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macrumors member
Aug 13, 2004
jefhatfield said:
that's true, but not quite yet

what's the average length you own a computer and use it daily/weekly? two years, two and a half, maybe?

the introduction of 64 bit apps is still in its infant stages and it will take longer than that to utilize a 64 bit machine to its potential...perhaps in 18 months it might make sense to have to go 64 bit to ensure a good life for your machine

now if you plan on buying a 64 bit computer (apple made G5 power mac, pc that has an athlon 64) and using it for four or five years, then you may see the transition from 32 bit apps to 64 bit apps

my next mac will prolly be an ibook with a G4, unless apple plans on getting that chip into the machine in the next 12 months which i doubt...we will see a G5 imac this fall and a G5 powerbook by early next year if we are lucky

the emac and ibook will stay G4 for another year most likely, and maybe even, how do i know this? he he..i don't but i am just guessing from all the rumors i have seen here because it seems we ask for stuff several months before apple inc is able to deliver and some macrumors members are never happy enough with apple inc's progress in computer hardware

as long as i compare macs against themselves, i think the progress is steady and admirable...but when looking at apps, hardware, and peripherals coming out on faster pc machines, then it always seems like macs are behind the speed curve...when we hit 3 ghz, they will be well beyond 4 ghz and so on

yeah, i'm not buying until the start of next summer, and it'll need to last through at least 4 years of university, so that's why i'm hoping there'll be a 64 bit processor pb by then. but it's true, the only 64 bit applications now are for math and science processing stuff, right?


macrumors member
Jul 6, 2004
macsrus said:
I think the Speed/GHZ wars have almost come to an end... At least for a while...
Intel has stalled... and said that they dont believe they can pass 4 GHZ

While it will be at least 18 months or more maybe never(which is more likely) before a PPC hits 4 GHZ... It doesnt really matter that much anyway...
Because clock hertz is only one factor in CPU speed which everyone should know by now

Yes and no. Some programs for us artsy fartsy types really do like a lot of raw CPU speed, period, the more the better, in fact, to run well.

That said, if Apple could get something 2-2.5 ghz or above into the powerbooks, I would immediately quit my bitchin' and get the rev B. I (and lots of other people) probably wouldn't ever need a new one until the old one wears out, either. My personal sneaking suspicion is that IBM and Apple know this, and have something waiting in the wings that won't come out until the last lots of remaining Motorola procs begin to run out...they are, after all, in the business of making money, and have become used to a gigantic profit margin.


macrumors 6502
Jun 15, 2004
Terra Firma
Seanb23 said:
Yes and no. Some programs for us artsy fartsy types really do like a lot of raw CPU speed, period, the more the better, in fact, to run well.

That said, if Apple could get something 2-2.5 ghz or above into the powerbooks, I would immediately quit my bitchin' and get the rev B. I (and lots of other people) probably wouldn't ever need a new one until the old one wears out, either. My personal sneaking suspicion is that IBM and Apple know this, and have something waiting in the wings that won't come out until the last lots of remaining Motorola procs begin to run out...they are, after all, in the business of making money, and have become used to a gigantic profit margin.

I dont think you got the jist of my post....
The current physics of building faster clock hertz cpus has come to a stand still...
Thats why most vendors are going to dual core cpus next year...
And why more cache is being added to the CPU's


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
macsrus said:
I dont think you got the jist of my post....
The current physics of building faster clock hertz cpus has come to a stand still...
Thats why most vendors are going to dual core cpus next year...
And why more cache is being added to the CPU's

Exactly. Plus, raw CPU speed doesn't matter when there are many other system factors at play. You can give me a chip running at 5 GHz, but if it's running on a 2 GHz FSB... ;) The simple fact is that even developer/pro apps do not require solely fast CPUs. If this were the case, then they might as well have shipped out the 2.5 GHz G5s with a 10 GB HD and 32 MB RAM since it's only the proc speed that matters. ;)

But yes, regardless, chips will not be progressing that high when it comes to raw clock cycles anymore - methods such as dual cores, extra cache, etc. will become a lot more important in the future as far as computer performance is concerned.


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
narco said:
Maybe this thread was created to keep all the PBG5 speculators contained in one area. Great idea!


