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macrumors 65816
Sep 21, 2018
My best friend is upgrading from the 11 Pro Max to the 15 Pro Max.

It should be obvious to anyone who enjoys tech why that would be exciting and why he would want his new iPhone as early as possible.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 17, 2023
Almost every year, there are hundreds of threads (big And small ones) discussing launch day iPhone purchase, from availability, to sharing experience, tracking, to walk-in purchase or local store pickup.

During the iPhone early years, I can get it on why people pile up for the latest and greatest because of major leap every year. But nowadays especially in last 3 years, iPhone has been in incremental update with few if any “wow” factors.

This gets me wondering: why so many people still try to get their iPhone on launch day with any means necessary? Is the launch day iPhone super special compared to non-launch day one? I am both curious and puzzled. 🤔
For me, incremental updates or not are still updates that makes newer iPhone better than the previous edition (a step forward). Also, excitement to get the latest version among others on first day it is released. For me, it is my annual Apple tradition that I am always looking forward to every year to get a new best latest phone from Apple.


macrumors 65816
Sep 21, 2018
Not special at all. But just because the fun wore out for you doesn’t mean it wore out for everybody else. At least no long lines and people stepping on each other and camping out for weeks. With online orders and pickup/delivery it’s much better! Is it necessary??? Of course not! I can name you millions of things that aren’t necessary. People can enjoy whatever brings them happiness. I just think Apple saying they are “sold out” and have the artificial delays on shipping and magically making them available is hilarious and that is unnecessary. Btw, I’ve always been able to buy a brand new iPhone on launch day in store with no preorder. I’m happy regardless if I have a new phone or not, but it’s free for me each year so that’s why I preorder.
I always assumed Apple just gave the worst case shipping date.
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macrumors Core
Oct 14, 2008
This gets me wondering: why so many people still try to get their iPhone on launch day with any means necessary? Is the launch day iPhone super special compared to non-launch day one? I am both curious and puzzled. 🤔

Well, for me it’s very simple. My 11 is badly damaged and I really need a new phone. And if I don’t get it on launch date I’ll have to wait until late November.


macrumors 68040
Aug 31, 2003
Silicon Valley
It doesn’t really make much since to not upgrade because of the trade in value you get for the old phone. You could also sell it and get even more money.

I traded in an iPhone X. It only netted me $74, but hanging onto your phone for over 5 years is going to far outweigh trying to stay ahead of the trade-in value curve. I also absolutely hate switching horses so I'll only upgrade when I feel like it's really necessary or they make an offer that I can't turn down.

Not being tied to any upgrade cycle was how I ended up with an iPhone X at a steep discount. Verizon must have had a glut of them because they gave me the $400 discount without requiring a trade-in. It just so happened that my wife was needing a new phone so it was the perfect offer at the perfect time to allow me to give my iPhone 7 to my wife.


macrumors regular
Sep 12, 2014
I know family members who will like a lackadaisically say “Oh I’m planning to get the new one”. Then weeks later they realize they’re sold out for 2 months like you said.
Exactly why I made absolutely sure I get one at launch. We can't wait anymore. Upgrade is months overdue. When we got my husband his 13 two years ago the only reason we got it quickly was it being base 13 in blue. There was nothing in Pro line at our store at all.
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macrumors 65816
Sep 21, 2018
I’m not trying to crap on others or judge on how you Should spend money. Why it suddenly is a crime to even get interested in some consistent behaviours without participation?
I think it’s often difficult, especially on forums, to differentiate when someone is asking a question and when someone is questioning your motives or choices.


Aug 16, 2023
Very true, but the OP comparing early purchasers to zealots, in the title no less, tells me what I need to know about the motivations behind the thread.


macrumors 68000
Sep 11, 2014
Because if you don't you probably have to wait 2 months before you can easily get it.
exactly this. I and many others are willing to work for it whether or not it's getting up at 5 AM to preorder or waiting past midnight in line for walk-in. no need to stalk the stores to see if its in stock or wait 2 months for it to be shipped.


macrumors 6502
Nov 6, 2020
Third Rock From the Sun
Generally because I like having the most current model. Also, being able to get your spec and color on launch day or a couple of days later allows me to share my impressions and opinions with other new or potential owners.

In addition, with this timing, I learn more about the features, some of which I wasn't aware of because I am still relatively new to Apple and I don't necessarily have time to keep up with each iOS update like I did when I was an Android owner.


macrumors newbie
Sep 16, 2023
For me, excitement!

I work a lot of hours and this is something I am looking forward to. I have never been to a launch day opening so this is why it would be special for me specifically. I did pre-order at 5am for the Natural Titanium Pro Max (256gb) but < 5 mins my shipping date is Oct 6th - 12th(Canada). I figured since I am off Friday and I am usually up early I would just grab a coffee in the morning and enjoy the experience of upgrading my old phone. (Hopefully they have stock) I also have to do groceries so figured id do both while I am at it.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 8, 2008
I got the original iPhone. Then I sat on a curb outside an Apple Store at 4am to wait for the 3G. Then the 4, man that retina. A couple of iPhones later at around the 7 Plus (Jet Black ;) I was done with yearly updates. Next up XS then 12 pro. Tomorrow I get the 15 pro. I was thinking of holding out another year (to 4), but my old battery was done (76% health) and I want to go all in on usb-c.

Hoping to go 4 year intervals here on in especially with the easier repairability of the 15s (compared to 12 pros).

The phones simply don’t excite me like the iPhone 4 days


Jun 22, 2023
It's become ritual for me and my friends/loved ones. We just get a kick out of making it an ordeal, it's fun for us. One of my favorite iPhone launch memories was meeting a friend of mine at the Apple Store at 4:30am ET and waiting for two and a half hours only to find out that he wasn't eligible for a fully subsidized upgrade via the carrier, so we went home. Didn't even leave with a phone, but we got our coffees, socialized with the people, and got to be part of all the excitement. It probably sounds silly to people who don't 'get it' and that's alright.


Jun 2, 2014
Agreed. You get the most "value" out of the phone/computer/game console/etc. if you buy it on launch day. If it doesn't turn up on the exact day then it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but it's still a disappointment if you're looking forward to it.
This. The lowest IQ move to me was purchasing the color refresh mid cycle. You're paying full price to use the newest iPhone at half the duration of its cycle
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Stratus Fear

macrumors 6502a
Jan 21, 2008
Atlanta, GA
It’s just something people enjoy.
This is the answer. Everybody has their thing. For some of us, this is that thing. For me, this is the only thing I "upgrade" when a new version comes out. I've had an iPhone of every generation back to the first (which was the only one I didn't get on launch day), and before that I still bought a new phone yearly, since like 2002. Is it necessary? Nope. Is it the best way to spend money? Probably not, but that's a personal thing. It's kind of like how some people buy a lot of shoes, or watches, or handbags, or whatever.


macrumors newbie
Jun 21, 2021
I used to ask the same question, but you have to remember you’re on Macrumors. This website is specifically for people far more interested in these topics than the vast majority, so you’re going to find a lot of enthusiasts who embrace what is new.

I am also highly involved and interested in golf and have plenty of friends who buy new clubs and equipment on a yearly basis when it isn’t necessary. This is just how it is with people’s interests.

I don’t upgrade my phone or MacBook every year. Far from it. But I like to hear input from people who do since I am generally interested in Apple tech.

As for day one upgrades, I think that simply stems from excitement and tradition. If you’re already going to upgrade, why wait?
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macrumors 6502
Oct 31, 2018
Even though they no longer change much from year to year, it’s still exciting to get a new phone
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