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Apr 24, 2010
Dublin, Ireland
To be fair there are/were people saying apple was fine doing it.

Not that many compared to those that weren't saying it, but people like to forget/ignore that.

I think it shows the complete opposite. You have to have confidence in your product to compare it to others.

Thing is, they're not even comparing properly. They're being deceptive. Same with Microsoft's ones for the surface.


macrumors 65816
Sep 24, 2012
Kent, UK
First of all, I've yet to see any Apple fans get upset about this ad. Secondly, Apple never went directly after a brand with those commercials. This entire thread is full of offended Samsung customers. I love it when a company is so insecure they have to directly go after the competition. No matter how hard they try they will never equal Apple products. BAM!!!

Really? Even though they mention

Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7

Think you need to watch again.


macrumors regular
Mar 2, 2008
Is it only me but these Sumsang have always gotten me curious enough to head over to BestBuy and demo one of their Samsung devices (smartwatch, phones, tablet) and whenever I'm at the Samsung section of the store playing with the devices, I always walk away unimpressed and feel like whatever they advertised isn't close to what the real experience is in person.

Anyone else had the same experience?

It have always seem to be because Andriod was never built for 1 device and Samsung doesn't have the proper engineering resource to invest on properly optimizing Andriod for their hardware, they had always needed to throw in more RAM or CPU, or higher resolution display or anyone of those combination just to keep up with the Apple's highly optimized iOS built for for hardware.

When the software isn't optimized, you ** CAN ** make it go faster by throwing faster hardware at it. Or if you took the time to optimize your code for the hardware -- you won't need higher specs to accomplish the same results.

Feels like Samsung is throwing a bunch of things together and almost half of those you may never use or need; and the other half is just to make up for optimized code. --- When I was playing G. S5 and comparing it with the Iphone 5 or 5S, for specs Samsung advertises, it doesn't feel relatively better. You would expect with better specs the Samsung devices would run circles around Apple devices. Not true at all.

That isn't even the major turn off. Most of my turn off is inconsistency of Android support between different generations of phones. Maybe not as important for regular joes or people who cares about bleeding edge... but for business minded people as well.. we need something more consistent while still being "new".

Moving from iOS version to newer iOS version has been pretty consistent and it doesn't alienate the user experience.


macrumors 68040
Jul 11, 2009
That's true but remember Apple will be entering that "Phablet" world with the rumoured 5.5". which will be bigger in size than the Note 3 due to bezels, if rumors are true.

He could then come back at you, with you claimed it was big before and you never liked but now Apple do it you like. just saying

You misread. His point was that it's silly to take personal pride in a device you simply decided to purchase instead of another device. The fact that it's a "phablet" or that Apple might make one has nothing to so with his point.


macrumors 65816
Mar 19, 2014
Not that many compared to those that weren't saying it, but people like to forget/ignore .

This is definitely true. Way more people not giving apple a free pass but that's what people do to apple users: generalize. It's idiotic, and they start stumbling and backtracking when you call them out but that's never gonna change.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2012
I have been using a Apple products for a long time. Totally fed up with the iPhone and most probably my next phone will be an android.


macrumors 6502a
May 16, 2012
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
you won't need higher specs to accomplish the same results.

Feels like Samsung is throwing a bunch of things together and almost half of those you may never use or need; and the other half is just to make up for optimized code. --- When I was playing G. S5 and comparing it with the Iphone 5 or 5S, for specs Samsung advertises, it doesn't feel relatively better. You would expect with better specs the Samsung devices would run circles around Apple devices. Not true at all.

That isn't even the major turn off. Most of my turn off is inconsistency of Android support between different generations of phones. Maybe not as important for regular joes or people who cares about bleeding edge... but for business minded people as well.. we need something more consistent while still being "new".

Moving from iOS version to newer iOS version has been pretty consistent and it doesn't alienate the user experience.

So true. That's why I keep using Apple products. I've got a small business myself and not only the people I hire work with Apple computers so does my girlfriend. Buying new iPhones only requires to fill in our iCloud adresses and everything is set to go. No huge differences in iOS, no substractions because software suddenly doesn't work. It's not just the hardware where I care about but it's the significant better operating OS that works just great alongside all the machines we are using, especially with the upcoming new OS.

I'm sure some Samsung products have better stats concerning hardware but android itself is missing, i.m.h.o. one crucial aspect, a solid and good working OS. Besides, I never ever did miss the add ons like the ability to put a card in your iPad for more storage. In fact, I think it's a high security risk. I rather have a more closed system that works perfect and is more durable against virus treats then an open system that doesn't always work due of the many different versions of Android people are using. The very fact that Apple is making both hardware and software makes it ideal to upgrade both versions without creating angry users because some aspects doesn't work in a sudden.

