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macrumors 68020
Jun 7, 2008
iPod 3rd Gen, 15GB whenever it came out.


That iPod blew my mind.


macrumors regular
May 16, 2010
One of these 20GB bad boys. :D
I think this came out the year before the first iPod came out...
I think before this I had a Sony MD player but I can't remember. :confused:



macrumors 6502a
Feb 8, 2007
Ontario, Canada

I had this Intel MP3 player. Held 64MB of music and it had interchangeable faceplates so you could change the way it looked. I used it for about a year or more until I saved up enough from my summer job to get a 3rd Gen iPod.


macrumors regular
Aug 22, 2011
First mp3 player

My first mp3 player was the 4th generation iPod with click wheel.
In order that I bought them:
1) 4th gen iPod w/ click wheel(still works)
2) Samsung Upstage phone(phone died)
3) Samsung P3(touch screen is 75% dead)
4) iPod shuffle 2nd gen blue(dropped it into sewer and lost it)
5) Samsung Galaxy Player 4.0(current player which is great)
6) Current iPod shuffle gen, silver(going to use while jogging)


macrumors regular
Feb 17, 2013
iPAQ 3830 (2003-2006)
Nintendo DS Lite (2006-2009)
iPod Nano 4G (2009-2010)
iPhone 4 (2010-present)


macrumors newbie
Mar 29, 2013
My first mp3 player was a Creative Muvo and I still have it, though its battery life is not great.


macrumors 6502a
May 12, 2010
To save money when the craze was first getting traction, I just purchased a $39.99 cd player around 2000 that would read and play mp3 discs which was nice as I could load about 8-10 albums on one burnt CDR and be good to go for the day.

I was late the the MiniDisc craze and around 2002 I upgraded to a Sony Sport MiniDisc player that played compressed (sony format, not mp3s) music and I could get about 2 or so albums on one MD.

Finally, to jump into the MP3 player pool I shunned the high price of Apple products and in 2004 asked for a Creative Zen Micro 5gb player for Christmas. I still have this player and occasionally pull it out for play in my car as it still has great sound! Even had better sound than my iPhone 4! I do believe my iPhone 5 finally has supperior sound to the Zen Micro.

Since mp3 player pricing started to fall around 2006/7, I've only owned Apple mp3 players through the years, upgrading whenever I want...including:

Shuffle 2nd gen
Nano 2nd gen
Nano 6th gen
iPod Touch 1st gen
iPod Touch 3rd gen

Currently I primarily just use my iPhone 5 which connects with bluetooth to my car stereo. It has been simply amazing to think of where the tech has gone over the years. It'd be funny to think about taking a current iPod Touch 5th gen back even 5-8 years and show it to your buddies...they probably couldn't comprehend what the device is capable of now!
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macrumors newbie
Jul 28, 2012
My first was an iPod Nano 3rd gen. I still use it when biking or running.

I love seeing some of these old mp3 players. I remember wanting some of these so badly when I was younger. Good thread.


macrumors 601
Mar 7, 2008
Atlanta, USA
I used to time-shift uk radio programmes: I'd start recording a stream on a flash drive as soon as I woke and then play it back on the way to work.

The year was 2004 B.P. (before podcasts)


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macrumors 6502
Mar 5, 2012
It has been awhile but I am pretty sure that mine was the Creative Labs NOMAD MuVo 128 MB MP3 Player. Still have it actually and I think it might still work. Kind of like the oldschool version of a iPod shuffle.



macrumors 6502a
Jul 27, 2012
My first one was a freebie by the company Sun (recently acquired by Oracle) which my dad works for. 128MB of storage, yeah! That was back in 2002ish.


macrumors 604
Sep 7, 2006
Texas, unfortunately.
I don't remember the year, but it was one of these 256 MB no-namers.

My grandfather gave it to me when he upgraded. It held my entire music collection at the time, and Windows Media Player made it fairly easy to manage the music on it.

At some point a few years later, for some reason it began only playing the first 30 seconds of a song, and then skipping to the next one. By that time though, I'd already had an iPod or two, so it wasn't a big deal. Pretty sure I have it somewhere in my old room at my parents house too. :D


macrumors 6502
Oct 12, 2011
i had a cd player that could play mp3 cd's back in like 2000 or so. by 2002, my car had a head unit which could play MP3 CDs. i took the plunge and went full mp3 around 2003 or 2004. i believe it was a 30GB 3rd gen iPod.


macrumors regular
Jan 8, 2006

old RioVolt, actually good storage since you could put 600mb worth of mp3's on one disc. just kinda bulky to carry around and eventually the thing broke. build quality isn't all that great since it is made of cheap plastic almost like a toy.


much smaller to carry around. capacity is terrible though. could probably put 3-4 albums worth of music on here like any of the typical pre hard drive mp3 players. had this for less than a year.


the only iPod to lack any sort of clickwheel with the touch buttons. still beautiful to this date. i remember back in the early days, iPods were EXPENSIVE! 15gb version was 400 dollars but came with all the accessories like a belt clip, remote, dock etc in the cube box. had to use MusicMatch jukebox when it first came out until iTunes became available on PC's.

subsequently have owned an iPod photo, original iPod nano and then the iPhone started to take its place.
technology has come a long way:
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macrumors G5
Apr 8, 2013

This was my first one too. I got it in 2005.

After that I got an iPod nano in 2007 and then an iPod classic in 2008. In 2009 I got the iPhone 3G and started using my iPhone for music. In 2010 I got the iPhone 4 and used that until it was stolen in 2012.

After that I got a Samsung galaxy note but realised that it was crap for music so I then got an iPod touch 5th generation which I'm currently using. My next phone will be the iPhone 5S/6, whatever the next iPhone is called but I still think I'll use an iPod touch as I like the idea of having another device for music, audio books, podcasts without having to worry about it taking up space on my phone or the battery down.
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