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macrumors 601
Oct 2, 2011
I also picked one of these up and it got delivered yesterday.
It is still at my mum's (where it was delivered) as I have no internet having just bought a new build house so I plugged it in there and will let it update / download games there until tonight when I take it home.

Hardware looks great, really nice box. As nice as a black box can be, anyway!

Bought Assasins Creed, will pick up Forza later and might even get L.A Noire to keep me tided over for a while!


Sep 13, 2014
I also picked one of these up and it got delivered yesterday.
It is still at my mum's (where it was delivered) as I have no internet having just bought a new build house so I plugged it in there and will let it update / download games there until tonight when I take it home.

Hardware looks great, really nice box. As nice as a black box can be, anyway!

Bought Assasins Creed, will pick up Forza later and might even get L.A Noire to keep me tided over for a while!

I am actually really excited about L.A. Noire. Having played the original, I cannot wait to play it again on the X. The reason being that part of the game is to read facial expressions and mannerism to determine if the suspect is telling the truth or being deceptive.

Wife is making me wait until Christmas to open the X. Women can be so cruel...


Well, how is it???

I cannot wait to get my greedy little hands on this thing!
Man. I might reconsider an upgrade to the X. The updates alone will kill my internet for a long while.

That Minecraft console for some reason is calling my name. I don't even play Minecraft!

I have Comcast with a data cap (1TB). That is one main concern I have, by the way. Games are getting huge with all those 4K assets. Comcast is an evil company but not much more in terms of providers out here.
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macrumors 601
Oct 2, 2011
I've spent some time with it now as had a day off yesterday so got to sink some time into it.

First of all, on my 4K OLED TV, this thing looks AMAZING.
Forza in particular. I was wowed.

Same with AC: Origins. Looks amazing. I'm not sure how I'm going to get on with Origins. It is deifnitely not my usual style of game but I'm going to give it a go purely because it's spoken about favourably so maybe I'll get some enjoyment.

I also bought Super Lucky's Tale as it was cheap and I do love me a platformer. I've probably played this game more than anything else! It's fun - very much aimed at a young audience, unlike something like Mario which does get tricky in stages later on. Not sure if Lucky will go like that too, doesn't seem like it so far.

All in all, very pleased with my purchase. Looking forward to playing more this evening!


macrumors G3
Sep 22, 2012
Andover, UK
I'm loving it, and I haven't even got my 4K TV yet! Picking up the LG OLED on Black Friday. The speed of this thing is crazy. I'm currently playing the campaign on TitanFall 2 and it's just blow-away (to coin a Scott Forstall phrase) even on 1080p. Forza 7 is fantastic, and I've had a bit of a play with Halo 5 with the patch.

Thankfully I have 76 meg BT infinity 2 unlimited here, and a 5TB USB3 disk that I used on my original XBOne

Just enrolled the console into the insider preview program and downloaded a preview firmware, what could go wrong :cool:
I think Microsoft has said/alluded to them no longer having console "generations" but rather upgrading the existing system as time goes on. I could be wrong, but I think part of the plan is to be able to have games work throughout the xbox one line, but the older machine you have, the more you will see reduced features compared to the newer models.
I *think* Microsoft wants to try and make it a bit more like gaming on PC's but with a more simplified model when looking at specs. For example, right now if I buy Assassins creed Origins, I clearly can see that it works on all Xbox One models, but on XB1 & XB1-S I don't get HDR, 4k, finer tuned assets. on the XB1-X we do. In PC world it can be confusing for many people at home trying to decipher the Video card models, the processor generation (I have an i7, but was it 2nd gen or 6th gen? many people don't know)

Sorry this is a big thing to say, I think (and hope) that days of "Generations" is being sunset, I think it will benefit everyone. Gamers can carry across their purchases and have them run better/faster. Developers have a cleaner SDK, and don't need seporate SDK's to develop with/against. Microsoft doesn't have to poor resources into backwards compatibility as much (like we see with the 360 vs XB1).

But to your point, We could use some more titles (both from Microsoft Studios and 3rd Party) to make some more awesome titles that are optimized and utilize the XB1-X to it's full potential. With that said, as someone still stuck with an XB1 (black) I hope game makers continue to make the games so they scale down fort those of us still running older systems.

I think the Slim will do HDR. I think it has HDR, and slight clock increase and 4K blu-ray over the original XBOne.
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macrumors 68000
May 15, 2011
You guys are lucky! Having been blown away by the visceral 4K experience on the Apple TV 4K, anything less than that looks terrible -especially my PS3. However it will be a challenge to convince my girlfriend to let me buy one.

