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macrumors 6502a
Jun 9, 2010
Do we really have to talk about taxes here? Really? It's ruining my mood for gadgets and toys. :D


Feb 18, 2009
I've had the Nexus 7 for the past 48 hours or so but have only used it for a few of those. I also have five Macs, two iPads and two iPhones in the house, but have been exploring the Droid offerings as of late (I have an SGS3 as well).

I can tell you there are minor quality issues with the build of the Nexus & considering how cheap the device is I'm not terribly surprised. First there's a bit of screen flicker at low brightness levels (i.e. in a dark room), but folks online seem to think this is a driver issue. The Google I/O versions of the tablet supposedly had really bad flicker; the flicker I observe in the retail version (purchased from Google Play) isn't nearly as bad.

The Nexus also has screen separation issues. (Other links). The glass of the screen isn't particularly flush with the bezel & in some areas along the edges, generally the left side, the glass sort of bulges so that it's "popping out" a bit from the frame. If you apply a bit of pressure (pinching the edge between thumb and forefinger) there's a bit of creaking. Supposedly some assemblers were lazy and didn't tighten down some screws. My Nexus has this "issue" as well but I haven't gotten around to tearing 'er open.

The only other concern about the physical form of the device is the lack of real-estate along the long edges of the bezel. The iPad has a nice wide border along all edges but the Nexus 7's borders along the long edges are about half as wide as those on the short sides -- about half an inch or so. It's easy to have the thumb or the meat of the palm (depending on how chunky one's hands are) inadvertently tapping the screen in portrait orientation.

Regarding reading books -- considering the screen size is on par with that of a Kindle (larger, in fact), it's really just fine. Granted the only "book" I've read bits of so far is the user manual, it's been a joy. No complaints whatsoever in this department.

Here's side-by-side comparison with your run-of-the-mill Kindle. (My Nexus still had it's plastic prophylactic in this pic.) On top of the Nexus is the SGS3 which is in a Rocketfish soft case. Pic taken with my SIM-less iPhone 4S. ;)


Oct 9, 2005
I'm holding out for a 7.8" iPad, but I'll consider a Nexus 7 this fall if a smaller iPad doesn't appear. My wife has a Kindle Fire and sometimes the smaller form factor is nice.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 24, 2011
People just want a 7 inch tablet Because google has one. Before the nexus 7 announcement nobody was taking about 7 inch tablet like they are now. the 200$ price point seems to be the only reason people are initially are even buying it. Apple does not give people what they want Because once the hype goes away like it will for the nexus 7 people are going to be like why did I eve buy this. Just like With the kindle fire.

I have an IPad and I bought a Nexus 7. They are 2 different devices. the Nexus 7 is better for 1 handed use and easier to take places, whereas the IPad has more features and. Larger screen. Had I not had an IPad already, I probably wouldn't buy one now. Guess I like the smaller size....but.....With that said....Apple deserves the credit for the tablet concept, or at least for making the concept desirable.

the Nexus 7 is not at all a Kindle Fire, as it is much better than the Kindle, and at $200, it will attract those who can't afford an IPad, and those who can afford an Ipad but simple choose to buy something different.
The funny thing is that if I wasn't already familiar with Android because I use an Android phone, I probably wouldn't have even considered the Nexus 7 or any other Android tablet.
Sometimes trying a different device opens up now doors. it has for me. I realize that Apple isn't the only viable game in town.


macrumors 68030
Jan 6, 2009
I've had the Nexus 7 for the past 48 hours or so but have only used it for a few of those. I also have five Macs, two iPads and two iPhones in the house, but have been exploring the Droid offerings as of late (I have an SGS3 as well).

I can tell you there are minor quality issues with the build of the Nexus & considering how cheap the device is I'm not terribly surprised. First there's a bit of screen flicker at low brightness levels (i.e. in a dark room), but folks online seem to think this is a driver issue. The Google I/O versions of the tablet supposedly had really bad flicker; the flicker I observe in the retail version (purchased from Google Play) isn't nearly as bad.

