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macrumors 6502
Jul 17, 2002
you should be slightly more concerned if the juice is worth the squeeze for again 3,000,000,000,000 and what impact that could have on the economy and how far your dollar goes.
The infrastructure bill was 1.2 Trillion. It will have a huge positive impact on the economy. You should be slightly more concerned about getting your facts straight.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2009
Thing is GOP employs them as much or more than the left historically. When looking at debt growth under each party’s rule, red team loves to spend. The GOP fiscal marketing / deception is exceptional. America is sorely missing an actual fiscally conservative party (amongst other gaps). Would love for someone to step up in this regard and clean house, regardless of party
Amen. Almost all elected officials in the US spend like drunken sailors even after campaigning as 'conservatives'.

However, to quote Dan Bongino: “Republicans are not the solution to all our problems, but Democrats are most certainly a CAUSE of our problems.”

Just gotta keep trying to find those that don't want to just fall in line with the establishment.


macrumors 601
Sep 14, 2010
The number of people in these threads who, like you, are gleefully hoping these workers get utterly screwed and lose their livelihood for daring to collectively bargain for better working conditions really bother me. You and those commenting the same way are somehow incredibly angry at people you’ve never met simply because they want fair wages, protection, and benefits for their labor and I really don’t get it. Why do you want these folks to get screwed? Why do you want it so much you want to not just see it happen but laugh at their misfortune if it did? What did they do to you?
I'm with you. I simply don't get why people are so gleeful/excited for the prospect of workers loosing their jobs for daring to ask for better conditions/wages?


macrumors 6502
Jul 17, 2002
I’m waiting for that positive impact and so are you

You didn‘t even know how much the bill actually was. You don’t know what you’re waiting for. But rebuilding the infrastructure of an entire country after it’s been neglected for so long isn’t going to happen in 5 months.
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A MacBook lover

May 22, 2009
Oh Really? Who voted against the Gas Price Gouging Bill in the House? ALL 207 Republicans voted against it. And it will FAIL in the Senate because of the filibuster.
In fact:
ALL Republicans voted against capping insulin prices at $35.
192 Republicans voted against the bill to provide funding that would ease the baby food shortage
251 Republicans voted against a bill to address domestic terrorism
63 House Republicans voted against support for NATO
30 Republicans voted against the BIPARTISAN Infrastructure bill…and then turn around and tell their constituents they helped pass it.

Stay classy GOP!
So…what poison pills were in the bills? Sounds like you stretching the truth, link the bills. I doubt they were as clairvoyant as you make them to be
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macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
You didn‘t even know how much the bill actually was. You don’t know what you’re waiting for. But rebuilding the infrastructure of an entire country after it’s been neglected for so long isn’t going to happen in 5 months.

The Senate Budget Committee, which released a framework agreement over the summer, says that the investments will be fully offset by a combination of new tax revenues, health care savings and long-term economic growth, though the summary doesn’t provide details

This is cnn too

They wanted to pass a 3.5 trillion dollar bill and compromised. 1.2 is still a lot of cheddar in my book , again for no benefits

Just admit you love Democrats through and through and they can do no wrong even if the country goes broke and can’t afford gas food or find baby food on the shelves or keep up with hyperinflation to name just a few ... and you don’t really care if the country falls apart and we can all move along

It’s all so tiring and sad
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macrumors 604
Jul 29, 2002
Vancouver, BC
I disagree on unionization being a win-win for everyone. While I see how it can empower workers to make certain demands, it also all-too-often nurtures an environment of slower, lazier workers that hide behind the union with immunity.


Nov 8, 2015
It’s one of the many reasons Sweden produces and invents nothing of consequence
If you have somebody with a battery run pacemaker in your family, you should tell him/her to immediately take it out, because it was invented in Sweden. But yeah Sweden don’t invent such much garbage like other countries, mainly things that matters.

Btw. Trash all your clothes and accessories that has Zippers, it was also invented in Sweden.


Nov 8, 2015
Ironically, the rest of the western world thinks that the US needs it the most. We all look aghast at the US's horrid working conditions, astoundingly low minimum wages, astounding lack of annual leave, woefully expensive health care system, jaw dropping student debt, and mind blowing lack of care for the downtrodden and unfortunate. It's supposed to be the world's leading economy, but in so many ways it's more like a poor 3rd world country.

We are all like wtf, how do you let yourselves get so completely sh*t on by employers and corporations so badly. We read the comments of these articles about unions, and see the number of people upvoting and downvoting, and our eyes pop at the pure brainwashing that the billionaire owned media has achieved in turning ordinary workers so angrily against the very things that will improve their own lives. People in the US actually vehemently, angrily, vote in favour of policies that enrich the billionaires, and impoverish themselves. They do so with flag waving, nationalistic pride, as if ensuring their own ongoing poverty and virtual slavery is the definition of freedom.
Just saw a docu few weeks ago about Skid Row - LA and I was just WTF.

