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macrumors 6502
Jan 13, 2012
Pretty sure it is when there is a multitude of other ways I could do it on my iPhone and iPad.

But specific methods aren't "trivial". Apple and co. have patented many of these "trivial" methods of sharing information--correct me if I'm wrong, and have been suing each other over said patents. Unless you're providing commentary on these type of patents in general.


macrumors 68040
Jun 28, 2012
There is a myth that iOS is stable and works.

Its better than it was... but it used to be horrible.

Its stable mostly because its so locked down that nothing can be done that apple wont want you to do.

Right now iOS is the volvo of the mobile phone world... just runs and run and runs... its beige and boring... its a volvo.

Time to trade it in for something a little more exciting.. if it crashes who cares.
Haha, brilliant! That's a perfect way to describe how I feel too.


macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2009
It's all your opinion. I could gather many people who feel the same as I do. I'm not trying to imply either OS is superior than the other. iOS works better for me and that's that. I could care less if he is "walking all over me", it doesn't affect me. It's in Apple's DNA to focus on what matters most and leave the more trivial stuff to the app developers and then spotlight them and that's what I like.



By your behaviour, you could have fooled me! Battling.
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