The Nexus also has screen separation issues. (Other links). The glass of the screen isn't particularly flush with the bezel & in some areas along the edges, generally the left side, the glass sort of bulges so that it's "popping out" a bit from the frame. If you apply a bit of pressure (pinching the edge between thumb and forefinger) there's a bit of creaking. Supposedly some assemblers were lazy and didn't tighten down some screws. My Nexus has this "issue" as well but I haven't gotten around to tearing 'er open.

The only other concern about the physical form of the device is the lack of real-estate along the long edges of the bezel. The iPad has a nice wide border along all edges but the Nexus 7's borders along the long edges are about half as wide as those on the short sides -- about half an inch or so. It's easy to have the thumb or the meat of the palm (depending on how chunky one's hands are) inadvertently tapping the screen in portrait orientation.

Regarding reading books -- considering the screen size is on par with that of a Kindle (larger, in fact), it's really just fine. Granted the only "book" I've read bits of so far is the user manual, it's been a joy. No complaints whatsoever in this department.

Here's side-by-side comparison with your run-of-the-mill Kindle. (My Nexus still had it's plastic prophylactic in this pic.) On top of the Nexus is the SGS3 which is in a Rocketfish soft case. Pic taken with my SIM-less iPhone 4S. ;)
I had a little bit of flex on my right side of my nexus 7. The back cover comes off really easy. Its just like a battery cover pretty much. The hardest part is getting the first tab off. I was able to get it off with just my fingernail.

Try installing the regular aosp jellybean browser if you get a chance. Its way smoother than chrome. I don't know why Google made chrome the default on here. The stock jellybean browser is way better.


macrumors 68040
May 15, 2007
LOL I was just about to post about the screen separation issues. I have it on mine and yup if I pinch the left side it gets flush. Then it will slightly separate again. :p

So will this problem get any worse? Thoughts?

Lara F

macrumors 6502a
May 5, 2005
Montreal, Quebec
Actually, he's spot on.

This will be a buyer's remorse thing. Once again, initial hype and then after a few months they'll be collecting dust on people's shelves and in warehouses.

iCal and come back. I guarantee it.

Typing from one now. All I can say is, good luck with that bet.

Flash can be sideloaded for now, I have it working on the Firefox Aurora build since Dolphin disabled it on Jellybean. The full screen button doesn't always work depending on the video, but you can pinch and zoom to resize. Unless Photon has substantially updated since I last checked there's no comparison in video quality. The closest I've seen on the iPad is via OnLive Desktop and that's subscription based (plus VPN to bypass geoblocking won't work).

Unfortunately it's an Android OS update away from being completely broken which will probably happen sooner than later.


macrumors 68040
May 15, 2007
I had a little bit of flex on my right side of my nexus 7. The back cover comes off really easy. Its just like a battery cover pretty much. The hardest part is getting the first tab off. I was able to get it off with just my fingernail.


I tried the fix on the link provided. I removed the back cover and finger tightened the back screws and it's flush again. I'll keep an eye out to see if it lifts again. :)


macrumors 65816
May 16, 2012
Is this an iPad thread?
YES it is, so what is the point of this discussion?
I am sure there are forums for Android tablets, or have they not copied that yet?


macrumors regular
Nov 9, 2011
Props to Google for the Nexus 7

I just got the Nexus 7 in the mail the other day (wasn't happy about the sales tax either, but got a $25 credit the Play Store, so it's a wash). I also have the original iPad and a 3gs (had the 4s). I have to agree with the comment that Apple needs to stop thinking about what we want, and just build multiple sizes of the same devices. There is NO question that Apple does a much better job of build quality by controlling the hardware and software, but Google is killing them by letting the manufacturers go to town (I think I heard that Samsung has 120 android models). Anyway, I decided to try the Nexus 7 because my daughter has a Nook Tablet and I loved the size. So for $200 I got a great tablet with awesome specs that I can put any app on (not just the ones that B&N or Amazon decide I can have.... and not to mention there isn't a single free app for the Nook). The Nexus is not an iPad killer, but so far it is proving to be quite capable. Apple needs to realize they need to listen to the consumer. They do it with multiple sizes of the iPod.

