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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I have done this on and off, sometimes in conjunction with local honey to help with the flavor. I have been told by multiple people and healthcare providers to drink it through a straw to help minimize contact with your teeth and to rinse a short while after drinking it.
Ref- Apple Cider Vineagar Consumption for health reasons. I have been experimenting with this, Thanks for the heads up on rinsing your mouth after.

2TBS in a glass of water, hold my breath while drinking, I only notice a slight salty sensation. It’s after that I try to avoid that vinegar smell that lingers briefly in my sinuses. I breath in and out though my mouth, and I can breath in through my nose and exhale though my mouth, but inevitably, when I finally breath out through my nose, no matter how I breath before, I get that shot of vinegar smell which is repugnant and pungent though brief.

At this point I can’t say I notice anything as a result of consuming this. And I didn’t know the significance of The Mother something labeled on the bottles of apple cider vinegar. That contains “good bacteria” or at least is as reported as such.



macrumors 65816
Sep 3, 2009
I now can add vertigo to my list of ailments.
So can I, I have suffered from it for a long time as of the past few years. Have you taken a a small amount of baking soda under the tongue and let it dissolve? (Don't swallow it, just let it dissolve then swallow your saliva.)


macrumors demi-goddess
Sep 22, 2015
Washington, DC
So can I, I have suffered from it for a long time as of the past few years. Have you taken a a small amount of baking soda under the tongue and let it dissolve? (Don't swallow it, just let it dissolve then swallow your saliva.)

No I’ve never heard of that. I’ll have to give that a try.


macrumors 6502
Jan 19, 2018
Sciata due to a bulging disc in my lower back. As mentioned above it comes and goes. But the pain in the leg is always present.
I am sorry for you. I had sciatica so badly I was bed-ridden and in agony for nearly two months, so I can commiserate. I had microdiscectomy surgery and it was an instant cure.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
So can I, I have suffered from it for a long time as of the past few years. Have you taken a a small amount of baking soda under the tongue and let it dissolve? (Don't swallow it, just let it dissolve then swallow your saliva.)
Was that for immediate relief, or long term relief?

T Coma

macrumors 6502a
Dec 3, 2015
Flyover Country, USA
Acute medicalindustrium distrustum.

Outside of repairing broken, cut or otherwise damaged body parts, I've seen a substantial improvement in overall health, including minimizing effects of common pathogenic afflictions, by avoiding the experts and their excessive prescriptions and:

Focusing on strength training, uber alles (Starting Strength, win for the 99%)
Eliminating refined sugar and high fructose additives from diet
Eliminating industrialized vegetable oils (olive, avacado, coconut only)
Increasing clean (as possible) animal protein (beef, pork, chicken, salmon/tuna)

We've dug ourselves into the hole of chronic disease, and it's surprisingly simple (didn't say easy) to climb out with your own research. Functional Medicine ftw.
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macrumors 65816
Sep 3, 2009
Was that for immediate relief, or long term relief?
I usually took a nap after I did that, and together, that did the trick after a little while, but it can vary. It depended if I got it early enough.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Ever have a wart?

What treatment have you used?

The fastest treatment I ever had was to let the doctor freeze one.

When I was a child I had a wart. My Grandfather who lived in the mountains of West Virginia in a much different time, feels like a different life, took a penny, and told me he was going to buy it. I can’t remember if he said some words as he rubbed it on the wart and told me to keep this penny in my pocket. The wart went away. Apparently there is a technical vs comelier reason why this works, copper oxide.

Ok, well that memory just popped into my head. :)

I have had a wart now, what I think it’s a wart, on the top of the first joint of my index finger. It’s circular and has been there for years, but it does not seem like it is actively growing. I’d post a picture except it’s covered with a wart pad. Maybe I’ll take one later.

A couple of years ago, I tried freezing it off with a do it at home commercial kit, but it did not appear to work, or did it? The round protrusion is still there, but it does not seem to be active, but the circular protrusion is still there.

So this time I’ve been using Compound W One Step Pads. These are cool because the medicine, Salicylic Acid is held in place by a bandaid that seals around the wart Holding the medicine in place. A note on the box says it coukd take 12 weeks to get rid of it. If these are worn for 48 hours, sequentially, there is enough for approx one month, per box, and theybare inexpensive.

I’m working on my second box. The treatment seems to be slowly eating into this what looks like a wart And I am starting to see the normal skin pattern as compared to my other index finger. No pain experuenced so far. I’ll assume you are supposed to stop when you can no longer see the circle? 😳

I wonder if you could over do it and scar yourself?

Anyway when I finish with this second box, if it is still there, maybe I should find an old Penny and buy it? :)
Almost 2 1/2 months later consistently using Compound W, it’s hard to tell if I still have a wart or not. That’s my forefinger. The image is after 24 hr of Compind W on, it always turns the skin white so it can be removed. The entire pinkish area twice as wide as the white area is suspect based on its appearance.

