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home button

  1. S

    Love the i7+. Disappointed in the new home button.

    I recently discovered a surprising inconvenience in the home button. After reading about the disappearance of the physical home button, I still thought the button would be primarily pressure activated. It turns out the new home button won't register at all with gloves on. I discovered this...
  2. CodeSpyder

    iPhone 7 Plus - Home and Wake Buttons Stop Working Intermittently

    And then suddenly, all of my touches seem to register and the buttons work again. Anybody else see this?
  3. M

    Running belt and new home button

    So I went for a jog this morning and I came to the sudden realization that the new home button on the iPhone 7 won't work underneath a running case. Not sure what to do about that as most running cases have a clear plastic cover to hold the phone. Considering taking the phone back and just...
  4. littleharpseal

    Will home button and receiver work?

    Hey all. Sooo I accidentaly dropped water on my iPhone (the bottle just exploded) and it was water just on its screen and home button aaand on receiver but I'm really scared. Will the home button will work in the future? Because now it works, the fingerprint works fine... it's an iPhone 5S. Will...
  5. B

    Do you still have to press the Home button?

    Hi, Even though I have configured the Accessibility option in Settings to just unlock the iPad by resting my finger in the Touch ID, sometimes I still am requested to press the Home button. I don't know how to reproduce this issue. Have you experienced it? Do you think it's a bug?
  6. Dankgrl

    Home button stickers with tempered glass screen protector iPhone 5c

    Wondering if someone can help me with a specific question. When I bought my iPhone early 2015 they put on a glass screen protector that came with a jellylike raised home button sticker . It's been a year since I bought my 5C and the home button sticker fell off. I bought a replacement from...
  7. AndrewSalfinger

    iPad Pro 12.9 control panel and split view issue.

    Hello, I've been using my iPad Pro 12.9 for a couple of days now and have been having two issues. The first is a issue with controls panel if you have the iPad in portrait mode and swipe up from the home button the control window will not open (well it will but you have to do it a lot before...
  8. Chung123

    Resolved iPhone 6 Home Button - Hardware Issue?

    Over the last couple weeks, I've noticed that Siri would somehow get triggered on my iPhone 6 while in my front pocket when I sit or squat. I don't have "Hey Siri" engaged so I thought it was really strange. (I've been on the Public Beta program so that I thought it was just the beta being...
  9. bored 3ngineer

    IPhone 6 flashing home button mod

    Hi people, I have designed a flashing led home button modification for the IPhone 6 that flashes to music. Just wanted to find out what everyone thought of the idea? here's the link for the video