Just received my Nexus & tablet and it is awesome. The purpose of my thread is not to talk about Android vs IOS, but to talk about the form factor of a 7" to 8" tablet. After using it for awhile I can definitely see the usefulness of such a device. It is easily put into a woman's purse and easily transported outside the home. Using it while laying on the couch is very nice. Easily held comfortably for an extended period of time in 1 hand. Yes I can hold my Ipad2 in 1 hand, but it is not as comfortable to use that way for an extended period of time.
We have a house full of Apple devices, and even though I no longer use an iPhone, I will be anxiously awaiting for Apple to come out with a smaller version of the iPad.
Anyone else have a Nexus 7 tablet, or any other smaller tablet, and who is awaiting for a smaller iPad product? comments about IOS VS Android please.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 5, 2008
I have an IPad and I bought a Nexus 7. They are 2 different devices. the Nexus 7 is better for 1 handed use and easier to take places, whereas the IPad has more features and. Larger screen. Had I not had an IPad already, I probably wouldn't buy one now. Guess I like the smaller size....but.....With that said....Apple deserves the credit for the tablet concept, or at least for making the concept desirable.

the Nexus 7 is not at all a Kindle Fire, as it is much better than the Kindle, and at $200, it will attract those who can't afford an IPad, and those who can afford an Ipad but simple choose to buy something different.
The funny thing is that if I wasn't already familiar with Android because I use an Android phone, I probably wouldn't have even considered the Nexus 7 or any other Android tablet.
Sometimes trying a different device opens up now doors. it has for me. I realize that Apple isn't the only viable game in town.

Just a few weeks ago people wanted iPad to repalce laptops. Now it is too much to carry around. The funny thing is I see more nexus 7 threads on this site then into on sites that don't even like iOS

Roy G Biv

macrumors 6502
Dec 26, 2010
Yo, big ups!

How about that Nexus speaker on the back? Maybe compare it to the iPad's speaker... loudness, musicality--that sort of thing?

Specifically, is it good enough to hear dialogue for podcasts and Youtube clips.


macrumors regular
Jun 19, 2008
Ok so many of you know how anti tweener tablet I am. I've spent the day with the Nexus 7.

I'm impressed with it: performance is very good. I haven't seen as good performance on any other Android device.

However, it's still a **** sandwich compared to iOS. iOS is faster abd more smooth full stop.

7": It's cool the lightness and smallness... but you soon realize how hard it is to resist picking up your smartphone to say, type this post. My Nexus is sitting on the table and I'm typing this on my iPhone. Now I'm dictating this. One handholding with thumb typing is too hard to resist. And so is the Retina screen. It's impossible for me to use non Retina screens now. The Nexus 7 has a nice screen but it's grainy compared to Retinas.

What I'm saying is I only feel like I want to use this to read a novel: other than that, it's virtually useless. My smartphone make up a lot of my daily computer use, my iPad for the couch, my laptop for work.

Nexus 7: Meh.


macrumors 68040
Mar 2, 2009
Waterloo & Georgian Bay, Canada
Ok so many of you know how anti tweener tablet I am. I've spent the day with the Nexus 7.

I'm impressed with it: performance is very good. I haven't seen as good performance on any other Android device.

However, it's still a **** sandwich compared to iOS. iOS is faster abd more smooth full stop.

7": It's cool the lightness and smallness... but you soon realize how hard it is to resist picking up your smartphone to say, type this post. My Nexus is sitting on the table and I'm typing this on my iPhone. Now I'm dictating this. One handholding with thumb typing is too hard to resist. And so is the Retina screen. It's impossible for me to use non Retina screens now. The Nexus 7 has a nice screen but it's grainy compared to Retinas.

What I'm saying is I only feel like I want to use this to read a novel: other than that, it's virtually useless. My smartphone make up a lot of my daily computer use, my iPad for the couch, my laptop for work.

Nexus 7: Meh.

I've only spent the day with my Nexus 7 as well but my initial reaction is very near yours. Makes me recall Steve Jobs saying a 7" tablet wasn't so interesting.

