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macrumors G3
Nov 25, 2017
Siri has a lot of catching up to do. Might take a few years for Siri to become competitive.
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macrumors 68020
Jul 5, 2002
I'd get another one for the bathroom if I wasn't concerned with water damage.
I have a HomePod mini in the bathroom (for about a year or two) on top of a high cabinet. There it is protected from direct splash and the humidity isn’t a problem so far.
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macrumors regular
Feb 26, 2008
London, UK
I'm not holding my breath. With Apple's fixation on privacy, political correctness and family friendliness, any "intelligence" will be severely lobotomised and the more open competition perceived as "better". Sorry Siri, you're a lost cause 🙃


macrumors 68000
Oct 16, 2008
Don't blame Scott Forstall. Tim Cook unfairly fired him. Had Forstall never been fired, he probably would've improved Siri.

Forstall was a visionary and master in creating user-friendliness. He was the closest thing Apple had to another Steve Jobs.


macrumors member
Mar 6, 2021
As a long time Windows Phone user before moving to iPhone I find even today that Siri is worse than the original version of Cortana that came with Windows Phone. Siri can be very inconsistent and often just brings up web results. Beyond setting timers and alarms Siri is weak.


macrumors 68030
Aug 6, 2022
Don’t care if they rebrand and start over but it needs to get better. Siri i embarrassingly stupid at times. She can not accomplish the most simple of tasks. I do not think it is all of Siri’s fault, it is also Apple not giving Siri the power to accomplish things.


macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2017
I already killed that disfunctional service, and haven't used it in yrs.

But It happens suddenly and very erratically, time are announced to me on my Studio by this crap.
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macrumors newbie
Dec 24, 2018
I really don’t understand the absolute fixation on Siri here.

Occasionally I ask it to call someone or set a timer. What other things do I need an “assistant” for in my daily life?

For those who compare it to things like chatGPT, are you looking for Siri to write essays for you or something?

Downvotes are easy, maybe explain what you actually want out of a “new” Siri? If I could go back to the Voice Commands prior to Siri I would 🤷‍♂️
The other day I asked Siri to turn off my counter light and it tried to call someone named "Chiro" from my phone book. It's ridiculous.
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macrumors member
Jun 23, 2017
Ansonia, CT
Yes. The reason I have Google Nest products and think about making the Android plunge is due to Siri's poor performance. When people say, "What else do you need it for?". I need it to properly answer questions without directing me to a webpage. I need it to accurately understand what I am saying. I need it to understand grammar, punctuation and tone of voice when sending a text message to family and friends. These things aren't much to ask after all of these years.


macrumors regular
Aug 19, 2013
  • I agree that the Internet is a mess when comments like these make all kinds of assumptions about an individual’s needs and perspectives, and then calls them an idiot.
Haha, not only that, but misunderstands what Jim Dalrymple ("that guy") wrote (he is not leaving Apple ecosystem, he is going to stop using the HomePods) and concludes he must be an idiot. Now that's Internet.
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macrumors 65816
Jul 18, 2002
Houston, TX
The fact that Siri has had virtually zero iterative updates tells me they’re working on a completely separate and new AI assistant, as opposed to improving their existing moron offering.

Apple is not known to hurry; they take their time and get it right.

I have no doubt their implementation of an AI assistant will be spectacular for average consumers (not likely for business), when it’s eventually ready.

The question is: How many people will have already left by then, having moved-on to other ecosystems that have AI assistants now? And we all know how difficult it is to get out once you’re entrenched in ecosystem…
Just like they took their time getting Siri right....


macrumors member
Jun 2, 2012
Boston, MA
I don’t know. What do people even use these things for? Once the novelty wears off… turn on the lights, turn off the lights. Set a timer for 8 minutes. Play X song. They’re all really only useful for those things… a sort of Demolition Man experience. Illuminate… DE-luminate.
I use mine for the same things: set a timer, create a reminders, read the text message that just came through, and play X music. It only has a 50-60% success rate. I’ve had to ask my partner if I pronounce things wrong or speak to fast because the timers often don’t go off and then when I ask how much time is left—Siri says there are no timers set. It’s the same with reminders. And whatever music I ask for never plays. I joke that there are little beings inside my HomePod running around with their arms up saying “well, we have to play something! We all heard the words play and music, right?” and then they randomly choose a song from AppleMusic’s least played songs list.

Hey Siri, play “You Oughtta Know” by Alanis Morrisette.
Ok, playing “Cotton Eyed Joe”

Lastly, I just want the closest Apple device to respond to my query and not the furthest. I have a watch and phone on me at all times, yet the HomePod Mini 4 rooms away hears me and responds.


macrumors demi-god
Mar 15, 2008
For decades companies have rebranded (or restyled) products. Often the product simply fails (in sales) and CEO's/marketing consultants use renaming as the quick and easy solution, thinking customers won't notice they're still trying to sell the same product.

Apple has done some rebranding as well:
".Mac" was changed to "MobileMe" and eventually changed to "iCloud". Once can argue that the functionality has changed and for what device it is for, but the product still is a collection of internet services (as I see it).

Siri might not function perfectly, its name is very well known these days compared to ".Mac" or even "MobileMe" years ago. I think Apple shouldn't change the name... the focus should be on improving its functionality and performance, not on a new name.


macrumors member
Nov 23, 2016
Never used Siri. Really don’t get the appeal anyone has for Siri or Alexa or Cortaza or whatever.

I mean, I guess if Siri was as powerful as Jarvis in Iron Man, I might find a use for it…but I would also have a lot of privacy concerns with that too…I mean if Jarvis got hacked, you would really be in deep trouble…
Isn't that what we want - AGI, with access to billions of $ of toys and unlimited capital, In the palm of our hands.

With a neutral alignment!!!

Samrockwell Dance GIF - Samrockwell Dance Dancing GIFs


macrumors 603
May 6, 2008
Echoing the majority here, but Siri is obnoxiously incapable of doing simple tasks. The only time I actually use Siri is in the car with CarPlay to respond to texts (which are interpreted correctly more often than not) or in maps when I’m navigating somewhere. But I would say that most of the time, I’ll search for my destination on my iPhone or respond to text when at a red light instead. Our HomePod Mini is atrocious in getting Siri to play a track on Apple Music though. We rarely even use the damn thing.


macrumors 6502
Mar 5, 2015
For decades companies have rebranded (or restyled) products. Often the product simply fails (in sales) and CEO's/marketing consultants use renaming as the quick and easy solution, thinking customers won't notice they're still trying to sell the same product.

Apple has done some rebranding as well:
".Mac" was changed to "MobileMe" and eventually changed to "iCloud". Once can argue that the functionality has changed and for what device it is for, but the product still is a collection of internet services (as I see it).

Siri might not function perfectly, its name is very well known these days compared to ".Mac" or even "MobileMe" years ago. I think Apple shouldn't change the name... the focus should be on improving its functionality and performance, not on a new name.
Agree 100 %.


macrumors 601
Sep 27, 2005
I really don’t understand the absolute fixation on Siri here.

Occasionally I ask it to call someone or set a timer. What other things do I need an “assistant” for in my daily life?

For those who compare it to things like chatGPT, are you looking for Siri to write essays for you or something?

Downvotes are easy, maybe explain what you actually want out of a “new” Siri? If I could go back to the Voice Commands prior to Siri I would 🤷‍♂️
Um, maybe just answer a simple question correctly would be nice. "Siri, who is the Speaker of the House" to which Siri answers, telling me it can't find any speakers in my house. Clearly, Siri doesn't listen.
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