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macrumors G5
Oct 10, 2011
The deaths are inflated, the tests are manipulated. Trump was right, it did go away very fast. It's a new strain of the Flu.

The virus was used as a political tool. Minorities was used as a political tool. But when the president came along that enacted actual pro minority policies and fought the virus you hated him. You hated him because they told you a lot of reasons to hate him, and you don't want to know if they're true. Every time the lies are exposed, you move on.

Trump will be back in office, and this new surge of war in the Middle East, will once again be stopped. Minorities will rise once again. Trump beat the election fraud in 2016, but they were prepared with ballot-trucks in 2020. Right now the forensic audits are moving along, and they're spreading to more states.

The multinational media corporations will be voted out of office by the people of the United States of America.

That's a real knee-slapper - thanks!


macrumors 601
Aug 24, 2017
The deaths are inflated, the tests are manipulated. Trump was right, it did go away very fast. It's a new strain of the Flu.

The virus was used as a political tool. Minorities was used as a political tool. But when the president came along that enacted actual pro minority policies and fought the virus you hated him. You hated him because they told you a lot of reasons to hate him, and you don't want to know if they're true. Every time the lies are exposed, you move on.

Trump will be back in office, and this new surge of war in the Middle East, will once again be stopped. Minorities will rise once again. Trump beat the election fraud in 2016, but they were prepared with ballot-trucks in 2020. Right now the forensic audits are moving along, and they're spreading to more states.

The multinational media corporations will be voted out of office by the people of the United States of America.
Meanwhile, back in the real world…


macrumors 601
Aug 24, 2017
Debate what?

You either were trying to mislead with that image, or were uninformed.

There is nothing to debate.

Not sure why I’m surprised at your denials to admit your failures. You know exceptionally well of my second post about the arrested armed insurrectionist, yet like many right wing posters, having fulfilled your request you act like either no reply was made, or that you asked for something totally different.

The evidence is here for all to see, you personally wanting to ignore that is not my problem.

It is symptomatic as to the overall pattern of total denial of facts that many on your side of the political divide seem to suffer from.

Any time there are facts, you ignore them, then create a fantasy and tell everyone the fantasy is now fact. When asked to prove said fantasy as facts, your side then concocts another, equally as crazy fantasy in attempt to bolster the initial one, and so on and so on.

There apparently is no end to the insanity of the lies many of your political belief will spew, the more crazy the better.

Gone are the days where the worst political shenanigans were bugging the opposition’s offices. That’s so yesterday. Now your side is claiming Democrats suck the blood of young children, are running a satanic cabal and the vaccine is inserting microchips created by Bill Gates and the “Illuminati” to control the world…

The right wing has been taken over by the lunatics who’ve, to coin a phrase, rejected reality and replaced it with something so totally improbable, that not even the drug filled brain of Hunter Thompson could imagine on his most craziest of trips…


Oct 22, 2013
Why? Because it forces you to acknowledge the intentions of the Trump mob that attacked the Capitol?

The mob wanted to take down an airliner?

No, it’s still a poor analogy. Especially so that it leaves your argument exposed to forming analogies to the riots, looting, and assaults on police and fire departments all last summer.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 18, 2011
Las Vegas, NV
The DoJ was investigating a leak of classified information. That is for-cause.
If that was the case, then why did they collect information on some children? Why are both Sessions and Barr denying any knowledge of it now?? You can investigate leaks of classified information but without any credible evidence presented to a judge to get a warrant, etc, it can still be a crime.

They also kept renewing the gag order because they knew when it came out they would be in trouble.... if he was still President they would still be renewing that gag order even though they didn't find anything.


Nov 12, 2020
Yes he did:

Of course, he dismissed it as he said he was being 'sarcastic' - just what a President holding a press conference should be doing - making sarcastic comments. Honestly... it was a happy day when he left office.
And now we have a Vice President who laughs uncontrollably. Are we better off?

You need to look at the actual video. If you watch carefully he does not say that.
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Nov 12, 2020
If that was the case, then why did they collect information on some children? Why are both Sessions and Barr denying any knowledge of it now?? You can investigate leaks of classified information but without any credible evidence presented to a judge to get a warrant, etc, it can still be a crime.