The only point of critique towards apple on business level, I use Office 365 for my documents because Pages doesn't come even close as for the abilities 365 has to offer. It's really a world of difference. I would also love the idea that users could connect their domain names directly to their iCloud devices. As long this is not possible iCloud will be regarded among many as a nice add on to share foto's with family and friends but not really suitable for business. There is a world to gain for Apple when they would achieve to power up Pages and these matters I stated above.
Last edited:


macrumors 65816
Jun 3, 2012
For what it's worth, I commented this on YouTube as well.

Ads like this are so stupid. I'm sure they work, and I'm sure it's effective at persuading people, but come on. It's not like any company ever would include an actually representative sample of what people preferred... I'm sure people talked about the Samsung tablet's plasticky construction. "Definitely lighter" isn't even always a good thing. It can make devices feel cheap. The "it takes up almost no space" comment makes no sense. The devices cover almost an identical surface area... The aspect ratios are just different. Plus, any person who has ever seen street magic performed knows that it's extremely easy to plant an idea in peoples' heads unbeknownst to them. He's pretty clearly presenting Samsung's device as better from the get go both verbally and non-verbally.

It's depressing to me that this kind of marketing affects people. It's so phoney and requires no effort or creativity. Just an editing room and a good host.


It doesn't even matter what device is "better," this type of advertising is just trashy.

You give so little credit to the general public, the vast majority of followers don't know and go on recommendations of others and it's those people who do see through this marketing and choose the product they like for perfectly valid reasons.

This tactic ultimately fails, even if it convinces a few switchers the features, usability and design of the actual product directly relates to sales. Adverts that highlight those parts of a product are most successful. Hype people up about a product and they'll only be disappoint. You have to meet the expectations only, advertising should never try and pull wool over eyes.

The reason apple is successful long term is partly their approach to advertising.

I hate to draw comparisons to cars as everyone does but VW, BMW, AUDI etc all use advertising that's similar to apple in that it doesn't boast and these are some of the most respected makes in the market, have best resale value and consistent sales.


macrumors regular
Jul 7, 2007
I'm getting sick of these adverts, not just Samsung but from other competitors. Why can't they just advertise their products for the features that they have and let it stand on it's own two feet instead of always having to compare it directly with the iPhone 5S or the iPad Air.

And yes, Apple perhaps did start it with the Mac vs PC ads a while back. But the beauty of those ads was that Apple was generic about it, they didn't target specific manufacturers or particular devices. Just shows how desperate the competition must be if they're always attacking specific Apple products directly.
Yes thats because apple was targeting windows software and not the hardware :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Sep 19, 2011
No but people are proud of their smart phones, if not, then this thread wouldn't have taken off like it did.

Then there's a big problem with society. You should be proud of your loved ones not objects (unless you made/designed it).


macrumors 6502a
Mar 13, 2009
Android tablets suck because most of the truly killer tablet apps are on iPad only.

But I'm sure the Tab doesn't break from tiny knocks like the fragile iPad Air - the most non-durable electronic device I've ever owned.


macrumors regular
Oct 7, 2008

Wow! How pathetic! Out of 8.4 million people living in NYC, they found only a handful of people who prefer the Galaxy tablet and decides to boast over it… That’s samesung for you… Just be happy with the little scraps that they get off of the table. What a dog! Those handful of people were probably paid thousands of dollars for their lie.


macrumors member
Aug 26, 2010
Well, I am proud owner of Samsung Galaxy Note 8. The Pen function definitely blows iPad away.

However, this dreaded android has wakelock plague that almost cannot be solved. This is one of the biggest reason why I hate android so much. The wakelock cannot be controlled unless you are rooting your phone. iOS rarely have some "wakelock" problems, and usually restart your phone solves the problem.

If only iPad has a pen, I will definitely buy it, especially the iPad Mini. Hopefully apple can implement multi window, because it is very useful.

Flight Plan

macrumors 6502a
May 26, 2014
Southeastern US
Well, I wasn't even in NYC that day, but if they had interviewed me, my first question would have been if the Samsung bloatware could be optionally removed/uninstalled.

Samsung has been ruining their devices with the uninstallable bloatware. So I can't even consider Samsung devices. And that makes me sad.:(


macrumors 65816
Sep 24, 2012
Kent, UK
Well, I wasn't even in NYC that day, but if they had interviewed me, my first question would have been if the Samsung bloatware could be optionally removed/uninstalled.

Samsung has been ruining their devices with the uninstallable bloatware. So I can't even consider Samsung devices. And that makes me sad.:(

Yet it can be disabled very easily.

Unfortunately the same cant be said for Apple and the apps they install.
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