I texted the Compound W people who said it’s gone when you see pink skin underneath. Well, after I pull off the dead white skin there is always pink, but I give it a day or two and there is still a circular impression of a wart as compared to my other finger that just has some wrinkled skin covering the knuckle. When I stop treating it, the circular area remains looks like a wart might be growing back.

Recently saw the family doctor and he said hard to tell. I asked about freezing and he told me they had not been able to get liquid nitrogen in months or it was broke. He told me if it is bothering me and CW does not work, he could send me to a dermatologist. I’ve probably spend $28-35 on 4 or 5 small bottles of the CW. There could be a dermatologist in my future.

For the comment about freezing, several decades ago, when I had a different wart, freezing it off was the quick and simple answer.

Maybe of interest or not, I’ve had this wart for several years, tried to use one of the commercial home freeze solutions, but it did not work so I just ignored it for a time, before deciding to tackle it again. It’s noticible, but not horrible looking when I’m not burning it with acid. :)



macrumors newbie
Feb 18, 2017
Almost 2 1/2 months later consistently using Compound W, it’s hard to tell if I still have a wart or not. That’s my forefinger. The image is after 24 hr of Compind W on, it always turns the skin white so it can be removed. The entire pinkish area twice as wide as the white area is suspect based on its appearance.

I texted the Compound W people who said it’s gone when you see pink skin underneath. Well, after I pull off the dead white skin there is always pink, but I give it a day or two and there is still a circular impression of a wart as compared to my other finger that just has some wrinkled skin covering the knuckle. When I stop treating it, the circular area remains looks like a wart might be growing back.

Recently saw the family doctor and he said hard to tell. I asked about freezing and he told me they had not been able to get liquid nitrogen in months or it was broke. He told me if it is bothering me and CW does not work, he could send me to a dermatologist. I’ve probably spend $28-35 on 4 or 5 small bottles of the CW. There could be a dermatologist in my future.

For the comment about freezing, several decades ago, when I had a different wart, freezing it off was the quick and simple answer.

Maybe of interest or not, I’ve had this wart for several years, tried to use one of the commercial home freeze solutions, but it did not work so I just ignored it for a time, before deciding to tackle it again. It’s noticible, but not horrible looking when I’m not burning it with acid. :)

I had one on the inside on my right pinky. A dermatologist froze it off and it came back. I froze it at home multiple times and it came back. I used the Compound W gel for months and it came back. I bought a small rechargeable Dremel and started grinding it down to the point of drawing a small dot of blood. Then I started using the gel and the dremel. Finally after over 2 years of battling that thing it finally gave up and died. I knew the day it finally was done by the way it came off my finger. It felt and looked like it was done.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I had one on the inside on my right pinky. A dermatologist froze it off and it came back. I froze it at home multiple times and it came back. I used the Compound W gel for months and it came back. I bought a small rechargeable Dremel and started grinding it down to the point of drawing a small dot of blood. Then I started using the gel and the dremel. Finally after over 2 years of battling that thing it finally gave up and died. I knew the day it finally was done by the way it came off my finger. It felt and looked like it was done.
The first wart I had and the doctor froze it, I thought easy solution, because that one went away. My son has been battling a wart on his toe with the help of doctors over a year. The home freeze solutions don’t appear to be effective. When the doctor froze it, I knew it had been frozen. I barely notice the home freeze remedies.


macrumors 65816
Sep 3, 2009
Was that for immediate relief, or long term relief?
I laid down as soon as I could safely get to a bed, and took a nap or just laid still until the feeling subsided. I never timed it but always fell asleep.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Almost 2 1/2 months later consistently using Compound W, it’s hard to tell if I still have a wart or not. That’s my forefinger. The image is after 24 hr of Compind W on, it always turns the skin white so it can be removed. The entire pinkish area twice as wide as the white area is suspect based on its appearance.

I texted the Compound W people who said it’s gone when you see pink skin underneath. Well, after I pull off the dead white skin there is always pink, but I give it a day or two and there is still a circular impression of a wart as compared to my other finger that just has some wrinkled skin covering the knuckle. When I stop treating it, the circular area remains looks like a wart might be growing back.

Recently saw the family doctor and he said hard to tell. I asked about freezing and he told me they had not been able to get liquid nitrogen in months or it was broke. He told me if it is bothering me and CW does not work, he could send me to a dermatologist. I’ve probably spend $28-35 on 4 or 5 small bottles of the CW. There could be a dermatologist in my future.

For the comment about freezing, several decades ago, when I had a different wart, freezing it off was the quick and simple answer.

