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macrumors 65816
Feb 14, 2013
Yes, they should kill the Siri brand.

I expect the future AI-powered assistant won’t have a name at all, it’ll just be “hey iPhone”, “hey Mac”, or “hey HomePod”.

Or it will have a customisable name.


macrumors 6502
Mar 28, 2017
I always found Siri toy-like, and not really smart enough; Siri wasn't even as intuitive as the old Newton Scroll app was. It couldn't even provide several factoids in a weather forecast from the same prompt - and I tried every combination, from conversational to pedantic to technical. Nada. Had to ask for chance of precipitation and temperature range in two separate prompts. "I'm sorry, I can provide only one weather fact at a time." Then years later, I found Siri would respond to my usual test prompt to "Get today's weather," by speaking a sensibly complete forecast, instead of showing on screen a stupid graphic which I had no interest in looking at (thus ASKING SIRI... grrrr... I'm gatting mad at it all over again.)

On the other hand, no constant-listening agent can be secure. If it's listening for a trigger prompt, ITS LISTENING. So, **** that entirely. There's no way for common folk to know what iOS is up to (with SIRI or any other subsystem). Sophisticated organizations routinely crack iOS and devices open to audit such operation in real time (but they classify their findings for espionage "sources and methods", or sell them as malware exploits). Those IOCs (indicators of compromise) echo through the web like thunder in a broad valley.

Call her Iris.
I like "IRIS" but that stands for "Integrated Raster Imaging System", the acronym for which was a trademark of Silicon Graphics International back in the day*. SGI failed into Chapter 11 a couple times with a couple other identities. They ended up suing Apple over some junk back in the day*. IIRC, HP bought the moldering remains back in the day*. So, no, it prolly won't be IRIS.

* Back in the day: Phrase commonly dispensed when you're old-AF and Siri cannot understand your search request because your teeth are stewing in a mug of Efferdent.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 4, 2003

Siri is just a marketing name, though. So if Apple comes out with something "better" they can still call it Siri.

For my part, Siri works just fine with the little I ask of it: weather, sports scores, turning my lights on and off. I don't need a personal valet, just something to save me from getting up every now and then.

Y'all need to remember that JARVIS is science fiction. (And even my Google Nest speakers don't work as well as Siri for some requests.)
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macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2016
That guy has 8 HomePods and completely leaves the apple system now because of Siri? What an idiot. Why buy 8 HomePods in the first place? It's not that Siri turned bad today...
The internet these days is such a mess..
This is huge. Since you seemingly have no idea who Jim Dalrymple is let me tell you.

Jim Dalrymple has never once been critical of Apple for anything. He's also a music artist and an audiophile so that helps explain his eight Homepods. He is what some would call the ultimate Apple fanboy - Think Rene Richie or iJustine times 1000. So when Jim says something like this it tells you just how ****** Siri truly is.
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macrumors member
Jul 6, 2023
Beitem, BE
I couldn’t care less. Siri, or any other voice assistant, is just unusable and will always stay like that for people from West Flanders.


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
I really don’t understand the absolute fixation on Siri here.

Occasionally I ask it to call someone or set a timer. What other things do I need an “assistant” for in my daily life?

For those who compare it to things like chatGPT, are you looking for Siri to write essays for you or something?

Downvotes are easy, maybe explain what you actually want out of a “new” Siri? If I could go back to the Voice Commands prior to Siri I would 🤷‍♂️
In 1998, prior to having a mobile phone, I used the QuickTalk microphone and QuickTalk voice recognition to work my Mac clone on MacOS 8.x. It worked as well as Siri works today. It's when you ask Siri to do more that it messes up.

I don't need a lot but it would be helpful if my phone assistant had the artificial intelligence to tell me more than "I don't know how to do that."


macrumors 6502a
May 4, 2006
I know we all hate Siri.... and "she" is a big joke.... but I think I'd prefer them to just fix the bloody thing rather than give us a new name.
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macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
So the use case is simple fact checking? And how does one determine whether you've gotten a fact or a hallucination back from AI's out there?

I was demo'd CoPilot by MS well over a year ago. It spat out some very impressive looking step by step instructions and screenshots on how to enable a function I was investigating for my company. Cool stuff, except when I went to follow those instructions the feature literally didn't exist.

That's just a work scenario, but I absolutely cannot fathom wanting or needing to do something like that on my phone.

So is the root of all this just that people want Siri to understand them better?
Of course. The better that AI understands us, the better it will serve our needs.


macrumors newbie
Jan 19, 2008
For me it comes down to privacy. I accept that Siri is limited because it is not being trained on every user's data. Yes, I'd like it to be more intelligent but not at the expense of privacy.