They also kept renewing the gag order because they knew when it came out they would be in trouble.... if he was still President they would still be renewing that gag order even though they didn't find anything.
All good points. We will have to wait for the review. We should also investigate how the IRS leaked people's tax returns. That is also illegal and a mighty big coincidence.


macrumors 6502
Sep 19, 2009
And now we have a Vice President who laughs uncontrollably. Are we better off?

You need to look at the actual video. If you watch carefully he does not say that.
No, of course not. He was being sarcastic. He actually won the election, by the way. Also, he did not say "grab them by the *****', and he did not have sex with prostitutes, and did not have them paid to have abortions. What a fine man. Crying shame he's not still in office.
Yes, we - as in the rest of the world as well as the US - are better off, in every conceivable way. The only ones who are worse off are his red-neck, knuckle dragging, mouth breathing supporters, and his friend Mr. Putin.


macrumors 604
Mar 3, 2010
Trump to TikTok and China: “I’m banning you for spying on U.S. citizens. Only I can spy on U.S. citizens." The mind of a dictator wannabe.
Actually yes. The US can spy on its own citizens, pending various warrants, courts (ever heard of FISA’s etc) more or less the same way every democracy in the West and east can spy on its own. in this case, the DOJ followed the correct legal procedures.
(Is it a power that gets abused? Yes.)


macrumors 604
Mar 3, 2010
If that was the case, then why did they collect information on some children?
I can’t say this is the case, but who else usually has access to children’s accounts? You guess it right: adults, often the parents or legal guardians. If you’re investigating a serious crime you’re going to turn every stone.


macrumors 65816
Oct 3, 2015
If Biden did this, you'd be all over it.

Only difference is, Biden would never do such a stupid thing.
If Biden did this, we wouldn’t ever hear about it. It wouldn’t be public knowledge.

If classified information gets leaked out, of course there needs to be an investigation. And who else would need to be interviewed and/or investigated than people privy to said information? This doesn’t seem far fetched to me.


macrumors 68040
May 13, 2010
Washington, DC
The deaths are inflated, the tests are manipulated. Trump was right, it did go away very fast. It's a new strain of the Flu.

The virus was used as a political tool. Minorities was used as a political tool. But when the president came along that enacted actual pro minority policies and fought the virus you hated him. You hated him because they told you a lot of reasons to hate him, and you don't want to know if they're true. Every time the lies are exposed, you move on.

Trump will be back in office, and this new surge of war in the Middle East, will once again be stopped. Minorities will rise once again. Trump beat the election fraud in 2016, but they were prepared with ballot-trucks in 2020. Right now the forensic audits are moving along, and they're spreading to more states.

The multinational media corporations will be voted out of office by the people of the United States of America.
The deaths are likely much lower than reality. It still hasn't gone away...he claimed it would be gone in April 2020 "with the heat". It's nothing like the flu, the fact you're still claiming this tells me just how much right wing garbage you're consuming.

Dude, people hated Trump because he literally attacked them directly on a daily basis. You didn't need any type of propaganda to hate Trump, he did that to himself.

So far, the vast majority of any fraud found was votes for Trump...or haven't you heard about that?

Man, it's extremely disappointing to see that people like you still haven't woken up from your delusions yet. Maybe the My Pillow is better than I thought?


Nov 12, 2020
At the direction of the POTUS, which is unprecedented. The DOJ isn't even tasked with investigating leaks of classified information anyway.
You are wrong on both counts. The DoJ is the organization tasked with investigating leaks of classified information. Look it up on the DoJ website.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 20, 2017
North Carolina
Actually yes. The US can spy on its own citizens, pending various warrants, courts (ever heard of FISA’s etc) more or less the same way every democracy in the West and east can spy on its own. in this case, the DOJ followed the correct legal procedures.
(Is it a power that gets abused? Yes.)
With our cultural tendency to verbally vomit our lives and activities on social media these days, the government doesn't even need to get out of their BarcaLounger and put their beer down to spy...


Mar 21, 2011
The world we live in.... China is the only country that actually trusts their government, the only thing is, they go too far.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 11, 2006
The mob wanted to take down an airliner?

No, it’s still a poor analogy. Especially so that it leaves your argument exposed to forming analogies to the riots, looting, and assaults on police and fire departments all last summer.
No, the mob wanted to attack Congress and overturn an election. They failed, but they wanted to. Terrorists who fail are still terrorists.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 21, 2011
Precisely this.

