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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 15, 2009
Err no you cant! i can see 4 different apps on my widget page giving me info and updates including the weather on my homescreen[/I

I can see the weather on my home screen as well. I can also pull down my notifiction center to see the widget. That's two ways. Or I can click the Weather app on my front screen. That takes like 0.0001 second more than checking a widget.

Depends on the device and the battery.

What's that supposed to mean? I'm not talking about API -wise because they're on two different platforms. Functionality-wise, they are identical.

Ok and Chrome on my PC syncs with Chrome on my iPhone and iPad. What's your point?

Depends on the type of person you are. Go ask Joe Schmoe in Walmart if he knows what rooting is and how you do it.

How does it suck? I type pretty fast and rarely every have issues. Who cares about predictive text? Why do I want the phone predicting what I'm gonna say? I could type the word out quicker than checking to see if it knows what I'm gonna say.

Oh, ok. I guess Apple was just kidding when they announced turn-by-turn last month for iOS 6. :rolleyes:

No, because then it'd be copying Android and people would scream that Apple is a copy cat.

Why's that? The S3 is a taller S2. Until the 5 is released and we can see if it's only taller, everything is just a rumor. I don't see why a taller screen is such a bad thing.

Prove that the S3 is faster than the 4S in everyday usage, not those benchmarks.

And as you can see, that 1GB does nothing but allow for more Safari tabs or more open apps. iOS on the new iPad is just as smooth and fast as it is on the iPad 2 and 4S.

Should've bought a bigger size then. You could've also tried selling your phone and buying the 32GB model if you needed more. I'm in the US so I don't know how much a euro is.

Apple will usually replace it once for free. If not you can always pay them to do it or go to a site like iResQ and they'll replace it for less than 50 bucks.

I'm sure you've used it more than once lol

Oh, and putting in a pattern isn't? Inputting a pin on Android is the same thing too, lol.

I cant have a sensible debate with some who doesnt know the difference between a GBP sign and the Euro.


macrumors 604
Sep 4, 2011
I cant have a sensible debate with some who doesnt know the difference between a GBP sign and the Euro.

Sorry. I don't use either currency and I live and was born in the United States so I don't pay attention to other currency signs. It's sad that out of everything I wrote, you criticized that and didn't reply to anything else.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 15, 2009
Sorry. I don't use either currency and I live and was born in the United States so I don't pay attention to other currency signs. It's sad that out of everything I wrote, you criticized that and didn't reply to anything else.

i own both phones and have both of them right here right now.

I can see the best of both where you can just claim you know better than me.

I can see Jelly bean really helping Android make the OS faster and responsive. iOS is losing ground every year. Android has clearly come further in a short time while iOS hasnt really changed.

People want more from iOS and apple doesnt listen. This will be there eventual demise. They think they know better but they dont.


macrumors 68040
Mar 26, 2010
Sorry. I don't use either currency and I live and was born in the United States so I don't pay attention to other currency signs. It's sad that out of everything I wrote, you criticized that and didn't reply to anything else.

Challenge: say 10 good things about Android or 10 things in which is better than iOS.

I can say 20 good things about iOS because I'm not attached to neither OS.

The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012
Ok, that's fine. But it begs the question: How is the iPhone crushing Android in enterprise use if doing the above is tedious and / or unacceptable?
They obviously aren't doing it from their iPhones...

How is it half baked? It's the same exact thing you just don't connect your phone to the computer? When would you be on a work computer without an internet connection?
Perhaps you should re-read what I wrote. You don't seem to have understood it.

What if the area you're in, such as a subway, has bad signal and therefore can't get information about the incoming train?
What if your phone doesn't have signal when you want to make a call? What if you don't have a signal when you want to surf the web? What if you don't have a signal when you want to send a text? You're really reaching now.

It is the case because iOS 6 has Passbook and the new iPhone will surely have NFC. I guess it just depends where you live. Few places around me in Florida have the equipment to pay using NFC.
No it is not the case. Your words were iOS has every feature Android does. It most certainly does not have that feature. You are hoping and speculating that it will get it in the future, but as of today IT DOES NOT. Case closed.

Doesn't matter how fast or slow it is, the functionality is still there. You "bump" the two phones together and the data is sent. How is that so different? Besides, have you even tried the app to see how slow or fast it really is? Doubt it.
I've already explained how it's different. Go back and re-read it. It's not even remotely close to being the same thing.

