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macrumors member
Sep 23, 2005
I am not a 'total' covert but I will use my PB for 70% of all tasks and that could rise :)


macrumors 6502
Sep 8, 2004
Boston, MA
arn said:
Can you really assume that growth from last year to this is due to switchers?

This is generic **** out of "wallstreet" analysts ass. THe assumption is that all the additional (46%) increase in mac sales are from windows!!! That is even worse than, ideal air has no bouncy or universe is filled of ether, kind of 4 grade physics assumptions. Then where did the 17% growth of PCs come from? I guess i need not mention whose ass they are comming from here. Apple has introduced a lot of new systems (like mac mini, much much better rev2 imacs and very compelling ibooks) ... most of the sales are from returning mac customers (esp mac mini ... and every one knows how many of those apple has on their hands!) ... There was huge slump in mac sales growth because of the line stagnation, imac Rev A problems, NO powerbook and emac upgrades for a lllllooooong time. Is any body who has a PC and now buying a mac is a convert? Yes there is a sudden level apple is hip phenomena here. and people are spending a lot of money because they think the products are hip. Period. hence the upscale macs. This is also fuelled by the fact that only recently did the windows laptop companies realise the styling aspect (comparing the HP line now vs the 1 year old models, even their 17" dual SATA HD laptop is hip and sleek zv8000). Yes mac sales will increase the next year too but there is a final cap in another 3 years. When suddenly macs are affordable. Problem with companies like apple (or any high end brand) is that they cannot go low in a quest to gain market share. After sept 11, salks fith av did the same by introducing low end lines, which resulted in brand name tarnishing, and lost all its customers to Niemen Markus (spelling!). With the elitist feeling of 99% mac users and their superiority complex, the example just glues in.

THat said i bought imac G5 and a mac mini (a week ago - impulse buy - Mobile matlab + mathematica + stupidy workstation idea!) this year :D ... holy crap i donot have cash for food!!! :eek: :p


macrumors 6502
Sep 8, 2004
Boston, MA
Marvy said:
Nihao! I was surprised to see how many Apple shops are popping up around Shanghai. They seem to be doing quite well in China. I presume that like Haagen-Dasz and other luxury-companies, their success is based on the growing segment of wealthy Chinese people, who typically like to set themselves apart through status symbols.

So far I haven't seen that many Macs in China yet, very much unlike the iPod, which seems to be very popular.

Same in India ... THere is not even support from ISPs there (1 store (6months -a year ago) for a billion people) .... But still people want them because they can afford. Best part is that they donot even use it! In a growing economy this is the only way people differentiate themselves from others. I will buy an item as long as the guy next to me cannot afford it mentality!!


macrumors 6502
Sep 8, 2004
Boston, MA
p0intblank said:
Even though all one million of these purchases may not be Switchers, a large majority of them definitely are. I am always reading about people switching to the Mac on these forums. Well what about all the other people in this world that do not post on these forums? We can only wonder. :)

Either way, it's a fact that the Mac is getting more and more popular by the day.

People who are totally excited about "The mac - only next to the tablet got by Moses" are ones who switch and the forms are full of them. Leading to totally pointless flame wars. This (all mac forums) pretty much is the whole user base that is switching. 3 in a row at 7:30 in the morning. And pissing on every one's idea ... my coredata back end is not functing well with my controller and my boss will be here in 2 hrs for a demo! (and i have been up all night trying to fix it!!):mad:


macrumors 6502
Sep 8, 2004
Boston, MA
bryanc said:
(the Osbourne Effect). So historical mac-users are not likely to be responsible for any upswing in Mac sales.

Indeed, given the predicted Osbourne Effect that was supposed to happen this year, the upswing in Mac sales is difficult to explain without invoking a lot of switchers.

A couple of nasty Vista Viruses should seal the deal.


Osbourne effect is when you know of a definite time frame! And if you read through the forms (i have since atleast may 03) there are atleast people who have waited since last 2 years to get a powerbook and i am sure there are lot of people who are loosing patience and just buying the current powerbooks. And there is a large community that thinks that PPC is still some how "cool" if not better than x86!!!

