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macrumors newbie
Sep 23, 2011
In the network preferences pane, setting all the options to 'inactive' except the one to use does the trick for me. Wakes up perfectly over lan, didn't try over the net though...

I'll add my findings as well.

Just found this thread, but I'm having the same problem. This trick worked for me! (partly) I'm now able to have the Remote app for iPhone connect to my shared library. iPod app, on the other hand, still doesn't see the Shared library until I use Remote to first wake up my mini. This is probably just a difference in the app behaviors. I'm also unable to use a VNC client to connect remotely to my mini. So it seems it can wake up for access to iTunes, but not for access via remote login which is mildly annoying.

<edit> In addition, after waking it via the Remote app, I still can't login with a VNC client unless I physically go to the keyboard and press a button to fully wake it. Perhaps the low power wake feature I've seen mentioned. </edit>

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macrumors newbie
Oct 9, 2008
What really worked for me:

Edit File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
        <key>Kernel Flags</key>

This disables the dark wakeup setting! I can now wakeup the Mac (with screen wakeup) with WOL and with the remote


macrumors 6502a
Feb 22, 2007
Well none of the suggestions in this thread or many others work for me over 3g. The only thing I have that works is a old vnc app (no longer available) called remotetap.

I basically start it up, then switch to a vnc app that actually works. Weird, but whatever works. I have not tried to see if it works if my iMac is slept for a long time.


macrumors newbie
Mar 9, 2011
What really worked for me:

Edit File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
        <key>Kernel Flags</key>

This disables the dark wakeup setting! I can now wakeup the Mac (with screen wakeup) with WOL and with the remote

I have a hard wired Mac Mini 2011 model.

I tried this and also have "Wake for network access" enabled.

Splashtop still cannot wake it, nor can DD-WRT.

Any thoughts?


macrumors newbie
Dec 22, 2011
How to enable "low power wake" after disable once?

What really worked for me:

Edit File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
        <key>Kernel Flags</key>

This disables the dark wakeup setting! I can now wakeup the Mac (with screen wakeup) with WOL and with the remote


May I ask how to enable back "low power wake" after disable it once? It works for me using Splashtop on Mac mini Lion 10.7 when add darkwake=0.:)


macrumors newbie
Jan 15, 2012
A related thread that may help

Hi @Lowry0031 (and others) ~

You may find this thread to be of use -- be sure to read through all of it, including all additional pages:

and specifically:

~ Brad

PS @Celeron (on first page), most of us seem to be seeing this with non-Apple wi-fi hardware that is correctly set-up to port-forward. See the above thread for more details. So the fact that it "works for" you, when you are using Apple WiFi gear, is known.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 11, 2004
PS @Celeron (on first page), most of us seem to be seeing this with non-Apple wi-fi hardware that is correctly set-up to port-forward. See the above thread for more details. So the fact that it "works for" you, when you are using Apple WiFi gear, is known.

My Apple wi-fi hardware is running is access point only mode. I have a separate, non-Apple router that connects my household to the Internet. Wake On Lan still works fine for me, sorry.


macrumors 6502
Jul 23, 2008

May I ask how to enable back "low power wake" after disable it once? It works for me using Splashtop on Mac mini Lion 10.7 when add darkwake=0.:)

Just edit it back to what it was before
Delete the darkwake line that was added


macrumors newbie
Feb 21, 2012
What really worked for me:

Edit File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
        <key>Kernel Flags</key>

This disables the dark wakeup setting! I can now wakeup the Mac (with screen wakeup) with WOL and with the remote

Glad I found this thread, as I've been trying to get my new mac mini (10.7.3) to WOL for the last month!

However, I can't do the above. The file is locked, and I can't either unlock it or see how to edit it. Also is the library the hard drive library, or the user library?

The other thing I can't find out is how to disable wi-fi. I can turn it off, so I get status Off, but I can't find how to get status showing as disabled. (I've tried just turning it off, but it doesn't work.

Can anyone help?
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macrumors 6502
Jul 23, 2008
Glad I found this thread, as I've been trying to get my new mac mini (10.7.3) to WOL for the last month!

However, I can't do the above. The file is locked, and I can't either unlock it or see how to edit it. Also is the library the hard drive library, or the user library?