I'm happy with the tablet itself, seems well built, nice rubber back, screen is okay not excellent, Android works well on it no major complaints there.

But the size, where it fits in I'm not sure. Google will sell many no doubt because of the very attractive price, it looks like a mini iPad.

I hope most don't choose a 7" tablet as their first and only tablet because I just don't think the user experience is anywhere near that of a 10" tablet. Reading, scrolling, just navigating and doing things, even watching a video is so much better on a larger screen, IMO.

And, if not using a 10" tablet the next choice would be my smartphone, if you don't like Apple's 3.5" screen there's lots to choose from in 4.3-4.8", for example my HTC One that I find nearly as useful as a 7" screen, plus it has 3G so for me I'm not sure a 7" tablet is a good fit, whether it's made by Google/Asus or Apple.

Price is the attraction for sure, but you loose a lot saving that $250, yet many out there would love a tablet and just don't have the extra money to put out for a larger one. Maybe it's better then nothing, although I think saving up a little extra money and buying a larger size would make most consumers happier.

It's only my first day with it , I'm going to give it a good test over the next week or two.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 9, 2010
I've got enough Apple products that I can't count them all with one hand. As a gadget lover, I can't help but curious about the world out there. :D

I've tried Transformer last year, and it was meh. I've pre-ordered Nexus 7 and I think it'll complement my iPad very well. This way, I can try apps from both worlds, and the Google Music Player over the net is pretty cool.


macrumors 6502
Nov 18, 2011
I've only spent the day with my Nexus 7 as well but my initial reaction is very near yours. Makes me recall Steve Jobs saying a 7" tablet wasn't so interesting.

I'm happy with the tablet itself, seems well built, nice rubber back, screen is okay not excellent, Android works well on it no major complaints there.

But the size, where it fits in I'm not sure. Google will sell many no doubt because of the very attractive price, it looks like a mini iPad.

I hope most don't choose a 7" tablet as their first and only tablet because I just don't think the user experience is anywhere near that of a 10" tablet. Reading, scrolling, just navigating and doing things, even watching a video is so much better on a larger screen, IMO.

And, if not using a 10" tablet the next choice would be my smartphone, if you don't like Apple's 3.5" screen there's lots to choose from in 4.3-4.8", for example my HTC One that I find nearly as useful as a 7" screen, plus it has 3G so for me I'm not sure a 7" tablet is a good fit, whether it's made by Google/Asus or Apple.

Price is the attraction for sure, but you loose a lot saving that $250, yet many out there would love a tablet and just don't have the extra money to put out for a larger one. Maybe it's better then nothing, although I think saving up a little extra money and buying a larger size would make most consumers happier.

It's only my first day with it , I'm going to give it a good test over the next week or two.

Same here. I just got it this afternoon and the right side of the Nexus 7 has a slight creak on it and it's not noticeable unless I press the side on purpose to hear the creak. No backlight bleeding as well and it is more portable at 7 inches than the ipad but Chrome wasn't as smooth as safari on the ipad. I tested them both side by side on and the Nexus would load faster than my ipad retina but the page would stutter when I try to scroll down on the Nexus while the ipad's was ready to scroll up and down when the page loaded up. if the Nexus chrome browser was faster at being usable then I would have a better web browsing experience.

Maybe I'm just too ingrained with the retina display because the Nexus screen isn't as sharp as the iPad's and it's 9.7 inch screen also allows more text to be displayed obviously but I didn't think it would bother me this much. I did like the Chrome's zoom-in tool which zoomed in on the text and enlarge the text in a little bubble popup over the text which was nice.

Even though I liked the Nexus and was dying to get one since the anouncement, I'm going to stick with the iPad because I had a better browsing experience and the retina display has spoiled me but I'm not saying the Nexus's screen is bad because it isn't, I just like the ipad's screen better.


macrumors regular
Jun 19, 2008
I've got enough Apple products that I can't count them all with one hand. As a gadget lover, I can't help but curious about the world out there. :D

I've tried Transformer last year, and it was meh. I've pre-ordered Nexus 7 and I think it'll complement my iPad very well. This way, I can try apps from both worlds, and the Google Music Player over the net is pretty cool.