Somebody just found a linux hack and an exploit ( and are actively using on webservers). May be you want to be that sure about Mac OS X being virus free for eternity... Common people i am tired of listening to your windows has viruses crap, have some common sense and you will be fine! There are lots of other merits please find another ffffing reason! (well as the saying goes common sense is the rarest sense!). :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502
Sep 8, 2004
Boston, MA
wleung said:
- Also if Apple were as big as Microsoft, PROFIT PROFIT PROFIT would be their goal, not INNOVATION INNOVATION INNOVATION

Apple innovates because that is the only way it can survive (= profits). Microsoft has other problems but still can profit by postponing the innovation but they did go from windows 3.1 (first one that i used) to Xp in 9 years or so with 5 to 6 revisions and a **** load of other enterprise software and office. Apple is much more oriented towards profits than any one else ... explain a 50$ mouse?


macrumors regular
Sep 27, 2005
Northern VA (DC)
wleung said:
I'm probably the only Mac User here who doesn't want Apple to have more than a 5% market share :). We all have our Macs, Apple is selling us GOOD products. Why change anything?

- Lets reverse the situation, if apple had 90% user market, and windows 5%.
We would be dissing windows like hell, and there would be some windows users claiming that apple is crap. Microsoft would have the abillity to be innovative, and develop the *cool* stuff.
I'm quite sure if apple had 90% user market, viruses will exist for Mac - Mac is not exempt from viruses just because of some magic thing that Apple does.

- I feel nice knowing that I'm part of an exclusive group of people, who are more likely going to understand why people use OSX, and not diss Apples when they haven't touched one since the early 90's. That said, I know people who don't like Apples even after using them for month... we'll we can't convert everyone :).

- I do not want Apple to be another Microsoft. Apple have been innovative over the years because they could be without too much impact. Apple wants to not make OSX compatible with OS9, then they do it, and we really didn't really put up much of a fight -> cos we trust Apple.
The last few Microsoft OS releases have been backwards compatible with win95 in some functionality - thus limiting their potentials. Microsoft can't just claim non-backwards compatibility and walk away scratch-free like Apple can.

- Also if Apple were as big as Microsoft, PROFIT PROFIT PROFIT would be their goal, not INNOVATION INNOVATION INNOVATION

I am a recent switcher (have totally stopped using Windows at home. Well, expcept on my work laptop).. I have totally "seen the light".. Mac OS X is far superior to any of the Windows OS's on the market today. I am not worried about Vista because Leopard is right around the corner..

That said, there is very little chance that Apple will overtake, or even come close to equaling, Windows install base over the next 2-5 years. They may make a dent but to achieve those kinds of numbers would have to be the result of MS falling off the face of the Earth, and Apple significantly changing the way they distribute their operating system (license it to Dell, HP, etc). In the meantime, Vista will be a significant improvement (even if it is a major copy of Tiger) over the current Windows OS, and that will not hurt MS market share. So, no worries, you will still be in the minority for years to come (and that is not such a bad thing IMO).

As for viruses, OS X is inherantly more secure than Windows. The reason why Microsoft has so many malware programs written for it is largely due to the fact that MS allows programs to run at admin permission levels and does not protect the OS from buffer overflows. OS X does not allow programs to do this, and is much less likely to allow buffer overruns. Microsoft is trying to fix these issues with Vista, but the verdict is still out. Especially if you run legacy apps that still rely on the application to have direct interaction at the Kernel layer...


macrumors regular
Jul 2, 2003
BRLawyer said:
1 - Windows IS a bad operating system...I am obliged to use it right now at work...and it sucks HARD. Design is dismal, malware is everywhere, pop-ups ALL the time concerning AV and ASpyware software...apart from the slow-to-molasses PDF handling and simply horrible virtual memory scheme...and yeah, I am using fairly new Dell machines;

2 - as for people with Macs potentially buying Vista (Longhorn, Deer, GoatOS etc.), I am gonna have to quote Obi-Wan Kenobi on this: "I don't think so!"

I have to disagree: Windows is not all bad. There are things it can do, that the mac os kind of sucks at, namely, being more resolution independant, and having the best Java VM out there. At home I have a mac, at work a PC. On a Mac I program with Xcode, on the PC with Visual Studio (and on Linux with KDevelop). All are great. But when it comes to Java, well, Windows is just better, speedier and more reliable.

Why is it that some people can't accept a bit of criticism towards Mac OS X? Although I agree with the poster, that Windows suffers from all the Spyware and viruses, it isn't the demon some make it sound like.


macrumors newbie
Nov 6, 2005
SF Bay Area
budugu said:
Apple is much more oriented towards profits than any one else ... explain a 50$ mouse?