The other thing I can't find out is how to disable wi-fi. I can turn it off, so I get status Off, but I can't find how to get status showing as disabled. (I've tried just turning it off, but it doesn't work.

Can anyone help?

Its in the hard drive library
Right click on it, goto get info, you can change the permissions at the bottom
Edit it with textedit

To disable wifi try going into network preferences, select the wifi service on the left and then click the - button at the bottom to remove it


macrumors newbie
Feb 21, 2012
Its in the hard drive library
Right click on it, goto get info, you can change the permissions at the bottom
Edit it with textedit

To disable wifi try going into network preferences, select the wifi service on the left and then click the - button at the bottom to remove it

Thanks, but I still can't change the permissions. They are greyed out!


macrumors newbie
Feb 21, 2012
Click the padlock and enter your system password to ungrey it
Thanks. I've done that, but I can't change the permissions. I can make a new one, for myself, and give myself the correct permissions, but then I get a message
"You don’t have permission to write to the folder that the file “” is in."

The permissions for read and write are only there for "System". Everything else is read only, and there's no read and write option. The new sharing user I made (myself) gives me the option to make "the owner"if I click to edit it, but I still get the same message, even if I do that. So any ideas how I change the "system permissions?

Sorry if I'm being dippy, but I'm not THAT mac literate!


macrumors newbie
Feb 22, 2012
Thanks. I've done that, but I can't change the permissions. I can make a new one, for myself, and give myself the correct permissions, but then I get a message
"You don’t have permission to write to the folder that the file “” is in."

The permissions for read and write are only there for "System". Everything else is read only, and there's no read and write option. The new sharing user I made (myself) gives me the option to make "the owner"if I click to edit it, but I still get the same message, even if I do that. So any ideas how I change the "system permissions?

Sorry if I'm being dippy, but I'm not THAT mac literate!
You can try right-clicking the SystemConfiguration folder, click Get info, then near the bottom of that panel unlock the lock and set your permissions there. That will open up the parent folder of the file you need to edit. Make your changes and lock it back up.


macrumors newbie
Feb 21, 2012
Ooooh I think I've domne it!
What I hadn't realised is that the computer has a different MAC address when it's on Ethernet to when it's on wi-fi. Having sussed that oiut, and changed my WOL settings, I think it's working OK.

I'll have to try it when it's a. been asleep fopr a while, and b. when I'm on a diofferemnt network - ie. away from home.

Will try to update. I have to go into town tomorrow, so wu]ill try from a hotspot there, and se what happens.
And thanks guys for all your help :)


macrumors newbie
Feb 22, 2012

I'm very keen to get my wireless wake on lan working on my mac mini media center (without the TV monitor on) so my Squeezebox can read my itunes library without timing out all the time.

"Darkwake" sounds like it could be the solution.

My 2011 Mac Mini (OSX 10.7.3) does not seem to have a folder called SystemConfiguration within ~/Library/Preferences/.

Whoops - should be looking in /Library/Preferences/ not ~/Library/Preferences/.
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macrumors newbie
Feb 25, 2012
Reset the SMC

I had a very similar problem, and none of the presented solution worked for me.

However, I had success by resetting my iMac's SMC as explained here:

Now my iMac wakes up without any problem.

Hope this will help someone!


macrumors regular
Mar 6, 2011
I've been having problems with this as well. I've been using an iMac with Lion installed since just prior to Christmas, and the wake for network access has never worked properly for me. I would like to take advantage of it in combination with iTunes Home Sharing, so that I can stream music and video to my Apple TV, and also for Back to my Mac over iCloud. However, neither work reliably, leading me to believe that, rather than it being a problem with iTunes or iCloud, it is the wake up on network access function that is failing me.

From what I've seen on these forums, as well as on the Apple support boards, others are having this problem and there appears to be no definitive solution. Like others, I have been finding that, if my iMac has gone into sleep mode recently, then I am able to see it in the shared section on Finder (both on the same LAN and over the internet with Back to my Mac) and am able to stream content to my Apple TV. It is only after a prolonged period of time that it disappears from both.

Whilst poking around on System Information, I have stumbled across something that I have not seen mentioned on any of the discussions I've seen on the problem of wake on network access not working properly, and something which I've been unable to find any information about on Google.