However, I do think it has gotten worse. Command failure rate had definitely gone up, things it did easily in the past now don't always work. If it just did the simple things consistently I'd be happy. Sometimes it doesn't even activate, like it's ignoring me and I have to say Siri again. Sometimes it wont respond to my wife at all and she asks me to say it instead. If I ask it to turn on a light, I want it to turn on a light, not play some random song.

It's like its been programmed to just guess if it hasn't recognised the command properly instead of just saying "Sorry, I didn't hear that properly." like a real person would. Like the programmers have adjusted the minimum match percentage or something e.g. from 80% to 50%.

My biggest gripe is that if I say "turn on the living room light" it often turns everything in the living room on. Why would anyone want to do that?

One more: I have a shortcut that asks for a number. If I use Siri and say "4". It always parses it as "for" and so doesn't work. I've had to do a work around and say 5 instead and change it to a 4 with an IF statement. I shouldnt have to do that, the speech to text part of Siri should place more weight in matching a number if a number is what is requested. 🤦‍♂️
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macrumors 65816
Sep 16, 2022
I’m not quite sure they should kill off Siri, but they really need to rework her and make her more efficient. I remember years ago that she was awfully terrible. Now it’s just terrible. So there has been some progress. But the Removal of Siri I wouldn’t say I would agree. But I definitely think they should be doing more research and development with the Siri AI.
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macrumors newbie
Jan 19, 2008
No one has a use for 8 homepods.
Depends on how many rooms you have. I live in a one bedroom apartment and I have 2, one in the living area and one in the bedroom. I'd get another one for the bathroom if I wasn't concerned with water damage.


macrumors newbie
Sep 10, 2018
I have no problem with the use of the name "Siri". When Apple changed it so I could just say "Siri", to me, it got easier to trigger and I have not had a problem with Siri kicking in by accident. I use Siri in my car through carplay with no problem in fact when a text comes in the interaction through carplay is seamless.
I have Google Assistants in my house (I used to use Alexa devices but have since removed them). The Google assistants are better because the responses seem to be more in-depth. In the end, though there are many times the Google Assistant has misinterpreted what I have said. I almost think that Google Assistant gets the same number of things wrong as Siri.
So it would be great if Generative AI is really incorporated into Siri. I assume at some point Generative AI will be incorporated into Google Assistant.
I look forward to a natural and continuous conversation with the assistants whether it be Google or Siri.


macrumors 68020
Jan 19, 2008
I really don’t understand the absolute fixation on Siri here.

Occasionally I ask it to call someone or set a timer. What other things do I need an “assistant” for in my daily life?

For those who compare it to things like chatGPT, are you looking for Siri to write essays for you or something?

Downvotes are easy, maybe explain what you actually want out of a “new” Siri? If I could go back to the Voice Commands prior to Siri I would 🤷‍♂️
You seem to be limited by your own imagination. I want my virtual assistant to be smart: learn my habits, know me.

If I get into the car she should know where I’m going and what I want to listen to, she should remind me about things I’m about to forget, she should make suggestions to make my life better.

Why does my HomePod not inform me at the breakfast table I should leave early because of traffic? Why can’t she suggest me to reply to messages I’m about to forget?

The list is ENDLESS.


macrumors regular
Feb 9, 2022
If human users were smart enough to know what Siri can do we wouldn't be discussing this. Siri is perfect if you know what it can do. Simple.

This is Apple’s problem in a nutshell. There so many hidden and convoluted advanced features to protect basic users from tech-fobia, the advanced users never knows about them. Although, I’m not sure you’re joking…


macrumors newbie
Sep 26, 2011
I really don’t understand the absolute fixation on Siri here.

Occasionally I ask it to call someone or set a timer. What other things do I need an “assistant” for in my daily life?

For those who compare it to things like chatGPT, are you looking for Siri to write essays for you or something?

Downvotes are easy, maybe explain what you actually want out of a “new” Siri? If I could go back to the Voice Commands prior to Siri I would 🤷‍♂️
1. When I ask a question, I expect an answer, not "I found this on the web".
2. It should at least be able to handle Apple functions on my iPhone correctly.
3. Don't give me that "this functionality is not available in your region" ********.
4. Be more 2024 and less 2011.
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macrumors member
Feb 15, 2024
It's not flawless, but a few weeks back, I made the switch from my WiFi outlets and using HomePods instead of Alexa. It's a much better solution overall, especially considering how frustrating the Alexa app can be in every aspect.


macrumors 65816
Oct 16, 2014
Yes. Yes. Yes. I tried Siri over multiple "main" iOS updates. It's a time waster across the board.

"Something went wrong." is to be taken literally.
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