

I don't think they can or will. Think about the progression of laptops from Apple: Wall Street, Lombard, Pismo, TiBook...each has offered significant advances in architecture over the previous model. Even Lombard and Pismo, which look identical on the outside, couldn't be more different on the inside.

It's not an iMac, which can just take a speed bump here and there because it's a consumer machine. As the top-of-the-line Apple laptop, it has to stay competitive, and to do that basically demands a new graphics chip and a combo drive option, in addition to a speed bump.

And frankly, I hope they keep the RAM the same. I wish you could order it with zero RAM. Given how cheap you can get third-party stuff (a gig for under $280 for the PowerBook), I will order mine with as little as possible...I hope 256 isn't the bottom-of-the-line standard.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 20, 2001

Delays are likely due to the destructive typhoon in Taiwan that has screwed up production across the board.

MOSR hasn't been on-target in a long, long time.


macrumors 65816
Jun 18, 2001
WestCost, USA
Re: no...

Originally posted by john123
Delays are likely due to the destructive typhoon in Taiwan that has screwed up production across the board.

MOSR hasn't been on-target in a long, long time.

That doesnt explian the end of life reports. And besides .. my relitives in Taiwan say it wasnt that bad. They get them all the time.



macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 20, 2001
Re: Re: no...

Originally posted by evildead
Originally posted by john123
Delays are likely due to the destructive typhoon in Taiwan that has screwed up production across the board.

MOSR hasn't been on-target in a long, long time.

That doesnt explian the end of life reports. And besides .. my relitives in Taiwan say it wasnt that bad. They get them all the time.

MOSR also reported that users were having their TiBooks returned to them with built-in combo drives. Total BS. Don't believe a word.

Besides, the ship time at the Apple Store is *still* 1 day. Which tells me that the PowerBook revision isn't exactly coming in the next week or two probably.

I hope I'm wrong, cuz I want one. But between common sense and MOSR, I'll take common sense.


macrumors 65816
Jun 18, 2001
WestCost, USA
Your probably right

but... I hope they have a revison soon I just got a quicksilver so I cant afford one but all my mac head friends are looking to buy.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 20, 2001

This is from

New notebooks on the way? An Apple dealer informs us that he just received an email from his Apple rep stating 'Start reducing you inventory of Tibooks and iBooks.' He adds: "Make of it what you will. But when Apple tells us to unload stuff it usually means something is just around the corner."


macrumors 65816
Jun 18, 2001
WestCost, USA

I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens. Gosh I better start up my new Mac fund again. I could use a portable. :)


macrumors 68020
Sep 18, 2001
Denver, CO
Gah. At this point I'm even willing to take out one of the just-shy-of-usurous Apple Loans to get one (hey, it's only 83 bucks a month for the rest of my life!)

A friend has recently been bitching about how a TiBook he's working on is having the case-flexing slot loader misalignment problem, thus reminding me why I definitely don't want a first gen machine.

In case Steve is lurking here somewhere (because I just know he's got nothing better to do, of course): Dude, you've got me. I am totally vulnerable. I have a big wheelbarrow full of cash I'm just itching to dump into Apple's coffers. You just have to GIVE ME MY FREAKING PBG4 MARK II. NOW NOW NOW. Thanks. 'Preciate it.


macrumors newbie
Oct 2, 2001
Why would apple jump to a g5 at that megahetrz so quickly? Don't plan on that. Lets focus on the dual 800 and 867 with OS X.1 these machines are the best on the planet.


macrumors 65816
Jun 18, 2001
WestCost, USA
Originally posted by Ckelly
Why would apple jump to a g5 at that megahetrz so quickly? Don't plan on that. Lets focus on the dual 800 and 867 with OS X.1 these machines are the best on the planet.

Thats true... but we are talking about the possibility of the new PowerBooks... not the Quicksilvers


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 20, 2001
Re: Re: no...

Originally posted by evildead
Originally posted by john123
Delays are likely due to the destructive typhoon in Taiwan that has screwed up production across the board.

MOSR hasn't been on-target in a long, long time.

That doesnt explian the end of life reports. And besides .. my relitives in Taiwan say it wasnt that bad. They get them all the time.

In response to your "it wasn't that bad" comment, here is a story from

<<Typhoon to Blame for iBook Delays
Fri, 05 Oct 2001, 11:00
David Carkhuff

There was a typhoon that killed at least 36 people near Taiwan last week. My TiBook has been in for repair for three weeks now (VERY unusual for Apple, repairs being usually a three day process), and this was reported to me to be the reason for the delay.