In System Profiler, if you go to the 'Power' section of the 'Hardware' list, there is a parameter called 'PrioritizeNetworkReachabilityOverSleep'. On my iMac, this is set to zero (which I take to be a boolean 'no'). For confirmation, I've checked the same parameter on my MacBook, also running Lion, and have found that it too is set to zero. I therefore suspect this to be the default setting.

My thought at this juncture is that there is in fact some kind of setting, buried away within the system configuration somewhere (and seemingly inaccessible via the GUI), which instructs Lion to favour remaining in sleep mode over briefly waking up to re-register its presence with a Bonjour sleep proxy (an AirPort Extreme, Express, a Time Capsule, an Apple TV, etc.).

Is there anybody who has come across this before and who may be able to shed any light on the matter? And is anybody able to confirm whether the PrioritizeNetworkReachabilityOverSleep parameter is also set to zero on their system, and whether they too are having problems with their computer waking on network access?

If nobody knows anything about PrioritizeNetworkReachabilityOverSleep, I'll try to e-mail or phone Apple support to see if they are able to help.


macrumors newbie
Feb 25, 2012


Very interesting discovery.

The "PrioritizeNetworkReachabilityOverSleep" settings is located in the following file:


I did set the setting to 1, and my iMac wakes up properly since then. We'll see in the next couple of days if that's the definitive solution.

Best regards,


macrumors regular
Apr 1, 2011
I just noticed and installed the wi-fi update, and it appears to fix at least the issue of wi-fi not connecting after waking from sleep.


macrumors regular
Mar 6, 2011

Very interesting discovery.

The "PrioritizeNetworkReachabilityOverSleep" settings is located in the following file:


I did set the setting to 1, and my iMac wakes up properly since then. We'll see in the next couple of days if that's the definitive solution.

Best regards,

Hello Mentalraye,

Thank you very much for replying and for sharing the location of the relevant .plist file! Following your directions, I too have changed the 'PrioritizeNetworkReachabilityOverSleep' parameter on my system. I will keep a close eye over the coming days to see if this has resolved the problems with waking for network access, and will report my findings here.


macrumors newbie
Feb 25, 2012
The "PrioritizeNetworkReachabilityOverSleep" settings is located in the following file:


I did set the setting to 1, and my iMac wakes up properly since then. We'll see in the next couple of days if that's the definitive solution.

Again, this solution worked for a couple of days, but now my iMac is again fast asleep... *sigh*

I remember that my Airport Extreme had an update a few weeks ago. Maybe this is where all the problems started.


macrumors regular
Mar 6, 2011
Hi Mentalraye,

I can report that it hasn't worked for me, either. I set PrioritizeNetworkReachabilityOverSleep to 1 yesterday, allowed my iMac to sleep over night, and then tried to reach my iTunes library through home sharing this morning, but was unable to. At work I also checked to see if my iMac was available through Back to my Mac, and it was not.

This is extremely frustrating, as this has now been an ongoing problem for some time, and combined with the numerous problems I had with my Apple TV (until it the iOS 5 patch was released in September/October), I have never had an iTunes + Apple TV setup that actually worked.

As regards your comment about the Airport Extreme firmware update, my own observations may be of use to you. Prior to the latest firmware revision (was it 7.6.1?), my iMac would intermittently be available for home sharing and Back to my Mac using wake for network access. I was never able to deduce any pattern, but even after it had been sleeping for extended periods of time, it would sometimes be possible to wake it.

However, having thought about it in response to your comment, I can say that, since the latest firmware update, my iMac is -never- reachable once it has been asleep for longer than a couple of hours. I am quite certain of this, as at work I almost always have a Finder window open on my MacBook, and my iMac has never been present on the list of shared computers since I installed the latest firmware on my Airport Extreme.

I cannot remember what the firmware revision actually added to the Airport Extreme, apart from Back to my Mac access to hard discs attached to the Airport via USB, but if you do not depend on any of the additions you are able to revert to the previous firmware via the old version Airport Utility, which I believe you can download from the Apple website, or, if you have an iOS device, through the Airport Utility app.

Depending on your particular situation, you may be able to revert to the 7.6.0 firmware in the hope that your wake on network access problems will be resolved!
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