Again, how is it half baked? It does the same thing. It let's you manage files and do actions such as unraring and unzipping. It's not a hidden feature; it's stated right in the description. Managing files isn't really built into Android either. You have to download an app (Like Astro or EZ File manager) to manage files on your SD card and such. Sure you can do it, but it's not built in.
Downloading a pdf reader to use to be able to download things from the browser is actually beyond half-baked, and flat out bootleg. The average person doesn't know, to go download a pdf reader so they can go download something from the web. That isn't a logical deduction. Quite frankly that's a stupid thing to suggest that people would know. What would make a person arbitrarily decided to go download a pdf reader so they can download a file from the web? Nothing. They might stumble into that "solution", but overall the vast majority of the people would not do that. BTW, you don't have to download anything to be able to download things, and access those downloads on Android. The Android platform has a built in download manager that you can use to access files you've downloaded. You might want to become more knowledgeable before trying to state what's what in the future.

Send a file over bluetooth? Yep:
Yet another half-baked workaround. What happens if that person doesn't have that app downloaded? Now they have to go download it just so they can receive the file? Not exactly impressive.

WiFi direct: Coming in the next iPhone, but unnecessary. Never met or seen anyone actually use that.
Again, you're speculating that it's coming. They didn't include it in the 4S, yet you're sure they will include it in the next iteration? How can you be so sure? They never included DLNA, yet you think they will include wifi direct. Doubt it, but hey, hang on to the meantime....iOS doesn't have the feature.
It's not in iOS 6 at all, so you're better off hoping for it in iOS 7.

I see you love these half-baked work-arounds. That doesn't manage data use at all. That just tells you your data use. It doesn't give you any sort of way to restrict your data use. You can't limit the amount of data your phone can use, you can't control what apps use data or not, it has no control at all. That's not a data manager, that's a data viewer. A data manager allows me to actually manage how my data is being consumed, and how much is being consumed.

Have an app use background data? That just uses up battery life and uses up your data.
So now background data is a bad thing because iOS doesn't do it? Come on now, you're REALLY reaching there. Funny thing is my GS3 gets better battery life than my 4S did, and my GS3 has background data...

Facial recognition? Explain how this would be useful / make something easier to do.
It can make sharing easier. Instead of having to look up a person's contact to send them a particular thing, the phone already recognizes them in the picture and allows you to share it with them with one touch. It's a convenience thing. Also, there are more and more things being developed that utilize facial recognition. For example, now there's face unlock with blink detection. That's more secure than the first face unlock, because you can't use a picture. Facial recognition is an innovation that can be built upon.

I can do this with Bump.
Back to this bump thing huh? I'll steal your little reach from earlier....what if you don't have a signal? ....I guess then it's back to manual input for you huh? lol


The iPhone is for the mainstream consumer and this is obvious. If you feel the need to change the ISO (most don't even know what this is) or for some reason change the MP the picture is, you need a DSLR or any camera that's not a phone. It's obvious the iPhone still takes amazing pictures without all that nonsense.

I need a DSLR if I don't want to take a large picture? So if I have no need for my picture to be 8mp, and instead want it at 5mp, I should use a DSLR?! That's some kind of silly logic you're got there. So if I want to change the ISO so I get a better picture, I should use a DSLR?! I'm sorry but that notion is just plain asinine. The iPhone doesn't always take great pictures, and it could benefit from the ISO being able to be adjusted. Here's an example of a picture in the dark. Notice how the iPhone's picture looks much worse due to the ISO setting the camera chose. It got outdone by the Galaxy Nexus' camera simply because the iPhone couldn't set the correct ISO automatically and has no way to do it manually.


  • iPhone dark photo comparison.png
    iPhone dark photo comparison.png
    308.6 KB · Views: 136


macrumors 604
Sep 4, 2011
They obviously aren't doing it from their iPhones...

That's debatable.

Perhaps you should re-read what I wrote. You don't seem to have understood it.

I understood it fully. You didn't understand my reply.

What if your phone doesn't have signal when you want to make a call? What if you don't have a signal when you want to surf the web? What if you don't have a signal when you want to send a text? You're really reaching now.

The fact is it's useless when you don't have signal. You even said early that sending things to cloud storage was useless when you have no internet connection on your computer. It's the same concept.

