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May 9, 2015
YOU are not allowed to go outside, not allowed to make a living, not allowed to do anything unless you put on your submission muzzle (placebo mask), get injected with whatever **** they've come up with this year's annual shot, but THEY fly around the world, get richer than ever off your labor, use the government to put small competitors out of business, and have the audacity to come around to tell you how selfish you are for not wanting to be oppressed for their benefit. So liberal and loving! How progressive!


Feb 5, 2021
I find it hard to believe that the forum is to mark the "first five-year plan for the country (China) to embark on a new journey to fully build a modern socialist country and realize the second centenary goal." It's OK for our CEOs to attend a conference geared around developing a county with an agenda (socialism) that was responsible for killing between an estimated 30-80 million people (depending on source) in the 20th century while at the same time lecturing us on what's right and wrong, equality, human rights, etc. Socialism has killed more people than the atrocities of Nazi Germany, but hey, as long as its has the stated goal of being "for equality" I guess it's OK right?

I think you are confusing socialism with communism. Socialism hasn’t killed anyone but communism has killed many millions. Stalin alone is estimated to have killed around 20 million people. The Khmer Rouge killed another 2 million and who know how many the Chinese have murdered over the years.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 16, 2020
Keeping in the good graces of the dictatorship so they don't completely cripple your supply chain, Tim?
If you had guts, you would start a plan to move your plants out of China.

China is not the first and it won’t be last. Back in 60s, it was Japan. Back then everybody hate Japan. They were intellectually property theft. They were taking away jobs from United States.

Then it was China.

It doesn’t matter. Moving out of China, it will be India, which worker’s right isn’t a thing there. It could be Vietnam, which is other communist dictatorship. Or it could move to Indonesia.

Manufacturing is dead in United States. Manufacturing is no longer the economy driver.
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macrumors 65816
Nov 17, 2007
Religious practices in China go back over 7000 years. There seems to be a innate need in human beings to find justification for their existence and spirituality in various forms fulfills this need. It really does not matter if it can be scientifically proven or not as it is other worldly by nature. The flag of the People’s Republic of China exemplifies the CCP‘s need to be it’s people’s justification for their existence.


Aug 17, 2016
Thought experiment: Replace "China" with "Russia" in the above article and see how that sits with you, while considering whether the threat posed by China is any less inimical than Russia, and considering whether the CEO of leading American companies should be holding conferences about such a nation.
Threat? What threat?


Aug 17, 2016
Genocide: the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

China has been doing this for EONS. Tibet comes readily to mind. But back to your comment:

As usual Tim Cook likes to talk tough on equality and human rights but when it comes to China he remains conspicuously silent. He hides behind his usual rhetoric of "We follow the laws of......." on one hand and then lectures the rest of the world on the other.

He has ZERO integrity.
You do realize that when the Uighurs and the Japanese were strong they genocide Chinese too over the centuries?

It’s like the man vs tiger game, only one can come out.


Aug 17, 2016
This SUCKS. I really like Apple products, but I hate what China is doing. It's a repressive country and it's a damn shame the west lulled itself with cheap labor while letting their regime grow in power, actively working to suppress human rights. Their entire goal is "humble dominance".

I don't want to go Android.. Google isn't in China, but they are a data mining company. Samsung builds their stuff in Vietnam, which is only partially better than China.

What to do? My ethics are being slammed into by my need of proper working equipment :\
The Chinese will tell you that they are repressed by the American government and their Chinese government are doing a terrific job of defending China after the “century of humiliation” and that China is standing up, returning to its rightful place in the world order.

Your concern is unfounded buddy. You are being used.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 16, 2020
Religious practices in China go back over 7000 years. There seems to be a innate need in human beings to find justification for their existence and spirituality in various forms fulfills this need. It really does not matter if it can be scientifically proven or not as it is other worldly by nature. The flag of the People’s Republic of China exemplifies the CCP‘s need to be it’s people’s justification for their existence.

I guess if you guys are smarter, you can prevented all of these death.

But no, you guys elected an idiot in the office and guess what? He screwed up with the whole pandemic response.

Blame yourself man. You guys are just incapable handling pandemic.
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Aug 17, 2016
China is not the first and it won’t be last. Back in 60s, it was Japan. Back then everybody hate Japan. They were intellectually property theft. They were taking away jobs from United States.

Then it was China.

It doesn’t matter. Moving out of China, it will be India, which worker’s right isn’t a thing there. It could be Vietnam, which is other communist dictatorship. Or it could move to Indonesia.

Manufacturing is dead in United States. Manufacturing is no longer the economy driver.
You can’t resurrect the dead, not after Jesus Christ.