Guaranteed you'll end up where we have. You'll be sitting there using it, browsing the web wondering why you're holding something so small with 2 hands. Then you'll realize it's too big to browse with 1 hand and thumb scroll yet you'll feel like it's the retarded version of your smartphone. I have a much better browsing experience on my iPhone. Right next to me right now is my Nexus 7 and I'm using my iPhone. I don't even want to use it the Nexus.

Do my famous 30 min. test. Hide your other go to devices and pretend this is all you have. Use it for 30 min. like you have nothing else in your life. If you come out of that 30 min. feeling good, then keep it.

I guarantee you won't.

What this is in my opinion is a glorified eReader. Good for reading novels and that's it. I miss my iPad and iPhone terribly when I use it.

Wrong form factor and Androud doesn't hold a candle to iOS: the inmates are running the asylum in Android.


macrumors 68040
Oct 15, 2008
I picked one up and quite like it. I have the opposite feeling toward my phone. I wish the Nexus 7 had LTE because if it did I'd probably ditch the iPhone for something much more basic.

I need a lot more time with the OS to figure some of the customization out. I definitely need the home screen to be landscape.

I much prefer my iPad but the Nexus is awfully portable.


macrumors regular
Jun 19, 2008
I picked one up and quite like it. I have the opposite feeling toward my phone. I wish the Nexus 7 had LTE because if it did I'd probably ditch the iPhone for something much more basic.

I need a lot more time with the OS to figure some of the customization out. I definitely need the home screen to be landscape.

I much prefer my iPad but the Nexus is awfully portable.

You would seriously, for real, trade your iPhone for a Nexus 7? Do you people actually realize you don't believe what you say on the Internet? Or you don't know the implications of what your saying?


Typing from one now. All I can say is, good luck with that bet.

Flash can be sideloaded for now, I have it working on the Firefox Aurora build since Dolphin disabled it on Jellybean. The full screen button doesn't always work depending on the video, but you can pinch and zoom to resize. Unless Photon has substantially updated since I last checked there's no comparison in video quality. The closest I've seen on the iPad is via OnLive Desktop and that's subscription based (plus VPN to bypass geoblocking won't work).

Unfortunately it's an Android OS update away from being completely broken which will probably happen sooner than later.

I don't need luck. It's rational.

The Nexus 7 is just like the Fire and the Galaxy Tab that came before it. It performs better and that's great. But 7" have failed in the market because they're effectively a useless form factor.

It's a no brainer. I'll bet anyone $100 bucks the Nexus 7 falls flat on its face in a few months with sales dropping off of a cliff.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
I need a lot more time with the OS to figure some of the customization out. I definitely need the home screen to be landscape.

I remember reading that there is an option somewhere to allow the homescreen to rotate. Good luck finding it! :D

Capt T

macrumors 6502a
Mar 20, 2010
I picked one up and quite like it. I have the opposite feeling toward my phone. I wish the Nexus 7 had LTE because if it did I'd probably ditch the iPhone for something much more basic.

I need a lot more time with the OS to figure some of the customization out. I definitely need the home screen to be landscape.

I much prefer my iPad but the Nexus is awfully portable.

Here is an article with tips, posted the landscape tip.

"Rotate screen from portrait to landscape. My Nexus 7 arrived with screen rotation disabled, so I went to Settings -> Display ... but there was no way to enable rotation. It turns out that you've got to swipe down from the top bar to access the notification pulldown "shade," then tap the little icon with the lock and arrows around it."


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 24, 2011
Is this an iPad thread?
YES it is, so what is the point of this discussion?
I am sure there are forums for Android tablets, or have they not copied that yet?

Actually I made it clear in my post that this was a thread discussing the form factor of a 7-8 inch tablet, and not about Android vs IOS. Can't you read or are you one of those who just likes to argue with those who don't buy into your point of view?

Maybe read the first post again. It'll sink in after a few minutes...hopefully.
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