No it is not the case. Your words were iOS has every feature Android does. It most certainly does not have that feature. You are hoping and speculating that it will get it in the future, but as of today IT DOES NOT. Case closed.

Well ok then. That's one thing.

I've already explained how it's different. Go back and re-read it. It's not even remotely close to being the same thing.

Yes it is and you won't admit it. With Android Beam, you put the backs of the phones together and touch to beam. With Bump, you do the same exact thing and the data you chose is transmitted and shows up on the other persons device. I'm not sure how that's "not even remotely close to being the same thing".

Downloading a pdf reader to use to be able to download things from the browser is actually beyond half-baked, and flat out bootleg. The average person doesn't know, to go download a pdf reader so they can go download something from the web. That isn't a logical deduction. Quite frankly that's a stupid thing to suggest that people would know. What would make a person arbitrarily decided to go download a pdf reader so they can download a file from the web? Nothing. They might stumble into that "solution", but overall the vast majority of the people would not do that. BTW, you don't have to download anything to be able to download things, and access those downloads on Android. The Android platform has a built in download manager that you can use to access files you've downloaded. You might want to become more knowledgeable before trying to state what's what in the future.

You're failing to see that it's not just a PDF reader and the fact that it can handle files is one of it's OTHER main features. Sure it [Android] has a built in Download Manager, but if you wanted to unrar or unzip something for example, you'd need to download a FILE MANAGER. You might want to become more knowledgeable before trying to state what's what in the future.

Yet another half-baked workaround. What happens if that person doesn't have that app downloaded? Now they have to go download it just so they can receive the file? Not exactly impressive.

Takes two seconds. You're acting like it's so laborious to do. You can't admit to the fact that it does the same thing. You still fail to explain how it's half-baked.

Again, you're speculating that it's coming. They didn't include it in the 4S, yet you're sure they will include it in the next iteration? How can you be so sure? They never included DLNA, yet you think they will include wifi direct. Doubt it, but hey, hang on to the meantime....iOS doesn't have the feature.
It's not in iOS 6 at all, so you're better off hoping for it in iOS 7.

Because it wouldn't work with current devices. We'll see....

I see you love these half-baked work-arounds. That doesn't manage data use at all. That just tells you your data use. It doesn't give you any sort of way to restrict your data use. You can't limit the amount of data your phone can use, you can't control what apps use data or not, it has no control at all. That's not a data manager, that's a data viewer. A data manager allows me to actually manage how my data is being consumed, and how much is being consumed.

iOS doesn't use data in the background so this isn't an issue. The reason Android has built in data management is because so many services for apps run in the background eating up data. The app works perfect for iOS.

So now background data is a bad thing because iOS doesn't do it? Come on now, you're REALLY reaching there. Funny thing is my GS3 gets better battery life than my 4S did, and my GS3 has background data...

Makes does have 700 mAh more than the iPhone.

It can make sharing easier. Instead of having to look up a person's contact to send them a particular thing, the phone already recognizes them in the picture and allows you to share it with them with one touch. It's a convenience thing. Also, there are more and more things being developed that utilize facial recognition. For example, now there's face unlock with blink detection. That's more secure than the first face unlock, because you can't use a picture. Facial recognition is an innovation that can be built upon.

Seems gimmicky but OK.

Back to this bump thing huh? I'll steal your little reach from earlier....what if you don't have a signal? ....I guess then it's back to manual input for you huh? lol

I usually have signal unless i'm in the middle of no where. If for some reason I don't, I can always add it manually which wouldn't take more than 5 seconds.


I'm not a camera guy so I can't really comment on how changing the settings would affect the image. I can honestly say I've never felt the need to chnge such settings with any of my Android devices.


I feel like we're going in circles here and I quite frankly don't have it in me to keep responding.


macrumors regular
Mar 22, 2011
I really need a break from iOS. I just wish they would modernise it a little bit.. its just getting a little bit boring to look at every day.

It's a phone, not a book or movie. What does boring have to do with it?

Enjoy whatever you get, that is all that matters. These are just consumer toys, so go with what you like.

The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012
That's debatable.
No it isn' isn't possible in iOS. There is no debate. You can't do it, simple as that.

I understood it fully. You didn't understand my reply.
Apparently you did not. But hey, it wouldn't be the first time you've had trouble with comprehension.

