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macrumors 6502a
Jun 19, 2012
Apple is going to do business in Italy, who's population is over 85% catholic. Not visiting the pope would probably not be respectful to the Italians. As Tim Cook is a gentleman, he is being respectful towards Italians and their beliefs, the church and the Pope.
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macrumors 604
Mar 3, 2010
Yeah. And in the 15th minute, they both rested..

Read the transcripts of the Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter era. Or listen to Nixon's phone calls.
You will learn that in 15 minutes the "people above" make a ton of decisions, and they touch on several topics.
They never discuss particulars, that's for the bureaucracy to do as soon a decision is taken (*), even if by verbal agreement. And you will be also be surprised to know that half of what they discuss has been discussed before by a ton of bureaucratic panels, meetings etc. Whenever the "people above" talk, there is no unknown topic that comes up and things go pretty quick.

(*) Which was a big problem during the Nixon era, as he was prone on exaggerating what he said just to look more manly ("Send there all of our planes", "Let's close all the schools", "Let's attack Congress" etc.); new or inexperienced assistants used to take those as literal orders and were afraid to rebut, while experienced bureaucrats used them at their own advantage.


macrumors 68030
Sep 30, 2014
The Pope? Seriously, why?!

He's probably asking him to pray for the apple stock price so google doesn't over take apple in the next month or so and maybe gay marriage?

No doubt the EU will find apple guilty, its indefensible but 8Bn seems like a get out of jail card nearly free.. iOS center in Italy - tax break springs to mind. Convenient.. to say the least.
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Sep 9, 2012
The pope is the head of state of the Holy See, which has several diplomats around the world. There are many possibilities on why they met. For sure they didn't meet to discuss

As the head of his state there might be a million reasons why they met. It is not uncommon that they discuss some diplomatic issue, and as far as we might now they might be trying to push some sort of relation. For example, Tim Cook has a good relationship with China, which could help the Vatican to prevent some discrimination that is going on there against catholics. Vice versa, the Vatican has many connections with Africa, so they might have discussed how to bring more technology to poor country (and here google comes in play). You never know, we just see the photo op.
Read what hoops had to do Nixon just to send a one line message to China...

The Pope is only head of a tiny, relatively meaningless (unless you're catholic I suppose) State, not Italy or anything significant.

It's hard not to see this as carefully stage-managed propaganda in the light of the EU's concerns over Apple's tax affairs in Ireland. With Ireland being a predominantly Catholic country this might also be an attempt to win favour there. There is literally no other reason for this to happen.

Perhaps they're discussing the possibility of Vatican City being the next home to Apple's shill companies if Ireland has to withdraw.
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 6, 2012
The Pope is only head of a tiny, relatively meaningless ....

Vatican City is far from "meaningless".
They are the capital of the still fully functioning Roman Empire.
The Vatican Bank is the biggest inthe world and the Vatican Library surpasses Alexandria.

By the way, way is Il Papa giving Tim Cook a Masonic handshake ....
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Sep 9, 2012
Vatican City is far from "meaningless".
They are the capital of the still fully functioning Roman Empire.
The Vatican Bank is the biggest inthe world and the Vatican Library surpasses Alexandria.

By the way, way is Il Papa giving Tim Cook a Masonic handshake ....

Fully functioning Roman Empire? Wha????

I guess that's like the fully functioning British Empire?

Sorry I just have to lol at that comment.


May 3, 2009

Pope Francis is known to incorporate technology into his position. While he admitted not knowing how to use a computer, he is the first Pope to use Twitter, and his old iPad was auctioned for $30,500 last year.

On Thursday, Cook tweeted about Apple's newly announced iOS development center in Italy, and said the company has created over 1.4 million jobs across Europe.
Cook met some of those iOS developers on Friday alongside Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi.

Note: Due to the political nature of the discussion regarding this topic, the discussion thread is located in our Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.

Article Link: Tim Cook Visits Europe to Meet EU Antitrust Chief, Pope Francis and Italian Developers

Ironic. Francis has spoken on a number of issues, has he spoken on how much the false idol, his ipad, and its selling value was?

The best part about all of this is 64.1 billion minus 8 billion is still billions. That's how much money Apple has.

Blood money. Any single worker committing suicide leads to that conclusion. Last I'd read, the factories Apple chooses to use continue to have nets up. If it's that hard to find Americans that can fit two lego bricks together to do manufacturing work, let's look at something:

a. "skill rot" occurs when people are unemployed because they not longer have the means in which to keep up
b. no means = having to take loans for colleges to retrain, since Apple - for all its complaining - refuses to help train in workers it wants to hire.
c. even people who have jobs, having to retrain, have done far more than their fair share with everything so I can't blame anyone for being emotional on the issue.
d. if taxes are an issue then get lobbyists out of lawmaking since all of them want freebies and entitlements that:

1. government cannot afford
2. the free marker supporters say government involvement is bad so why do they want it - apart from freebies and entitlements each company's lobbyists want seem to meddle with other companies' wants, which must be why the tax system is such a mess because these companies say it is broken (but forgetting to say they had a part to play in making the mess by using lobbyists while every other corporation was doing the same thing)
3. the corporate welfare and other existing subsidies and entitlements should be more than enough for a company with already $50+ billion in the bank, so why do they spend so much on lobbyists to get more special rights? Boggles the mind.
4. The companies make the mess but won't be humble enough to take any blame, thus shifting it to everyone else. But that's getting tangential, I agree.

But blame the jobless for being uneducated leeches on society, we get it...
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 30, 2014
Apple has created over 1.4m jobs across Europe and we're announcing a center for aspiring iOS developers in Italy

Just sounds like "we've created jobs, go easy on us"...
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macrumors regular
Sep 30, 2007
Apple has created over 1.4m jobs across Europe and we're announcing a center for aspiring iOS developers in Italy

Just sounds like "we've created jobs, go easy on us"...

Am I missing something? They're not creating an app development center in AMERICA?


macrumors 604
Mar 3, 2010
The Pope is only head of a tiny, relatively meaningless (unless you're catholic I suppose) State, not Italy or anything significant.

So meaningless that its diplomacy has been used for decades, last but not least to put the US in contact with Cuba for one of the most important diplomatic exchanges in modern history.
Ironic. Francis has spoken on a number of issues, has he spoken on how much the false idol, his ipad, and its selling value was?

Yes, several times. I think he mentions dangerous technologies in his latest encyclical.

Analog Kid

macrumors G3
Mar 4, 2003
Vatican City is far from "meaningless".
They are the capital of the still fully functioning Roman Empire.
The Vatican Bank is the biggest inthe world and the Vatican Library surpasses Alexandria.

By the way, way is Il Papa giving Tim Cook a Masonic handshake ....
You mean the ancient library of Alexandria? I think iBooks surpasses that too, doesn't it?
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