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macrumors newbie
Jul 14, 2009
same here

Yay, it's good to know others experience this phenomenon too, lol...
This usually occurs for me when I am very very hungry and early in the mornings, (like this morning). It's like a fizzing soda sound, coming from your throat and you can hear it clearly and when you open your mouth, others can hear it too. It never was a concern for me because I directly related it to hunger. Plus, I'm used to weird stuff happening to me :)

Don't panic

macrumors 603
Jan 30, 2004
having a drink at Milliways
i think you just need to have the connectors looked at, or maybe replaced.

or you could just get rid of them. you might not like it though.



macrumors regular
Jun 6, 2003
Same Here...

I have this issue too. However, I did discover that it could likely be due to a food allergy or intolerance. I have hypothyroidism, and I get this fluid noise in my neck as well. It normally only happens when I eat certain foods. You might try a process of elimination to see what is causing it. For me, I'm pretty sure it was beans and legumes.


macrumors 65816
May 10, 2009
WOW, dude. Go to the Emergency Room if it's that loud.

wow if its making a sizzling sound it's, related to stomach growling, and his friends can hear it too it sounds like a really ****ed up case of acid reflux I'd go to an emergency room cause that sounds like stomach acid eating away at the lining of your throat.


macrumors 68000
Oct 22, 2009
Imma somethingzz cookin and it sure smellzz goodzz ! :D

Seriously OP: Get a doc asap. Could be a potential nerve problem..


macrumors newbie
Apr 8, 2010
I have the same problem


After looking online for people with my problem i came across this thread.
I'm 29 years old and have the same problem (Sizzling noise from the spine).
Iv'e been to an ENT specialist and also a neurologist, both of them found nothing wrong. mrwizardno2 - did you go to the doctor, does anybody know what's causing this noise ?


macrumors newbie
May 19, 2010
OMG!!! I thought I was crazy! I thought I was the only one in the planet with this sizzling noise thing!

I do mean to tell my doctor about it, but forget every time I go... I guess I should not eat anything on the day of my appointment so it can hopefully happen right there and then, huh?!

Well, at least I know I'm not alone! (Hope we're not dying a sizzle at-a-time!)


macrumors newbie
Oct 24, 2010
I have the sizzling noise as well. However, mine has no correlation to being hungry, movement or time of day. My blood pressure and heart have been checked and are normal. I have EDS (Ehlers-Danlos) Type 3, which is a connective tissue disorder and can affect the spine. I am not sure the reason why it "sizzles" but I will be asking my doctor!

human condition

macrumors newbie
Nov 19, 2010
Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway. Don't Panic

Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
excellent quote

yeah, so what i copy paste my phyllophy
this is going to sound creepy and serious.. but i have cut and paste Don't Panic's personality as at this juncture i same my comedic energy for parties [ALCOHOL MAKES ME DANE COOK] i've been told so from my friends/people before knew who he was... trust me. i am funny
i command you to dance! ..
now for some weirdo ****..

23 23 23 lol reference to jim carrey movie 23

here's a message to Don't panic:
first of all i hope don't panic is a reference to A Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy (ectremely funny/ philosophical book)

i'm 29, when i first heard the neck soda i thought i was crazy. it was in august 2005. i know this because i have confirmed it with files on my computer...
so i was about 24. i didn't read all of the forum but people seem to be fascinated with the numbers 23 24 25 ect.

ANY WAY [this is the interesting part]

1.) I get the neck soda sound when my stomach is empty.

2.) I have also correlated this with / assumed it was spinal fluid

3.) I have acid reflux disease. (although the sound isn't audible through my mouth only my neck [hence reverberation through my skull])

4.) I was 24 years old [I try not to believe in strange patterns that may be an assumption of what i have been taught through external stimuli i.e. the number 24 ect.] but it's interesting