The fact is it's useless when you don't have signal. You even said early that sending things to cloud storage was useless when you have no internet connection on your computer. It's the same concept.
Fortunately, for me I am without a signal less than 1% of the time....

Well ok then. That's one thing.
No I've named several just make excuses for why it isn't there, or provide some half-baked workaround.

Yes it is and you won't admit it. With Android Beam, you put the backs of the phones together and touch to beam. With Bump, you do the same exact thing and the data you chose is transmitted and shows up on the other persons device. I'm not sure how that's "not even remotely close to being the same thing".
As I've already stated, try doing that with a large file and you'll see very quickly how different it is. It what would take me anywhere from seconds to a couple minutes, could possibly take you as long as an hour or more for some large files. Not to mention the hit on your data plan if you're transferring large files over cellular. It isn't close to the same thing. NFC is direct peer to peer. Bump is a work around that uses the internet to transfer files. It's no different than me sending you a file on yahoo messenger. There's nothing even remotely close about it.

You're failing to see that it's not just a PDF reader and the fact that it can handle files is one of it's OTHER main features. Sure it [Android] has a built in Download Manager, but if you wanted to unrar or unzip something for example, you'd need to download a FILE MANAGER. You might want to become more knowledgeable before trying to state what's what in the future.
Now you're attempting to qualify your statement. As stated you don't need a file manager to download a file on Android. Period point blank. PS, if you really want to get down to it, there are Android phones that come with file managers (a la the GS3). That said, there's a big difference in a person downloading a file manager, and a person going to download a pdf reader in hopes to use it to download files. That's just a stupid comparison to make. What you won't admit is, your "solution" would never even be thought of by the average user. No person would equate a pdf reader with downloading content in the browser. Furthermore, the developer themselves even call it a pdf reader, so for you to present as something else is a bit misleading. I guess they got it wrong in their description huh? Here are their words for you "GoodReader® is the super-robust highly-rated PDF reader with advanced reading and annotating capabilities. Reviews worldwide hail it as “essential,” “the best,” “magnificent” and “the killer app”. With GoodReader on your iPhone, you can read virtually anything, anywhere: books, movies, maps, pictures. Use it once and you’ll be hooked."
Furthermore, this so-called downloading ability you're touting is extremely limited and is nowhere near the same thing. Heck you can't even download html5 video without having to use some wacky bookmark workaround. Come with something better than that half-baked sorry excuse for a work around. lol @ you having to use a pdf reader to download content from the web....and not even able to download everything. Do better.

Takes two seconds. You're acting like it's so laborious to do. You can't admit to the fact that it does the same thing. You still fail to explain how it's half-baked.
LMAO! It takes two seconds for someone to go to the app store and download the file, set it up, and use it? Get out of here with that nonsense. There is no way you can equate that with a person having to do nothing but tap share via bluetooth on their phone. At least if you're going to debate, be rational.

Because it wouldn't work with current devices. We'll see....
..well while you're waiting to see....IT'S ISN'T IN iOS...better luck in iOS 7.

iOS doesn't use data in the background so this isn't an issue. The reason Android has built in data management is because so many services for apps run in the background eating up data. The app works perfect for iOS.
Again you seem to have an issue with comprehension. That is not a manager. It cannot even limit the amount of data you use as a whole. That app has no data management capabilities AT ALL. Again, it's a data viewer, not a data manager. Background data aside, it can't even manage what you actively use. Yet another feature iOS doesn't have. Make excuses all you want, that app has no functionality.

Makes does have 700 mAh more than the iPhone.
It also has a screen that is 27% larger, LTE, etc. What's your point? My GNex also got better battery than my 4S, and that's only a 280 mAh difference. Stop making excuses.

Seems gimmicky but OK.
Bottom line is iOS can't recognize faces. Period point blank. Call it what you want, but make sure you call it something iOS doesn't have.

I usually have signal unless i'm in the middle of no where. If for some reason I don't, I can always add it manually which wouldn't take more than 5 seconds.
Fortunately for me, my signal doesn't matter, all I have to do is tap and go. I don't have time to wait for them to download bump, set it up, and then use it, just so I can give them my number. I'd much rather just tap my phone and keep it moving. BTW, it takes more than 5 seconds... I see you love to exaggerate.

