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macrumors 6502
Jul 4, 2015
You may have it, I've not used it since it was given to me 20 years ago :), no need for one as I don't read the lame stream media, and form my own opinion based upon the evidence presented to me.

1. he told his cultists to vote by mail then vote in person

2. told a SOS to “find” the exact amount of votes he needed to win

illegal on both accounts


macrumors 6502
Aug 20, 2018
1. he told his cultists to vote by mail then vote in person

2. told a SOS to “find” the exact amount of votes he needed to win

illegal on both accounts

Oh my goodness, you poor lost soul - I feel for you - did you only listen to the call that the media pushed out, or did you listen to the whole phone call as the whole call changes things quite substantially.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 21, 2010
Probably because this is not a normal transition - the substantial evidence of fraud, which has been proven with regards to the CCTV evidence of votes being counted again, and again and again, plus the boxes under the table.

This is no ordinary transition.

Huh? The timeframe is exactly the same as stipulated. Nothing extraordinary about the transition when it comes to time.


macrumors 6502
Jul 4, 2015
Obviously not, as you would know that what he said is that he thinks that there is fraud, he wants to investigate, and all he needs to do to win is to find xxx votes - not telling the them that they must find xxx votes.

this conversation is going nowhere. We are both stuck in our ways. Have a good day/night/afternoon whatever it is too you.
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macrumors 6502
Aug 20, 2018
I'm not stuck in my ways - for the record, I don't like Trump - but I also don't like the media who are using the situation to their advantage - I want the truth and I think that people deserve the respect not to be lied to by the lame stream media.

What is really pissing me off is the amount of misinformation that is being presented as factual - I don't really care that much if Biden wins, as long as he won fair and square - like I say, I think we all deserve to be told the truth, and this whole voter fraud situation bothers me as the amount of evidence that is being refused to be investigated thoroughly is concerning.

The way I look at it, why wouldn't you allow a controlled and thorough investigation if you have nothing to hide - surely you would welcome it so you could make your accusers look foolish and proven wrong?


macrumors regular
May 16, 2007
Esbeek, the Netherlands
"By accessing personal electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers, Chinese connected software applications can access and capture vast swaths of information from users, including sensitive personally identifiable information and private information," the executive order states.

Such data collection "would permit China to track the locations of federal employees and contractors, and build dossiers of personal information," the document adds.
EVERY app today collects information. EVERY "free" app makes money by mining that data.
The real issue here is: is the Data Collector a bood or bad guy? Do we trust the Data Collector? Do we have a choice in the data collection?
As soon as we start seeing that Data is the Currency of Control, we start to worry about our Autonomy.

And Autonomy is a Point of View: you vote red, you vote blue, you 'vote' for a single party. I guess we should be more vocal about what any control-entity does with YOUR data.


macrumors 6502
Jul 4, 2015
I'm not stuck in my ways - for the record, I don't like Trump - but I also don't like the media who are using the situation to their advantage - I want the truth and I think that people deserve the respect not to be lied to by the lame stream media.

What is really pissing me off is the amount of misinformation that is being presented as factual - I don't really care that much if Biden wins, as long as he won fair and square - like I say, I think we all deserve to be told the truth, and this whole voter fraud situation bothers me as the amount of evidence that is being refused to be investigated thoroughly is concerning.

The way I look at it, why wouldn't you allow a controlled and thorough investigation if you have nothing to hide - surely you would welcome it so you could make your accusers look foolish and proven wrong?

its only fraudulent because the Republicans lost. Same thing happened in 2016 with the Russian collusion (which I didn’t agree with) neither party care for the people. But this year was the lesser of two evils


macrumors regular
Sep 30, 2019
China is arresting people in Hong Kong for saying they will try and win an election, and Jack Ma is missing from public life because he said some negative thing about the CCP, and these are just the most recent of countless atrocities they have committed. Yet people have somehow convinced themselves that Trump being tough on China is a bad thing.

I’m glad Trump put pressure on China, and I hope Biden will too, lest the most powerful and dangerous government in the world becomes ever stronger.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 9, 2017
Did you read the post?

The evidence as explained to me is something to do with the "pShuttle-SN" whatever that is, and the indication that it could have come from Wuhan - it was explained to me by a very good friend who researches viral pathogens in animals...

Like I said in the my post "we still don't know if the whole CCP-Virus was man-made, there is substantial evidence to suggest that it was, but it's just hearsay until you get concrete evidence"

Key words are, "hearsay" - "concrete evidence"
No, there is not “substantial evidence” that it was man-made. There is zero evidence. There is a lot of anecdotal nonsense but those of us who are actual scientists (as opposed to armchair-scientists) like irrefutable evidence.

The virus strains have been sequenced and if you know anything about DNA, it’s obvious when it has been modified by man. Every scientist who has sequenced the virus is in agreement that it is natural.

So again: there is zero evidence it was man-made and I think you misunderstand what counts as “evidence”.


macrumors 65816
Mar 19, 2014
Where is this evidence?

It's ridiculous to just throw out stories and attach the word "evidence" with nothing to back that up.