5.) someone also mentioned blood pressure and or (in his roommate's case)
lack of oxygen in his cardiovascular system i.e. IM A CHAIN SMOKER
(also one of the causes of acid reflux .. the other = alcohol)
another words lack of oxygen to your blood


the first time i heard this soda sound where my neck meets my skull i was falling asleep, about 24 (i know this because i have checked computer files of songs i have written)

i was falling asleep (drug free mind you)
.. and daydreaming into sleep (dazing off thinking of randon ****)

and i thought about "THE MATRIX" (daydreaming, brain storming, falling asleep, ect. )
and simultaneously (LITERALLY, the exact moment after the thought, I RANDOMLY out of no where thought about the matrix)
and simultaneously after the thought my neck for the first time made that soda noise as i call it.

well, for a brief moment it scared the living **** out of me, i thought i was schizophrenic or that the matrix was real for a moment, and that it was "the matrix" communicating to feed my body.

well that was for a split moment and i immediately told myself if "The Matrix tm were / weren't real that it wouldn't matter cause i have no control over it"

coincidentally, and this is just further discrediting my self / character...
2 years prior to this i was in a public library [researching/ surfing ect. ]
and i went to google or some search engine... humoring myself. joking typing up a search asking "is the matrix real" or some thing along those lines.
literally talking to "The Matrix" HUMORING MYSELF i might remind you.

and LITERALLY simultaneously the library lights flickered and the library announced on the speaker that "the library had 5 mins till close"

seemingly strange to me ..
but it was a Sunday and they closed 4 hrs early on Sundays.

the only point is that these are interesting stories and I don't claim to believe in crazy ****.

i love how Don't Panic stated on this topic in a couple lines "

"I do not believe in lot of things, but I do believe in duct tape. "

im not saying i believe in anything... i don't confirm nor deny existence.
for example:
the universe is LITERALLY holographic in nature.. like the matrix.

centrifugal force holds atoms together... its the reason we are not "ghosts" and fall through the floor or coffee table.

in lamen's terms think about north and south pole on a magnet.
imagine how everything (atoms/ molecules) vibrate to stay together.

comedy Bill Hicks said :
"Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration – that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather."

energy= mass times light speed time
there is space . time
and there is spacetime
donnie darko

check out college lectures on "super string theory the dna of reality"

a wise man once said: "i don't believe in many things, i don't believe in duct tape."
but seriously that whole thing is not bull ****, it happened to me and i consider it coincidence. and or trippy
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macrumors 65816
Sep 25, 2008
Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
excellent quote

yeah, so what i copy paste my phyllophy
this is going to sound creepy and serious.. but i have cut and paste Don't Panic's personality as at this juncture i same my comedic energy for parties [ALCOHOL MAKES ME DANE COOK] i've been told so from my friends/people before knew who he was... trust me. i am funny
i command you to dance! ..
now for some weirdo ****..

23 23 23 lol reference to jim carrey movie 23

here's a message to Don't panic:
first of all i hope don't panic is a reference to A Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy (ectremely funny/ philosophical book)

i'm 29, when i first heard the neck soda i thought i was crazy. it was in august 2005. i know this because i have confirmed it with files on my computer...
so i was about 24. i didn't read all of the forum but people seem to be fascinated with the numbers 23 24 25 ect.

ANY WAY [this is the interesting part]

1.) I get the neck soda sound when my stomach is empty.

2.) I have also correlated this with / assumed it was spinal fluid

3.) I have acid reflux disease. (although the sound isn't audible through my mouth only my neck [hence reverberation through my skull])

4.) I was 24 years old [I try not to believe in strange patterns that may be an assumption of what i have been taught through external stimuli i.e. the number 24 ect.] but it's interesting

5.) someone also mentioned blood pressure and or (in his roommate's case)
lack of oxygen in his cardiovascular system i.e. IM A CHAIN SMOKER
(also one of the causes of acid reflux .. the other = alcohol)
another words lack of oxygen to your blood


the first time i heard this soda sound where my neck meets my skull i was falling asleep, about 24 (i know this because i have checked computer files of songs i have written)

i was falling asleep (drug free mind you)
.. and daydreaming into sleep (dazing off thinking of randon ****)

and i thought about "THE MATRIX" (daydreaming, brain storming, falling asleep, ect. )
and simultaneously (LITERALLY, the exact moment after the thought, I RANDOMLY out of no where thought about the matrix)
and simultaneously after the thought my neck for the first time made that soda noise as i call it.

