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macrumors 6502a
Jan 19, 2008
I'd be happy if everything simply worked as they said it would... it's a shame that most doesn't.

Agreed... although most of the discussions and criticism are always over aesthetics and form, over function.


macrumors regular
Aug 9, 2012
Well, it's more on the OSX side but since they are being run by the same person we can see some cross over here.

I would like to see better multi tasking, think Mission Control in OSX. That is what I want, some mockup designs have are already out there.

New Homescreen would be nice, instead of it being a center for app launching they could put in Launchpad, again like in OSX and use the homescreen for something else, maybe those widgets.. like in OSX.

I doubt this will happen, maybe not even in iOS 7 but the OS just needs that re branding, a reboot like what Microsoft does with the XBox dashboard.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 23, 2008
Orlando, Florida
Active icons is a feature I can see coming in iOS 7.

New lockscreen too.

But I feel we are going to see a lot of UI change with app icons and the visual look inside the app of the pre-installed.


macrumors 65816
May 16, 2012
He will find this task difficult. How can you make iOS thinner and lighter?
Anyway, I hope he is not going to make it sterile looking.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 23, 2008
Orlando, Florida
I hope Ive takes away the glare from most of the icons. It's hideous and takes away the color of the icon. A more matte look to the icons will make it very pleasing to look at.


macrumors regular
Sep 20, 2012
It will be 20% thinner, 50% lighter, 2x faster, "amazing" and "absolutely fantastic".

Then after all the hype died down and you use it, it will actually be "meh...".


macrumors 6502
Oct 16, 2011
Nyon, Switzerland
  • Folders allowed in Folders.
  • User can remove default Apple apps. (Newsstand for example)

That. And a faster Music app when using iTunes Match by making a better use of caching.


I'm not familiar with the work Jony Ive has done in software design. What are typical examples of his work that are not hardware related?


macrumors regular
Mar 10, 2011
Att.: Apple

Don't make the same mistake as Microsoft. It's awful.

Don't follow windows phone 8 i agree. But I think the iPad could benefit greatly if it followed Microsoft in making the tablet more "productivity friendly".

*When i say productivity friendly, i mean stuff like typing reports, multiple windows, .docx compatibility, true multi tasking etc...

Wishful thinking perhaps?

Tar Sniffer

macrumors 6502
Apr 11, 2012
I don't know why you guys hate the Skeuomorphism so much, when it's what gives iOS it's charm and colour. Would you prefer a consistent sterile mono-colour through out your phone?

As for design changes...
  • Redesign the folders icon
  • Phase out the linen theme
  • Speed up some animations. (Eg. Safari tabs)
  • Mountain Lion style dock
  • Fix the horrible design choices implemented in iOS6. (Eg. Music App, coloured status bar, App Store, phone keypad)


macrumors regular
Sep 2, 2012
man... poor bastard, this Jon Ive: I bet he hasn't realized the land mine he's stepped into. All the cry babies that take iOS too seriously and over analyze every single tiny bit of it. And in the end, there's no way to keep everybody happy. With hardware design there's always an end to any discussion. But with software design, everybody thinks they should have their own idea of how anything should look and work. Plus, the ability to further customize it. A real nightmare.

For what it's worth, I doubt Jon Ive's involvement in iOS will be permanent...

Most intelligent post I've read on here.


Dec 21, 2011
Anyone else sick of seeing the word skeuomorphism everywhere?

Jon Ives having additional say in the look and feel of iOS is going to be heaven. As far as skeuomorphism, I could care less.


macrumors 65816
Aug 29, 2011
A complete graphical overhaul and hopefully the dumping of stupid slow animations like when you click on folders and the screen "splits" (SO ugly).

Theres a lot of work to be done though. Id like widges and more custom choices as well, but the main thing here is not the amount of new functions but some desperately needed fresh thinking about how it should all come together.

Its about time. 2007 called, they want their software back. Im sure Sir Jony Ive will do amazing things like he has with hardware lately.

I like the screensplit animation, Apple does need to make it faster though, so it looks smoother and takes less time and is less "I'm sitting here and I can't do anything because of slow ass animations" and hopefully they fix the jerkiness.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 11, 2012
Skeumorphic apps is one of the things that separate apple from other companies, I think apple might suffer if they go in a generic direction like most companies.


macrumors 6502
Jun 18, 2007
You guys are funny. They didn't fire Forstall because of his design direction. They fired him because of his recent performance and attitude, especially regarding maps. As much as many hate skeuomorphic design, it has certainly not detracted from Apple's success and even if Jony Ive hates it, he's not going to completely rebuild what has been working for Apple in a few months. I think some of the more disliked designs will be changed eventually (calendars) but skeuomorphism will still be in many apps for a long time. Notes will still look like a yellow notepad. Garageband will still look like real instruments. Reminders will look like a white sheet of paper, etc. I could be wrong. We'll see.

My guess is that his first order of business will be to address usability complaints with the App store. That's worth real money.


macrumors 68000
Aug 25, 2007
It does not have to be all or nothing. Subtle traits combined with other design style is nice. Over the top not so nice.


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2002
Notes will still look like a yellow notepad.

I like the "skeuomorphic" designs, but this is one I'm actually hoping will go. Not that it's even really tacky or ugly, but I'd rather have something that lends itself to a more compact view so more information is visible.



macrumors 65816
Apr 3, 2009
iOS 7 really doesn't have to change a lot. Small stuff will certainly make the difference. Things like:

  • Remove colored status bar. It's ugly. Keep it all black so it looks like it's "part" of the phone - not the software.
  • Live icons (like Windows Phone). Could be pretty useful with the weather app. Other apps, like Facebook, could fade between latest images posted in the newsfeed. Maps could show the actual location if you have GPS enabled.
  • Exposé style multitasking (like MultiFlow)
  • Why not make the spotlight area capable of having widgets? Swipe left (or press the home button on the first screen) and see the widget area.
  • Overall "sleeker" look. Less gloss, more "uuuhmmm".

Yr Blues

macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jan 14, 2008
the skeuomorphic design should be layered onto the existing OS so that we can turn them off or change them if we want to


macrumors 68000
Feb 26, 2008
osx and iOS will be merged into one only operating system maybe?

They already area the same OS. That's Forstalls biggest contribution to Apple.

They share the same underlying frameworks: stuff like the Mach kernel, CoreAnimation, CoreData, etc. if you've got a terminal app or something else without a UI, it's already extremely portable between OSX and iOS.

The difference is at the UI level. iOS has UI components designed for full-screen touch applications, whereas OSX has components designed for windowed applications using a mouse pointer or multi-touch trackpad.

Then there's iCloud, which acts as the glue between the OSes: syncing your personal data and preferences between them.

They can't become any more integrated unless you start packaging them together: that just ties their release cycles together for no technical or business benefit.


You guys are funny. They didn't fire Forstall because of his design direction. They fired him because of his recent performance and attitude, especially regarding maps. As much as many hate skeuomorphic design, it has certainly not detracted from Apple's success and even if Jony Ive hates it, he's not going to completely rebuild what has been working for Apple in a few months. I think some of the more disliked designs will be changed eventually (calendars) but skeuomorphism will still be in many apps for a long time. Notes will still look like a yellow notepad. Garageband will still look like real instruments. Reminders will look like a white sheet of paper, etc. I could be wrong. We'll see.

My guess is that his first order of business will be to address usability complaints with the App store. That's worth real money.

Design is an important part of the product. If its too awkward to use, Apple has a huge problem.


macrumors 6502
Aug 10, 2012
I am sure whatever Jony has going on, it will be the most polished and best looking. Thats his thing.
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