But all the anti-Trump folk on here are convinced that democrats can do no wrong. But news flash! They can and do.
No one is saying the democrats can do no wrong but you. Both are corrupt to some degree, but you can't have a discussion about the current topic when people just keep going "but but biden, or but but Obama". The reaction should be the same across the board. But Trump is guilty of some real shady stuff. Don't defend him because a different president did something.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 21, 2011
If that is true, then why did Congress acquit him in impeachment?
Because... Congress majority where made up of a bunch of corrupt republicans who were going to vote to acquit him no matter what because all they care about is playing to Trumps hand. It's really not that hard to figure out if you actually paid attention to the hearings.

Congress republicans voted to wait until he was out of office to have the hearing after the impeachment "Because there were other more important things to attend to."

Then as soon as he's out of office, they can't vote to remove him from office "Because he isn't the sitting president anymore, we can't vote to remove a president from office who is no longer in office."

Do you not see the despicable game they are playing? They only do what favors them in the moment, nothing more.


macrumors 65816
Feb 2, 2021
Spying on the press and political rivals is a good start. I think his words were closer to a dictators than anything. Like if DOJ would have let him just jail people he didnt like, i think he would have gone there. He certainly tried to.
You're mixing up presidents there. Obama's justice department was the one that did that. Obama was the one who used phrases like "I didn't ask for an argument."

They were absolutely armed. Yes, with guns. Just because an insurrection failed doesn't mean it wasn't one. The supporters of the election loser invaded the legislature while it was in session certifying that he'd indeed lost. Again, stop defending terrorists.
No, no they weren't.

He kicked the can to Congress to do impeachment because he said DOJ's position is you can't prosecute a sitting POTUS.

The meetings with Russians i'm talking about were prior to the election and they were to dig up dirt on Hillary. He also publicly asked them to commit a crime by asking them to "find her emails". You aren't being truthful if you say meetings with a foreign adversary by a non-govt official for the sole purpose of having them interfere with an election are anything but a "bad thing".
When did those meetings occur? The irony of the joke during the debates was that the press couldn't be bothered to do the job we all think it is to do. Instead they were busy doing their job protecting Clinton instead of actual investigation. Had Trump said "Hey Portugal find her emails" we would have been hearing about Portugal for 4 years (and beyond).

Trump was the best president we have had in many years. Schiff and swalwell are scum of the earth!
And should be in jail. Swalwell slept with a Chinese spy. Feinstein had a Chinese spy working for her for 10 years. What investigations ever happened to them? Could you imagine the outrage if they had R's after their name instead of D's?

Because... Congress majority where made up of a bunch of corrupt republicans who were going to vote to acquit him no matter what because all they care about is playing to Trumps hand. It's really not that hard to figure out if you actually paid attention to the hearings.

Congress republicans voted to wait until he was out of office to have the hearing after the impeachment "Because there were other more important things to attend to."

Then as soon as he's out of office, they can't vote to remove him from office "Because he isn't the sitting president anymore, we can't vote to remove a president from office who is no longer in office."

Do you not see the despicable game they are playing? They only do what favors them in the moment, nothing more.
So you're saying "honest" democrats would have voted guilty no matter what the evidence pointed too? The democrats impeached him twice on lies, to quote a phrase, "Do you not see the despicable game they are playing? They only do what favors them in the moment, nothing more."


macrumors 6502a
Feb 4, 2016
At a café near you
Except when it comes to freedoms they don't care about and the military industrial complex.
Democrats also appear to be quite happy with the Military Industrial complex:

And that great peace-loving Hilary :) :
Another way in which Clinton is predictable which defense contractors would -- let's us just say -- not object to is her marked preference for shock-and-awe. As the Senator from New York, she backed President George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq. As Secretary of State, she was the most forceful voice urging America to intervene in Libya, which Barack Obama now admits was possibly the worst call of his presidency.

For all his faults Trump actually started fewer wars than previous presidents - despite the News-industrial complex wanting to goad him into it - as per those that now debunked "bounties on troops in Afghanistan" story:

Back to the original post - no party (Democrat or Republican) has much of a moral high-ground w.r.t. leakers- remember the voracity with which Obama went after leakers and whilstleblowers - Glenn Greenwald has some good reporting on that.
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