well, for a brief moment it scared the living **** out of me, i thought i was schizophrenic or that the matrix was real for a moment, and that it was "the matrix" communicating to feed my body.

well that was for a split moment and i immediately told myself if "The Matrix tm were / weren't real that it wouldn't matter cause i have no control over it"

coincidentally, and this is just further discrediting my self / character...
2 years prior to this i was in a public library [researching/ surfing ect. ]
and i went to google or some search engine... humoring myself. joking typing up a search asking "is the matrix real" or some thing along those lines.
literally talking to "The Matrix" HUMORING MYSELF i might remind you.

and LITERALLY simultaneously the library lights flickered and the library announced on the speaker that "the library had 5 mins till close"

seemingly strange to me ..
but it was a Sunday and they closed 4 hrs early on Sundays.

the only point is that these are interesting stories and I don't claim to believe in crazy ****.

i love how Don't Panic stated on this topic in a couple lines "

"I do not believe in lot of things, but I do believe in duct tape. "

im not saying i believe in anything... i don't confirm nor deny existence.
for example:
the universe is LITERALLY holographic in nature.. like the matrix.

centrifugal force holds atoms together... its the reason we are not "ghosts" and fall through the floor or coffee table.

in lamen's terms think about north and south pole on a magnet.
imagine how everything (atoms/ molecules) vibrate to stay together.

comedy Bill Hicks said :
"Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration – that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather."

energy= mass times light speed time
there is space . time
and there is spacetime
donnie darko

check out college lectures on "super string theory the dna of reality"

a wise man once said: "i don't believe in many things, i don't believe in duct tape."
but seriously that whole thing is not bull ****, it happened to me and i consider it coincidence. and or trippy



macrumors newbie
May 7, 2011
I get that every once in awhile too. What you're hearing is your spinal fluid percolating. It sounds like 7up soda right after you've poured it into the glass, right? ;)

I get it to but it kinda sounds like a spider hissing and I'm just concerned because spiders crawl in you mouth at night so.... could it be that?


macrumors newbie
Feb 6, 2012
Got the same weirdo sound.
It's the same sound if your in the water and a speed boat goes past (anyone hear that also or it's just us weirdo's?)

Worked out it's my pancreas spirting pancreas fluid.

The pancreas sits close to (or right on) the spine and the sound echos or reverberates through.

Hope this helps
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macrumors regular
Feb 6, 2011
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

human condition said:
Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
excellent quote

yeah, so what i copy paste my phyllophy
this is going to sound creepy and serious.. but i have cut and paste Don't Panic's personality as at this juncture i same my comedic energy for parties [ALCOHOL MAKES ME DANE COOK] i've been told so from my friends/people before knew who he was... trust me. i am funny
i command you to dance! ..
now for some weirdo ****..

23 23 23 lol reference to jim carrey movie 23

here's a message to Don't panic:
first of all i hope don't panic is a reference to A Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy (ectremely funny/ philosophical book)

i'm 29, when i first heard the neck soda i thought i was crazy. it was in august 2005. i know this because i have confirmed it with files on my computer...
so i was about 24. i didn't read all of the forum but people seem to be fascinated with the numbers 23 24 25 ect.

ANY WAY [this is the interesting part]

1.) I get the neck soda sound when my stomach is empty.

2.) I have also correlated this with / assumed it was spinal fluid

3.) I have acid reflux disease. (although the sound isn't audible through my mouth only my neck [hence reverberation through my skull])

4.) I was 24 years old [I try not to believe in strange patterns that may be an assumption of what i have been taught through external stimuli i.e. the number 24 ect.] but it's interesting