Aug 17, 2016
I guess if you guys are smarter, you can prevented all of these death.

But no, you guys elected an idiot in the office and guess what? He screwed up with the whole pandemic response.

Blame yourself man. You guys are just incapable handling pandemic.
China’s COVID case and death data is an example of what America could be and should be. The Chinese are looking at the America they looked up to for decades as a laughing stock right now. The Chinese general public are getting more confident at their government and their government is getting more and more assertive and efficient as a result.


Aug 17, 2016
Imagine being upset about me pointing this out…are you saying there’s nothing going on? How serious does it have to be for you to care?

Twice, she says, she was made to sit on a hard chair for 24 hours. She went to the bathroom where she sat.

And “if you exceeded two minutes in the toilet, they hit our heads with an electric prod,” Gulzira tells FRONTLINE.”

We do waterboarding, we have prison labour, we drone strike innocent muslins and children. I don’t see how China can possibly trump us.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Lol, guess who ran Apple's supply chain during that time? Tim Cook. It was his idea to put all the Apple's in China's basket, and now they continually reward him for his efforts.
And Steve the CEO, let him do it. By letting that happen he was in agreement. So as I said it was Steve's decision, the ultimate decision maker.

Rochy Bay

Apr 5, 2016
Cupertino, CA

Apple CEO Tim Cook will be one of the 100-plus high-profile CEOs and executives in attendance at this year's China Development Forum (CDF) being held Saturday, March 20 through Monday, March 22, Global Times reports.


The CDF is an annual conference organized and led by the Development Research Center of the State Council, to gather the world's most prominent executives and CEOs to discuss China's economic future and the roadmap of the global economy. BMW's chairman of the management board, Oliver Zipse, will co-chair this year's conference.

According to a description from the state-run outlet Global Times, this year's forum will mark the "first five-year plan for the country (China) to embark on a new journey to fully build a modern socialist country and realize the second centenary goal." The conference's overarching theme is "China on a New Journey Toward Modernization."

This year's conference will be a hybrid of virtual and in-person, although it's unclear in which capacity Cook will attend. This will not be the first time Tim Cook attends CDF. In 2018, Cook co-chaired the conference, in which he advocated for stronger privacy regulation amid Facebook's Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Article Link: Tim Cook Attending Chinese Development Conference Later This Month
When you think about the links that Apple has to China is quite scary. Especially with the history of labor abuse.


Mar 18, 2016
United Kingdom
And Steve the CEO, let him do it. By letting that happen he was in agreement. So as I said it was Steve's decision, the ultimate decision maker.

The situation with regarding to human rights in China, although bad beforehand, has ramped up significantly since Xi Jinping came to power by that point Jobs had already passed away.

Jobs never visited China as Apple CEO, Cook seems happy to attend these regular shindigs with the authoritarian regime there. A very poor look for someone who claims to care about privacy and human rights.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 5, 2003
Doesn’t this kill the March 23rd announcement rumor. Not that they couldn’t have filmed it advance etc. But I figure he doesn’t usually take such a big trip right before a reveal
Well, with the overproduced look of recent announcements, it wouldn't surprise me that they film them well in advance.

(The campus drone fly-bys are pretty annoyingly obnoxious. We get it it that you spent billions on your campus, Apple. Your company started in a garage. We don't care. Where's your new product?)
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
The situation with regarding to human rights in China, although bad beforehand, has ramped up significantly since Xi Jinping came to power by that point Jobs had already passed away.

Jobs never visited China as Apple CEO, Cook seems happy to attend these regular shindigs with the authoritarian regime there. A very poor look for someone who claims to care about privacy and human rights.
I guess prior to 2011 China was a model country and paragon of virtue and since Steve didn't care about privacy or human rights, he gave the okay to Tim to start forging that relationship with Foxconn.

But after 2011 things went south in the country and since Tim cares about privacy and human rights, how could he let the business relationship continue, and on top of that try to attract the citizens of the country into buying the iphone and horror of horrors attend a development conference?

Everybody is entitled to their view of Tim Cook, but in general the universe is not aligned with some of these comments.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 5, 2003
Traitor. China doesn't need Apple, but it's sad to see Apple need and suck up to and conform to communism. And yes, I'll say the same thing about Google and Microsoft if the shoe fits.
Well, you should since Pixel phones and Xboxes were made in the same Chinese factories. Pixel manufacture has moved to Vietnam, but hey still a communist country with human rights problems.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 8, 2002
Doesn’t this kill the March 23rd announcement rumor.
Maybe they'll do their next big launch from this conference; might just be Apple's new strategy to do every other of their announcements from Chinese events. To really cozy up with Daddy Xi and try to get more of the Chinese market.
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