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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple CEO Tim Cook traveled to Europe this week to meet with European Commission antitrust chief Margrethe Vestager in Brussels on Thursday, before heading to Rome on Friday to meet Pope Francis and Italian developers.

Cook first met with Vestager to lobby against an European tax investigation that could force the iPhone and iPad maker to pay more than $8 billion in back taxes on overseas earnings, according to Bloomberg.

European Commission headquarters in Brussels (Image: Hungary Today)

Apple is accused of operating multiple subsidiaries in Ireland to avoid paying higher taxes outside the United States, where it earns just under 60% of its revenue. Apple books its taxes in Ireland using low operating costs, allowing it to pay a foreign tax rate of only 1.8%, according to the report.

If the European Commission finds wrongdoing with Apple's corporate arrangement in Ireland, the company's $64.1 billion in profit generated from 2004 to 2012 could be subject to a higher 12.5% corporate tax rate -- just over $8 billion in back taxes.

A decision in the probe could be made by March, but may take longer due to additional information requested by European regulators. Apple continues to deny any wrongdoing, and vows to take the European Commission to court over any negative verdict.

Meanwhile, the agenda of Cook's meeting with Pope Francis remains private. The 15-minute discussion was held at 11:30 a.m. local time.


Pope Francis is known to incorporate technology into his position and takes to Twitter fairly regularly to share messages, and his old iPad was auctioned for $30,500 last year.

On Thursday, Cook tweeted about Apple's newly announced iOS development center in Italy, and said the company has created over 1.4 million jobs across Europe.
Apple has created over 1.4m jobs across Europe 🇪🇺 and we're announcing a center for aspiring iOS developers in Italy - Tim Cook (@tim_cook) January 21, 2016
Great to meet talented Italian developers today with @matteorenzi in Rome - Tim Cook (@tim_cook) January 22, 2016
Cook met some of those iOS developers on Friday alongside Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi.

Note: Due to the political nature of the discussion regarding this topic, the discussion thread is located in our Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.

Article Link: Tim Cook Visits Europe to Meet EU Antitrust Chief, Pope Francis and Italian Developers


May 6, 2011
The best part about all of this is 64.1 billion minus 8 billion is still billions. That's how much money Apple has.


macrumors 6502
Dec 20, 2011
I don't know but the Pope also met Erich Schmidt last week

Must be something American. I just don't get it.

Is this Vatican 2.0? Does the Pope own a white iMac? Is this why Apple made earbuds white? Is there a vote-a-Pope app and does it smoke? Are they all lizards? Does Dan Brown know? Questions, questions...
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macrumors 68000
Jul 11, 2008
And here is Tim's response to each:

EU Antitrust Chief: Sorry, we think we've paid our fair share already.
Pope Francis: Sorry, we think we've done enough good for humanity already.
Italian Developers: We've paid out $15 billion to developers already, and that's just the beginning!
"Apple has created over 1.4m jobs across Europe" frantically trying to come up with ways to hide more of our profits...


What? Too soon?

LOL. Yeah and that's just Ireland!


macrumors 604
Mar 3, 2010
Must be something American. I just don't get it.

The pope is the head of state of the Holy See, which has several diplomats around the world. There are many possibilities on why they met. For sure they didn't meet to discuss

I just don't get it.

Is this Vatican 2.0? Does the Pope own a white iMac? Is this why Apple made earbuds white? Is there a vote-a-Pope app and does it smoke? Are they all lizards? Does Dan Brown know? Questions, questions...

As the head of his state there might be a million reasons why they met. It is not uncommon that they discuss some diplomatic issue, and as far as we might now they might be trying to push some sort of relation. For example, Tim Cook has a good relationship with China, which could help the Vatican to prevent some discrimination that is going on there against catholics. Vice versa, the Vatican has many connections with Africa, so they might have discussed how to bring more technology to poor country (and here google comes in play). You never know, we just see the photo op.
Read what hoops had to do Nixon just to send a one line message to China...
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Gasu E.

macrumors 603
Mar 20, 2004
Not far from Boston, MA.
Must be something American. I just don't get it.

Is this Vatican 2.0? Does the Pope own a white iMac? Is this why Apple made earbuds white? Is there a vote-a-Pope app and does it smoke? Are they all lizards? Does Dan Brown know? Questions, questions...

Vatican 2.0 came out in 1962. Maybe Tim offered for Apple to Beta test Vatican 3.0?


macrumors 68040
Jul 10, 2012
Because he's the head of a state, and they probably discussed charity, global warming and other stuff.

Yeah. And in the 15th minute, they both rested.
[doublepost=1453483487][/doublepost]Pope is looking for balance, last week he met with Silicon Valley's beast, this week it's prime of light.

These things are really simple if one thinks about it.


Feb 17, 2009
The Pope? Seriously, why?!

I don't know how this dude got elected by the crusty oldtimers, however he is the first pope in a while with a little bit of reality recognition.

I don't do religion, but by the councils standard Francis is a teenager. He has already cut out lots of baloney, is accessible and doesn't always spew the same tired mantras.

He is interested in the well being of humans and despite the fact that not everything religion does helps, they do have a pretty solid network around the world, which may come in handy for both.

Tim and Francis I am sure had plenty to discuss and I would not be surprised if that wasn't the last meeting.

Now, if everybody would stop praying and asking for something on Sundays = God's day off
she could really rest.
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