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macrumors 6502a
Jun 28, 2014
I decided to install it on my less essential device (iPad Air 2). It's great so far. Restored from iCloud backup, and it's running great. The multitasking feature is awesome. I am watching a video as I type this.

Ferc Kast

macrumors 6502
Sep 26, 2012
The Multiverse
Am I crazy enough to do this? Let's see: I currently use the Insider Preview of Windows 10 (Fast Ring) as my daily driver on my only laptop, which I use to work from home on. So, yes....I think I am crazy enough to run iOS 9 beta also.

However, I won't do it on my iPhone 6 because I want to make sure I don't mess it up somehow. But, I'm gonna try it out on my Air's time for some multitasking. :D


macrumors 6502a
Aug 3, 2013
Hamburg, Germany
I already did this with the iOS 7 beta (7.0b1-5) and iOS 8 beta (8.0b1+), so yes, I am going to use it as my daily driver on my iPad, assuming everything goes well during the install process this afternoon. :)


macrumors 6502a
Aug 1, 2014
Hexham, UK
Installed on iPhone and iPad was a bit laggy at first but running smoothly now apart from 1 re spring on the iPad


macrumors G5
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
I loaded Android L on my old Nexus 5. It was okay, but I feel like iOS 8.3 is what Apple intends for us to have, and I have no interest in experimenting with non release OS's on a device I rely on.


macrumors 6502
Dec 16, 2007
I'm thinking about doing it but I had a bad experience doing it on iOS 7. I was traveling around Europe and encountered a bug where the phone was unusable once the battery went below 20%, something about the notification prompt appearing off screen and never dismissing.

Anyway, I frantically took it to the Apple Store at the Louvre and they said they couldn't help me with anything, and wouldn't even be able to downgrade it. I finally did get it working but it was a pretty terrifying experience as my iPhone 5 was all I had to book hotels and flights. I swore I would never do it again, but honestly I'll probably download the iOS 9 beta in a few days.


macrumors newbie
Sep 14, 2010
i just downloaded and loaded it on my iphone 6, but immediately regretted, because app store was unusable, and i couldn't get any apps to properly download.. but hey, beta software, so not gonna complain much.. i am digging the new system font though!!


Jul 18, 2011
Not a developer, but I have signed up for the public beta. Should offer the best compromise between stability and getting newer features early.
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macrumors G3
Oct 5, 2008
I am. Hell, I was just using all of the 8.4 betas as my daily. Lol.


macrumors regular
Oct 11, 2005
How is app compatibility? I can live with instability but not with the loss of key apps like 1Password. I normally wait a couple of betas before using a new OS on my daily phone but am tempted to throw caution to the wind given the nature of this release.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 13, 2014
Since iOS 9 is supposed to be a maintenancne release more than a performance update, I think using it as a daily driver will be a lot easier than say Ios 7 or 8...


Mar 26, 2008
i am glad i had my iPhone 5 at my disposal so i didnt have to waste my impatience on the iPhone 6 glad i did cuz the battery drain is insane (YES BETA i know)


macrumors 68040
Sep 11, 2008
New York City
I'm doing it and usually do it with new betas. In this case though I might revert back only because battery SUCKS and it's also draining my watch. My phone I can charge anywhere but I don't really want to charge my watch 3 times a day.


macrumors regular
Feb 15, 2011
Seems okay for me at the moment. I always install betas and use them for a few days before deciding on downgrading or not.

9 seems like good quality so far but the battery seems to be eating itself. Although it seems to have calmed down some at the moment.


macrumors 68000
Sep 15, 2013
Lot 23E. Somewhere in Georgia.
I do it with every beta, and I have since iOS 3's beta on the good ol touch.

Yes, I know you're not supposed to use it as your main iOS version, but the features are so fun its hard to give up. Besides, if I can make it through the first few iOS 7 betas, then I can make it through this one.

So, who's being stupid :rolleyes: like me and using iOS 9 for their main OS?

I don't, but I'm glad that you guys who do are brave enough so that the rest of us know what's coming when the gold master is ready.


macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
Since iOS 9 is supposed to be a maintenancne release more than a performance update, I think using it as a daily driver will be a lot easier than say Ios 7 or 8...

I thought it was supposed to be both?

Anyway, I might wait a few betas and then install it on my iPad Air 2. Wouldn't dare try my iPhone 6 Plus which already has enough trouble with 8.3. Has anyone had trouble with Duet Display and iOS 9? That's an app I use all day at work as an extra external display. I'm also worried about beta software somehow wiping out my iCloud Drive photo library.


macrumors 6502
Nov 3, 2012
I did it with iOS 6-8 betas... I might hold off a little bit this year though. I'm doing so for a few reasons. For one beta 1 and 2 are usually very buggy and with this being the case on a daily driver.. it's not really worth it. Seems like usually around beta 3 things become usable, so I'll prob wait for that. Also, there is nothing too mind blowing in iOS 9, to where I need to have it right now.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 17, 2014
I've done it since iOS 4 betas. Been okay except that one time in iOS 5 that screwed everyone.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Apr 25, 2011
Toronto, ON
Lots of great information here for someone considering the beta program for the first time such as myself.

So far it seems the list of possible issues one might encounter on this beta are:

  • lagginess
  • app crashes
  • occasional resprings
  • battery drain
Is there anything currently being reported that I'm missing?

Also just wondering if anyone from experience can tell me -- are there any catastrophic risks associated with beta testing iOS? Like total data loss or damaged hardware? With regular backups, the former shouldn't be an issue, but if betas can potentially brick a device, that would be a cause for concern.

Thanks and happy testing!
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