Well, we have to do something to keep them busy until their precious G5 PowerBooks are released next fall... :cool:


macrumors 6502
Jun 15, 2004
Terra Firma
~Shard~ said:
Well, we have to do something to keep them busy until their precious G5 PowerBooks are released next fall... :cool:

Na they r comming out no later than end of 1st quarter 2005

The power tune chips are ready.... The question is what clock hertz...
My guess is 1.6 to 1.8....


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
macsrus said:
Na they r comming out no later than end of 1st quarter 2005

The power tune chips are ready.... The question is what clock hertz...
My guess is 1.6 to 1.8....

Really? They've solved the yield issues? Interesting, would you care to elaborate on this?

Even if the G5 PowerBooks might get mentioned @ MWSF/1Q '05, they wouldn't be shipping until 4 or 5 months later - hence, summer/fall '05, just as I've said before. :cool:


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
babka said:
Do you think powerbooks will be 18" or even 19" soon?

Nope. :cool:

And the obvious question here would be, "Why???" The benefits of having a portable machine start to become negated once the screen size gets to an unmanageable size. Might as well strap a PowerMac on your back! :p ;)


macrumors member
Jul 6, 2004
~Shard~ said:
Nope. :cool:

And the obvious question here would be, "Why???" The benefits of having a portable machine start to become negated once the screen size gets to an unmanageable size. Might as well strap a PowerMac on your back! :p ;)

I like having the 17" screen to work with a lot...but yeah, the obvious drawback is power consumption. I can get slightly under 3 hours, tops, out of it, before it's recharge time. And don't even go there with the "energy saver" ! With an anemic 1 ghz cpu on my "oldschool" powerbook, I need every drop of juice I can get out of it to run anything interesting at all...

Another poster mentioned his opinion that I failed to understand his assertion that cpu hertz is the not the only factor involved in "speed." You don't say ! Ahem.

Of course it isn't...and AMD is kicking Intel's butt in the laptop FSB and cache arena as well as the clock speed race. Apple and it's CPU makers are watching from about a mile and a half back... But they aren't fools, Intel...have you noticed that they are dropping CPU speed descriptions in their ultra-high-end M chip line in favor of "model numbers" ?

Strangely enough, the lightning fast "enemy" AMD and M chip laptops I have seen in my house lately...the ones that leave my much more expensive (and...reliable) powerbook in the dust...seem to run for a far longer time off of battery power, too. Hours longer...more than can be accounted for with mere screen size. Now, obviously, these laptops don't have server style CPUs in 'em, like the supposed powerbook G5 one wonders if Apple has some major battery redesigning going on, too...

Again, would it be too much to expect of Apple to set aside some money for "mobile chip" R & D, even on a dusty old chalkboard in a back room somewhere ? I don't care if they hire IBM or flippin' Radio Shack to make the damn things at this just seems ridiculous to try to shoehorn a boiling hot, power suckin' G5 into a laptop when everyone else has pretty much shifted gears...

Maybe y'all are right...and dual core is indeed the wave of the future here...


macrumors 601
Feb 26, 2003
around the world
~Shard~ said:
Really? They've solved the yield issues? Interesting, would you care to elaborate on this?

Even if the G5 PowerBooks might get mentioned @ MWSF/1Q '05, they wouldn't be shipping until 4 or 5 months later - hence, summer/fall '05, just as I've said before. :cool:


you can post that as often as you want - not going to happen ! ;)

They are never ever anouncing hardware that ships 4 or 5 months later. Never happend, never will. They do that only if they have to, like the OS.

I still think we see the Powerbook G5 announced in January and it ships in February, March and thats when I will place my order :D



macrumors 68000
Sep 4, 2003
Surely a G5 powerbook would take a lot longer than a few months to develop. I don't think apple are going to rush this one (???)


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
CmdrLaForge said:
They are never ever anouncing hardware that ships 4 or 5 months later. Never happend, never will.

Never happened, huh? So when the initial G5 PowerMacs were announced in June 2003 and some people didn't receive their units until October or November, that was how many months? There's a LOT of G5 owners out there that would be very quick to correct you on that false statement! :p

CmdrLaForge said:
I still think we see the Powerbook G5 announced in January and it ships in February, March and thats when I will place my order :D

Are ya a betting man? :cool:


macrumors 601
Feb 26, 2003
around the world
~Shard~ said:
Never happened, huh? So when the initial G5 PowerMacs were announced in June 2003 and some people didn't receive their units until October or November, that was how many months? There's a LOT of G5 owners out there that would be very quick to correct you on that false statement! :p

Do you understand the difference between announcement and first shipment and on the other hand average Joe orders and finally gets his product ?

