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macrumors 6502a
Mar 20, 2003
Los Angeles, Ca
There's one more issue with this potential fake that hasn't been brought up yet. Maybe this comes about in a newer version, but as far as I know, the Safari window does not have any left and right edges. On the left, the window just ends, and on the right, there is only the scroll bar. However, in the image posted, there is obviously an actual edge to the Safari window, even on the scroll bar side, which I don't think Apple would do, because it's wasting window space with nothingness.


macrumors 6502
Jul 1, 2003
Re: Why is "Microsoft Corporation" the first tab?

Originally posted by m,tz206
This must be a fake - why would Apple put Microsoft as the first Tab?!?

Apple didn't put anything as the first tab. Whoever took or made the screen shot has MS's webpage open in the first tab. Those tabs are open windows, not some apple-installed "superbookmark". My safari has four tabs open right now, this forum, a website I'm designing, hotmail, and an article I wanted to read. That picture also has four tabs open, Microsoft, Apple, CNN, and Slashdot.

Personally, I think that style of tab looks pretty cool. But they need a close button. That's one of the great things about Safari, it did tabs really really well.


macrumors 6502
Jan 30, 2003
This is a crappy Interface Builder hack.

Here's an earlier one from Spymac Gallery Safari with Aqua Tabs

Very easy to accomplish, you just delete the space where the "Safari tabs" are, click on the HTML viewing area and add tabs to it.

You can also make it "completely" aqua by clicking off "Textured Window."

It also looks like they made border around the window, as others have noted.

Furthermore, the BACK, FORWARD, RELOAD, BOOKMARK buttons are still with the dark metal edge they come with by default.

This is a very cheap hack, indeed.

If anyone wants this (properly done) I can send them a modded .nib file. Should work on both Panther and Jaguar. Someone could also mod the images to look proper with aqua, and we'd have a very nice look to Safari.


macrumors member
Apr 8, 2003
Austin, TX
Apple said they would do this for Panther...

I had an app I submitted for the Apple Design Awards that let you browse through web comics.

At WWDC I bumped into John Geleynsie who is one of Apple evangelists, and go to guy for UI related issues... and who was one of the judges.

His comment on my app was "we really liked it... but it used metal". "That doesn't seem fair," I replied "cos I made it look and feel like Safari, and thats metal". His response was that "Safari will probably change in Panther and not be metal"

So I suspect this is for real.

As for the tabs now being in the center, that is because it looks like they made it use the standard tab control, which now presents that centered strip of buttons. You see the same thing in Camino if you run on Panther.

The reason Safari had its own tabs before is because the old blue/white tabs look pretty nasty on a metal background...


macrumors 6502
Jan 30, 2003
Originally posted by deejemon
Switching Safari from Brushed to Aqua and running it on Panther to get the revised Aqua widgets would not remove the (X) close buttons on the open tabs.

When you edit the .nib file, you remove the Safari tabs completely, then add in the default cocoa tabs.

Which to me says it's probably a fake created by Photoshopping the toolbar of a Metalifizered Safari 1.0 with the tab bar and below of Camino. Since Camino is Cocoa and uses Aqua widgets, it automatically inherits the new "switcher" widgets which replace tabs throughout the system. The status bar along the bottom looks pure Camino, with the status bar text and globe icon removed.

Yep, what we have here is Safarimino by means of pixel pushing, not code crunching.

But look on the left and right sides... there is extra space there, too, which doesn't exist in Safari. Also of note is that apparently the de-metalizing APE doesn't work in Panther as of yet. So in order to make Safari aqua, they'd have to have Interface Builder and edit the .nib file... in which case they may as well quickly add tabs in, rather than Camino/Photoshop work.


macrumors newbie
Aug 28, 2003
Sorry for those who like it...

But it is a fake, I have had every build, and have never seen safari look like that. Here is 7b49's safari.


macrumors 6502
Mar 20, 2003
Central NY
I hope this is fake. I like the tabs, but am not a big fan of all the space that is lost on the left and right side. I like my scroll bars close to the edge.


macrumors 68040
Dec 29, 2001
but its not a freaking iapp, personally I love the new tabs and I hope they keep them!


macrumors 603
Feb 2, 2002
fake. apple only wastes that much window-edge real estate on iApps. On safari, the webpage would fill screen entirely. It's just part of Apple's design.



macrumors 604
Jul 16, 2002
back in NYC!
I think its fake but I wish it wasn't.

Brushed metal == poo IMO.

if(safari == brushed metal)
{ scem0 = annoyed}



macrumors 603
Feb 2, 2002
agreed, i like brushed metal on things like iTunes and iCal, but Safari just doesn't look nice... it needs it's own separate look, apart from Aqua and brushed metal...



macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2002
Corvallis, OR
I think this is pretty obviously a fake.

I, for one, am glad of that for a couple of reasons.

First, the logic of having the tabs start at the left get added to the right is a hard one to argue with. When I was using Camino, before I switched to Safari, I thought this was a silly argument. But now, having worked with Safari for a while I really wouldn't want to go back. (The one thing that's been missing in all implementations of Tabbed browsing that I've used, including Safari's, is the ability to rearrange the order of the tabs. Anyone know if that might be available in v1.1?)

Second, as has already been noted several times, this screen shot has eliminated the close X on the tabs. That's a killer right there. And, as to the argument that it doesn't matter because there will be a new two button mouse, I'd say that it still matters, as it's the difference between click and click-drag-click, which is enough to get very annoying.

Finally, there is the issue of wasted screen realestate. When viewing web pages I'm sure that Apple is aware that people want to make the most out of their screen space. The wasted space around the edges of the window in this mock-up is just that: wasted space.

Simply, it's fake.


macrumors newbie
Aug 29, 2003
I run Panther 7B49 wich has Safari 1.1 (v94). It is indeed fake unless it is made with a Safari Enhancer or it is in the final version of Panther. But that is doubtful that it is. And there are no rearangable tabs.



macrumors member
Aug 7, 2003
SafarIcon lets you switch Safari to Aqua, and also lets you change the navigation button icons.

Then with Duality it's trivial to switch everything to a Panther theme. So that might not even be a Panther system (there've been a number of Panther themes out for Duality ever since the original Panther screenshots went up on Apple's site).


macrumors regular
May 6, 2002
Interesting page but it doesn't really confirm anything.

It discusses how Apple changed the system tabs and how it affects Camino which uses system tabs.

Safari uses it's own custom tabs. Whether or not they changed the custom tabs to look different or to use the system tabs is still in question.
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