Microsoft optical when it was first released was $50. It didn't have a rubber ball in the middle which people paid for. Cheap mice are a recent thing. Mighty Mouse has features that standard mice do not (squeeze buttons, multi-button) and while not everyone finds it useful, I don't know anyone personally with a Mac that doesn't have one. :)

Microsoft and other software companies are interested in both money and power. I deal with them every day. That is what a corporation exists for. If they didn't want money, they'd be a charity. :p


macrumors newbie
Nov 6, 2005
SF Bay Area
Marvy said:
I have to disagree: Windows is not all bad.

Windows biggest problem is lack of long term planning. Microsoft has changed it's mind too many times and followed the whims of the market rather than sticking to building a good OS. They integrated web technology into every nook and cranny of the system with the result that Explorer is a rickety house of cards. It's an unhealthy dependence. The registry is the second biggest shortcoming. It's the garbage dump for outdated and unreadable configuration information with no real consistant structure. Give me back INI files. I have maintained LARGE numbers of Windows systems for many years, and there are many things that MS flushed in terms of simplicity that they need to bring back. The thing is just too bloated. They took a step in the right direction with Windows 2003 server, but they have a LONG way to go. If they just lightened what the OS came out of the box with, it would go a long way to cutting down the security problems they have.

I haven't been using MacOS long enough yet to get past the euphoria of using it. But so far it has many of the things I've been missing. I'm sure it has many hidden frustrations too, but in the month I've been using it exclusively I haven't found anything other than it's speed (and that's just a Powerbook issue).


macrumors member
Oct 7, 2005
Recent Switcher but have not drunk the APPLE Kool-Aid

I have a 12" Ibook use it as my daily system now(have 24" display it works just fine on at 1920x1200) Could not make the leap to the Powerbook for the 12" just did not seem like it was worth the extra at the time. But DAMM it I am tired of my laptop being called CUTE. Almost ready to paint the thing.

As for Apple, I have the left side that does not meet correctly, checked on an older G3 a friend has and his does the same thing, I stoped by the apple store about my speakers not playing correctly on a 3 day old laptop they agreeded it should not sound the way it does and also the case is not the way it should be but wanted to fix it and get it back to me 5-7 days later,,thanks but I will live with it for now, while there 2 people brought in ipods and had applecare and the standard response was that "hmmmm looks like it has been droped this is not covered" and one of them was a battery that lost its charge after 30 mins, and was 3 months old. That sold me on the smart money was to forgo spending %25 of the price of the laptop on a warrenty.

And to the person that thought going from 4% to 4.7% in a year is not a big deal and something to watch, I would love to get that rate of growth on an investment. I fear the quality Apple was once known for will suffer some as production becomes greater than they have seen befor.

Overall happy and looking forward to a faster laptop and desktop when the Intel Macs come out and would like to see CrossOver Office for OS-X that would make my day.


macrumors 6502
Oct 17, 2004
West Coast - FLORIDA
I Used to go both ways...

not sure If Im a switcher but I have been using a PC and Mac side by side for the past 6 years (Dual 533 G4 and now Dual 2.5 G5). PC for internet. Mac for Video/Photo/Audio work.
2 months ago I moved to a new house and only connected my Mac untill i got my office built and wired up. Well i think I'll just use my PC for a doorstop in the garage now. Or maybe a wheel jack for the riding lawnmower... all sound like better uses than getting it back online. And its not an old system. 3.2Ghz 800 Buss, 2GB ram, DVD-R, TV Card, Hi End Vid, Firewire...blah blah blah. Junk now!!!


Viewtiful Rich

macrumors regular
Mar 26, 2005
I'm a new switcher... in my heart though I switched three years ago, just couldn't afford it with school and other things.

I love my iMac :)


Apr 17, 2005
Currently in Switzerland
dlastmango said:
not sure If Im a switcher but I have been using a PC and Mac side by side for the past 6 years (Dual 533 G4 and now Dual 2.5 G5). PC for internet. Mac for Video/Photo/Audio work.
2 months ago I moved to a new house and only connected my Mac untill i got my office built and wired up. Well i think I'll just use my PC for a doorstop in the garage now. Or maybe a wheel jack for the riding lawnmower... all sound like better uses than getting it back online. And its not an old system. 3.2Ghz 800 Buss, 2GB ram, DVD-R, TV Card, Hi End Vid, Firewire...blah blah blah. Junk now!!!


