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macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2009
The app was used to coordinate the 1/6 insurrection and basically had no guardrails to prevent such a thing.
There is zero actual proof of this. In fact, it’s much more likely it was planned on Facebook.

There’s also plenty of evidence to support the idea that the BLM riots last summer (which resulted in over 20 deaths — more deaths than the 1/6 insurrection), were planned on Facebook and Twitter.

Facebook, Messenger, and WhatsApp (all owned by Facebook) are all used by evil people to plan terrorist attacks and commit mass genocide. Feel free to Google search “Facebook Myanmar” for just one example.

Big Tech is the problem. Not a little free speech app that no one actually uses. Big Tech gets away with anything, and faces zero consequences. They shift the blame onto the little guys in order to hide their own culpability.



macrumors G3
Apr 27, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
There is zero actual proof of this. In fact, it’s much more likely it was planned on Facebook.

There’s also plenty of evidence to support the idea that the BLM riots last summer (which resulted in over 20 deaths — more deaths than the 1/6 insurrection), were planned on Facebook and Twitter.

Facebook, Messenger, and WhatsApp (all owned by Facebook) are all used by evil people to plan terrorist attacks and commit mass genocide. Feel free to Google search “Facebook Myanmar” for just one example.

Big Tech is the problem. Not a little free speech app that no one actually uses. Big Tech gets away with anything, and faces zero consequences. They shift the blame onto the little guys in order to hide their own culpability.

Fox News must have really done a number on you. The amount of Fox talking points that the radical right just regurgitates any time their failed insurrection is brought up is amazing.



macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2009
Fox News must have really done a number on you. The amount of Fox talking points that the radical right just regurgitates any time their failed insurrection is brought up is amazing.
This is called psychological projection. You’re projecting onto me what you’re doing yourself.

Stop parrotting leftist talking points.

Did Facebook get removed from the App Store? No, they didn’t. Despite actually being guilty of not moderating posts that incide terrorism.



macrumors G3
Apr 27, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
This is called psychological projection. You’re projecting onto me what you’re doing yourself.

Stop parrotting leftist talking points.

Did Facebook get removed from the App Store? No, they didn’t. Despite actually being guilty of not moderating posts that incide terrorism.

That's because Facebook has a process for removing hate speed and misinformation. It's not very good and the right wing echo chamber full of hate and misinformation remains, but Parler had no mechanism at all apparently - which is why they were removed.
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macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2009
That's because Facebook has a process for removing hate speed and misinformation. It's not very good and the right wing echo chamber full of hate and misinformation remains, but Parler had no mechanism at all apparently - which is why they were removed.
Having a “mechanism” that doesn’t actually do anything, and not having a mechanism, are the exact same thing. They have precisely the same net effect. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Why are you defending Facebook? There’s nothing redeemable about them. Lol. Just acknowledge that the App Store standards aren’t implemented equally.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 27, 2020
imo it's dangerous to have a left wing (Twitter for the most part) and a right wing (Parler) social media app. It'll just turn into 2 separate echo chambers and further divide.


macrumors G3
Apr 27, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
Having a “mechanism” that doesn’t actually do anything, and not having a mechanism, are the exact same thing. They have precisely the same net effect. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Why are you defending Facebook? There’s nothing redeemable about them. Lol. Just acknowledge that the App Store standards aren’t implemented equally.
I agree with your first statement, but from Apple's standpoint - one platform has a mechanism for removing hate speech and misinformation and one doesn't. Now that apparently Parler does, they are back on the app store. Seems the standard is being applied equally to me. There is nothing to defend about Facebook though, it's a right wing echo chamber that feeds easily manipulated people misinformation, hate, and fear. It's probably the main reason we are where we are in America.
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macrumors regular
Jan 2, 2006

The controversial social media app Parler has today returned to the App Store, several months after Apple suspended it for breach of App Store rules.


Parler was removed from the App Store in January because Apple said that it failed to take "adequate measures to address the proliferation" of "threats to people's safety."

According to the Washington Post, Parler has now implemented a moderation algorithm that can detect and hide "hate," allowing the app to meet App Store rules. Users who access Parler elsewhere, such as in a browser, will be able to see a less moderated version of the platform.

