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battery life

  1. janeauburn

    iPhone XS Max iPhone XS XS Max battery life

    Apple always claims better battery life for new phones. How's your battery life in the real world? XS Max that I have here has worse battery life than 8 Plus.
  2. M

    iPhone 8/Plus How is the Call Quality/Battery Life on the iPhone 8 (Verizon) and iPhone 7 (Verizon).

    On the fence between the iPhone 8 and 7. Mainly use my phone for calls (4+ hours) a day. Which one out of the two has a) The better call quality (Verizon). b) The better speakerphone. c) The better battery life. Thank you for your time and help. :)
  3. Defie22

    iPhone 7 - When to replace the battery?

    Hi. I have my iPhone7 for almost 2 years. From the first day I'm not satisfied with the battery life. Now my battery has 84% of its original capacity. I still have 2 months of warranty and I'm not going to buy new iPhone in next months. When is the best time for me to replace the battery...
  4. A

    Other iPhone XR Will Have Amazing Battery Life

    A 720p LCD display on a 7nm SoC (A12 bionic) is going to sip on battery life. The battery life will be the hallmark for the XR. So IG, Snap, and TikTok away as it sips on battery life. Apple has a massive hit on their hands. So tempted to pick up a Red iPhone XR as the display would still...
  5. R

    Which Macbook Pro 2018 (13 inch) configuration offers best battery life?

    I am considering a 13 inch Macbook Pro 2018, and want to choose the type of processor (i5 or i7) and memory (8 or 16 GB) for getting best battery life. I haven't found any review on how the type of processor and memory would affect battery performance. Could someone help?
  6. Johnny365

    MBA Battery Life

    Here's a screenshot of it currently. Not bad for 4+ years! :)
  7. M

    iPhone 7/Plus iPhone 7+ Battery drain

    Hello! I would like to ask about your battery life on 7+. I have mobile data, wifi and bluetooth (because of apple watch) turned on all the time and from 7:00 AM I lose 80% battery until 5 PM. Is it normal? Battery was recently replaced for new one. Battery health (capacity) 99%. Battery is...
  8. wjcavalier09

    This fixed the iOS 11 battery drain

    Okay, I have been driving myself crazy wondering why my phone has been draining like crazy. Spending HOURS researching and talking with Apple. I care across a post that said to disable True Tone display and holy!!! It works!!!! I had no ideas having it on was draining my battery like crazy. It...
  9. wjcavalier09

    ios 12 not fixing battery drain issue?

    I have been researching for the past hour on these forums and others to see if apple is going to be fixing the battery drain issues we all know about in iOS 11.. I see that they are focusing on speed and performance, but are they skipping to fix the battery issues? Does anyone know and can...
  10. T

    Is the battery life worse than iOS 11 in iOS 12 beta 3 or or is it about the same?

    I have been running the beta version of iOS 12 (beta 3 i believe) for awhile now and i am about to go on a big trip where i am going to use my iPhone A LOT for navigating through New York City and was wondering if you think the battery life is a lot worse in the iOS 12 BETA or if it is about the...
  11. O

    iPhone iOS 12 on iPhone 5s? (Speed, battery)

    Have any of you tried iOS 12 on your iPhone 5S? How is it holding up? I did not upgrade to iOS 11 out of fear of significant lag. There are really big reasons for me to upgrade to iOS 12, but I would hate to make my phone unusable. How is the performance of the beta? Battery life? (Not just...
  12. Darmok N Jalad

    iPhone 6(S)/Plus All of a sudden, battery life is terrible - iOS 11.4?

    Very strange problem with my 6S. Battery health comes up very good on coconut battery, with about 100 cycles on it, still at full charge capacity. Battery life was great until Sunday, when I picked it up around mid-day to see it was at 20%. Normally on Sunday my phone sits on a ledge and goes...
  13. N

    iPhone X Does turning Cellular Data off while on WiFi REALLY save battery life?

    Let's myth bust this. I've heard that the phone uses more power to maintain a wifi signal rather than a 3G signal. That probably explains why sometimes when I pick up the phone after not using it for an hour or two, the status bar reads "3G", and then shows the wifi logo after a second or two...
  14. M

    iPhone 7/Plus iPhone 7 - Question regarding Purchase and Battery Life.

    1) Thinking of purchasing a Certified Refurbished iPhone 7 (Verizon) 32 GB from Apple. How is the battery life on the iPhone 7 - will it be able to last me through the whole day. 2) How is anyone's experience with using a Battery case - does it protect as well as add a good amount of battery...
  15. A

    iPhone X iOS 11.3 Battery Life

    Using iPX on 11.3 and getting good battery life. 11.2.6 was terrible for me phone is cooler to the touch as well. took this shot at 16% remaining
  16. V

    MBA 2013: El Cap or Sierra?

    I have a 2012 Mac Mini and a 2013 MBA. I am currently running El Cap on my MBA but need to upgrade the OS on my Mini. I would like to keep them on the same version of macOS and will likely run it for the next year. I have found only one thread which indicated a loss of battery life for 2013...
  17. aliensporebomb

    iPhone X X Users - What's Your Battery Life Like?

    I'm curious with all of the extra hardware, cameras, sensors for the unlocking via face in the X that this phone being smaller physically than the 6S+, 7+ and 8+ that logically the battery must be smaller so the battery life must be less. So what's the real story? Have you found yourself...
  18. mariolyon

    With TurboBoost switched off, how does the mid-2017 13 inch macbook pro i7 models (Tb, nTb) compare?

    With TurboBoost disabled (using TurboBoost Switcher utility), how do the mid-2017 13 inch macbook pro i7, touchbar (14,2) and function keys (14,1) models, compare in terms of fan noise, temperature, and battery life? Background: I am developer and I want to get the best performant, most...
  19. RobinAb

    Macbook Pro 2017 for Graphic Designer

    Hi everyone (especially graphic designers) please help, I'm considering on buying the 15" 2017 Macbook Pro with specs 256GB; 2.8GHz; 16GB. That's the only specs that I can afford and I will definitely buy external hard drive for storage. I've been hearing some negative reviews on the 2016 model...
  20. M

    iPhone 6(S)/Plus ios 11 battery question for 6s plus

    I'm in the usual state of conflicting information overload here and hope i can get some clarity here. Bought a 6s plus last week to replace a 6s, which is on 10.3.1. The Plus came with 11.1 on it. I upgraded to latest ios 11.2.2 after doing a migration from my 6s backup. Havent activated with...