Maybe of interest or not, I’ve had this wart for several years, tried to use one of the commercial home freeze solutions, but it did not work so I just ignored it for a time, before deciding to tackle it again. It’s noticible, but not horrible looking when I’m not burning it with acid. :)

The area effected (wart) looks like it is growing so I broke down and visited a dermatologist. She said some of it looked warty, but mentioned the effect of attacking the wart with Compound W over a period of time can cause the skin to thicken like a callus. So we agreed to a freeze followed up with 6 weeks of Imiquimod 5% solution, applied nightly for 6 weeks.
How does imiquimod work?
Imiquimod works by stimulating the immune system to release a number of chemicals called cytokines, which are important in fighting viruses and destroying cancer cells.

I previously mentioned that I had tried a home wart freeze kit. That was a joke compared to the industrial freeze bottle she had. I could barely notice the home kit. The doctor hit it with a good 6-8 seconds of liquid nitrogen spray. I noticed the burn. It hurt but it felt good knowing that possibly I was kicking this warts butt finally. Only time will tell.

finger after freeze.​
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Ut the effect of cont
Does anyone drink a daily dose of diluted apple vineager cider?

By now you have probably heard about some of the health benefits or uses of apple cider vinegar. More and more people are discovering its multipurpose benefits and using it as a one-stop shop for daily needs. Here are 20 uses for apple cider vinegar (ACV) that will inspire you to incorporate it into your daily routine too.

  1. It helps in controlling the blood sugar level
  2. It is anti-bacterial and prevents infection
  3. It may aid in weight loss by changing the way the gut bacteria processes the fats
  4. It helps in the reduction of blood pressure
  5. It reduces the high cholesterol level
  6. It helps in regulating body PH
  7. It is supposed to help in the detoxification of the body
  8. It improves cardiovascular health
  9. It is supposed to prevent cancer
  10. It treats dandruff
  11. It helps to reduce the swelling of the vagina (vaginitis)
  12. It soothes the affected area of acne
  13. It calms insect bites when applied to the affected area
  14. It relieves sunburn when applied to the affected area
  15. It helps in getting a clear skin
  16. It helps to treat dyspepsia or indigestion
  17. It removes parasite infection
  18. It subsides leg cramps
  19. It diminishes the process of aging
  20. It helps in increasing hair shine
However, there has been insufficient evidence that supports all these health benefits of ACV. Besides, there have been conflicting viewpoints stated by different researchers, regarding the various health benefits of ACV.
I am current drinking 2 Tablespoons of ACV in a glass of water, twice a day, daily.
Two weeks ago, I also cut out all deserts, but still eat plain yogurt as a modest desert kind of.

Here is something unusual I’m noticing. The usual craving of sweets I usually experience when dieting is not there this time. I am not pacing the kitchen trying to figure out what I can eat that might satisfy my craving. I may have mentioned this before, but I keep a bag of peppermint life savers around, 15 calories each, which I was using recently to curb my sweet cravings, but mostly I suck on one now after I drink a glass of ACV, the stuff is vile. :)


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Ref- Apple Cider Vineagar Consumption for health reasons. I have been experimenting with this, Thanks for the heads up on rinsing your mouth after.

2TBS in a glass of water, hold my breath while drinking, I only notice a slight salty sensation. It’s after that I try to avoid that vinegar smell that lingers briefly in my sinuses. I breath in and out though my mouth, and I can breath in through my nose and exhale though my mouth, but inevitably, when I finally breath out through my nose, no matter how I breath before, I get that shot of vinegar smell which is repugnant and pungent though brief.

At this point I can’t say I notice anything as a result of consuming this. And I didn’t know the significance of The Mother something labeled on the bottles of apple cider vinegar. That contains “good bacteria” or at least is as reported as such.

The way to drink this is in a tall glass, 2 TBS ACV with a heaping TBS of Metamucil or generic type fiber (sweetened). And it’s much more tolerable. :)


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
The area effected (wart) looks like it is growing so I broke down and visited a dermatologist. She said some of it looked warty, but mentioned the effect of attacking the wart with Compound W over a period of time can cause the skin to thicken like a callus. So we agreed to a freeze followed up with 6 weeks of Imiquimod 5% solution, applied nightly for 6 weeks.
How does imiquimod work?
Imiquimod works by stimulating the immune system to release a number of chemicals called cytokines, which are important in fighting viruses and destroying cancer cells.

I previously mentioned that I had tried a home wart freeze kit. That was a joke compared to the industrial freeze bottle she had. I could barely notice the home kit. The doctor hit it with a good 6-8 seconds of liquid nitrogen spray. I noticed the burn. It hurt but it felt good knowing that possibly I was kicking this warts butt finally. Only time will tell.

View attachment 2101265
finger after freeze.​

I wonder if this is coming back? The doctor did say that when you attack an area the skin can become thicker callused. I’ve had this for several years, so if it’s not a wart (I don’t know what) I’ll probably go back to ignoring it. Due to visit the dermatologist in Dec.

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