5.) someone also mentioned blood pressure and or (in his roommate's case)
lack of oxygen in his cardiovascular system i.e. IM A CHAIN SMOKER
(also one of the causes of acid reflux .. the other = alcohol)
another words lack of oxygen to your blood


the first time i heard this soda sound where my neck meets my skull i was falling asleep, about 24 (i know this because i have checked computer files of songs i have written)

i was falling asleep (drug free mind you)
.. and daydreaming into sleep (dazing off thinking of randon ****)

and i thought about "THE MATRIX" (daydreaming, brain storming, falling asleep, ect. )
and simultaneously (LITERALLY, the exact moment after the thought, I RANDOMLY out of no where thought about the matrix)
and simultaneously after the thought my neck for the first time made that soda noise as i call it.

well, for a brief moment it scared the living **** out of me, i thought i was schizophrenic or that the matrix was real for a moment, and that it was "the matrix" communicating to feed my body.

well that was for a split moment and i immediately told myself if "The Matrix tm were / weren't real that it wouldn't matter cause i have no control over it"

coincidentally, and this is just further discrediting my self / character...
2 years prior to this i was in a public library [researching/ surfing ect. ]
and i went to google or some search engine... humoring myself. joking typing up a search asking "is the matrix real" or some thing along those lines.
literally talking to "The Matrix" HUMORING MYSELF i might remind you.

and LITERALLY simultaneously the library lights flickered and the library announced on the speaker that "the library had 5 mins till close"

seemingly strange to me ..
but it was a Sunday and they closed 4 hrs early on Sundays.

the only point is that these are interesting stories and I don't claim to believe in crazy ****.

i love how Don't Panic stated on this topic in a couple lines "

"I do not believe in lot of things, but I do believe in duct tape. "

im not saying i believe in anything... i don't confirm nor deny existence.
for example:
the universe is LITERALLY holographic in nature.. like the matrix.

centrifugal force holds atoms together... its the reason we are not "ghosts" and fall through the floor or coffee table.

in lamen's terms think about north and south pole on a magnet.
imagine how everything (atoms/ molecules) vibrate to stay together.

comedy Bill Hicks said :
"Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration – that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather."

energy= mass times light speed time
there is space . time
and there is spacetime
donnie darko

check out college lectures on "super string theory the dna of reality"

a wise man once said: "i don't believe in many things, i don't believe in duct tape."
but seriously that whole thing is not bull ****, it happened to me and i consider it coincidence. and or trippy

I had to read this a couple times... but it finally makes sense.


macrumors newbie
Feb 25, 2012
i just googled "spine sizzle" and read your story

Okay, so I swear I'm not crazy.... or at least not TOO crazy. Anyway, today here at work, I'm talking to my team lead and my neck starts doing this sizzling thing. Right from the base of my neck where it meets the skull, there's this sizzly / tingly / think french fries in hot oil weird sound coming out... and he can hear it, too. He says he has the same thing.

I've googled, I've web-md'd, and I can't find crap on this. I've not asked my doctor about it, but I'm going to. Anyone else have this?

It's not a sound coming from bones, or from turning your head. Don't say arthritis, because that's not it either. It's like it comes right out of my spine. I'm 22, going on 23 on the 24th of this month... and these noises didn't really start until I was like 18 or 19. They usually come on when I'm super hungry. My stomach growls with hunger pain, and then I hear the sizzles.

So, do you have the same thing? Know what it is? Am I really crazy, or what?

I have the exact same thing in my neck


macrumors regular
Jan 12, 2011
You haven't asked your doctor but you'll ask strangers on a message board? Why don't you just see a professional?


macrumors newbie
Feb 25, 2012
never thought it to be related to the pancreas

Got the same weirdo sound.
It's the same sound if your in the water and a speed boat goes past (anyone hear that also or it's just us weirdo's?)

Worked out it's my pancreas spirting pancreas fluid.

The pancreas sits close to (or right on) the spine and the sound echos or reverberates through.

Hope this helps



macrumors newbie
Feb 25, 2012
So, I get this sizzling noise in my neck. As I "hear it" , I also can feel a sizzling sensation shooting up my spine. I have told a doctor a couple of years ago. He wasn't much help and did look at me as though he was questioning my sanity. He told me that he had never heard of anything like that. Whatever this "sizzling" sittuation is ....i've had it for about ten years(i'm 26). I notice it most when whlie my stomach is growling. I plan to see a specialist.
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