The whole Germany and probably the whole Europe does not have a place like this, and the government does nothing to help.

And i don’t even want to mention the ones who are permanently living in travel trailers but working at Silicon Valley for worldwide known tech companies.

Poverty will always exist, but this tops a lot. It’s the hire and fire philosophy and the homelessness is just a paycheck away.
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T Coma

macrumors 6502a
Dec 3, 2015
Flyover Country, USA
Labour laws in the US? Where women aren’t even granted maternity leave? Where there’s an ingrained culture of not taking time off from work even for a vacation? Have you been to any other modern industrialized nations? From the outside looking in, the US looks like a terrible place to work.
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macrumors regular
Jul 4, 2008

[...] "Workers have a right to determine under what condition they are going to work or not work," Biden told reporters. He went on to say that "everyone is better off, including the final product is better off," in reference to the unionization. [...]
This is surely just the output of some sort of random soudbyte generator, rather than something that is either correct, or even something that Biden might even halfway believe in real life.

Workers can decide where they may wish to work or not (and it is not clear that their decisions need to be binding on anyone other than themselves), but it is not clear that they have any "right" to impose their choices on their employers (or partners, or whatever). If you don't like the employment terms, go work elsewhere.

If respecting the will of the workers (or perhaps more widely the general proletariat) were so powerful in achieving better outcomes, how come America has so strongly resisted Socialism? And more, how come Communism has failed so spectacularly everywhere, despite being based on exactly those sentiments?

Once again, Joe Biden manages to underwhelm.


macrumors regular
Jul 4, 2008
The number of people in these threads who, like you, are gleefully hoping these workers get utterly screwed and lose their livelihood for daring to collectively bargain for better working conditions really bother me. You and those commenting the same way are somehow incredibly angry at people you’ve never met simply because they want fair wages, protection, and benefits for their labor and I really don’t get it. Why do you want these folks to get screwed? Why do you want it so much you want to not just see it happen but laugh at their misfortune if it did? What did they do to you?
Surely there is a difference between unionisation in the face of exploitation, and the organising of workers in order to try to simply increase their advantage? Given the ease of being able to leave Apple and go find a job elsewhere, in an economy of relatively low unemployment, already gives workers the power to negotiate effectively. Particularly in a high labour-turnover industry such as retail. To gain any genuine advantage, those workers would have to be unionised in all similar work across all similar employment. This appears to be against the trend across the developed world.

Perhaps it's unfair, but unfortunately this smacks of a degree of activism in this particular workforce. That means people whose focus is less on doing a good day's work, and focussed more on increasing the benefits that they can extract from their employer. One can't help feeling that the net result of such activism is a lose-lose outcome, with underperforming employees and unhappy employer. A lot of retail staff have far too many distractions already. You can tell where they are most protected at work, because there is a lot more personal phone usage during working hours and a lot more customer waiting time because employees are busy having a break or a chat together.


macrumors 68000
Apr 25, 2017
If you don't like the employment terms, go work elsewhere.
In theory - absolutely. In practice though, with a target of 5% unemployment to avoid drastic salary increases, there will be significant number of people will not be able switch jobs easily. Take also into account, decreased mobility because of owned houses, spouses work situation, family to take care of etc. Just changing a job is not always possible.


macrumors 6502
Dec 14, 2015
What rights do the Apple employees not have? Apparently they even said in their letter that it is about gaining rights. What are these?
There’ll be something ridiculous about pronouns I’m sure or something of that nature. They tried it at Google and look what happened
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macrumors 6502a
May 30, 2008
Arendal, Norway
He's getting to it... He's scheduled to go to kowtow to the Saudis this week. The same ones he called murderers last year.
Wel, that was before oil and natural gas spiked rather significantly dur to a certain invasion, do keep up plz, the "who us bad" label does not currently apply ti anyon with oil to sell ( aspart from Russians), rhe tube will probably change rather swiftly once Ukraine is sirterpd and related embargoes from both sides are lifted


macrumors 6502a
May 30, 2008
Arendal, Norway
Sorry, but unions have been the death of America’s manufacturing base. Not that every union is bad, but most are more corrupt than the companies they work for. From what I read Apple retail not a bad place to work. Especially, compared to other retailers

If Apple was smart they would close that store. Come up with an easy way to ship in repairs or open a repair only location. Everything else can be ordered online.
Hold on unions work for companies, i thought thay where on the other side if the negotiating table, oh buy have I been weong, thanks fir correcting me
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