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macrumors member
Feb 15, 2012
The first post sums it up well.
Go to a doc and check it out.
If something is not in place, better put it back in place before it heals.


macrumors 68030
Dec 14, 2009
Yardley, PA
It's beyond me that this hasn't been solved yet. I believe the spinal fluid theory more. But still it's weird.

I experience this when I'm hungry. This morning before breakfast it happened every two minutes. Ate some eggs and it stopped.

Sounds just like a liquid with bubbles is draining into part of my spine right where it meets my skull at the back of my throat. As its draining the bubbles are popping like soda. It goes for about 3 seconds straight then stops.
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 4, 2009
West Koast
I hate when people start really interesting / weird threads and then NEVER come back to update us with the results. It's like reading a book and then never getting around to the last 3 chapters, or like watching a really intense TV show, and then getting the dreaded "To Be Continued..." message.

What a let down MrWizard.


macrumors newbie
Apr 22, 2012
Sizzling noise coming from neck

;) You are not crazy! It is perfectly normal to hear a sizzling in the back of your neck. It was strange for me as well when I started noticing it but believe it or not it has to do with becoming "Clairvoyant." Within the human body energy is always trying to flow smoothly. And since sometimes we might "feel hungry" or "tense" the energy pathways in our body ends up clearing blockages. It might seem like a figment of your imagination but trust me it isn' is all very real. The sizzling in the back of the neck is a gland that can activate and vibrate as much as it wants. In Psychology one of it's nickname is "The 3rd Eye." I hope my response helped you in anyway. I noticed you posted this a long time ago but I was dealing with the same thing today actually...and I'm 23. Not a coincidence! :cool:
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macrumors newbie
Apr 27, 2012
sizzing sound

I have had that sound for as long as I can remember- I am 34 now. Yes it comes right after your stomach growls or during it's like a slow sizzlying sound for maybe two seconds that only you can hear and maybe feel but I think if someone putts there ear to the back of your neck they may hear it. It seems like it's right where the spine and skull meet or down a little I think it's more like in the spinal cord but I know it's related to the stomach growling because that's only when it happens. It was happening this morning when I was laying down and stomach growling that's when I decided to look it up and found this post (I am not over weight):confused:
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macrumors newbie
May 12, 2012
I've had the same thing since I was 11 or younger it doesn't hurt or bother and its when I'm starving :) or lying down usually hungry too I'm totally used to it

Does any one experience any other symptoms who's experienced this like anxiety/gad or spots in vision?
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macrumors newbie
May 12, 2012
;) You are not crazy! It is perfectly normal to hear a sizzling in the back of your neck. It was strange for me as well when I started noticing it but believe it or not it has to do with becoming "Clairvoyant." Within the human body energy is always trying to flow smoothly. And since sometimes we might "feel hungry" or "tense" the energy pathways in our body ends up clearing blockages. It might seem like a figment of your imagination but trust me it isn' is all very real. The sizzling in the back of the neck is a gland that can activate and vibrate as much as it wants. In Psychology one of it's nickname is "The 3rd Eye." I hope my response helped you in anyway. I noticed you posted this a long time ago but I was dealing with the same thing today actually...and I'm 23. Not a coincidence! :cool:
Are you joking or serious? Very interesting none the less but are you joking?


Okay so does anyone here comminicate with spirit as well as have fizzing neck spinal noise? Seriously I'm seerius


macrumors newbie
Jul 17, 2012
Hay! idk if people still read this thread but if the main guy gets back on i get this thing too! and idk what it is, its like a sizzling noise where my neck meets my head, ive never really had it happen around other ppl but i thought it cld b my eplipesy, i havent had a seizure in like 11 yrs but idk, but now i know its not, and i never really thought about it but it does happen when im hungry, and im sooo glad im not the only person that has this!! lol if the person that has this as well wants to keep in touch about it or mabye if hes found out more about what this is plz email me at thanks!
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macrumors regular
Jul 20, 2015
I have the same thing, first I thought there was something very bad with my body, not living a healthy lifestyle could cause this..

But when I took a closer look at how I felt every time when it happens I noticed that I was always hungry for food + I was laying down too. So.. everybody knows your stomach can makes this crazy grizzly/shizly sound when a human is hungry after a while.. That was my problem, I was hungry, my stomach was making this sound BUT, because I was laying down my stomach was probably resting on top of or connected to my spine or some other nerve or body part in my body that was connected to my neck/head that led to hearing this sound at such a frequency internally...

The sound is very crazy, like something is growing/moving inside your body/neck. Very bad and scary to hear this sound coming from your neck, also only you can hear it and you hear it twice as load because it's internal body sounds haha..
As of late I lost some weight, take care of my food and all the sounds have gone away.

Hope that helps.. Just check how you feel when it happens.


macrumors newbie
Oct 23, 2015
Okay, so I swear I'm not crazy.... or at least not TOO crazy. Anyway, today here at work, I'm talking to my team lead and my neck starts doing this sizzling thing. Right from the base of my neck where it meets the skull, there's this sizzly / tingly / think french fries in hot oil weird sound coming out... and he can hear it, too. He says he has the same thing.

I've googled, I've web-md'd, and I can't find crap on this. I've not asked my doctor about it, but I'm going to. Anyone else have this?

It's not a sound coming from bones, or from turning your head. Don't say arthritis, because that's not it either. It's like it comes right out of my spine. I'm 22, going on 23 on the 24th of this month... and these noises didn't really start until I was like 18 or 19. They usually come on when I'm super hungry. My stomach growls with hunger pain, and then I hear the sizzles.

So, do you have the same thing? Know what it is? Am I really crazy, or what?