I'm not a camera guy so I can't really comment on how changing the settings would affect the image. I can honestly say I've never felt the need to chnge such settings with any of my Android devices.
Guess what? That's your CHOICE. For those of us that are a bit more savvy, we have the choice of making whatever adjustment we would like, instead of having the settings dictated to us. Since when was having choice a bad thing? As exhibited in the pictures I provided, it's obviously a good thing to have. There's no doubt the 4S has a better camera than the GNex, yet the Gnex produced the better picture due to the 4S choosing a poor ISO choice. Being able to manually set it on the GNex produced a better picture. Choice for the win!

I feel like we're going in circles here and I quite frankly don't have it in me to keep responding.
In other words, you're running out of excuses and work-arounds? lol


macrumors 604
Sep 4, 2011
The fact is iGentleman is unable to admit that iOS has almost the exact same features as Android and that some of them are in the form of third party apps. The fact that they are 3rd party is irrelevant and is one of his excuses, in addition to it being "half-baked" and a "workaround". I've used 3 Android phones for probably a two and a half years total so I have a pretty good idea of how the features work in addition to rooting them for ICS, etc (I've actually used Android more than iPhone). For you to tell me these features are workarounds or half baked is just your excuse for not wanting to admit these features exist on iOS. It's apparent your goal is mock those who chose an OS that works better for them and don't care about having all these extras built in. I'm not running out excuses as I've offered an iOS equivalent for 99% of what you've said to me, except like I said, you are failing to admit they work correctly or work like their Android counterpart.


macrumors 68020
May 31, 2010
Austin TX
ffs people what are you trying to prove?. Like batting said, just choose a phone based on your needs.
All phones can pretty much get it done one way or another, whether or not its 3rd party apps, jailbreak etc.
Android does somethings better than iOS, and iOS does somethings better than android.

The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012
The fact is iGentleman is unable to admit that iOS has almost the exact same features as Android and that some of them are in the form of third party apps. The fact that they are 3rd party is irrelevant and is one of his excuses, in addition to it being "half-baked" and a "workaround". I've used 3 Android phones for probably a two and a half years total so I have a pretty good idea of how the features work in addition to rooting them for ICS, etc (I've actually used Android more than iPhone). For you to tell me these features are workarounds or half baked is just your excuse for not wanting to admit these features exist on iOS. It's apparent your goal is mock those who chose an OS that works better for them and don't care about having all these extras built in. I'm not running out excuses as I've offered an iOS equivalent for 99% of what you've said to me, except like I said, you are failing to admit they work correctly or work like their Android counterpart.

No, your pride just can't let you admit there are features on Android that your precious OS doesn't have. You refuse to admit that downloading a pdf reader and using bookmark workarounds to download an HTML 5 file, is not the same as being able to download any file you want. You refuse to admit that uploading a file to the web and having someone download it is not the same as a local peer to peer direct NFC file transfer. You refuse to admit two people having to be running the same app to send something over bluetooth is not the same as being able to send anyone anything at any time over bluetooth. I've never said anything about the fact you mentioned 3rd party "solutions". The problem isn't they're 3rd party, the problem is they aren't the same. A data VIEWER that can only look at data, is not the same as being able to control how much data is used. I don't know why it's so hard for you to come to terms with the fact there are several features that are not present in iOS, but it doesn't change the fact that it's true. The bottom line is, I can't transfer anything to you via NFC. In order for me to get you the information, I'd have to download an app just for you. The bottom line is if I sent you a link to my site's raw access logs, you would not be able to download it (not even with your pdf reader workaround). The bottom line is, you can't limit the maximum amount of data your phone can use in a billing cycle, you can only monitor it, but you can't control it. There are features you simply don't have, it really just comes down to that. Instead of trying to come up with silly workarounds and excuses, just admit it and move on.


macrumors 604
Sep 4, 2011
No, your pride just can't let you admit there are features on Android that your precious OS doesn't have. You refuse to admit that downloading a pdf reader and using bookmark workarounds to download an HTML 5 file, is not the same as being able to download any file you want. You refuse to admit that uploading a file to the web and having someone download it is not the same as a local peer to peer direct NFC file transfer. You refuse to admit two people having to be running the same app to send something over bluetooth is not the same as being able to send anyone anything at any time over bluetooth. I've never said anything about the fact you mentioned 3rd party "solutions". The problem isn't they're 3rd party, the problem is they aren't the same. A data VIEWER that can only look at data, is not the same as being able to control how much data is used. I don't know why it's so hard for you to come to terms with the fact there are several features that are not present in iOS, but it doesn't change the fact that it's true. The bottom line is, I can't transfer anything to you via NFC. In order for me to get you the information, I'd have to download an app just for you. The bottom line is if I sent you a link to my site's raw access logs, you would not be able to download it (not even with your pdf reader workaround). The bottom line is, you can't limit the maximum amount of data your phone can use in a billing cycle, you can only monitor it, but you can't control it. There are features you simply don't have, it really just comes down to that. Instead of trying to come up with silly workarounds and excuses, just admit it and move on.