I am still waiting (now 4 weeks !) for my iPod mini and iPod 4th generation, but I wouldn't say they released it in January (the mini) and I am still waiting and that means it is a 7 month waiting on the product.


macrumors newbie
Aug 16, 2004
powerbook G5 may be closer than you think!

Under System 10.3.5, look at /System/Library/Extensions/AppleMacRISC4PE.kext/Contents/Info.plist
and you'll find listed two new powerbooks,
Powerbook7,1 and PowerBook7,2
which are G5 because the AppleMacRISC4PE.kext is for PowerPC 970/970FX!!!


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
CmdrLaForge said:
Do you understand the difference between announcement and first shipment and on the other hand average Joe orders and finally gets his product ?

I am still waiting (now 4 weeks !) for my iPod mini and iPod 4th generation, but I wouldn't say they released it in January (the mini) and I am still waiting and that means it is a 7 month waiting on the product.

Ah yes, but what is it that really matters to the end consumer? Announcement date? Ordering date? Shipping date? Or the date they actually have their new toys on their hands? ;) I bet you I know what matters most to 99% of the people out there, and they'll tell you the other dates don't mean much to them. So by the time the G5 PowerBooks are announced, I could definitely see a 4-5 month wait until consumers actually have them in their hands.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see them as soon as possible - but I'm just trying to be realistic. And perhaps playing a little bit of devil's advocate, that's always fun too... :cool:


macrumors 6502a
May 17, 2004
EGT said:
Surely a G5 powerbook would take a lot longer than a few months to develop. I don't think apple are going to rush this one (???)

They've been working on it since mid to late 2003.

Judging by the size of the G5 processors in the Power Macs, I would not be surprised if we never saw the G5 in a notebook.


macrumors 601
Feb 26, 2003
around the world
gian said:
Under System 10.3.5, look at /System/Library/Extensions/AppleMacRISC4PE.kext/Contents/Info.plist
and you'll find listed two new powerbooks,
Powerbook7,1 and PowerBook7,2
which are G5 because the AppleMacRISC4PE.kext is for PowerPC 970/970FX!!!

Good catch !


macrumors regular
Jul 26, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Seanb23 said:
Of course it isn't...and AMD is kicking Intel's butt in the laptop FSB and cache arena as well as the clock speed race. Apple and it's CPU makers are watching from about a mile and a half back... But they aren't fools, Intel...have you noticed that they are dropping CPU speed descriptions in their ultra-high-end M chip line in favor of "model numbers" ?

I beleive AMD started using model numbers first becuase their clockspeed was falling behind Intel's. I could be wrong but i think Intel still has the faster clock speed?


macrumors member
Aug 13, 2004
gian said:
Under System 10.3.5, look at /System/Library/Extensions/AppleMacRISC4PE.kext/Contents/Info.plist
and you'll find listed two new powerbooks,
Powerbook7,1 and PowerBook7,2
which are G5 because the AppleMacRISC4PE.kext is for PowerPC 970/970FX!!!

that's cool. doesn't tell us when they'll be released though.


macrumors newbie
Jun 11, 2004
drsuse said:
that's cool. doesn't tell us when they'll be released though.
But, this at least tells us that they've been running some prototype with 10.3.5, I guess. What is the difference between 970 and 970FX?

18 or 19 inch PB..... I cannot wait to make a sunny-side up for my breakfast on that one :).

Anyway, because of the said size of the processor and heat issue, I wouldn't be surprised that PB G5, at least initially, will only be with > 17 inch display. Then, gradually be made available in 15 and 12/13/14.


macrumors 6502
Jun 15, 2004
Terra Firma
~Shard~ said:
Really? They've solved the yield issues? Interesting, would you care to elaborate on this?

Even if the G5 PowerBooks might get mentioned @ MWSF/1Q '05, they wouldn't be shipping until 4 or 5 months later - hence, summer/fall '05, just as I've said before. :cool:

With the way Apple announces product... And then doesnt actually ship....till ages later .... You could be right.... :)
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