I hear the same thing when I'm real hungry, almost like a sizzling noise or the sound reminds me of electric stove cooling down. Don't know what it is. Would like to know my self...
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macrumors newbie
Oct 23, 2015
The sizzling noise is masked by the ringing in my ears...seriously. o_O
Lol.. Funny.. But there is a sound and a sensation. I know know what homie is referring too, because I can hear it and feel it to... But that was still funny....


macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Lol.. Funny.. But there is a sound and a sensation. I know know what homie is referring too, because I can hear it and feel it to... But that was still funny....

Take wearing hearing protection seriously kids. :) I developed this about 2 years after retiring from a job which has known instances of hearing damaging environments. I did not have it when I retired so I don't know if it naturally happened with age or my activities such as using power saws and air compressors (likely) pushed me over the edge. The ENT Doctor made no bones about firing a gun as a leading culprit, but I don't do that anymore and when I did, I used ear protection.


macrumors newbie
Nov 1, 2015
I signed up for this website forum just to tell you. ... I HAVE THE EXACT SAME THING. Idk if you'll ever see this but did you figure it out? I haven't bUT I've told it could be acid reflux.

Okay, so I swear I'm not crazy.... or at least not TOO crazy. Anyway, today here at work, I'm talking to my team lead and my neck starts doing this sizzling thing. Right from the base of my neck where it meets the skull, there's this sizzly / tingly / think french fries in hot oil weird sound coming out... and he can hear it, too. He says he has the same thing.

I've googled, I've web-md'd, and I can't find crap on this. I've not asked my doctor about it, but I'm going to. Anyone else have this?

It's not a sound coming from bones, or from turning your head. Don't say arthritis, because that's not it either. It's like it comes right out of my spine. I'm 22, going on 23 on the 24th of this month... and these noises didn't really start until I was like 18 or 19. They usually come on when I'm super hungry. My stomach growls with hunger pain, and then I hear the sizzles.

So, do you have the same thing? Know what it is? Am I really crazy, or what?


macrumors 68000
Dec 22, 2007
The cesspit of civilization
After reading all your "me too, I thought I was the only one" posts, and ignoring all the energy/clairvoyance/mockery/funny posts, a pattern seems to emerge: hunger/reflux, early in the morning or after prolonged fast periods, the sizzling seems to come from the base of the skull (were it connects to the neck).

Before becoming a neurologist, I trained as an internist, and although a gastroenterologist might shed some more light, I think I know what this is.

The sizzling comes from tinny gas bubbles slipping from your stomach up through the esophagus and into your throat. It is here (the back of your throat, deep in your neck) that the sound gets amplified/transmitted through the bone to your ears. And it seems to come from your spine because, surprise! Your esophagus and the posterior wall of your throat rests directly over your spine!

The provenance of the sound can not be exactly ascertained because of the site (inside your neck and deep into your thorax) it is produced in.

So, there you have it. Provided it is not too loud, Any other sound within your body (apply a tuning fork to your skull, for example) should be able to sort of drown this sizzle. Or drink some water, or eat something, hence "cleaning down" your esophagus.
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macrumors 68030
Jun 25, 2003
After reading all your "me too, I thought I was the only one" posts, and ignoring all the energy/clairvoyance/mockery/funny posts, a pattern seems to emerge: hunger/reflux, early in the morning or after prolonged fast periods, the sizzling seems to come from the base of the skull (were it connects to the neck).

Before becoming a neurologist, I trained as an internist, and although a gastroenterologist might shed some more light, I think I know what this is.

The sizzling comes from tinny gas bubbles slipping from your stomach up through the esophagus and into your throat. It is here (the back of your throat, deep in your neck) that the sound gets amplified/transmitted through the bone to your ears. And it seems to come from your spine because, surprise! Your esophagus and the posterior wall of your throat rests directly over your spine!

The provenance of the sound can not be exactly ascertained because of the site (inside your neck and deep into your thorax) it is produced in.

So, there you have it. Provided it is not too loud, Any other sound within your body (apply a tuning fork to your skull, for example) should be able to sort of drown this sizzle. Or drink some water, or eat something, hence "cleaning down" your esophagus.

In my experience, GE reflux that reaches the level of the oropharynx or thereabouts is usually obvious to patients because of the burning sensation that accompanies it. It's conceivable that reflux that consists primarily of gas could account for the sensation described by the OP more than 7 years ago, though. It's also not surprising that movement of gas within the esophagus could be audible by people nearby, as is often the case with the abdominal GI tract. In any event, it should be possible to make the sound disappear or change by drinking water, although water on its own may stimulate reflux, which is why it's sometimes used as a provocative test.


macrumors newbie
Jan 10, 2017
So I'm going all out to figure out what this is.
Doctors appointment early February and I will respond with findings. I'm debating on the type of specialist to be referred to.

My current research has shown that most people with this issue have hypothyroid or symptoms of hypothyroid. The use of nicotine seems to worsen the condition.

I don't know about you all, but my stomach doesn't rumble like it used to. It feels like it should be rumbling, but instead my neck sizzles. Basically I am almost positive it is thyroid related for me but I will return and let everyone know.
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macrumors 68000
Dec 22, 2007
The cesspit of civilization
So I'm going all out to figure out what this is.
Doctors appointment early February and I will respond with findings. I'm debating on the type of specialist to be referred to.

My current research has shown that most people with this issue have hypothyroid or symptoms of hypothyroid. The use of nicotine seems to worsen the condition.

I don't know about you all, but my stomach doesn't rumble like it used to. It feels like it should be rumbling, but instead my neck sizzles. Basically I am almost positive it is thyroid related for me but I will return and let everyone know.

I just realized the reason for your user name! :p
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