If that's what you want to believe then let it be. I'm not really sure what your goal is. iOS works better for me and that's that. I'm not saying either OS is better, but the fact that you're attempting to convince me that Android is better by pointing out all these things you think only iOS can do.


ffs people what are you trying to prove?. Like batting said, just choose a phone based on your needs.
All phones can pretty much get it done one way or another, whether or not its 3rd party apps, jailbreak etc.
Android does somethings better than iOS, and iOS does somethings better than android.

Exactly. Thank you.

The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012
If that's what you want to believe then let it be. I'm not really sure what your goal is. iOS works better for me and that's that. I'm not saying either OS is better, but the fact that you're attempting to convince me that Android is better by pointing out all these things you think only iOS can do.

I guess you have a hard time keeping up with what's going on. My posts weren't to attempt to convince you that Android is better. If you recall, my posts were in response to your statement saying iOS has every feature Android has. Remember, I told you that was not the case, then when on to give you examples of why it isn't the case. That wasn't to prove one OS is better than the other, it was to disprove your statement. You can enjoy iOS, that's fine. I have no problem with you liking whatever OS you want. However, liking an OS does not give you the right to spew misinformation and fallacies. Like what you want, but there is no need to blatantly provide people with incorrect information.


macrumors 604
Sep 4, 2011
I guess you have a hard time keeping up with what's going on. My posts weren't to attempt to convince you that Android is better. If you recall, my posts were in response to your statement saying iOS has every feature Android has. Remember, I told you that was not the case, then when on to give you examples of why it isn't the case. That wasn't to prove one OS is better than the other, it was to disprove your statement. You can enjoy iOS, that's fine. I have no problem with you liking whatever OS you want. However, liking an OS does not give you the right to spew misinformation and fallacies. Like what you want, but there is no need to blatantly provide people with incorrect information.

Yes, but you felt you needed to disprove me by providing me with features you thought iOS didn't have, whether it be built in or by way of a 3rd party app. I then provided you with iOS equivalents and you saw them as half-baked workarounds, which is untrue because they performed essentially the same functions.

I have yet to "blatantly spew misinformation", although I've probably said somethings you didn't like / want to admit to. Your examples of why they weren't equivalent to their Android counterparts were just excuses.

The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012
Yes, but you felt you needed to disprove me by providing me with features you thought iOS didn't have, whether it be built in or by way of a 3rd party app. I then provided you with iOS equivalents and you saw them as half-baked workarounds, which is untrue because they performed essentially the same functions.

I have yet to "blatantly spew misinformation", although I've probably said somethings you didn't like / want to admit to. Your examples of why they weren't equivalent to their Android counterparts were just excuses.

I'm sorry but half-baked bootleg workarounds aren't "essentially the same thing". Using a pdf reader app, and a bookmark workaround to be able to download an html5 video is not the same as being able to download any file you want. Uploading a file to the internet and having someone download it from a link is not the same as an NFC direct file transfer. lol if that's the same thing then yahoo messenger is the same thing too, and so is email, and dropbox, and rapidfire, and anything else I can upload a file to and give you the link for. Stop with the nonsense, you only make yourself look silly. Even an iPhone fan would have to agree that your little work arounds and excuses are ridiculous.


macrumors 604
Sep 4, 2011
I'm sorry but half-baked bootleg workarounds aren't "essentially the same thing". Using a pdf reader app, and a bookmark workaround to be able to download an html5 video is not the same as being able to download any file you want.

Nope, no bookmark required. I click the file I want to download and I get this screen:

I can even choose to open it in another app like Dropbox or any other app on my phone that will open files.


  • photo.PNG
    64.9 KB · Views: 137

The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012
Nope, no bookmark required. I click the file I want to download and I get this screen:

I can even choose to open it in another app like Dropbox or any other app on my phone that will open files.

