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fitness +

  1. R

    Fitness+ Fitness+ and Apple One not working on Apple TV

    Currently have Apple One. I’m the Organizer and it’s shared with my wife and kids. I can use Fitness+ fine on Apple TV 4K. It shows my watch and phone as login options. When my wife uses Other login and gets a connect popup on her phone the TV just stays on the “connecting to iPhone” screen...
  2. K

    Apple One Apple one sub price increase to £37!!!

    This is simply ridiculous from Apple. They have jacked up the Apple one sub price yet again and this time it’s a full £5/month increase. They already increased the price by £3 a few months ago and now this is just too much. This is no way in line with inflation and the customer is getting...
  3. B

    Fitness+ Stop fitness+ from recoding workouts

    I have an old Apple Watch that records workouts just fine, to the health app. I’m using fitness+ and my watch is too old to work with it. So fitness+ has decided to estimate my workouts and write them to the health app. As you can imagine, I don’t want it to do that ! Especially as I have...
  4. A

    Fitness+ Can I mute Notifications during a Fitness+ Workout on iPhone?

    Is there a way to stop notifications coming through during a fitness+ session on iPhone? I use fitness+ on iphone at the gym and have my phone unlocked for me to follow along. I'm still getting banner notifications during my workout which is very distracting. My phone enters fitness focus, but...
  5. bowens

    Cycling Cadence sensors

    Apple mentioned cycling cadence, speed and power monitoring during the WWDC keynote. I've got a cadence/speed sensor that I've been able to get working using a 3rd party app. Is this functional yet in the workout app or Fitness+?
  6. NutSoft

    Fitness+ Apple TV Fitness+ Filters

    I've been away on a short city break for a few days and wanted to do some Apple Fitness+ Yoga this morning before work; my Apple TV had updated to 16.1 and now supports users without Apple Watches, but what I noticed was that the filters I normally see when I'm trying to choose a workout had...
  7. Floaaa

    New Ideas for Achievements in the Activity App

    So I am a big Achievement hunter, I love how you earn them, i like the challenges and the way the function. But after 7 years, I think its time to overhaul or add new features to keep the UI fresh and the users engaged. What do you think Apple could add? Here are a few things i would like: -...
  8. B

    Fitness+ Apple TV stuck on “Confirm on your Apple Watch…” screen

    Is anyone else having this issue?? I have used Fitness+ on my Apple TV since the service was first offered, but for the past month or so, I experience ridiculously long waits on the “Connect on your Apple Watch…” screen. I open the Fitness app on my Apple TV, it asks me to select an Apple...
  9. andreagrandi

    Fitness+ Where are the weekly Fitness+ new workouts?

    Hi everyone, I remember I saw a forum section where someone was posting all the new Fitness+ workouts that are released every week, but I can’t find it anymore. Was it on this forum? Has it been removed? Thanks
  10. seashell81

    Fitness+ Fitness + Wattbike

    Morning, Does anyone use Apple Fitness + with a Wattbike Atom? Thanks
  11. Z

    Fitness+ Fitness+ workout on iphone not starting

    Hi, I have an apple watch paried with my iphone. Recently, when I try to start a workout on Fitness+ app on my iphone, I see a "Try it" button under selected workout. But the workout does not start after I click the button. It used to work fine. Has anyone seen this problem before? I...
  12. T

    Fitness+ Has any one got Fitness+ 6 months free trial via Best Buy yet?

    Hi I got my Apple Watch 6 on launch day via Best Buy and it had an offer of 6 months of Fitness+ free with the purchase. I haven’t yet gotten the code for using this offer. Did anyone get the code and when did you guys order your watch on Best Buy? Thanks
  13. J

    Fitness+ Fitness + and Lightning to HDMI support?

    Has anyone tried using a lightning to HDMI dongle to put fitness + on a TV? If so, did it work? If it worked, what brand dongle did you use? Thanks.