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macrumors 601
Aug 14, 2010
Brooklyn, NY
True. It's funny how many media channels seem to be stuck into their orange-man mode, despite the insignificance on whatever is happening in just a few weeks. They should be focusing on what Biden admin will do instead of keep giving the spotlight to Trump.
I have a feeling some of the media and especially comedians will miss the ratings and material they got from the coverage of him even if they despised him.
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macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2012
True. It's funny how many media channels seem to be stuck into their orange-man mode, despite the insignificance on whatever is happening in just a few weeks. They should be focusing on what Biden admin will do instead of keep giving the spotlight to Trump.
They milking their views for as long as they can. When Biden is elected the news network is going to be so boring.


macrumors 68000
Oct 7, 2018
Stalingrad, Russia
why does the transition from one president to the next take so long in the US? It gives them way too much time to be like SCREW YOU before leaving the office.
Because the economic crisis of 2008-09 has never really ended and there is a good chance that the current economic model will not survive until the end of this year. Trump knows it and was working all along the way to minimise the impact. Biden does not know this so the chances of the US going into chaos under his administration are much higher.


macrumors 6502
Aug 21, 2007
Oslo, Norway
Now he's banned from western social media Trump should sign up to WeChat, that would give him the potential to reach a massive audience. Since Trump has helped make China a lot greater, they would probably only help to promote him further.


Feb 11, 2019
Now he's banned from western social media Trump should sign up to WeChat, that would give him the potential to reach a massive audience. Since Trump has helped make China a lot greater, they would probably only help to promote him further.
Help China...Lol No mention of Biden and the CCP.


Feb 11, 2019
Where can I buy your tinfoil hat? Plus trump tried to commit voter fraud twice ?
Trump tried to commit voter fraud.......Lol

Who's wearing the tin hat....Lol Don't worry Biden and the CCP are one and you will sure get some free stuff...?


Feb 11, 2019
81,283,485 can all agree Trump is the worst thing to happen to America. I can’t wait for his Twitter to be deleted after he leaves office. Biden will roll back this order just like the others dealing with idiocy and petty ness
"I can’t wait for his Twitter to be deleted" yeah, the American way.......I guess you're not familiar with history.?


Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
It's tragic. A physician friend of mine flipped full 'Q' a few months ago. I had to block her. I can't understand why, or how, normally sane people are buying into that crap. Is it subliminal messaging no one has discovered yet? To take a highly college educated person, near the top in her class, and turn her into a gibbering idiot denying everything she learned in medical school is nothing short of astounding. It's like her brain just went *TILT* and all reason disappeared. I've wanted to study this whole 'Q' infestation, but am afraid that if it is some kind of psyop product, it will work on me too...

My parents lived through 'Better dead than red', and we seem to be in the 'Better red than blue'. I'm used to people bad mouthing liberals, but so much of our society, and things they depend on, were created by those hated liberals. I just don't understand it, and it's such a profound shift for so many people. Yikes... It's like a wide spread mental illness. I don't think people can explain it. It's like they really are zombies. The stuff I got before blocking her. Just wow...
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macrumors 68000
Sep 22, 2014

I really do feel for you Americans if Biden does get in, I'm not a Trump fan as a person by any stretch of the imagination, but I can see through what people are like, and look at their leadership skills, and what they want to accomplish, and what they have done for people in the process of their administration - and I don't use the media to form my opinion either, as a lot of key facts are usually missing - rather like this "leaked" phone call as of late - anybody can cut audio to suit their rhetoric, the whole lengthy call had a complete different meaning to it if you listened to what was said before and after the cut.

You are being fed lies by the media, you are being controlled by the media - hence why YouTube ban anything that has election fraud, anything that exposes the COVID-19 pandemic - whatever happened to freedom of speech?

You are basically proposing a third option or choice. Twitter and Co ban accounts that propose that, the left consensus is that “being centrist is evil”, etc... it’s all about the extremes. Myself I’m off a quite black or white mindset and I find this too much.

I understand where you are coming from, not saying that I agree or disagree with you on some of your other points, but the media feeding frenzy I can entertain... they are trying to pin everybody in a 1v1 mindset. I’m starting to take the stance of taking a step back, let them all fight each other, lose time, distract themselves in emotionalisms and indignation... heck I see US politics discussions all around me and I’m not even in the US.

For me, that’s the time I’ll use to advance myself and gain some advantage. As a late age immigrant, I started with nothing compared with someone that’s born here... no family, no social network built over a lifetime, no diplomas from here, $5K in a bank account. Heck not even the language, had to learn it quick the first year... and I still get called “privileged” by the media.


Nov 27, 2020
That's how I read his comment, nothing to do with being a racist, rather more that the government are disgusting - which they are, nothing more than dictators.

You've got to love how so many people are quick to call "racist". That word has lost all meaning as it's being thrown around like confetti.
Remember the argument pyramid? Well, the bottom level that says, "You are an asshat" has been replaced with, "You are a racist".

It no longer means anything. It's the lowest form of insult.


macrumors 603
Nov 4, 2008
Don’t take the troll bait.....
It could be troll bait but I had a brief look at post history and it doesn't appear, (or didn't from my quick look), to be sycophancy.
I find it hard to believe that people still support the big orange doofus after all that has happened. There is a guy on Uk radio called James O'Brien and he regularly takes Trump supporters apart. They can't actually explain why they support him and when they do he completely tears gaping holes in their arguments.
This one still makes me laugh now;
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