I could say "there was substantial evidence that scientists from USA setup a lab in Wuhan to engineer this virus so that the world would blame China for the virus". It doesn't make it anymore false or true than your assertion unless you provide some link.
Absolutely bang on.

It's the cold war all over again. The most dangerous element of this cold war is the viral lies, misinformation spread across social media. People have become stupefied by each other through reading fake, outright malicious content and then sapping it up.

Very few people actually research something properly, and rely on Facebook, Twitter, or worst still, TikTok for their daily brain-numbing.

It's a sad fact of life, social media has destroyed generations and the above is a true example of that.

Here are some reputable sources of information that don't include Facebook, TikTok, and an outgoing government leader that condones the use of bleach as a cure.



macrumors 65816
Mar 19, 2014
that's not evidence of manmade covid or of anything other than blockage of visas.

that's just highly suggestive of China being nitpicky or having something to hide which could be one of a million things. not evidence.
Conspiracy theorists spin anything they can into their favour. You'd think there is a mass cult following an orange man in a certain part of the world...... ?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 9, 2017
Yeah, but how many of them are the walking dead, and how many of them had their vote flipped, or didn't vote in the first place?

Unless the truth comes out with regards to this whole election mess, I can see years of unrest - it needs to be resolved one way or the other.

Do you think Biden would be interested in investigating all the evidence if he gets in?
Jesus christ... the truth has already come out. Trump has provided no proof that anything scandalous went on and we are now in January. Are you saying that he has an infinite amount of time to prove something happened and until then, we are to believe that the election was not clean? That sounds a lot like the way conspiracy theorists defend their claims and why nobody takes them seriously...!


Aug 17, 2016
Huh? As far as I understand this, this is only banning US companies to not use those Chinese-backed payment systems. How many US retailers actually support Wechat Pay/AliPay? And what does this have to do with Chinese Americans communicating with Chinese citizens?
A lot actually. For major Canadian and American sites you can always see that they accept UnionPay, AliPay and WeChat Pay. Those are the full service alternatives to American's payment monopolies like VISA.

The more AliPay and UnionPay is used, the bigger section of the transaction would be unavailable for FBI, NSA and CIA to snoop in, and the a potential American sanction would be far less effective. Those things are dangerous and one day make the US government lose grip of the world. Not being able to spy on Americans, our allies and our competitors is a huge national security risk.


Aug 17, 2016
why does the transition from one president to the next take so long in the US? It gives them way too much time to be like SCREW YOU before leaving the office.
The American system is flawed and out-dated.

Everyone should have one vote for the president and not some arbitrary, corrupted, manipulated, convoluted, compromised and rigged electoral college system.


Aug 17, 2016
we still don't know if the whole CCP-Virus was man-made, there is substantial evidence to suggest that it was, but it's just hearsay until you get concrete evidence"
Of course, the CCP-virus is man made. It's fabricated in Washington DC, USA.

NIH has published papers that examine the blood donated in 2019 before COVID, and identified positive cases in those blood donated in 2019.

COVID happed in the US first, China just identified it first. We all thought it was a big flu season.


Jun 30, 2017
Of course, the CCP-virus is man made. It's fabricated in Washington DC, USA.

NIH has published papers that examine the blood donated in 2019 before COVID, and identified positive cases in those blood donated in 2019.

COVID happed in the US first, China just identified it first. We all thought it was a big flu season.

I thought it was Bill Gates who made it and it was delivered through the latest Windows 10 update?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 27, 2009
Depend on what ban means, if it means any US companies not allow to offer Alipay and WeChat Pay at all, it would equivalent to not allowing Visa or MasterCard in Western countries, Nike, McDonalds and Apple may as well just shut their doors in China.


Aug 17, 2016
I thought it was Bill Gates who made it and it was delivered through the latest Windows 10 update?
Bill Gates is great, why you guys don't like him? Honest question here.

The Gates family and Warrant Buffet are very frugal and they donates the vast majority of their wealth to charities. They make bank, but they don't consume much themselves.
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macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2003
New Hampshire, USA
I also don't like the media who are using the situation to their advantage

The ironic thing is that they are putting themselves out of a job.

In the next 4-8 years, what are they going to report on when they cover up any problems with Biden ?

Talking about Trump will only go so far when he is out of office The media will also eventually have to stop talking about Covid since people will start blaming the current administration in office for problems.


macrumors 6502
Aug 20, 2018
Absolutely bang on.

It's the cold war all over again. The most dangerous element of this cold war is the viral lies, misinformation spread across social media. People have become stupefied by each other through reading fake, outright malicious content and then sapping it up.

Very few people actually research something properly, and rely on Facebook, Twitter, or worst still, TikTok for their daily brain-numbing.

It's a sad fact of life, social media has destroyed generations and the above is a true example of that.

Here are some reputable sources of information that don't include Facebook, TikTok, and an outgoing government leader that condones the use of bleach as a cure.

But then you have who knows what to believe?

It's not just social media that's destroying generations, universities are responsible, as are the lame stream media.
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