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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
Like Mr Escapologist? Lol. I used to do magic and escapology as a side hustle. But that was decades ago.
I did perform at the Atlanta Olympics. Going through airport security with handcuffs and chains guarantees you get stopped!
Other than that mostly at small events or on the street.
That splendid sentence "going through airport security with handcuffs and chains guarantees you get stopped" is quite simply utterly wonderful.

Anyway, as a back story, it does sound fascinating.
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Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Thinking about this a little more, I suspect that the admins and mods would frown at a user name which is "Hitman Specializing in Wet Work." (Anyone who reads a lot of suspense/international intrigue and other books along those lines would get the reference pretty much immediately, of course. Hint: has nothing to do with swimming and diving!)


macrumors Westmere
May 16, 2008
Well I can’t write about actual mad ex posters! It’s against the rules.
Wait. Mad poster. Disappeared. Straight jacket. Handcuffs. Chains....... are you saying the reason mad jew is no longer here is that he escaped the asylum known as MacRumors Forums? 🤣
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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
I come to this site almost every day, and rarely participate as well! I was still in college when i began reading it.

Actually, I registered because I felt I was already reading the site for so long, I should actually post something.

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