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Original poster
Staff member
Feb 1, 2005
Twin Cities Minnesota
Hi all,

Figured I would start a new thread that will hopefully get some of us to dig out our old computers, power them up, and get them on the internet.

All this thread is intended for, is to post a quick reply or something with your older Computer. It dosen't have to be a collector, a 68k machine, or anything special. Just get your old computer hardware on the internet, and reply to this thread!

I am curious what people can do, and what all we can get to connect to the internet and post!



macrumors 65832
Aug 2, 2004
This is from my PowerMac 7500 (released 8/8/1995)


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macrumors 65832
Aug 2, 2004
THis is from my PowerMac 8100 (released 3/14/1994).


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macrumors 65832
Aug 2, 2004
And this is from my Quadra 950 (released 5/18/1992).


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macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2005
If I really wanted to I could go home (1.5 hours) and get my quadra 650 back online. I was using it as a web browsing/email machine until last year. Made in November 1993. It has the 33mhz 68040 and I overclocked it last year to an amzing 42mhz! Runs Mac OS 8.1 Meanwhile, I am typing on a semi-old system. Beige G3 266DT...made in October 1998, currently running 9.2.2


macrumors 65832
Aug 2, 2004
Oh, well I guess my primary system qualifies too then... PowerBook Wallstreet (released 9/1/1998). All my posts in this forum (except for the three above) have been made from this system.


macrumors 68030
Dec 7, 2002
Florida, USA
I have an LCII with upgraded CPU/FPU, 10MB RAM and 2x CD-ROM (external SCSI) that still works, but alas, no way to take screenshots or get it on the internet.


macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2005
I seem to remember SE's being able to run IE or netscape...someone needs to get one of them online again. I remember a website where somebody had the entire site hosted off one and the site was stored on a floppy diskette. 3 1/2", would have been funnier on a 5 1/4 though! haha!

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
Performa 5400/160 here. I can't believe its 10Mbps ethernet is actually not keeping up with my internet. :D

It's a great machine but I'm pretty sure I still prefer my G5 iMac.


Original poster
Staff member
Feb 1, 2005
Twin Cities Minnesota
RacerX said:
Oh, well I guess my primary system qualifies too then... PowerBook Wallstreet (released 9/1/1998). All my posts in this forum (except for the three above) have been made from this system.

Yes it does, and thanks for the posts. I am super jelous of your NeXT software. I have a Jewel case (cardboard) with a NeXT Step Developer disk, however it is neither bootable on my P166, or any of my CD Enabled Macintosh computers, I have no idea what is on it, and would like to try some NeXT software at some point in time. I guess Winter will be the time to play with the PC's

on an other note,

Getting sick of this Hot Humid MN Summer yet? Wow, I usually don't use AC, but this year is getting HARSH!

puckhead193 said:
i wished my LC still worked :(

I will try to get my LC on the net soon. I will have to see if iCab will run on it, since my LC has no VM it needs a light client.

joecool85 said:
I seem to remember SE's being able to run IE or netscape...someone needs to get one of them online again. I remember a website where somebody had the entire site hosted off one and the site was stored on a floppy diskette. 3 1/2", would have been funnier on a 5 1/4 though! haha!

I have an SE that works fine. Only issue is, it was an ex school computer with the control panels, and extensions disabled. The other issue is the floppy drive will not read or write disks that any of my other older Macintosh computers can use, besides my 512k. I have no system disks old enough to reload the OS with something I can control, and I would need to open the case to install the Network card (i have one).

I may some day get motivated enough to dig into this task, it just will involve some time.

Plymouthbreezer said:
I just got a PowerMac 8100/100. When I get back from vacation next week, I plan on having you vintage Apple pros get me online with it. ;)

No problem, that kind of work is fun, and why I joined Macrumors!


macrumors 68000
Jun 19, 2004
Plant City, FL
This is from my MDD G4. :D Seriously, I gotta get my 7300 back up and get that beast online sometime this week. When (if) I do, this is the first place I'm coming.


macrumors 65832
Aug 2, 2004
840quadra said:
Yes it does, and thanks for the posts. I am super jelous of your NeXT software. I have a Jewel case (cardboard) with a NeXT Step Developer disk, however it is neither bootable on my P166, or any of my CD Enabled Macintosh computers, I have no idea what is on it, and would like to try some NeXT software at some point in time. I guess Winter will be the time to play with the PC's

on an other note,

Getting sick of this Hot Humid MN Summer yet? Wow, I usually don't use AC, but this year is getting HARSH!
Yeah, the way NeXT sold everything was a little different than how Apple does now. Back in the NeXT days, you had to buy the operating system CD/Floppies (around $800.00), the developer tools disk (around $5,000.00) and Enterprise Objects tools disk (around $300.00) separately (and another $5000.00 to $10,000.00 for Portable Distributed Objects... pre-WebObjects enterprise deployment software).

So NEXTSTEP (nor OPENSTEP) came with any development tools on the disk... and the developer tools disk didn't come with an operating system (even though it cost $5,000! ).

But, things aren't that expensive these days... if your developer tools CD is for NEXTSTEP 3.2 or 3.3, then you can get NEXTSTEP 3.3 to run them on here (or you can get OPENSTEP 4.2 here, but you can't use the NEXTSTEP developer tools with it).

And once you get something up and running, hopefully the NeXT section of my site (here) will provide you with help in getting started (and getting you some software for your system). I spent a ton of time updating the section earlier this month.


As for the humidity, I have problems dealing with it on the good days (being from San Diego)... and today we had buckets of it! :eek:


Original poster
Staff member
Feb 1, 2005
Twin Cities Minnesota
From what I understand (from online) there is no built in Ethernet for this laptop. You would need a dialup account to get onto the internet, and or some kind of Serial network interface that would be compatible with this laptp.

If I get some time I will try to dig up more info!


macrumors 68000
Nov 24, 2002
The PB 180 has a SCSI port, so you'd most likely need a SCSI ethernet adapter. A company called Asante was making them back in the day (dunno about now.)

Check eBay, there might be some for sale.


macrumors 68000
Nov 24, 2002
Posting this from my PowerBook Kanga.

I left it unplugged for about a month, and the battery still had 15 minutes use on it :eek: :D

I'll get on later with my 2400c


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macrumors 6502a
Aug 2, 2005
I've got an LCIII with 80 MB HD and 4 MB of RAM (sweet). Running System 7.0. It still works, but System 7 doesn't support internet access I guess (I think it started supporting internet access in System 7.5)
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