I have asked for my Christmas gift to be Curry's voucher and will ask for the same come my birthday in January. Then when the inevitable price drop comes in 2018 the gap between my vouchers and retail price will be equivalent to the cost of one of my girlfriend's haircuts. :D
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macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
I went from wanting to watch Westworld in 4K, to looking at 4K Blu-ray players, to thinking “maybe I should just get an Xbox One S”.

So basically, my Xbox One X gets here sometime next week.

The basic LG on is on sale for $149 this week, but keep in mind that MS is selling the Xbox One S 500Gig bundles for $189 on sale, so they're still a better value (granted, you'll have to get a remote for it).


macrumors 65816
Mar 12, 2012
I went from wanting to watch Westworld in 4K, to looking at 4K Blu-ray players, to thinking “maybe I should just get an Xbox One S”.

So basically, my Xbox One X gets here sometime next week.
I have that exact thought process in general ;)
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macrumors 68020
Dec 7, 2016
Seattle, WA
The basic LG on is on sale for $149 this week, but keep in mind that MS is selling the Xbox One S 500Gig bundles for $189 on sale, so they're still a better value (granted, you'll have to get a remote for it).

When will MS have the S on sale? Black Friday I’m assuming?


Sep 13, 2014
I went from wanting to watch Westworld in 4K, to looking at 4K Blu-ray players, to thinking “maybe I should just get an Xbox One S”.

So basically, my Xbox One X gets here sometime next week.

That’s pretty funny. That’s some decision tree, for sure.


macrumors 68000
May 15, 2011
The S will be very tempting during Black Friday but after having has the 4K Apple TV for three week, I would say that 4K is amazing totally worth it. Don’t believe those who say it’s not.

Obviously if you have a PS4 Pro or One S I wouldn’t rush to upgrade.


macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
When will MS have the S on sale? Black Friday I’m assuming?

Yes, that whole weekend Friday - Sunday, 500Gig model will be $189.99...

(plus whatever the retailer throws in)

Xbox One S 500GB consoles

The most common discount is an Xbox One S 500GB console for $189 or $190. Some retailers like Target and Kohls also include a store gift card with the purchase. Check out the deals below:

Best Buy -- $190

Jet -- $190

Kohls -- $190, includes $45 Kohls gift card

Microsoft Store -- $189, includes a free Ubisoft game and one-month Xbox Game Pass

Newegg -- $190

Sam's Club -- $190

Target -- $190, includes $25 Target gift card

Toys R Us -- $190

Walmart -- $189
Last edited:


macrumors 68020
Dec 7, 2016
Seattle, WA
4K TV turned up ... and the verdict is OMG!!!

Yeah, once you have 4K it's hard to go back. I think that is what really turns me off about the PS4. . . I have to spend 400+ to play anything in 4K, when the Xbox will do the same for 200. I'm just a casual player and whatnot, so the X is essentially overkill. Glad that I remember my Xbox account username and password so I can download all of my games again when I pick up the S again this afternoon.


macrumors 6502
Apr 21, 2012
Cincinnati Metro
I'll preface this by saying that I'm a gadget whore and have received my PSE on day one of availability.

The XBOX is a technical marvel, that cannot be overstated. That said, I still struggle to justify its existence, or recommending it to a fellow gamer, because it's essentially superfluous. The only gaming reason I can imagine is that your social group sticks mainly to the Xbox platform, otherwise I don't see the extra $150 draw versus the PS4 Pro. My biggest problem is that I'm completely baffled by Microsoft's positioning on the brand. They have next to no second-party content in the pipe, other than Sea of Thieves which, aside from showing how criminally underutilised Rare and its IP are, is just more GAAS rubbish, and their exclusives are that in name only with their PC gaming crossover.

Other than being an overpriced UHD player, I'm confused as to why the console, or the Xbox brand as a whole, even still exists.

Jack Burton

macrumors 6502a
Feb 27, 2015
Got a One X and my two external drives essentially useless on the XB1X, despite working flawlessly on the XB1. I have a 1TB USB 3 drive, and a 512 Samsung SSD in a 3rd party USB enclosure. The SSD especially sped up load times a lot on the launch XB1.

My SSD is not recognized at ALL on the XB1X, and my 1TB USB 3 constantly connects and disconnects (the notification saying it's available happens over and over).

I had to copy games over my network to get them on the XB1X. This took way too long. Time to upgrade my router, too, I guess.

Other than that though, the one game I had that didn't require a 40GB download to update, Killer Instinct, is now incredibly sharp on my 1080p TV. No jaggies, rock solid FPS, and I think more particles on screen. The super sampling is no joke! I swear there are upgraded shaders, too. Skin and lighting look better.

I haven't downloaded the massive update for Gears 4, but I suspect that one's gonna be gorgeous.