Article Link: Parler Returns to the App Store With Improved Moderation
Apple never should have banned Parler. But Apple's leadership is left-wing, and Parler was right-wing, and so Apple applied largely impossible standards to Parler that it never applies to other left-wing social media like Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Twitter doesn't have "misinformation"? Twitter never gave a platform to politicians openly suggesting an election was stolen and that a sitting President was a Russian agent? Of course it did. No one advocated violence or insurrection on Twitter during the endless summer riots of 2020? Of course they did, repeatedly. Same with Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc.

But the single right-leaning Parler app gets nuked, and all the other apps that are full of left-leaning wackoism and censorship are allowed to stay, and be the only voices heard....

It's vile and disgusting and it's only going to fuel new extremism and violence in the future...


macrumors 65816
Oct 26, 2004
It's still shocking how the term 'freedom of speech' gets thrown around willy nilly. The 1st amendment is specific to the government not infringing on speech, religion, press and the right of peaceful protest. It does not apply to private entities who are free to set their own rules and regulations around the forums they create.


macrumors 6502
May 21, 2018
Apple never should have banned Parler. But Apple's leadership is left-wing, and Parler was right-wing, and so Apple applied largely impossible standards to Parler that it never applies to other left-wing social media like Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Twitter doesn't have "misinformation"? Twitter never gave a platform to politicians openly suggesting an election was stolen and that a sitting President was a Russian agent? Of course it did. No one advocated violence or insurrection on Twitter during the endless summer riots of 2020? Of course they did, repeatedly. Same with Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc.

But the single right-leaning Parler app gets nuked, and all the other apps that are full of left-leaning wackoism and censorship are allowed to stay, and be the only voices heard....

It's vile and disgusting and it's only going to fuel new extremism and violence in the future...
Please stop being so logical! Not allowed.

I support this message. Thanks for posting.


macrumors 65816
Dec 30, 2014
Anyone who think Parler is some evil place but Twitter and Facebook is not is thinking that because they were told to think that. There's literally no difference. All social media are the same. It's similar as if I said that people who commute with cars are evil dictators and people who use public transport are wonderful people. Facebook and Twitter is worse, but it's just that those two like to protect some people or groups.
I couldn’t care less that right wing zealots hang out there. Everyone should have an outlet/place to discuss. And if it’s true that the dummies who stormed the Capitol congregated there, that just makes it all the easier to keep an eye on them.

Mr. Awesome

macrumors 65816
Feb 24, 2016
Idaho, USA
Hate speech is one thing but I wish they also had some restrictions on misinformation as well. It's not healthy to have such a large part of our population believing in conspiracy theories and nonsense. I don't think Apple should support that on their platform.
Because there's no misinformation or conspiracies on Twitter or Facebook... :rolleyes:
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macrumors 65816
Oct 26, 2004
Like 'freedom of speech', 'tolerance' is not an absolutist principle. The extension of unlimited 'tolerance' in any society to those that are intolerant results in the destruction of those that are tolerant and 'tolerance' with them.
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macrumors 65816
Feb 24, 2019
imo it's dangerous to have a left wing (Twitter for the most part) and a right wing (Parler) social media app. It'll just turn into 2 separate echo chambers and further divide.
You just described everything that calls itself news in the US right now. There are no unbiased sources of information anymore. None. Zero. Zip.

You have to take every source in the context of what they're trying to spoon feed you. You would THINK people would be sharp enough to see it, but the only ones are the ones making bags of cash off it, because in the end, the news isn't about the "NEWS" it's about making a buck.

MSNBC doesn't exist with a OAN, and vice versa. If the NYP and the NYT weren't constantly beating on each other like disavowed siblings half of what they print would be gone. No one would pay attention.

But people watch, and listen, and read. That sells adds, creates influence, and makes cash. And that's all that matters.

What else can I say? Buy a cabin in the mountains? I dunno.

Wait, that would be more entertaining.....


macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2009
It's still shocking how the term 'freedom of speech' gets thrown around willy nilly. The 1st amendment is specific to the government not infringing on speech, religion, press and the right of peaceful protest. It does not apply to private entities who are free to set their own rules and regulations around the forums they create.
Yes, a government that locks down the entire country and makes it so social media is the only way people can speak with each other.

It’s definitely not important to secure free speech on social media. /s


macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2009
Its funny that people blame an app or platform for the vile content it contains. It's like condemning a megaphone.
Exactly. Or better yet, it’s like blaming AT&T for the crimes that criminals plan over the phone. Which happens literally every day.
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