It's always good to hear that...apart from gaming and a few specialized apps, PCs are TOTALLY cannot even compare the cleanliness of OS X with crappy DLLs, Registry and Windows...bah! Just turn on a PC and you'll see the plethora of McAffee/Norton pop-ups, Windows reminders and so on...CRAP!


macrumors newbie
Nov 9, 2005

"Same in India ... THere is not even support from ISPs there (1 store (6months -a year ago) for a billion people) .... But still people want them because they can afford. Best part is that they donot even use it! In a growing economy this is the only way people differentiate themselves from others. I will buy an item as long as the guy next to me cannot afford it mentality!!"

I call complete ********. Mac's work with any isp in India or anywhere in the world. Nice attempt though at spreading bogus info. Mac's work on any network using tcp/ip Unless india is using a new internet I'm not aware of lol.
what you are confused about is maybe some isp's install disc that just configures an operating system anyway (that's what they all do) isn't available in an OSX version. But you can still enter in your ips information in the network setting in osx system preferences and be on the internet in about 2 secs. Actually most of the time you dont' need to configure anything with osx.


macrumors newbie
Oct 3, 2005
iPod Halo Effect

We've seen more "clones" switching to the "light side" from the iPod Halo effect... simple really: consumers love iTunes and iPhoto and want to be able to seamlessly run these apps and download this content to their iPods. They don't want to mess around with all the "middleware" required by PCs to make this happen. Thus the uptick in mac sales.

Also don't underestimate the design aesthetic... consumers love the overall design-centric nature of apple products, including the new iMac, laptops, iPod etc... why else would the masses wear those underperforming factory earbuds? – because they're a bit of a status symbol – "look at me - i've got an ipod!" The iPod effect is a cultural pheonomenon...PCs just aren't "cool" anymore and your'e seeing the non-apple world take notice and make the switch. I'm all for it - the world would be a better place if our OS platforms were mac-based :)


macrumors member
Dec 13, 2004
I'm a PC (Linux) user.

Let me start out by saying that Apple will never get to 90 percent market share unless they make OS X compatible with any hardware. I'm not saying it because I hate OS X, it's my favorite OS. But there are so many hardware companies out there. Apple doesn't just have to beat Microsoft. They have to beat Dell, Sony, Asus, etc.


macrumors newbie
Sep 7, 2005
Adelayed, South Australia
got a desktop pc at home, was pro pc in the time, but a good friend of mine (the 'ceo' of the music label im part of) also works at an apple reseller here in australia, a big one too, basically told me to get a powerbook, as i was tossing up for 6-8 weeks on whether to get a pc or a mac for a laptop, hard decision as i was pro pc...

WAS pro pc ;)

15" powerbook i now proudly own and haven't regretted purchasing (granted im a technician at a university too, and they work with macs and pc's together on a network, so that gave me the leeway to switch so to speak) granted the only issue is that there is no alternative to Publisher (but as stated in a post somewhere, that there's SwiftPublisher) i need to pissfart around with that a bit more to make the decision, either that or Adobe Indesign.

my great obstacle now is to see what to do about my desktop pc... maybe put linux on it (its 5 years old, so why not) and look into a desktop solution (still tossing up to get an imac or a mac mini, something to tie me down till the 2nd gen intel macs come out... what, you really think i'd get a first revision and be riddled w/ bugs? hah!

but yeah... thank you apple!


macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2004
arn said:
Can you really assume that growth from last year to this is due to switchers?
I would have to say yes. The only other growth would be a current mac owner purchasing another mac or someone who has never owned a computer buying a mac. Although I would not say it is absolute, I would guess that it is a good percentage.


macrumors 6502
Jun 13, 2005
bryanc said:
OS X: 20%
Linux/FreeBSD/other Open Source OS: 35%
Windows: 25%
Other niche OSes: 20%

In a world like that, everyone would have to comply to open standards, ...


i completely agree, we need a level field in which CHOICEs are based on open standards. Thus we can all tailor computers to our specific needs.


macrumors Penryn
Mar 23, 2005
I switched this year. I should have switched back in August of 2003. The iBook was still on G3 though. Otherwise I'd be the owner of a 800 - 1 Ghz G4 iBook right now.

I'm trying to switch every average user over to the Mac.


Jan 18, 2005
(A little reluctantly at the time) switched to iPod in 2004
Switched to Mac in 2005.

I loved my old 128mb MP3 player. it was nifty and small, hung round my neck. getting an iPod was a bigger step forward than I anticipated. No longer did I just place 30 of my fave tracks, changing the playlist every day, but I could now store days worth of music in my pocket. that was a little too much too soon, for a time I only played Franz Ferdinands album!
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