I'll be getting a 4k TV at some point, but trying to decide which. I don't want a big one, and nobody seems to make a 40 inch set that isn't incredibly compromised in some way. Samsung has a 40 inch set (the MU7000) that has wide color, but not wide black/white levels and it's only 60 Hz.

Many affordable sets can't display blu ray 24p content without judder. I'm not sure I would notice, but I've been on an old 1080p Sony set that is 120Hz and had incredible motion handling for the time. I wonder if going from top tier movie display to can't process judder and 3:2 pulldown will be a deal breaker for me.

My time is basically 50% movies and streaming 50% gaming. I just can't pull the trigger over the possible issues.


macrumors 65816
Mar 15, 2007
I'll preface this by saying that I'm a gadget whore and have received my PSE on day one of availability.

The XBOX is a technical marvel, that cannot be overstated. That said, I still struggle to justify its existence, or recommending it to a fellow gamer, because it's essentially superfluous. The only gaming reason I can imagine is that your social group sticks mainly to the Xbox platform, otherwise I don't see the extra $150 draw versus the PS4 Pro. My biggest problem is that I'm completely baffled by Microsoft's positioning on the brand. They have next to no second-party content in the pipe, other than Sea of Thieves which, aside from showing how criminally underutilised Rare and its IP are, is just more GAAS rubbish, and their exclusives are that in name only with their PC gaming crossover.

Other than being an overpriced UHD player, I'm confused as to why the console, or the Xbox brand as a whole, even still exists.

It exist because not everyone wants a PS. It exist because competition is good for everyone. It exist because some of us prefer the entire ecosystem over the competitors. It exist because backwards compatibility.

I personally prefer XBL over PS+.

I have a PS and tbh, I can't stand playing on it because I loathe the controller.

You don't have to understand why the brand and console exist - it does and some of us appreciate it. I had a friend who didn't understand, I invited him over and fired it up with Forza and AC: Origins - he understood then. MS has stated time and again that the XBX is not for everyone, some people don't desire all of the horsepower it has, those of us who do and who don't want a Sony device or a gaming PC appreciate that they built this.

"Their exclusives are that in name only with PC gaming crossover"...because they make it available on another MS product (windows) it isn't exclusive? Not everyone has a gaming PC.


macrumors 6502
Aug 27, 2015
I'll preface this by saying that I'm not a "gamer". I've played FIFA on PC for a bit a few years ago but haven't really played anything else.

I picked up a Xbox 1 S with Assassin's Creed ezio edition from the MS site for $200 and got Forza Horizon 3 from Target for $15.

Waiting for the shipment to arrive - hopefully I'll like these games. Any pointers on setting up the Xbox and things that a newbie should be aware of? I'm also getting a month's worth of Live something - what would that be used for?


macrumors 65816
Mar 15, 2007
In my opinion, the Ezio Collection is AC at its best - AC: Origins feels a little more like that, they lost their way for a few installments.

Nothing really complex about setting it up, buy rechargeable batteries or a charging kit (the insignia ones from best buy are pretty good). Live is great if you like co-op games or games that require online play. Destiny, Elder Scrolls, and games like that require gold...not a bad investment, they have 3 free games a month (sometimes more) and they have significant sales on games and add-ons.

Just buying and getting into console gaming, I'd suggest picking up a copy of Fallout 4 GOTY Edition, good fun. Great time to just buy one, lots of great games available without paying the $60 upfront fee. One other suggestion I would make, the Best Buy Gamers Club is worth the $30 for two years price - 20% off new games (new as still factory fresh, not new as in release date).

Jack Burton

macrumors 6502a
Feb 27, 2015
Titanfall 2's campaign was incredible. Got TF2 at Best Buy for $15. Even at 1080p, the Xbox one X is super sampling this baby and it is SO SHARP and smooth.

A really, really enjoyable campaign. I forgot how good single player games can be. This really reminded me.
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Sep 13, 2014
I'll preface this by saying that I'm a gadget whore and have received my PSE on day one of availability.

The XBOX is a technical marvel, that cannot be overstated. That said, I still struggle to justify its existence, or recommending it to a fellow gamer, because it's essentially superfluous. The only gaming reason I can imagine is that your social group sticks mainly to the Xbox platform, otherwise I don't see the extra $150 draw versus the PS4 Pro. My biggest problem is that I'm completely baffled by Microsoft's positioning on the brand. They have next to no second-party content in the pipe, other than Sea of Thieves which, aside from showing how criminally underutilised Rare and its IP are, is just more GAAS rubbish, and their exclusives are that in name only with their PC gaming crossover.