When I said the bookmark, I was referring to html5 videos (like I stated). They even give you the instructions for how to download it on their site (using the bookmark workaround). As for the other things, it still goes back to what I said earlier, having to use a pdf reader as your means of downloading is not only a workaround, but an odd workaround that wouldn't be obvious to the vast majority of the people. If a person didn't know about Goodreader, then they wouldn't know to use it as a means to download. No person who was looking for a way to download a file would think to download a pdf reader to accomplish it. Again, it's just a half-baked workaround.


macrumors 604
Sep 4, 2011
When I said the bookmark, I was referring to html5 videos (like I stated). They even give you the instructions for how to download it on their site (using the bookmark workaround). As for the other things, it still goes back to what I said earlier, having to use a pdf reader as your means of downloading is not only a workaround, but an odd workaround that wouldn't be obvious to the vast majority of the people. If a person didn't know about Goodreader, then they wouldn't know to use it as a means to download. No person who was looking for a way to download a file would think to download a pdf reader to accomplish it. Again, it's just a half-baked workaround.

They would search Goggle and probably find that GoodReader does what they want. It's not a half-baked workaround feature-wise, but half-baked because it's not built in and someone wouldn't know it it does what it does.


macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2009
The iPhone 4 was junk. it wasnt even good enough to be called a phone. It was a PDA that could sometimes make a phone call. IT WAS THAT BAD!

There are manufacturing problems which everyone has and there are just down right bugs and broken software than they never fix. Apple is the worst for never admitting its broken. 7 new phones!! 7!!!! eventually they stopped giving me refurbs and sent me a retail packaged iPhone 4 which i sold right away. I had a 4S to see if the issues were fixed and guess what... they were!! Funny how a new phone fixes the bugs but they didnt fix the 4...

Samsung is now outselling Apple 2 to 1 on Smartphones. I wonder why? Because people like me are getting sick and tired of the same crap year after year.

I have had my S3 for one day and yes i have crashed a few apps a few times but on the whole it seems more fun to use then my 4S. When Jelly bean comes it will be faster and smoother than currently which actually isnt bad at all right now.

Apple is going to get caught out now Android has caught up and surpassed in many ways. Apple arent doing anything worth while to the iPhone 5 in ios 6.

Im really not looking forward to a stretched out iphone 4 as the iphone 5.

Several points here:

I completely disagree with you on the iP4. I had it as a trusty and reliable device for 2 years maybe 3-4 dropped calls in that whole time. In fact, I had to replace my first GS3 because it was dropping calls as often as a prostitute drops her panties on payday! more calls dropped in one week than on my iP4 in 2 years. Current phone works great though.

Secondly, is anyone else just scrolling through the arguing BS that Battling the OP and iGentlemen have posted? No one wants to read your arguements, perhaps take it to PMs? It's like you guys ended up in a playground sandbox fight or something. Kinda feels like watching the peanuts cartoon when you heard the teachers "mwah mwah whanh mwannnh".

Thirdly, in trying to bring this back to the original topic, I too switched to the SSGS3 and don't mind the phone at all. So far so good. I too was bored with the same old squares staring at me day in and day out. iOS5 did not offer me any incentives to want to buy "tallphone". So perhaps in two years, (hopefully my GS3 lives as well as my original iP4 did) I will re-evaluate the next iPhone!


macrumors 6502a
Mar 4, 2012
batting, igentlemen is walking all over you. You know what he's saying is right, we all know what he is saying is right.

Android is a more complete OS whereas iOS depends on third party applications to do the same things, which often aren't as good.

the wifi direct/bluetooth/having to download an app being just as easy is a comical argument:eek:


macrumors 604
Sep 4, 2011
batting, igentlemen is walking all over you. You know what he's saying is right, we all know what he is saying is right.

Android is a more complete OS whereas iOS depends on third party applications to do the same things, which often aren't as good.

the wifi direct/bluetooth/having to download an app being just as easy is a comical argument:eek:

It's all your opinion. I could gather many people who feel the same as I do. I'm not trying to imply either OS is superior than the other. iOS works better for me and that's that. I could care less if he is "walking all over me", it doesn't affect me. It's in Apple's DNA to focus on what matters most and leave the more trivial stuff to the app developers and then spotlight them and that's what I like.


Secondly, is anyone else just scrolling through the arguing BS that Battling the OP and iGentlemen have posted?

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