It is gone now, but shipping channels are backed up as a result. When complaining about low iBook stock, please take this (and especially the lost lives...I'm told 10+ Apple factory workers are among the dead) into account. >>


macrumors 65816
Jun 18, 2001
WestCost, USA

To Johh

I didn't know it was that bad. My moms family just said that it wasnt that big this time. You said "Near Taiwan" Did you mean on Taiwan? 10 Workers at an Apple factory. Thats pretty bad.


macrumors member
Oct 5, 2001
Has anyone...

done an analysis to see with what frequency Apple releases new hardware. For instance, is it a regular schedule, more or less, that we can time. Say, every 6-8 months or is it pretty irregular? Just curious...


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 20, 2001
Re: Has anyone...

Originally posted by Traveler
done an analysis to see with what frequency Apple releases new hardware. For instance, is it a regular schedule, more or less, that we can time. Say, every 6-8 months or is it pretty irregular? Just curious...

It depends on the product. Product cycles these days are typically 6-9 months, which is why a PowerBook revision is overdue.

The Pismo was Jan/Feb 2000; it was revised Sept 2000; the TiBook came out Jan 2001.

The iMac that came out in July had the Blue Dalmation and Flower Power predecessors from January, and its predecessors were the iMacs from the previous July.

The caveat here is that these announcements mimic Macworld and Apple Expos, and you are going to see Apple doing less announcements at Expos and more announcements at odd times. The iBook's announcement in May was an example of a new product that came out without any truly major event in proximate timeframe (WWDC doesn't really count). The reason for this is that introducing products at Expos creates a product buying cycle in which consumers don't buy for 1-3 months before an expo, thereby killing Apple...and if Apple doesn't introduce the product that people were "expecting," then those consumers get upset, which gives the corporate stock a hit. MWNY in July was an example of this phenomenon, with everyone wanting things like an LCD iMac and a G4 sphere and other such nonsense.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 20, 2001
Originally posted by ceese
No really, I'd like to see a Tibook with a 15" 1530*864 display, 40gig hd, 1.5gig ram and slot loading dvd.

Other than the screen resolution, most of what you mentioned is easy:

order a regular TiBook, minimum configuration. Put in a 48 GB IBM Travelstar (roughly $400) and 2 512MB chips (roughly $260). Doing that work yourself will make your wallet hurt much much less than if you had Apple do it.


macrumors newbie
Aug 17, 2001
ti2g4 - with GbE?

would GbE be included inthe speculated offering of the Ti2G4 PB?

Just bought a new Dual 800 (max'ed up with everything for content creation work) - and hanging out waiting for the Ti2G4 PB. MOving objects and playing DV between them over the LAN is important to us.


macrumors newbie
Sep 24, 2001
Wish List... (Realistic)

Low End:
550 MHz
1350x864 res.
DVI or ADC (at least an adapter)
30 GB HD @ 4200 RPM
256 RAM
Backlit Keyboard

High End:
650 MHz
1350x864 res.
DVI or ADC (or adapter)
2 Fire Wire
48 GB HD @ 5400 RPM
512 RAM
Backlit Keyboard
AirPort Standard

[Edited by AJW on 10-08-2001 at 08:24 AM]


macrumors 68030
Jun 25, 2001
Moneyapolis, Minnesota
are you kidding me??

the mHz would be boosted to 600 low end 700 high end.

what kind of screen resolution is that 1350x864?? i don't see that one too often.

and a 48 gb hared drive is too unrealistic. 40 is still a little high for a 1 inch thick laptop.

i don't think we'll see a backlit keyboard anytime soon either, though it would be righteous.(ha ha, funny 80's word)



macrumors newbie
Sep 24, 2001
It's a wide screen, remember???

700 MHz migh get a little warm and suck up battery power.

IBM already makes a 48GB Travelstar HD that will (I'm pretty sure) fit in the TiBook. It's the same size as the current Ti HD.


macrumors newbie
Aug 17, 2001
New Ti2G4 - .,..............well?

Still waitng for the availability pf the new Ti2G4 PB.. I have cash in hand, a ghastly IBM Thinkpad that I want to replace immeiately... and no product to buy. It is the middle of october.. the prices have dropped in the Tig4.. rumors abound...

any idea when this new Ti2G$ PB will be out?
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