Other than being an overpriced UHD player, I'm confused as to why the console, or the Xbox brand as a whole, even still exists.

Sounds like the Xbox One X is not for you. I remember many people felt the same way about 4K TVs when they were introduced. Some jumped in right away. Others waited and many still don't see the draw. Microsoft said they didn't expect Xbox One X to be the mainstream gaming system - that's what the One S is intended to do. The X is positioned for the "demanding gamer" who wants the best visual fidelity and the best performance possible on a console. They pretty much stated in black and white what their positioning goals are.

Again, not for everyone. I personally love it. Judging by the sales, many other Xbox fans found exactly what they have been waiting for in the Xbox One X.
I'll preface this by saying that I'm not a "gamer". I've played FIFA on PC for a bit a few years ago but haven't really played anything else.

I picked up a Xbox 1 S with Assassin's Creed ezio edition from the MS site for $200 and got Forza Horizon 3 from Target for $15.

Waiting for the shipment to arrive - hopefully I'll like these games. Any pointers on setting up the Xbox and things that a newbie should be aware of? I'm also getting a month's worth of Live something - what would that be used for?

In addition to what has been said already, I would add that you should install the mobile app. It will allow you to remotely connect to the xbox. Unlike PS4, you can actually buy a game, remotely turn on the xbox and instal said game. When you get home, it will be ready and waiting for you. It's totally awesome.

Also, if you use a windows computer, you can connect to the xbox and play games on it remotely. Super sweet. Just make sure your wifi is fast enough. Last tip, if you find you like Xbox Live and want to keep it, you should sign up for Bing rewards. Set the browser search engine to Bing and use it as usual. In time, you'll have enough points to redeem for 12 months of LIVE (29,000 points). It sounds like it will take a long time, but it won't. I get about 40,000 points a year doing what I always do. Same deal with GamePass. In fact, even better deal. Also 29,000 points for a year (normally $100 annual pass).

Enjoy. You'll love it. Feel free to connect with me on Xbox. Handle is Fantom Solace.


macrumors 6502
Apr 21, 2012
Cincinnati Metro
Sounds like the Xbox One X is not for you. I remember many people felt the same way about 4K TVs when they were introduced. Some jumped in right away. Others waited and many still don't see the draw. Microsoft said they didn't expect Xbox One X to be the mainstream gaming system - that's what the One S is intended to do. The X is positioned for the "demanding gamer" who wants the best visual fidelity and the best performance possible on a console. They pretty much stated in black and white what their positioning goals are.

Again, not for everyone. I personally love it. Judging by the sales, many other Xbox fans found exactly what they have been waiting for in the Xbox One X.

I was very clear in my original post: I have a Project Scorpio Edition XB1X. I pre-ordered the first day they became available. I have a 4K OLED, a PS4 Pro, an Apple tv4k and an Oppo UDP-205. I'm fully committed to 4K content consumption. Nonetheless, I reiterate that I do not see the need for the console to exist in its current form. It provides nothing in the way of true exclusives and functions, charitably, as a middling UHD player. I could absolutely understand if Microsoft had used it as an opportunity to create a Steambox-style Xbox-branded plug-and-play gaming PC that had access to the Steam and the Microsoft store. As it is now, it feels like a jack of no trades at all, just a platform to build gamerscore and a conversation piece on how they've raised the bar on PlayStation.


macrumors member
Dec 6, 2017
I was very clear in my original post: I have a Project Scorpio Edition XB1X. I pre-ordered the first day they became available. I have a 4K OLED, a PS4 Pro, an Apple tv4k and an Oppo UDP-205. I'm fully committed to 4K content consumption. Nonetheless, I reiterate that I do not see the need for the console to exist in its current form. It provides nothing in the way of true exclusives and functions, charitably, as a middling UHD player. I could absolutely understand if Microsoft had used it as an opportunity to create a Steambox-style Xbox-branded plug-and-play gaming PC that had access to the Steam and the Microsoft store. As it is now, it feels like a jack of no trades at all, just a platform to build gamerscore and a conversation piece on how they've raised the bar on PlayStation.

I disagree, it is a big jump in terms of graphics, from the Xbox one S to the X. SDR games are smoother and more enjoyable, played on the Xbox one X. Then from there, you have the potential of 4K and HDR games being played on it.

All the Xbox one X is pretty much a new Ge Force video card, put into your new computer. yes, your computer is the same as it was before, yes the game you played earlier, is still the same game, but a top of the line video card for a PC is what, $700 lets say? Well, probably a lot of people who bought the Xbox one X, are people who upgrade their video cards often OR now won't upgrade their video card in their PC and instead will play console games.

I own the one X, and I barely use it, but I still think its pretty damn awesome.
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